466 research outputs found

    Fotografía histórica y geografía histórica

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    La distinción entre deber estricto y deber amplio. Nota sobre un desacuerdo acerca de la esencia del formalismo ético

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    La división de los deberes morales en estrictos y amplios se corresponde con la distinción entre las dos clases de contradicción que pueden darse al universalizar las máximas. Por tanto, su omisión dificul ta una correcta interpretación del imperativo categórico

    Manuel de Terán (1904-1984)

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    Certification of quality management systems under ISO 9000 versus business bottom line: empirical evidence

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    Esta investigación, tiene como objetivo principal la posible correlación entre la calidad y los beneficios que proporciona, tanto humanos, económicos y tecnológicos, materializados en un incremento de los resultados, lo que permitirá algunas empresas resolver los desafíos y oportunidades en el mundo de hoy, cada vez más interconectado. La aplicación de las herramientas de calidad puede resultar clave para el éxito de las organizaciones, proporcionando una ventaja competitiva en la actual economía mundial y una mayor satisfacción de sus clientes en términos del valor que perciben. De forma más explicita, esta investigación pretende demostrar la relación entre la certificación ISO 9001, la medición de los costes de la calidad y los resultados de la empresa, sobre la base de un estudio empírico. Por lo tanto, este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar y entender la importancia de aplicar sistemas de gestión de calidad total y control de costes en la gestión de la calidad de la empresa. En particular, estamos especialmente interesados en si la aplicación de estas herramientas aumenta el resultado de la empresa. Para lograr este objetivo, hemos desarrollado un estudio empírico de las empresas certificadas por el NP EN ISO 9001:2000, en Portugal, en la región de Ribatejo (Distrito de Santarém) y recopilar datos sobre si la empresa añade valor.Quality is the main focus of the current paper, as well as the great importance of its benefits to businesses. These benefits, which shall consubstantiate increased earnings, are deemed as significant to companies from an economical, technological and human resources point of view, considering also that its development may facilitate the entrepreneurial capacity of firms to deal with the ever evolving challenges and opportunities of the current interconnected world. More specifically, the current investigation aims to demonstrate the existence of an objective relation between the standard ISO 9000 certification, quality costs measuring and earnings, based on our empirical study. So, the current investigation was aimed to study and understand the importance of the implementation of total quality management systems as well as quality cost control in a firm’s quality management system. In particular we would like to understand whether the implementation of quality tools has a positive influence in a firm’s earnings. In order to fulfil such objective within the Portuguese context, we have developed an empirical study which targeted companies accredited under NP EN ISO 9001:2000 on a particular sub-region of Portugal (Ribatejo, Santarém’s district), and collected data in order to verify whether the implementation of such quality management systems adds value to those companies

    La distinción entre deber estricto y deber amplio. Nota sobre un desacuerdo acerca de la esencia del formalismo ético

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    La división de los deberes morales en estrictos y amplios se corresponde con la distinción entre las dos clases de contradicción que pueden darse al universalizar las máximas. Por tanto, su omisión dificul ta una correcta interpretación del imperativo categórico

    Higher education of tourism in Spain and its adaptation to the European higher education area

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    The international tourism system has deeply undergone structural changes in the last decades which not remain outside the subsystem higher education in tourism, especially in the European case. This article has two objectives: firstly, describes the European higher education area and the objectives, skills and subjects taught in the main Spanish universities that offer higher education in tourism. On the other hand, in the light of knowledge that researchers’ descriptive models, provide experience of the implementation of European credit and thorough a deeply review of the literature on the topic higher education in tourism, to propose strategies that will enable other tourism higher education systems approach to the European reality. These policy proposals are aimed at agents and elements from higher education in tourism subsystem and they specifically include: the institutions providing education in tourism, the curriculum, the teaching methods, teachers and students.O ensino superior de turismo na Espanha e sua adaptação ao sistema europeu O sistema de turismo internacional sofreu mudanças estruturais profundas nas últimas décadas que não permanecem fora do subsistema de ensino superior de turismo, especialmente no caso europeu. Este artigo tem dois objetivos: primeiro, descrever o ensino superior europeu e os objetivos, competências e disciplinas ensinadas nas principais universidades espanholas que oferecem ensino superior em turismo. Por outro lado, à luz dos conhecimentos dos modelos descritivos dos pesquisadores, fornecer a experiência na execução de crédito europeu e uma revisão abrangente e profunda da literatura sobre o tema educação superior em turismo, para propor estratégias que permitam a outros sistemas de ensino superior de turismo abordagem à realidade europeia. As propostas políticas são destinadas a agentes e elementos do subsistema de ensino superior em turismo que incluem especificamente: instituições de formação em turismo, o currículo, os métodos de ensino, professores e alunos

    Análisis de la estrategia competitiva de las líneas aéreas europeas

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    El aéreo es uno de los principales medios de transporte usado por los turistas. En los años 80 y 90 se produjeron una serie de cambios en la regulación legal del sector en Europa tendentes a la liberalización del mismo. Con él aparecieron nuevas líneas aéreas y se intensificó en grado sumo la competencia, también apareció un nuevo tipo de compañía, la de bajo coste, con una estrategia competitiva completamente distinta a la de las compañías tradicionales. Debido a todo ello, las estrategias de las aerolíneas se han modificado, siendo el objeto del presente trabajo el análisis de las principales ventajas competitivas perseguidas por las empresas del sector en Europa así como el estudio de los diversos grupos estratégicos existentes en el sector mediante el empleo de mapas estratégicos.Air transport is one of the main ways to travel by tourists. In the 80s and 90s the European air transport market regulation was changed with the aim to liberalise the sector. New airlines appeared and competition increased sharply. It appeared a new kind of air carrier, the low cost carrier, with a new and different competitive strategy. Because of this, the strategies followed by airlines have been altered. This paper aim is to analyse the main competitive advantages pursued by the European sector companies in Europe and a strategic group analysis through strategic group maps

    Rectangular room dimensions estimation using narrowband signal and sectorized antennas

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    A system for estimation of unknown rectangular room dimensions based on two radio transceivers, both capable of full duplex operations, is presented. The approach is based on CIR measurements taken at the same place where the signal is transmitted (generated), commonly known as self- to-self CIR. Another novelty is the receiver antenna design which consists of eight sectorized antennas with 45° aperture in the horizontal plane, whose total coverage corresponds to the isotropic one. The dimensions of a rectangular room are reconstructed directly from radio impulse responses by extracting the information regarding features like round trip time, received signal strength and reverberation time. Using radar approach the estimation of walls and corners positions are derived. Additionally, the analysis of the absorption coefficient of the test environment is conducted and a typical coefficient for office room with furniture is proposed. Its accuracy is confirmed through the results of volume estimation. Tests using measured data were performed, and the simulation results confirm the feasibility of the approach