104 research outputs found

    Addressing the 5G cell switch-off problem with a multi-objective cellular genetic algorithm

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The power consumption foreseen for 5G networks is expected to be substantially greater than that of 4G systems, mainly because of the ultra-dense deployments required to meet the upcoming traffic demands. This paper deals with a multi- objective formulation of the Cell Switch-Off (CSO) problem, a well-known and effective approach to save energy in such dense scenarios, which is addressed with an accurate, yet rather unknown multi-objective metaheuristic called MOCell (multi- objective cellular genetic algorithm). It has been evaluated over a different set of networks of increasing densification levels. The results have shown that MOCell is able to reach major energy savings when compared to a widely used multi-objective algorithm.TIN2016-75097-P Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Teaching experience in an integrated methodology: five styles of teaching through the mountain bike, sketes and skateboard in high school

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe muestra una práctica docente en la cual se ha trabajo la coordinación y el equilibrio, a través de la bicicleta de montaña, los patines y monopatines, utilizando una metodología integrada. Para ello, se han utilizando los estilos de enseñanza modular, asignación de tareas, grupos de nivel, programa individual interrelacionados dentro de la misma sesión y como parte de una unidad didáctica innovadora y globalizadora de contenidos. Se explica gráficamente el desarrollo de las sesiones, los criterios de evaluación, los recursos didácticos, la interdisciplinariedad y los temas transversales.AndalucíaES

    Oyster reef restoration - aquaculture interactions: maximizing positive synergies

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    Globally, oyster reef restoration is on the rise. In many instances, restoration is occurring alongside established oyster aquaculture industries that grew to prominence following oyster reef demise. This paper examines the potential positive and negative interactions between the two industries and identifies key factors that may promote positive interactions. Interactions between the two industries result from shared resource requirements (e.g., space, clean water, brood-stock, breeding programs), shared knowledge requirements (e.g. around threats and their mitigation, factors optimizing growth/survival) and biological interactions (e.g. over-catch, disease spill-over, competition for resources). Many of these interactions are reciprocated, and can shift from positive to negative depending on environmental, biological and socio-economic conditions. From our examination, three key factors emerge as shaping the strength and direction (positive or negative) of interactions: (1) whether the focal species is common or different between the two industries; (2) the physicochemical and socio-economic environment in which the two industries are occurring; and (3) whether there is open dialogue and consultation between the two industries and relevant stakeholders. Positive interactions can be maximized where the two industries are able to co-invest in and share infrastructure (e.g. hatcheries, breeding programs), resources (e.g. spat, broodstock, shell) and knowledge (e.g. optimal conditions of growth) – an easier task where the target oyster species is in common. Positive interactions may also be maximized by utilizing marine spatial planning tools, such as suitability modelling, to inform optimal siting of the two industries. As the two industries continue to grow, open and inclusive dialogue between these and key stakeholders will be essential for mitigating risk and maximising positive synergies

    Sistema IoT de sensorización, almacenamiento y representación de datos para espacios universitarios

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    In the past years, the concept of Smart City has been a main paradigm for public developments, with the objective of improving the well-being of the citizens, and the performance of public services by means of a detailed monitoring and actions over the different parameters associated to them. Among these monitoring, environmental measurements related with air quality and such are needed. The university campuses, as relevant areas with high concentration of people and infrastructure, as well as centers for education, research and innovation, are perfect areas for the adoption and testing of several projects of this kind. In this way, the present paper presents the ICT design and development of the SmartTree project in which a public infrastructure will be created with capacities such as providing clean energy and gathering environmental data in an integrated way.Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro de la iniciativa Smart- Campus de la universidad de Málaga, en colaboración con el resto del equipo de desarrollo del proyecto Smart Trees financiado por el I Plan Propio de Smart-Campus de la Universidad de Málaga y por la Universidad de Málaga a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    De novo reefs: Fish habitat provision by oyster aquaculture varies with farming method

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    Aquaculture industries have the capacity to produce positive ecosystem service benefits, such as the provision of habitat to wild animals. Oyster cultivation is the oldest and largest aquaculture industry in south-eastern Australia. Oyster spat are grown to marketable size in rack-and-rail (‘racks’) or longline-and-basket (‘baskets’) configurations, which add structure to estuarine waters. This study assessed: (1) how the fish communities associated with oyster farms vary with production method; (2) how communities of fish utilise oyster infrastructure, as compared to adjacent natural habitats; and (3) whether oyster infrastructure can serve as de facto oyster reefs by supporting similar fish communities. Remote underwater video surveys, conducted during summer and winter of 2 study years, revealed that fish observations and species richness were generally greater for rack than basket cultivation. Both types of oyster farms supported at least as many species of fish as adjacent natural habitats, including oyster reef, seagrass, mangrove and bare sediment. Fish communities were, in general, most similar between racks and baskets and most dissimilar between racks and bare sediments. Oyster farms supported species of fish otherwise limited to habitats with wild oysters, and unique harvested fish species were observed more frequently at racks. Fish use of oyster-growing infrastructure for foraging and shelter mirrored use of natural biogenic habitats. Overall, this study suggests that the oyster aquaculture infrastructure can support fish communities with species composition similar to those of natural biogenic habitats, although this service is dependent on farming method. Ecosystem services provided by aquaculture should be considered in estuarine habitat enhancement, conservation and restoration

    UE side Application Layer metrics For QoE-based Network Management.

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    Cellular networks are being improved by the automation of management tasks in order to optimize the performance while improving the efficiency. This is based on the vast amount of data which is available from the network side. Nonetheless, the network side perspective is limited and the focus is being redirected to the user side. Here, Drive Tests are in charge of collecting useful information, but at high costs. Thus, the present work presents a key source of information regarding network management: user side application layer metrics. In this regard, this work exploits this user side data by using different techniques to estimate the users’ quality of experience with the aim of network management.This work was supported by the project MUSE (Massive User Experience Assessment and Prediction for Mobile Networks) - Ref. UMA-CEIATECH-15, and the Spanish Ministry of economic affairs and Digital Transformation and European Union - NextGenerationEU within the framework “Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” - project MAORI, and Univer- sidad de Málaga through the “II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica” This work was possible thanks to the partnership with Metricell Limited to provide a very large dataset of anonymized metrics from real cellular network users. This work has been also funded by: Spanish Ministry of Universities - Ref. FPU20/02863

    Relaciones entre ajuste escolar y temperamento en menores con medida de acogimiento residencial básico .de la provincia de Málaga: estudio piloto

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    Resumen de la comunicación presentada.Los trabajos de investigación recientes resaltan las problemáticas de esta población, relacionadas principalmente con problemas en las funciones ejecutivas y el ajuste escolar. Sin embargo, a pesar de estas problemáticas, existen menores que presentan una adecuada adaptación y pocos problemas de salud o de ajuste social o académico, lo que indica que existen otros factores (diferencias individuales) que también influyen. Por otro lado, en otras poblaciones se observan relaciones claras entre el ajuste escolar y el temperamento. Por esta razón, en esta investigación se analizan los posibles factores explicativos de dicho ajuste relacionados con el temperamento y se asume una visión holística del ajuste escolar, considerando además del rendimiento académico otros factores esenciales (adaptación al contexto escolar y expectativas académicas). Participaron 41 menores (20 mujeres) en Acogimiento Residencial Básico de la provincia de Málaga, con edades comprendidas entre 11 y 16 años (M= 14.4; DE= 1.41). Se utilizaron 3 instrumentos: EATQ-R, para evaluar el temperamento, EBAE-10 para evaluar el ajuste escolar y un cuestionario ad hoc sobre calificaciones obtenidas recientemente. En cuanto a los predictores de ajuste escolar, es destacable que las dimensiones del temperamento Control Inhibitorio y Control de activación explicaron el 45% de la varianza del rendimiento escolar y las dimensiones Humor depresivo, Atención y Sensibilidad al Placer explicaron el 43 % de la varianza de problemas de adaptación al medio escolar. Estos resultados coinciden parcialmente con lo encontrado en estudios previos, pero aportan información específica sobre la influencia del temperamento en otras dimensiones del ajuste escolar, más allá del rendimiento. Conocer la influencia del temperamento en el ajuste escolar proporciona una guía eficaz para la intervención educativa de los menores.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estimación de KQIs en base a trazas de aplicación móvil

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    La creciente complejidad de las redes móviles, aun más con el desarrollo del 5G, dificulta la relación de las tradicionales métricas radio de capas bajas utilizadas hasta ahora, con la calidad real del usuario. Estas medidas conocidas como KPI (Key Performance Indicator) son fáciles de obtener en comparación con los KQI (Key Quality Indicator), pero son estos últimos, los que dan una aproximación real a la calidad del usuario. El problema de los KQI es la dificultad de obtención, consumen tiempo y batería en los dispositivos móviles, ya que la amplia mayoría de ellos requieren de la descarga y subida de archivos, peticiones http, transmisión en directo de video, entre otros. Se propone y evalúa en una red celular real, un marco completo para estimar KQI utilizando KPI e información adicional, consiguiendo las ventajas de precisión de los KQI a partir de la facilidad de obtención de los KPI.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Junta de Andalucía y FEDER en el marco del proyecto MUSE - “Massive USer Experience Assessment and Prediction for Mobile Networks” (Ref. UMA-CEIATECH-13, “Proyecto singular de actuacio- nes de transferencia del conocimiento Campus Excelencia Internacional Andalucía TECH. Ecosistema innovador con inteligencia artificial para Andalucía 2025”) y beca postdoctoral (Ref., DOC 01154, “selección de personal investigador doctor convocado mediante Resolución de 21 de mayo de 2020”, PAIDI 2020). También ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Universidad a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluación del impacto del Noisy Neighbour en redes móviles virtualizadas

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    The enhancement of virtualization in new generation cellular networks involves the arising of new paradigms in network management. Network Slicing is known as one of the key enablers for the wide range of different high QoS demanding services that are expected to be supported by 5G. The correct sharing of the underlying resources implies a complex architecture that makes virtualization difficult to be full controllable. The Noisy Neighbour is identified as an entity that uses most of the underlying resources, while other virtual units are suffering a lack of them. This work presents an emulated 5G Noisy Neighbour scenario, in which the impact of this entity is evaluated through the Virtual Network Functions of the 5G Core, in order to assess the degradation that KPIs suffer when a Noisy Neighbour appears. The present work also evaluates the effectiveness of a Machine Learning Noisy Neighbour identification model, based on the metrics gathered from the proposed framework, and proposes the application of Artificial Intelligence for predicting network performance, based on network inputs and CPU resources used by the Virtual Network Functions, and a prediction model to forecast the amount of CPU resources that may be demanded by the network in each moment. This approach intends to enhance the resources awareness in a virtualized cellular network, what is posed as crucial for efficiently managing the Noisy Neighbour problem.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Junta de Andalucía y el ERDF en el marco del proyecto IA2MON-5G - “Inteligencia Artificial para el Análisis y Monitorización de Redes de Comunicación 5G” (Ref. UMA-CEIATECH-13, “Proyecto singular de actuaciones de transferencia del conocimiento CEI Andalucía TECH. Ecosistema innovador con inteligencia artificial para Andalucía 2025”) y beca postdoctoral (Ref., DOC_01154, “selección de personal investigador doctor convocado mediante Resolución de 21 de mayo de 2020”, PAIDI 2020). También ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Universidad de Málaga, a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in high resolution health care center

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    Objetivos: a) Describir el perfil clínico del paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) atendido en una Unidad de Hospitalización polivalente y, b) definir las características clínicas y funcionales que determinan la enfermedad según la fase evolutiva. Pacientes y métodos: estudio prospectivo; período de mayo de 2008 a enero 2011. Ámbito: Unidad polivalente del Centro de Alta Resolución el Toyo. Almería. Casuística: pacientes con EPOC atendidos en el Servicio de Urgencias perteneciente a la Unidad Polivalente. Metodología: hoja de recogida de datos con las variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, biológicas y terapéuticas. Para el método estadístico se ha utilizado el análisis descriptivo de las variables. Resultados: Se han incluido 224 pacientes, edad media de 74 años; (90% varones); el 85.1% en tratamiento previo con la combinación de glucocorticoides y broncodilatadores de acción prolongada; 46.8% eran fumadores activos, en 52.2% estancia observacional y 32% en estancia corta. El 93.2% presentó aumento de disnea; el 53.2% presentó fiebre, 45% cianosis y el 59.5 % que mostraban condensación pulmonar permanecen en la corta estancia hospitalaria. Conclusiones: algunas características clínico-biológicas y funcionales permiten diferenciar a cada grupo y predecir la estancia hospitalaria.Objective: To describe the clinical profile of the patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) admitted for hospitalization to the Multi Purpose Service (MPS)of the hospital and to report the clinical and functional characteristics of COPD at the different phases of the disease. Patients and methods: A prospective study was performed between May 2008 and January 2011, in the setting of the Multi Purpose Service of the Centre of High Resolution of El Toyo, Almería. We studied patients with COPD admitted to the Emergency Service of the MPS of the hospital. We used a data collection form with all the sociodemographic, clinical, biological, and therapeutic variables of the patients. Statistical analysis was carried out using the descriptive analysis of the variables. Results: A total of 224 patients were studied, with a mean age of 74 years (90% of them were men); 85% of the patients were under previous treatment with a combined therapy of glucocorticoids plus long- acting bronchodilators; 46.8% were smokers; 52.2% were in observation stay, and 32% of the patients stayed at short stay at the hospital; 93.2% of the patients showed an increased dypnea; 53.2% presented fever; 45% had cyanosis, and 59.5% which showed condensation stayed at short stay at the hospital. Conclusions: Some of the clinical, biological and functional characteristics of the patients allowed us to differentiate each group and to predict the lengh of the hospital stay