91 research outputs found

    El termalismo y culto a las aguas en la prensa médica española

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    Se pretende familiarizar a los profesionales de la Historia con fuentes poco utilizadas habitualmente pero, a nuestro juicio, interesantes. En primer lugar, las Memorias impresas y manuscritas de los Médicos Directores del «Cuerpo de Baños», notarios puntuales de los acontecimientos y hallazgos que se producían en los centros que regentaban, y en segundo lugar, la Prensa Médica Española en relación con el culto a las aguas. Para este último fin, se consideran 12 publicaciones periódicas de Hidrología Médica e Historia de la Medicina (años de publicación, instituciones que las han sustentado, etc.). Se estudian 21 artículos referidos al tema.We intend to get familiar to historians with sources not too well employed by them, but in our opinión interesting. First of all, the printed and handwritten Memorials from medical managers of «Cuerpo de Baños», punctual iawyers of Xhe events and discoveries produced in the Watering Bath Places managed by them. In second place, the Spanish Medical Press reiated with worship waters. For this last purpose, we have considerad tweive Hydrology IVledical and History of Medicine periódica! publications (years published, Institutions that have supported them, etc.). We have studied a total of 21 articles referred to this subject

    Sulphurous Mineral Waters: New Applications for Health

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    Sulphurous mineral waters have been traditionally used in medical hydrology as treatment for skin, respiratory, and musculoskeletal disorders. However, driven by recent intense research efforts, topical treatments are starting to show benefits for pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury, heart failure, peptic ulcer, and acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. The beneficial effects of sulphurous mineral waters, sulphurous mud, or peloids made from sulphurous mineral water have been attributed to the presence of sulphur mainly in the form of hydrogen sulphide. This form is largely available in conditions of low pH when oxygen concentrations are also low. In the organism, small amounts of hydrogen sulphide are produced by some cells where they have numerous biological signalling functions. While high levels of hydrogen sulphide are extremely toxic, enzymes in the body are capable of detoxifying it by oxidation to harmless sulphate. Hence, low levels of hydrogen sulphide may be tolerated indefinitely. In this paper, we review the chemistry and actions of hydrogen sulphide in sulphurous mineral waters and its natural role in body physiology. This is followed by an update of available data on the impacts of exogenous hydrogen sulphide on the skin and internal cells and organs including new therapeutic possibilities of sulphurous mineral waters and their peloids

    Effect of breather existence on reconstructive transformations in mica muscovite

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    The International Workshop on Complex Systems (5º. 2007. Sendai, Japan)Reconstructive transformations of layered silicates as mica muscovite take place at much lower temperatures than expected. A possible explanation is the existence of breathers within the potassium layer. Numerical analysis of a model shows the existence of many different types of breathers with different energies and existence ranges which spectrum coincides approximately with a statistical theory for them.Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain, project FIS2004-0118

    Sulphurous Mineral Waters: New Applications for Health

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    Sulphurous mineral waters have been traditionally used in medical hydrology as treatment for skin, respiratory, and musculoskeletal disorders. However, driven by recent intense research efforts, topical treatments are starting to show benefits for pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury, heart failure, peptic ulcer, and acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. The beneficial effects of sulphurous mineral waters, sulphurous mud, or peloids made from sulphurous mineral water have been attributed to the presence of sulphur mainly in the form of hydrogen sulphide. This form is largely available in conditions of low pH when oxygen concentrations are also low. In the organism, small amounts of hydrogen sulphide are produced by some cells where they have numerous biological signalling functions. While high levels of hydrogen sulphide are extremely toxic, enzymes in the body are capable of detoxifying it by oxidation to harmless sulphate. Hence, low levels of hydrogen sulphide may be tolerated indefinitely. In this paper, we review the chemistry and actions of hydrogen sulphide in sulphurous mineral waters and its natural role in body physiology. This is followed by an update of available data on the impacts of exogenous hydrogen sulphide on the skin and internal cells and organs including new therapeutic possibilities of sulphurous mineral waters and their peloids

    Effects of Sodium Chloride-Rich Mineral Water on Intestinal Epithelium. Experimental Study

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    This study was financed by the research groups CTS-115 (Universidad de Granada, Tissue Engineering) and UCM-911757 (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Medical Hydrology).Since knowledge concerning the cellular and tissue substrate that explains the therapeutic action of mineral waters is generally very scarce, we address the different effects that Lanjaron-Capuchina mineral water exerts on the intestinal epithelium in an experimental model as a prototype of the sodium chloride-rich mineral waters used in digestive disorders. In the experimental protocol, two groups of five adult Wistar rats received unrestricted mineral water in their diet or mineral water directly into the gastrointestinal tract through a catheter. A third control group was given a standard diet and water ad libitum. Intestinal samples for scanning electron microscopy were analyzed according to standardized methods. The observations carried out by microscope after the administration of the sodium chloride-rich mineral water clearly indicate that the hypertonic action of this mineral water affects the structure of the intestinal epithelium. It modifies the microvilli absorption in terms of the groups of enterocytes and the secretion of goblet cells, but it particularly affects the epithelial renewal process, accelerating and stimulating cell extrusion. The type of extrusion mechanism observed by microscope allows us to affirm that, although this increased after direct administration, it does not generate an epithelial disruption as it occurs in other circumstances with other extrusion modalities.Universidad de Granada, Tissue Engineering CTS-115Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Medical Hydrology UCM-91175

    Impulse-induced localized control of chaos in starlike networks

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    Locally decreasing the impulse transmitted by periodic pulses is shown to be a reliable method of taming chaos in starlike networks of dissipative nonlinear oscillators, leading to both synchronous periodic states and equilibria (oscillation death). Specifically, the paradigmatic model of damped kicked rotators is studied in which it is assumed that when the rotators are driven synchronously, i.e., all driving pulses transmit the same impulse, the networks display chaotic dynamics. It is found that the taming effect of decreasing the impulse transmitted by the pulses acting on particular nodes strongly depends on their number and degree of connectivity. A theoretical analysis is given explaining the basic physical mechanism as well as the main features of the chaos-control scenario.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) Project No. FIS2012-34902 cofinanced by FEDER fundsJunta de Extremadura (JEx, Spain) Project No. GR1514

    Energy Criterion for the Spectral Stability of Discrete Breathers

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    Discrete breathers are ubiquitous structures in nonlinear anharmonic models ranging from the prototypical example of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model to Klein-Gordon nonlinear lattices, among many others. We propose a general criterion for the emergence of instabilities of discrete breathers analogous to the well-established Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion for solitary waves. The criterion involves the change of monotonicity of the discrete breather’s energy as a function of the breather frequency. Our analysis suggests and numerical results corroborate that breathers with increasing (decreasing) energy-frequency dependence are generically unstable in soft (hard) nonlinear potentials

    Vademécum III de aguas mineromedicinales españolas

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    El presente vademécum es un trabajo completamente nuevo, que ha sido realizado entre los años 2016 y 2019, y se centra en el estudio riguroso y en el análisis fisicoquímico de las aguas mineromedicinales españolas. El principal valor de este libro es su homogeneidad, tanto en las técnicas de toma y conservación de las muestras como en los análisis específicos que se han realizado. La primera parte incluye las determinaciones analíticas de ciento veinticinco aguas mineromedicinales españolas, cuyos manantiales se encuentran en noventa y siete balnearios. La segunda parte ofrece una clasificación de los balnearios en función de varios parámetros (temperatura, mineralización global, componentes mineralizantes, dureza) y la tercera parte está ilustrada con mapas, lo que permite localizar los puntos geográficos donde se encuentran los balnearios, así como sus características más relevantes

    Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Two-Week Course of Aquatic Therapy and Thalassotherapy in a Mild Post-Stroke Population

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    Strokes are a leading cause of disability in developed countries. Patients with disabilities need rehabilitation to improve their physical functioning, mental status, and quality of life. Currently, no high-quality evidence can be found attesting the benefits of any of the interventions that are nowadays used. Water-based exercise may improve the physical conditions and quality of life of people in the post-stroke phase. The objective of this study is to test whether aquatic therapy in an enriched environment at the seaside (a thalassotherapy center) could play a role in this condition. A quasi-experimental prospective study consisting of a specific program assessed 62 patients with a mild-moderate disability pre- and post-2 weeks of intensive treatment. They followed a thalassotherapy regimen including aquatic therapy in a sea water pool at 32-34 degrees C for 45 min daily five times a week. The outcomes measured were the Berg Balance scale, the Timed Up and Go test, the 10-meter walking test, the 6-min walking test, the Pain Visual Analogue Scale, the WHO Well-being index, EuroQoL VAS and EuroQoL 5D. We observed a significant improvement in all outcomes measured (p < 0.001, except mobility EuroQoL p < 0.05), except in the other four dimensions of the EuroQoL 5D and 10-metre walking test (NS). Conclusion: A two-week intensive course of aquatic therapy and thalassotherapy may be beneficial in the short term by reducing pain and improving the functional status and overall well-being of post-stroke patients