60 research outputs found

    Prediction of fetal acidemia by doppler velocimetry of the ductus venosus in gestations with placental insufficiency

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Departamento de ObstetríciaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de ObstetríciaSciEL

    Precocious and late pregnancy in adolescents: is there a difference comparing the obstetric risks?

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    PURPOSE: to describe the obstetric outcomes in pregnant adolescents at a tertiary hospital and to compare the maternal and labor outcomes between precocious and late adolescents. METHODS: in a transversal analytical study, 2058 cases were evaluated, considering 322 (15.65%) from the precocious group and 1736 (84.35%) from the late group that delivered at the Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand/UFC from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000. The clinical complications in the prenatal period, kind of delivery, indications for cesarean section, birth gestational age at birth, birth weight, comparison of birth weight and gestational age, Apgar score at the first and fifth minute, presence of malformations, and neonatal death were analyzed. The exact Fisher and the chi2 tests were used to compare both groups. The prevalence ratio was calculated. RESULTS: from of total of deliveries, 25.95% belonged to adolescents. The average age was 17.19 years. Prenatal visits were made by 88% of the patients, but 60% had an insufficient number of visits. The most frequent clinical situations were preeclampsia (14.72%), anemia (12.97%) and urinary tract infections (6.37%), with no statistical difference between the groups. Thirty-one and three percent of the births were by cesarean section, preeclampsia being the main indication in the two age groups (25 and 23%, respectively). The frequency of an Apgar score less than 7 at the first minute was 19,9% in the precocious adolescent group and 14,2% in the late adolescent group (x²=6,96, p=0.008). There was no statistical difference regarding prematurity rate (20.2 vs 16.1%), low-birth weight infants (12.4 vs 10.4%), low Apgar score at the fifth minute (5.3 vs 3.3%), congenital malformations (3.1 vs 2.7%), and neonatal death (5.3 vs 3.3%). CONCLUSIONS: the precocious and late pregnant adolescents presented similar pregnancy evolution and obstetric outcomes, except for the differences of the first minute Apgar scores.OBJETIVOS: descrever aspectos da assistência e resultados obstétricos da gravidez em adolescentes atendidas em um centro de atendimento terciário do Ceará e comparar os resultados maternos e perinatais entre adolescentes precoces e tardias. MÉTODOS: em estudo transversal, analítico, avaliaram-se 2.058 casos, sendo 322 (15,6%) de adolescentes precoces e 1.736 (84,4%) tardias, atendidas no ano de 2000. Foram analisados as intercorrências clínicas no pré-natal, tipo de parto, indicações de cesárea, idade gestacional no parto, peso do recém-nascido ao nascimento, adequação do peso à idade gestacional, índices de Apgar no primeiro e quinto minuto de vida, presença de malformações e óbito neonatal. Utilizaram-se o teste exato de Fisher e o chi2 na comparação entre os dois grupos. Calculou-se também a razão de prevalência. RESULTADOS: do total de partos ocorridos no período, 25,9% eram de adolescentes e a média de idade destas foi de 17,2 anos. Constatou-se que 88% freqüentaram o pré-natal, sendo 60% com número insuficiente de consultas. As intercorrências clínicas mais freqüentes foram a pré-eclâmpsia (14,7%), a anemia (12,9%) e a infecção do trato urinário (6,4%), sem diferença de freqüência entre os grupos. Ocorreram 31,3% de nascimentos por cesárea, sendo a pré-eclâmpsia a principal indicação nas duas faixas etárias (25 e 23%, respectivamente). A freqüência de Apgar menor que 7 no primeiro minuto foi de 19,9% no grupo das adolescentes precoces e 14,2% entre as tardias (x²=6,96, p=0,008). Não houve diferença quanto à freqüência de prematuridade (20,2 vs 16,1%), recém-nascido pequeno para idade gestacional (12,4 vs 10,4%), baixos escores de Apgar de quinto minuto (5,3 vs 3,3%), malformações congênitas (3,1 vs 2,7%) e morte neonatal (1,6 vs 3,1%). CONCLUSÕES: as gestantes adolescentes precoces e tardias apresentaram evolução da gestação e desempenho obstétrico semelhantes, exceto pela diferença nos escores de Apgar no primeiro minuto.Universidade Federal do Ceará Maternidade-Escola Assis ChateaubriandUniversidade Federal do CearáUniversidade Federal do Ceará Departamento de Matemática e EstatísticaUniversidade Federal do Ceará Departamento de Saúde Materno-InfantilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Departamento de ObstetríciaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de ObstetríciaSciEL

    Comparação entre os critérios de near miss na unidade de terapia intensiva materna

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of different criteria of maternal near miss in women admitted to an obstetric intensive care unit and their sensitivity and specificity in identifying cases that have evolved to morbidity. Method: A cross-sectional analytical epidemiological study was conducted with women admitted to the intensive care unit of the Maternity School Assis Chateaubriand in Ceará, Brazil. The Chi-square test and odds ratio were used. Results: 560 records were analyzed. The incidence of maternal near miss ranged from 20.7 in the Waterstone criteria to 12.4 in the Geller criteria. The maternal near-miss mortality ratio varied from 4.6:1 to 7.1:1, showing better index in the Waterstone criteria, which encompasses a greater spectrum of severity. The Geller and Mantel criteria, however, presented high sensitivity and low specificity. Except for the Waterstone criteria, there was an association between the three other criteria and maternal death. Conclusion: The high specificity of Geller and Mantel criteria in identifying maternal near miss considering the World Health Organization criteria as a gold standard and a lack of association between the criteria of Waterstone with maternal death

    Venous-arterial indices in the prediction of acidemia at birth in pregnancies with placental insufficiency

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    OBJECTIVE: to investigate whether it is possible to predict acidemia at birth in pregnancies with placental insufficiency using venous-arterial indices: pulsatility index for vein (PIV) of the ductus venosus (DV) over PI of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and PIV of the DV over PI of the umbilical artery, and establish cut-off values for this prediction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: this was a prospective cross-sectional study involving forty-seven patients with placental insufficiency (umbilical artery resistance and pulsatility indices above the 95th percentile for gestational age) who were submitted to Dopplervelocimetry in the last 24 hours before delivery. All pregnancies were singleton, over 26 weeks of age and without structural or chromosome anomalies. Arterial cord blood was obtained for gasometry immediately after birth. Acidemia was defined as umbilical arterial pH < 7.20 in the absence of uterine contractions and pH < 7.15 in the presence of contractions. Metabolic or mixed acidemia at birth were considered pathological. A ROC curve was calculated for the venous-arterial indices: PIV DV/PI umbilical artery (UA) and PIV DV/PI MCA. A cut-off value was established and sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values and positive and negative likelihood ratios were calculated. RESULTS: The DV/UA PI index was not a good predictor of acidemia at birth. The DV/MCA PI index was related to acidemia at birth (area under the curve 0,785, p = 0,004). The cut-off value was: 0,582, sensitivity 66,7%, specificity 77,1 and accuracy 74,5%. CONCLUSION: the PIV DV/PI MCA ratio is adequate for predicting acidemia at birth in pregnancies with placental insufficiency. The cut-off value was: 0,582.OBJETIVOS: investigar a possibilidade da predição da acidemia no nascimento, em gestações com insuficiência placentária, com o emprego de índices veno-arteriais avaliados pela dopplervelocimetria, definindo seus pontos de corte para esta predição. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo transversal prospectivo no qual foram incluídas 47 gestações únicas com insuficiência placentária (presença de índice de resistência e índice de pulsatilidade (IP) na artéria umbilical (AU) superiores ao percentil 95), após a 26&ordf; semana. Foram excluídos os casos com fetos apresentando anomalias estruturais ou cromossômicas. O Doppler foi realizado a menos de 24 horas do parto. Amostra de sangue arterial umbilical para análise da acidemia foi coletada imediatamente após o nascimento. Diagnosticou-se acidemia quando o pH encontrava-se abaixo de 7,20 na ausência de trabalho de parto e abaixo de 7,15 quando parto vaginal. Foram consideradas patológicas as acidemias metabólicas ou mistas. Construiu-se curva ROC para os índices veno-arteriais: IP para veias do ducto venoso (IPV DV)/IP/AU e IPV DV/IP artéria cerebral média (ACM). Determinaram-se os pontos de corte e posteriormente foram calculados a sensibilidade, especificidade, VPP, VPN e acurácia. RESULTADOS: o IPV DV/IP AU não mostrou ser bom parâmetro para a predição da acidemia. A análise do IPV DV/IP ACM mostrou uma área sob a curva ROC de 0,785 com p = 0,004, e, para o ponto de corte de 0,582, encontraram-se sensibilidade de 66,7%, especificidade de 77,1% e acurácia de 74,5%. CONCLUSÕES: o IPV DV/IP ACM mostrou-se adequado na predição da acidemia no nascimento em gestações com insuficiência placentária. O ponto de corte para esse índice que demonstrou melhores valores de predição foi 0,582.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal do Ceará Maternidade - Escola Assis ChateaubriandUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Telephone interventions for adherence to colpocytological examination

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    Objetivo: comprobar los efectos de intervención comportamental y educativa por teléfono en la adhesión de las mujeres, con periodicidad inadecuada, al examen de citología vaginal. Método: estudio casi experimental, con muestra constituida por 524 mujeres seleccionadas conforme a los siguientes criterios de inclusión: estar en el intervalo etario entre 25 y 64 años, haber iniciado actividad sexual, estar con la periodicidad del examen inadecuada y poseer teléfono móvil o fijo. Las mujeres fueron divididas en dos grupos para aplicación de la intervención comportamental y educativa por teléfono. Se utilizó una guía de intervención según los preceptos de la Entrevista Motivacional. Resultados: al comparar antes y después de la intervención comportamental y educativa se constató que hubo un cambio estadísticamente significativo (p = 0,0283) en el aumento del conocimiento de las mujeres que participaron de la intervención educativa; no hubo cambio comprobado en la actitud de las mujeres de ninguno de los grupos y hubo un aumento de la adhesión al examen de citología vaginal en los dos grupos (p < 0,0001), con mayor adhesión de las mujeres que participaron del grupo comportamental (66,8%). Conclusión: las intervenciones comportamentales y educativas por teléfono fueron eficaces en obtener la adhesión de las mujeres al examen de citología vaginal, representando estrategias importantes para una educación permanente en salud y promoviendo la atención para la prevención del cáncer del cuello uterino.Objective: to test the effects of behavioral and educational intervention by telephone on adherence of women with inappropriate periodicity to colpocytological examination. Method: quasi-experimental study with a sample of 524 women, selected with the following inclusion criteria: be aged between 25 and 64 years, have initiated sexual activity, have inappropriate periodicity of examination and have mobile or landline phone. The women were divided into two groups for application of behavioral and educational intervention by telephone. It was used an intervention script according to the principles of Motivational Interviewing. Results: on comparing the results before and after the behavioral and educational interventions, it was found that there was a statistically significant change (p = 0.0283) with increase of knowledge of women who participated in the educational intervention. There was no change in the attitude of women of any of the groups and there was an increase of adherence to colpocytological examination in both groups (p < 0.0001), with greater adherence of women participating in the behavioral group (66.8%). Conclusion: the behavioral and educational interventions by phone were effective in the adherence of women to colpocytological examination, representing important strategies for permanent health education and promotion of care for the prevention of cervical cancer.Objetivo: testar os efeitos de intervenção comportamental e educativa por telefone na adesão das mulheres com periodicidade inadequada ao exame colpocitológico. Método: estudo quase-experimental, com amostra constituída por 524 mulheres selecionadas conforme os critérios de inclusão: estar na faixa etária entre 25 e 64 anos, ter iniciado atividade sexual, estar com a periodicidade do exame inadequada e possuir telefone móvel ou fixo. As mulheres foram divididas em dois grupos para aplicação da intervenção comportamental e educativa por telefone. Utilizou-se um roteiro de intervenção segundo os preceitos da Entrevista Motivacional. Resultados: ao comparar antes e depois das intervenções comportamental e educativa constatou-se que houve uma mudança estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,0283) no aumento do conhecimento das mulheres que participaram da intervenção educativa; não houve mudança comprovada na atitude das mulheres de nenhum dos grupos e houve um aumento da adesão ao exame colpocitológico nos dois grupos (p < 0,0001), com maior adesão das mulheres que participaram do grupo comportamental (66,8%). Conclusão: as intervenções comportamentais e educativas por telefone foram eficazes na adesão das mulheres ao exame colpocitológico, representando estratégias importantes para educação permanente em saúde, promovendo a atenção para a prevenção do câncer cérvico-uterino

    Lactobacillus crispatus dominance in the vaginal microbiome reduces the occurrence of spontaneous preterm birth in women with a short cervical length

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    Introduction: The majority of pregnant women with a short cervix will deliver at term and, thus, may unnecessarily receive advanced monitoring and treatment. It is still necessary to define more accurately which sub-population of women with a short cervix is at elevated risk for early delivery. Objective: To determine if vaginal microbiome composition influenced the rate of spontaneous preterm birth in women with a short cervical length. Methods: In an exploratory, observational prospective study, vaginal secretions were obtained from 591 women at 21–24 week gestation. Vaginal microbiome composition was determined by analyzing the V1–V3 region of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Results: Lactobacillus crispatus was numerically dominant in the vagina in 41.7% of subjects, followed by L. iners in 32% and Gardnerella vaginalis in 12%. In women whose cervix was ≤25mm, the sensitivity to predict an spontaneous preterm birth was 11.8%. However, when L. crispatus was not the dominant vaginal bacterium, this sensitivity increased to 81.8%. Similarly, in women with a cervical length ≤30mm, the sensitivity to predict an spontaneous preterm birth increased from 21.7 to 78.3% when L. crispatus was not the dominant vaginal bacterium. In women with a prior spontaneous preterm birth and a cervix ≤25 or ≤30mm, L. crispatus dominance was also associated with a reduced rate of spontaneous preterm birth in the current pregnancy (p<0.001). Conclusion: In pregnant women with a cervix ≤25mm or ≤30mm, the risk for an spontaneous preterm birth is increased if L. crispatus is not dominant in the vagina

    Homozygous and Heterozygous Nuclear Lamin A p.R582C Mutation: Different Lipodystrophic Phenotypes in the Same Kindred

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    Background: Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD2) is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by heterozygous mutations in the LMNA gene that results in regional loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue with onset in puberty. However, a generalized lipodystrophy phenotype has also been associated with heterozygous mutations in this gene, demonstrating the noticeable phenotypic heterogeneity of this disease.Methods: We report and describe clinical and metabolic features of four patients from the same family with the p.R582C LMNA mutation, three homozygous and one in the heterozygous state that present with three distinct lipodystrophic phenotypes.Results: Case description: The proband was a 12-year-old girl who developed severe subcutaneous fat atrophy in limbs and abdomen followed by a remarkable dorsocervical fat accumulation in adulthood along with diabetes at age 23. The proband's sister was a phenotypically normal girl who developed hypertriglyceridemia at age 8, progressive features of partial lipodystrophy at age 11, and diabetes at age 22. The proband's mother was first examined at age 32, presenting diabetes and a severe generalized lipodystrophic phenotype; she developed kidney failure at age 41 and died due to diabetic complications. The proband's father was a 50-year-old man with abdominal fat concentration that was initially considered phenotypically normal. Massively parallel sequencing using a platform of genes related to genetic lipodystrophies, followed by Sanger sequencing, revealed the transversion c.1744C&gt;T at exon 11 of the LMNA gene (p.R582C) in the homozygous (mother and daughters) and heterozygous (father) states.Conclusion: We documented three distinct phenotypes of the homozygous and heterozygous p. R582C LMNA mutation in the same kindred, illustrating that FPLD2 linked to mutations in this gene is a disease of great clinical heterogeneity, possibly due to associated environmental or genetic factors
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