39 research outputs found

    Diferencias de las lesiones sufridas en 4campeonatos sudamericanos de fútbol femenino y masculino

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar las lesiones en 4campeonatos oficiales de la CONMEBOL, masculinos y femeninos, para conocer las diferencias en la localización, el diagnóstico y la gravedad de las lesiones producidas entre futbolistas de ambos sexos.Material y metodologíaRegistramos las lesiones en competiciones oficiales de fútbol con 506 jugadoras, en 48 partidos, y 644 jugadores, en 58 partidos. Se lesionaron de diferente gravedad 115 jugadores y 151 jugadoras. Estudiamos el diagnóstico, localización, momento, baja deportiva y mecanismo de las lesiones.ResultadosUn tercio de las lesiones se produjeron entre el minuto 30 y el 45 del partido. Las lesiones en las mujeres fueron en la cabeza y la cara (22,5%), la rodilla (15,9%), el tobillo (15,2%) y la pantorrilla (11,2%). En los hombres fueron en el muslo (25,2%), la cabeza y la cara (14,8%), la pantorrilla (11,2%), el pie (10,3%) y el tobillo (9,5%). Las contusiones, en ambos grupos, fueron el diagnóstico más frecuente (65,5% en mujeres; 44% en hombres), seguidas en los jugadores de los desgarros musculares (12,1%), distensiones musculares (13%) y esguinces (7,7%); en las jugadoras, siguieron las concusiones (14%) y los esguinces (8,6%). El 70% de las lesiones graves no fueron sancionadas en el fútbol masculino.ConclusiónLas contusiones fueron la primera causa de lesión seguidas, en las mujeres, por las concusiones y, en los hombres, por las lesiones musculares del muslo. Un tercio de las lesiones se produjeron en el último cuarto de hora del primer tiempo y la mayoría de las lesiones fueron leves. En el fútbol masculino son más frecuentes las lesiones graves.AbstractObjectiveTo analyze the injuries in 4, male and female, official championships CONMEBOL for determined the differences in location, diagnosis and severity of injuries among players of both sexes.Material and methodologyInjuries recorded in competitions with 506 female players in 48 games, and 644 male players in 58 games. One hundred fifteen males and 151 females were injured of varying severity. We study the diagnosis, location, time, lowered sports and mechanism of injury.ResultsOne third of the injuries occurred between minute 30 and 45 of the game. Most frequent injuries in women were in the head and face (22.5%), knee (15.9%), ankle (15.2%) and calf (11.2%). In men were in the thigh (25.2%), head and face (14.8%), calf (11.2%), foot (10.3%) and ankle (9.5%). Bruises, in both groups, was the most frequent diagnosis (65.5% women; 44% men), followed by muscle tears (12.1%), muscle strains (13%) and sprains (7.7%) in males and followed by concussions (14%) and sprains (8.6%) in females. A total of 70% of serious injuries were not sanctioned in men's soccer.ConclusionThe bruises were the leading cause of injury followed, in women, by concussions and in men by thigh muscle injury. A third of the injuries occurred in the last quarter of the first half and most of the injuries were mild. In men's football are most common severe injuries

    Optimización de RPAS mediante propulsión eléctrica distribuida con ingestión de capa límite

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    [ES] El auge de las aeronaves no tripuladas o pilotadas a distancia (RPAS), junto con la necesidad de encontrar alternativas a los sistemas de propulsión convencionales, ha motivado un crecimiento en el estudio de nuevas configuraciones aero-propulsivas, como la propulsión eléctrica distribuida (DEP) con ingestión de capa límite (BLI). En este documento se lleva a cabo un estudio teórico y numérico de la DEP con BLI, optimizando un RPAS con ala fija de 25 kg de MTOW. Para ello se realiza un amplio estudio paramétrico mediante CFD y posteriormente se procesan los datos para simular una misión de máximo rango, comparando la configuración estudiada con un sistema de propulsión tradicional y otro híbrido. De este modo, se obtienen resultados de hasta un 21% de ahorro de combustible y reducción de emisiones respecto al sistema convencional, mostrando el gran potencial de esta configuración para seguir siendo estudiada en un futuro.[EN] The boom of the unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft (RPAS), as well as the need of finding alternatives to the conventional propulsive systems, has motivated a growing of the researching of new aero-propulsive configurations, as distributed electric propulsión (DEP) with boundary layer ingestion (BLI). At this document a theoric and numeric study of DEP with BLI is developed, optimizing a fixed-wing RPAS with 25 kg of MTOW. For that purpose, a wide parametric study is done using CFD. Subsequently, data is processed to simulate a mission of maximum range, comparing DEP configuration with traditional and hybrid propulsion systems. In this way, the results of 21% fuel savings and emissions reduction are obtained, showing the great potential of this configuration to continue being studied in the future.Forriol Fernández, FJ. (2020). Optimización de RPAS mediante propulsión eléctrica distribuida con ingestión de capa límite. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/153497TFG

    Complications of bone lengthening

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    Bone lengthening is a surgical method which requires meticulous technique, continuous attention, and satisfactory cooperation on the part of the patient. The absence of common criteria makes it difficult both to classify the complications which arise, and to compare them with those of other authors. We report the complications in a group of 61 patients who were studied prospectively. Disorders of the lengthening callus accounted for 45% of all complications, and a further 33% arose in the joints. The remainder occurred in the bone, the apparatus and the soft tissues, of which the most common were stiffness of the joints, axial deviations and loosening of the pins, while articular subluxation, fractures with angulation and delayed consolidation occurred less frequently. In our study, the overall number of complications per lengthening process was 2.1. In bilateral lengthening, the rate was 1 per segment, while in unilateral cases the mean was 2.7. Problems which we defined as severe, requiring that the lengthening had to be halted, occurred in 1.8% of the total complications. The aetiology of the length discrepancy has an important role in the complications which occur in each segment. Over twice as many problems occur in asymmetrical lengthening procedures as in patients where lengthening is symmetrical

    Réparation du cartilage articulaire par matériaux biologiques

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the joint cartilage's capacity for repair and the potential of various biological tissues as replacements for damaged cartilage. METHODS: We operated 30.3 months old, lambs, creating a chondral lesion which was left untreated in group I and treated with a fresh chondral implant in group III, a frozen chondral implant in group IV, and a frozen periostal implant in group V; in group II the lesion extended as far as the subchondral bone. The lesions were performed in the loading area of the medial condyle of the knee. Follow-up time was 6 months, and the results were assessed histologically. RESULTS: In the chondral lesions which remained untreated (group I), degeneration of the exposed layers occurred, and loss of both cartilage thickness and homogeneity of the matrix was noted. Where the lesion extended as far as the subchondral bone (group II), repair was found to have taken place with a fibrous tissue indistinguishable from cartilage. When cartilage was implanted (group III and IV), the integration of the implant depended on wether there was any contact between the implant and the surrounding tissue. DISCUSSION: The integrity of the fresh implants was maintained better than that of the frozen ones, which were found to contain cells with a proliferative capacity. When periosteum was placed over the chondral lesion, we observed the formation of a very loose fibrous tissue in which the initial stages of differentiation could be appreciated in the deepest layers

    Histomorphometric study of growth plate subjected to different mechanical conditions (compression, tension and neutralization): an experimental study in lambs. Mechanical growth plate behavior

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    We studied the morphologic effect of low mechanical stresses (compression, tension and neutralization) on the growth cartilage with an external fixator in 18 young lambs. On radiography, we only found more length in the femora subjected to tension (P < 0.05). Bony bridges were not present, nor were there signs of altered vascularization or Ranvier's perichondral ring. Histomorphometrically, in the group subjected to tension, the germinative layer in the femur was higher (P < 0.001) in the bones that had undergone surgery. The proliferative layer was lower in the operated tibia (P < 0.001), and the hypertrophic layer was higher in operated tibias and femora (P < 0.001). In the group subjected to compression, the germinative layer in the femora was higher in the operated bones (P < 0.05); the proliferative layer of the tibia was lower (P < 0.001) and the hypertrophic layer was higher (P < 0.001) in both operated bones. In the neutralization group, the proliferative layer of both operated bones presented lower values (P < 0.001) and the hypertrophic layer was higher (P < 0.001) than that in the control group

    Advances in Meniscal Tissue Engineering

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    Meniscal tears are the most common knee injuries and have a poor ability of healing. In the last few decades, several techniques have been increasingly used to optimize meniscal healing. Current research efforts of tissue engineering try to combine cell-based therapy, growth factors, gene therapy, and reabsorbable scaffolds to promote healing of meniscal defects. Preliminary studies did not allow to draw definitive conclusions on the use of these techniques for routine management of meniscal lesions. We performed a review of the available literature on current techniques of tissue engineering for the management of meniscal tears

    Bone lengthening osteogenesis, a combination of intramembranous and endochondral ossification: an experimental study in sheep

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    We evaluated the morphological features of the newly formed tissue in an experimental model of tibial callotasis lengthening on 24 lambs, aged from 2 to 3 months at the time of operation. A unilateral external fixator prototype Monotube Triax® (Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, New Jersey) was applied to the left tibia. A percutaneous osteotomy was performed in a minimally traumatic manner using a chisel. Lengthening was started 7 days after surgery and was continued to 30 mm. The 24 animals were randomly divided into three groups of 8 animals each: in Group 1, lengthening took place at a rate of 1 mm/day for 30 days; in Group 2, at a rate of 2 mm/day for 15 days; in Group 3, at a rate of 3 mm/day for 10 days. In each group, 4 animals were killed 2 weeks after end of lengthening, and the other 4 animals at 4 weeks after end of lengthening. To assess bony formation in the distraction area, radiographs were taken every 2 weeks from the day of surgery. To study the process of vascularization, we used Spalteholz’s technique. After killing, the tibia of each animal was harvested, and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson’s trichrome, and Safranin-O. Immunohistochemistry was performed, using specific antibodies to detect collagens I and II, S100 protein, and fibronectin. A combination of intramembranous and endochondral ossification occurred together at the site of distraction. Our study provides a detailed structural characterization of the newly formed tissue in an experimental model of tibial lengthening in sheep and may be useful for further investigations on callotasis

    The effect of shockwaves on mature and healing cortical bone

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    It has been proposed that high energy shockwaves could be used to create microfractures in cortical bone. This quality might be exploited clinically to perform closed osteotomies and promote healing in nonunion (15). However, no study has previously documented the effect of shockwaves on cortical bone "in vivo". We report an investigation designed to demonstrate the effect of shockwaves on mature cortical and healing bone. An osteotomy was performed on the tibiae of 37 lambs; two weeks later the operation site was exposed to shockwaves. Three weeks later the lambs were killed and specimens of the bone examined histologically and radiographically. Shockwaves had no effect on the periosteal surface of mature cortical bone, but on the endosteal surface some new trabecular bone was seen. Healing of bone was delayed by the shockwave therapy. We conclude that there is currently little place for shockwave treatment in clinical orthopaedics

    Distraction osteogenesis of the lower extremity with use of monolateral external fixation

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    We reviewed the results of distraction osteogenesis of 114 femora and 147 tibiae that had been lengthened to treat a variety of diagnoses. The femora had been lengthened an average of eleven centimeters (range, 3.5 to 17.0 centimeters), or 48 per cent (range, 8 to 86 per cent) of the original femoral length. The average total time for the treatment of the femora (use of the fixator and any subsequent immobilization) was 257 days (range, 105 to 420 days). There were 114 complications related to the femoral lengthenings, which led to eighty-seven additional operations. The tibiae were lengthened an average of nine centimeters (range, 3.0 to 15.6 centimeters), or 41 per cent (range, 9 to 100 per cent) of the original tibial length. The average total time for the treatment of the tibiae was 268 days (range, 110 to 497 days). There were 196 complications related to the tibial lengthenings, which led to 219 additional operations. The Achilles tendon was lengthened during or after seventy-three (50 per cent) of the tibial lengthenings. The femoral lengthenings that were performed to treat a limb-length discrepancy were associated with significantly higher rates of complications overall (p = 0.010) and additional operations (p = 0.023) for each percentage of length gained than those that were performed to treat achondroplasia or another skeletal dysplasia. The femoral lengthenings that were performed to treat short stature (of an endocrine or idiopathic etiology) were also associated with higher rates of complications overall and additional operations than those performed to treat skeletal dysplasias, but the rates were lower than those for lengthenings performed to treat limb-length discrepancy. The rate of complications overall associated with femoral lengthening in patients who were fourteen years old or more was significantly higher than that associated with lengthening in patients who were less than fourteen years old (p = 0.047). Femoral lengthening through the metaphysis was associated with significantly higher rates of complications overall (p = 0.031) and additional operations (p = 0.042) for each percentage of length gained than femoral lengthening through the diaphysis. The tibial lengthenings that were performed to treat Turner syndrome and idiopathic short stature were associated with significantly higher rates of complications overall (p = 0.026) and additional operations (p = 0.003) for each percentage of length gained than those performed to treat skeletal dysplasias. The rate of joint-related problems (p = 0.044) and that of additional operations (p = 0.053) after tibial lengthening in patients who were fourteen years old or more were significantly higher than those rates after tibial lengthening in patients who were less than fourteen years old. The site of the tibial osteotomy did not affect the rate of complications or additional operations. The femoral healing indices (in terms of both days per centimeter [p = 0.002] and days for each percentage of length gained [p = 0.019]) were significantly higher in the patients who were fourteen years old or more than in those who were less the fourteen years old. These values could not be used to predict an increase in the complications because of poor bone formation. The results of the present review suggest that the use of healing indices to gauge the final outcome of distraction osteogenesis is questionable; we were unable to discern significance or clinical importance from appropriately adjusted values

    Relationship between radiologic morphology of the bone lengthening formation and its complications

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    The objective was to study the different types of lengthened bone regeneration and their development during the various phases of the process to correlate them with patient factors and the surgical technique used, and to establish a possible relation between the development of the bone lengthening formation and the problems or complications. The authors studied the radiographs of a random group of 55 patients taken at three points during the course of treatment. The callus was classified with regard to its transverse diameter and the presence or absence of hypodense areas. The overall callus type was significantly influenced by the etiology, the osteotomy site, and the percentage lengthened. The percentage by which the limb was lengthened at the beginning of the process influences the overall morphology of the callus. Poor callus had been lengthened the most, atrophic callus the least. There was a correlation between the morphology of the overall callus at the end of treatment and the percentage lengthened, and between the percentage lengthened and the presence of bands at the end of treatment. The authors also found a significant correlation between age and the appearance of bands at the end of distraction. A central band was found among younger patients. The type of osteotomy affected the overall callus at the end of distraction and at the end of treatment and also influenced the transverse diameter. All the elongations with poor bone formation at the end of treatment were found to have undergone a diaphyseal osteotomy. The most common complication at the first follow-up and at the end of distraction was angulation. The diameter of the callus and the presence of bands at the end of treatment were significantly related to the complications. Fracture occurred in the first 2 weeks after removal of the external fixator in 88% of cases and in the third and fourth week in the rest. However, the segment had no significant influence on the appearance of complications. Lengthened callus with incomplete trabecular formations and hypodense areas at the end of the treatment has a high risk of fracture at the end of treatment. Callus with axial deviation, hypodense areas, or an insufficient transverse diameter during the lengthening procedure must be manipulated so that it reaches the maturing phase in better conditio