1,437 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre las tesis igualitaristas del Sobre la Verdad de Antifonte el Sofista

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    En nuestra comunicación tratamos de las interpretaciones sobre uno de los fragmentos textuales comprendidos en el Sobre la Verdad, texto sofístico que pasa, en interpretaciones clásicas como las de Untersteiner o Guthrie, por ser pionero en nuestra tradición filosófico política en cuanto en él se expondrían tesis de claro carácter igualitarista. Si bien en las interpretaciones mencionadas se proclama que el texto en cuestión ataca los fundamentos teoréticos de los defensores de la esclavitud natural, no es menos cierto que otras lecturas atenúan tal rasgo, hablando de un igualitarismo parcial y relativo únicamente a las diferencias culturales. Sin perder de vista el vínculo que ambas posiciones mantienen con la famosa Quaestio Antiphontea criticamos, en base a los textos aducidos por los propios intérpretes, la última posición mencionada, defendiendo que si bien los fragmentos y testimonios a nuestra disposición no nos permiten demostrar definitivamente la naturaleza de las tesis políticas de Antifonte, los mismos nos ofrecen la posibilidad de argüir algunas probabilidades a favor de la existencia de un igualitarismo de corte universal en el Sobre la Verdad.In this paper I deal with one of the textual fragments of the sophistic work titled On Truth. This text has been considered in classical interpretations (Untersteiner, Guthrie) as one of the most important antecedents within our political philosophy tradition because of the egalitarian thesis included in it. Following these interpretations the text would attack the theoretical foundations of the defenders of natural slavery, but many scholars have also argued that the above mentioned thesis must be understood as a partial or cultural egalitarianism. My aim is to criticize the cultural account of Antiphon's egalitarianism and its consequences for the so called Quaestio Antiphontea by analyzing the same texts on which it finds its grounds, and I will defend that although the extant fragments and testimonies do not allow us to demonstrate definitively the nature of Antiphon's political thesis, they give us the possibility to argue some probabilities in favor of an universal egaliatarianism in his On Truth

    Understanding the impact of line-of-sight in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of lineof-sight (LoS) condition in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks. To achieve this goal, we have considered the kappa-mu shadowed model, which is a general model that provides an excellent fit to a wide set of propagation conditions. To overcome the mathematical complexity of the analysis, we have split the analysis between large and small-scale effects. Building on the proposed framework, we study a number of scenarios that range from heavily-fluctuating LoS to deterministic-LoS. Finally, we shed light on the interplay between fading severity and spectral efficiency by means of the amount of fading.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Audit reporting for going concern in Spain during the global financial crisis

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    The current world financial crisis is causing real difficulties in the operation of firms and has generated renewed interest in audit reports. This study aims to analyse the impact of the financial crisis on the audit reports issued by auditors. We focus especially on those reports that contain questions relating to going concern situations. The sample analysed is formed by 2935 audit reports of unlisted Spanish firms for the years 2007–2010. From the results obtained we can affirm that the crisis being suffered by Spanish firms has not gone unnoticed by audit professionals. Our research reveals that as the crisis in Spain has worsened, the proportion of reports that include references to going concern situations has increased in comparison with 2007, when the financial crisis had not become manifest in Spain. The sectors of the Spanish economy most affected by the crisis are real estate and construction. Taking into account whether the audit firm issuing the report is Big-4 or Non-Big-4, no significant differences can be appreciated in the percentage of reports issued with going concern qualifications before the start of the crisis (2007) and during the crisis (2008–2010)

    Do auditors make mistakes when they write audit reports? An empirical study applied to Spanish non-listed firms

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse whether auditors comply with the standards currently in force when writing audit reports in Spain. We try to obtain evidence for the relationship of the errors contained in the report with the type of opinion figuring in it, and with the auditor issuing it. This study is based on a sample of 1236 reports selected by the stratified random sampling method, for the period 2004–2007. Once we had defined the dependent variable, the number of errors committed in the report, the independent variables, the type of auditor and type of opinion, we tested the hypotheses by means of a regression analysis with the aim of estimating the average number of errors that can be found in a report according to the variables described. The results obtained permit us to conclude that reports with a qualified opinion contain a greater number of errors, and that they are committed to a greater extent by individual auditors than by companies and by multinationals

    Los saldos presupuestarios cíclico y estructural de la economía española

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    En este trabajo se propone un método sencillo de descomposición del saldo presupuestario en su componente cíclico y estructural que trata de ser fácilmente reproducible y poco exigente con el volumen de información necesario para realizar esta descomposición. La regla propuesta se caracteriza porque la respuesta del saldo presupuestario al ciclo económico depende del tamaño del sector público. Los resultados de la descomposición efectuada permiten concluir que la mayor parte de las variaciones en el saldo presupuestario en términos del PIB han sido ocasionadas por cambios discrecionales de la política fiscal, que no han venido guiadas por un objetivo de estabilización, y que el Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento no limita la actuación de los estabilizadores automáticos en una situación de equilibrio presupuestario a largo plazo. Classification-JEL : E32, E60.saldo presupuestario, componente cíclico y estructural, estabilizadores automáticos, output gap.

    Aplications of physical exercise as a therapy in occupational medicine in patients with fibromyalgia

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar los principales parámetros cardio-respiratorios de las mujeres con fibromialgia y su clasificación en función del nivel de afectación para una posterior prescripción de actividad física. MÉTODO: Una muestra de 32 mujeres (edad ± sd; 53.3 ± 6.6 años) fueron clasificadas en dos grupos experimentales en función de su nivel de afectación y sintomatología; niveles moderado y alto. Ambos grupos se sometieron a dos pruebas de esfuerzo en tapiz rodante separadas una semana en el tiempo. La intensidad del ejercicio se incrementó hasta que los participantes alcanzasen su máxima capacidad (VO2max). Los gases expirados, parámetros ventilatorios y frecuencia cardiaca (FC) se midieron continuamente durante el ejercicio y la valoración subjetiva del esfuerzo (RPE) controlada cada minuto en el test. RESULTADOS: Los valores medios de consumo de oxígeno pico (VO2pico) alcanzados por ambos grupos fueron 24.9 ± 3.2 ml•kg-1•min-1 (Gr1) frente a 21.5 ± 2.1 ml•kg-1•min-1 (Gr2), similares a otros estudios en mujeres con fibromialgia, aunque inferiores a otras poblaciones de referencia. En el resto de parámetros ventilatorios, aún siendo inferiores en el grupo con mayor nivel de afectación, no se muestran diferencias significativas. CONCLUSIONES: Hemos comprobado, como en función del nivel de afectación y la sintomatología de los pacientes con fibromialgia, sus capacidades cardiorrespiratorias son distintas; por tanto, no podremos prescribir un ejercicio con la misma intensidad a mujeres de ambos grupos. En base a estos resultados los profesionales podrán prescribir actividad física con mayor seguridad y control.PURPOSE: To determine groups in women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) based on symptomatology and determine cardiovascular parameters during treadmill exercise to prescribe them physical activity. METHODS: Women (N =32, age =53.3 ± 6.6yr) were assigned into two different groups according to their functional capacity and symptomatology. During incremental treadmill exercise test, exercise intensity was increased until participants achieved volitional exhaustion (VO2max). Expired respiratory gases, ventilator parameters and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously during exercise and RPE was assessed each minute during the test. RESULTS: Peak VO2 values for the group 1 were significantly different than for group 2 (24,9 ± 3,2 ml•kg-1•min-1 (Group 1) and 21,5 ± 2,1 ml•kg-1•min-1(Group 2)) similar ones to the found in other studies with women with FM, altough lower than anther populations without this pathology. On the other hand, if we take into account the VO2VT, we found no significant differences between groups in both trials. We found also differences in all the evaluated parameters. CONCLUSION: Depending on the level of affectation and the symptomatology of the FM patients, their aerobic capacities were differents; therefore, we are not be able to prescribe physical activity with the same intensity for both groups. According to those results, professionals could prescribe physical activity with a high security and control

    High-intensity interval training combined with vibration and dietary restriction Improves body composition and blood lipids in obese adults: a randomized trial

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    This study aimed to compare the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with additional whole-body vibration (WBV) on body composition and lipid profile in obese/overweight adults on a hypocaloric diet. Forty adults were randomly assigned to (a) HIIT and vibration and hypocaloric diet (HIITWBV, n ¼ 13), (b) HIIT and diet (HIIT, n ¼ 14), and (c) diet only (control [CON], n ¼ 13). High-intensity interval training WBV participants trained 3 times per week for 8 weeks (6 sets 1 minute of HIIT, cycling at 90% heart rate peak followed by 1 minute of interset vibration, at a frequency of 18 Hz increasing until 25 Hz with a peak-to- peak displacement of 4 mm. Training volume increased 1 set every 2 weeks until 10 sets). The HIIT group performed HIIT training followed by 2 minutes of passive recovery, while the CON continued with their daily activities combined with calorie restriction. Body composition (body fat and fat-free mass) and biochemical indices (glucose, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides) were determined. Following 8 weeks, body fat was significantly reduced by 7.5% and both tri- glycerides and total cholesterol decreased in the HIITWBV group only ( 16.5% and 11.7% respectively). This study suggests that HIIT in combination with WBV and a hypocaloric diet can improve overall lipid profile in overweight/obese individual