483 research outputs found
The role of the compressor isentropic efficiency on non-intrusive refrigerant side characterization of transcritical CO2 heat pump water heaters
Characterizing the refrigerant side of heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) can be intrusive
and expensive. On the other hand, direct external measurement techniques can be unfeasible,
particularly in commercial HPWHs for residential applications. Non-intrusive in-situ
characterization methods have already been successfully implemented in subcritical heat
pumps, providing the refrigerant mass flowrate and the equipment energy performance, by
using contact temperature sensors and electric power meters. Subcritical suction and discharge
specific enthalpies necessary to apply the method can be obtained from the measured temperatures
and their corresponding saturation pressures. Nevertheless, this approach does not
apply to the transcritical CO2 HPWHs. In the supercritical region, temperature and pressure are
independent variables, and an iterative process regarding the compressor isentropic efficiency
has to be considered. However, when isentropic efficiency data is not available, an additional
procedure is required, using a validated gas cooler model to verify the physical reliability of the
numerical solutions.The present study was developed in the scope of the Smart Green Homes Project [POCI-01-
0247-FEDER- 007678], a co-promotion between Bosch Termotecnologia S.A. and the University
of Aveiro. It is financed by Portugal 2020 under the Competitiveness and Internationalization
OP, and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work was funded by
the grant SFRH/BD/148378/2019 and the projects UIDB/00481/2020 and UIDP/00481/2020
– FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; and CENTRO-01- 0145-FEDER-022083 – Centro2020,
under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the ERDF
Dois processos para a determinação do valor X de Waugh & Fitts (1966), modificado
Two methods for the determination of the quantities of P to be added to samples of 10 g of soil are presented, so that after a 4 day incubation period, 30 ppm of P will remain soluble in a 100 ml of 0,05 N in HCl and 0,025 N in H2SO4 solution. The methods are as follows: a. based on the correlations between the quantities of P added to the samples and the ones that were extracted by the cited extractor. b. based on the similarity of the triangles obtained from the rectangular coordenates of the representative points of 30 ppm of extracted and added quantities and of the points immediatly inferior and superior to this value. It is concluded that both methods show equivalent results, being indifferent the use of either.São apresentados dois processos para a determinação das quantidades de P a serem adicionadas a amostras de 10 g de terra de modo que, após um período de incubação de 4 dias, 30 ppm de P permaneçam solúveis em 100 ml de solução 0,05 N em HCl e 0,025N em H2SO4. Os processos são os seguintes: a. Baseado na correlação entre as quantidades de P adicionadas as amostras e as extraídas pelo estrator citado; b. Baseado na semelhança dos triângulos obtidos a partir das coordenadas retangulares dos pontos representativos de 30 ppm de P extraído e adicionado e dos pontos imediatamente inferiores e superiores a esse valor. Concluiu-se que os dois processos fornecem resultados equivalentes, sendo indiferente o uso de um ou de outro
Determinação do nível crítico de fósforo do solo com auxílio do P32 (nota prévia)
In this paper the author presents a preliminary study carried out in order to determinate the phosphorus critical level in soil using the CATE & NELSON'S (1965) sistem but evalúating the content of that nutrient be the LARSEN'S (1952) L value. It was found that the critical level sought is about 30-35 ppm of phosphorus.Na presente nota o autor apresenta os resultados obtidos em um estudo para a determinação do nivel crítico relativo ao fósforo em solos acima do qual nao se deve esperar resposta a adubação fosfatada. O processo utilizado foi o de CATE & NELSON (1965), avaliando-se, porém, o teor de fósforo disponível pela técnica do valor L de LARSEN (1952), modificada, ora considerando a parcela do fosforo do fertilizante padrão fixada pelo solo, ora não
Um método para avaliar a capacidade de fixação de fosfato pelo solo empregando o 15P32
The author describes a new method for determining the phosphorus fixation by soils. It consists in growing plants on fertilized and unfertilized soils with soluble phosphate labelled with 15 p32. Rice plants were used as test plant. They were grown during 18 days. After the harvest the specific activity was determinated. The following equation was applied: F = capacity of soil phosphorus fixation; G = quantity of phosphorus added to soil; B = quantity of standard phosphorus applied; C O = specific activity of the phosphorus in the standard fertilizer; C = specific activity of the phosphorus contained in the plants grown on the soil unfertilized with phosphorus C1 = specific activity of the phosphorus in the plants grown on the soil fertilized with phosphorus.O autor apresenta um método para avaliação da fixação de fosfato pelo solo em que esta e determinada por meio de ana lise de plantas cultivadas sobre uma pequena porção do mesmo fertilizada e nao fertilizada com fosfato solúvel. O processo se baseia na determinação, em ambos os casos, do valor "A" de FRIED & DEAN (1952). Foi deduzida uma formula para o calculo da capacidade de fixação
Differential Interests of Agricultural College Students as Measured by the Kuder Preference Record
The Kuder Preference Record has enjoyed wide usage as a counselor\u27s aid in determining categorical interests of individuals. Many studies have been made in an attempt to discover differential interests of occupational groups and of those engaged in the pursuit of various college curricula. Such significant differences in interests as are found have been deemed to be of valuable assistance to the vocational and educational counselor. So far as the writer has been able to discover, little use has been made of the Kuder Preference Record in the measurement of interests of college students pursuing an agricultural curriculum. This may be due to the fact that, until the recent publication of Form C, there was no section of the Kuder Record which, by title at least, was suggestive of interests of those engaged in or preparing for agricultural work. While the outdoor section of Form C is pertinent for agricultural activities in general, it is reasonable to assume that the differential· interests which might occur in the other nine sections have important implications for guidance
Fixação de fosfato por dois solos do município de Piracicaba: latossolo e regossolo
Foi feito um ensaio, sob condições de laboratório, para verificar a capacidade de fixação de fosfato de um Latossolo e de um Regossolo, ambos do município de Piracicaba. Os resultados permitem concluir que eles são capazes de fixar, na camada arável , cerca de 1.588 e 274 kg/ha de P2O5, respectivamente.An essay was carried out under laboratory conditions in order to know the phosphate fixing capcity of a Latosol and a Sands from the municipality of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The results showed that they were able to fix about 1,588 and 274 kg/ha of P2O5>; respectively
A solubilidade do magnésio do calcário dolomítico no solo: II. ensaio em vasos com fumo
Os autores apresentam um trabalho executado em vasos e casa de vegetação em que procuraram estudar a eficiência do calcário dolomítico, como fonte de magnesio, utilizando o fumo (Niootiana tabacum L., var. Goiano) como planta teste. Concluem que o Mg empregado como calcário dolomítico ou como sulfato nao exerceu influencia sobre a altura das plantas nem sobre o peso da materia seca e dimensão das folhas. Contudo, o calcário dolomítico mostrou-se tao eficiente quanto o sulfato de magnesio como fonte deste nutriente, a julgar pela analise química das folhas.The authors present the results of an experiment carried out in pots in order to study the efficiency of dolomitic limestone as a magnesium fertilizer for tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., var. Goiano). They concluded by foliar analysis that under the experimental conditions of the test dolomitic limestone was as good source of Mg as MgSO4
Fontes e doses de adubos fosfatados na cultura da soja, em solo de cerrado
The present work was held in Dark-Red Latosol of the Experimental Farm of UNESP - Campus of Ilha Solteira, in Selvíria (MS). In the first crop three sources of phosphorus (triple superphosphate, Mg-thermophosphate and phosphate fro were applied in broadcast followed by incorporation into the soil, in the rates of 145-290-435-580 kg/ha of total P2O5. A control treatment with no addition of phosphorus was included. In the second crop it was studied the residual effect of the fertilizers appied to the first crop and the effect of five maintenance rates of phosphorus (0-36-72-108- 144 kg/ha of P2O5) applied as triple superphosphate in the furrow. It was observed a significant response of the crop the phosphated fertilization. The Mg-termophosphate and the triple superphosphate had similar behavior in the first crop, the former superior to this fertilizer respect to the residual effects. The phosphate from Araxá showed and efficiency of 80% as compared to the triple superphosphate either, withor without maintenance fertilization. So, the phosphate from Araxá can be recomended for corretive fertilization of soils of low fertility.O presente trabalho foi realizado em um LE da Fazenda Experimental da UNESP-Campus de Ilha Solteira, município de Selvíria, MS. No 1° cultivo os tratamentos foram três fontes fosfatadas (superfosfato triplo, termofosfato Mg e fosfato de Araxá) e quatro níveis (145-290-435-58O kg/ha de P2O5 total) aplicados a lanço seguido de incorporação ao solo. Houve um tratamento que não recebeu P. No 2° cultivo estudou-se o efeito residual dos adubos do 1° cultivo e de mais cinco níveis de fósforo (superfosfato triplo) em manutenção (0-36-72-108 - 144 kg/ha de P2O5), no sulco de plantio. A planta teste utilizada foi a soja 'UFV-1'. Foi observado uma resposta significativa da cultura à adubação fosfatada. Otermofosfato Mg apresentou comportamento semelhante ao superfosfato triplo no 1° cultivo, e foi superior a ele quanto aos efeitos residuais. Ofosfato de Araxá, comparado ao superfosfato triplo, apresentou eficiência superior a 80% com ou sem adubação de manutenção, possuindo, portanto, condições de ser empregado na adubação corretiva em solos de baixa fertilidade
Chemical activity of low altitude (50 km) sprite streamers
A three-stage simulation is used to explore the chemical influence of low altitude (50 km) sprite streamers on the atmosphere, including the chemical trail after the streamer has faded away. In the first stage (streamer phase) a 2D electrodynamical streamer model quantifies the generation of NOx and N2O, and the removal of ozone (O3) by a downward propagating streamer during Δtstreamer = 80 μs. This streamer propagation leads to a distinctive region in the streamer channel, the glow, where the electric field is enhanced. In the second stage (glow phase), the computed densities of the first stage are used as initial conditions for a 0D model to study the chemical evolution of the streamer channel, where we assume a remanent field of 100 Td for the glow and 0 Td elsewhere. This stage lasts Δtglow = 85 μs, the typical glow lifetime at 50 km. Finally, in the third stage (post-streamer phase), we use the same 0D model, switch off the field in the glow region and let the whole streamer wake evolve roughly 100 s (100 s − Δtglow). Results show a key species such as O3 is mainly depleted during the streamer phase while NOx and N2O are predominantly produced during the same phase. We also compute the local increase of NO2 by sprite streamers at ∼50 km and find out that it could account for the measurable NO2 anomaly over thunderstorms reported from satellite-based measurements
Adubação do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em um cambisol do estado de Sergipe
The effects of NPK on the yield of bean was studied by means of a 3³ factorial experiment In an incomplete block design according to Yates confounded W model. The experiment was conducted in the same site for two subsequent years. Rates of nutrient utilized were as follows: nitrogen (0, 20 and 40 kg/ha of N) , phosphorus (0, 50 and 100 kg/ha of P(2)0(5)) and potassium (0, 20 and 40 kg/ha of K(2)0) applied as urea, triple superphosphate and potassium chloride, respectively. All plots received an uniform application of 60 kg/ha of S as calcium sulfate, 4 kg/ha of Zn as zinc sulfate, 4 kg/ /ha of Cu as copper sulfate, 1 kg/ha of B as borax and 0,2 kg/ha of Mo as sodium molibdate. A number of extratreatments was planted with the main field trial to study the effect of sulfur and micronutrients. The same rates indicated above were used. Treatments were as follows: check, complete minus S, complete minus micro and complete (NPK S micro). These treatments were analysed as a randomized block experiment. The results obtained led to the following conclusions: a) yield of common beans was significantly affected by the application of phosphorus in the two years the field experiment was planted; b) no significant effects on the yield of beans were detected for nitrogen, potassium, sulfur and the composite mixture of micronutrients.Os efeitos de NPK na produção do feijoeiro foram estudados através de um experimento fatorial 3³, disposto em blocos incompletos segundo o modelo de confundimento W de Yates. Este experimento foi conduzido dois anos no mesmo local, sendo as seguintes as doses dos nutrientes: nitrogênio (0, 20 e 40 kg/ha de N),fósforo (0, 50 e 100 kg/ha de P(2)0(5)) e potássio (0, 20 e 40 kg/ha de k(2)0) os quais tiveram como fontes uréia, superfosfato triplo e cloreto de potássio, respectivamente. Todas as parcelas receberam uma adubação uniforme com enxofre e micronutrientes, nas seguintes doses e fontes: 60 kg/ha de S como sulfato de cálcio, 4 kg/ha de Zn como sulfato de zinco, 4 kg/ha de cobre como sulfato de cobre, 1 kg/ha de B como borax como borax e 0,2 kg/ha de Mo como molibdato de sódio. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) o fósforo causou aumentos altamente significativos na produção do feijoeiro, nos dois anos de condução do ensaio; b) não foram observados efeitos significativos do nitrogênio, potássio, enxofre e da mistura de micronutrientes na produção do feijoeiro
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