722 research outputs found

    Impacto de acompañamiento de URACCAN-CEIMM, Recinto Nueva Guinea en los municipios de Rama, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Ayote y Bocana Paiwas, 2010-2013

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    This article deals with the accompaniment of URACCAN-CEIMM, especially in some transcendental factors for the development of the intercultural gender perspective in the regional context of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, an area in which the university develops in terms of promoting its values ​​and principles as an intercultural community university, with relevance in indigenous peoples, afro-descendants and mestizos. URACCAN-CEIMM articulates work with all women's organizations and institutions regarding human rights for advocacy processes in Bocana de Paiwas, El Rama, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Ayote and Nueva Guinea Municipalities. It provides accompaniment to Municipal Commissions in 6 municipalities in the construction of 9 gender and violence policies and incidence in women's agendas, in management for gender-sensitive municipal budget allocation, for the prevention and follow-up of violence cases against women. This is a qualitative research because it describes the main results of changes, achievements and difficulties in the two reports of external evaluation of the projects executed by CEIMM, Nueva Guinea Campus. The methodology used in this research were the documentary review of the external evaluations for the Strengthening of Women's Leadership and Empowerment Project, financed by Horizont3000, 2004-2009; and the Decisions Informed for Life Project, financed by HIVOS-FED, 2011-2013. This second project is about the Impact of social work, extension and political incidence in 5 Municipalities of RACS (El Ayote, Bocana de Paiwas, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Rama and Nueva Guinea, 2004-2013). In conclusion, women, women's organizations and government institutions especially municipal governments have 9 approved policies with assigned budgets and structures that are monitored by them, there are better conditions in the reception of complaints and judicial processes in violence, sorority among women, intra and inter strengthened networks at a municipal and regional level, etcEste artículo aborda el acompañamiento de URACCAN-CEIMM, especialmente en algunos factores transcendentales para el desarrollo de la perspectiva intercultural de género en el contexto regional de la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua, ámbito en el que se desenvuelve la universidad en cuanto a promover sus valores y principios en calidad de universidad comunitaria, intercultural con pertinencia en los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y mestizos. URACCAN-CEIMM articula trabajo con todas las organizaciones de mujeres e instituciones respecto a los derechos humanos para los procesos de incidencia en Bocana de Paiwas, El Rama, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Ayote y Nueva Guinea. Brinda acompañamiento a Comisiones Municipales en 6 municipios en la construcción de 9 políticas de género y violencia e incidencia en las agendas de mujeres, en la gestión para asignación de presupuesto municipales sensible al género, para la prevención y seguimiento a casos de violencia contra mujeres. La investigación es cualitativa por que describe los principales resultados de cambios, logros y dificultades en los dos informes de evaluación externa de los proyectos ejecutados por CEIMM, recinto Nueva Guinea. La metodología utilizada es revisión documental de las evaluaciones externa de los proyectos de fortalecimiento de lideresas y empoderamiento de las mujeres financiado por Horizont3000 2004-2009 y el proyecto: Decisiones informadas para la vida, financiado por HIVOS –FED, 2011-2013, sobre el impacto de trabajo de extensión social e incidencia política en 5 Municipios de RACS (El Ayote, Bocana de Paiwas, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Rama y Nueva Guinea, 2004-2013). En conclusión, mujeres, organizaciones de mujeres e instituciones gubernamental especialmente gobiernos municipales cuentan con 9 Políticas aprobadas con presupuestos asignados y estructuras que les dan seguimiento, mejores condiciones en la recepción de denuncias y procesos judiciales en violencia, sororidad entre mujeres, redes intra e inter municipales y regionales fortalecidas, et

    Wells Fargo: Administrative evil and the pressure to conform

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    Corporate corruption has become a pervasive problem in our society as scandals erupt with disheartening regularity. These unethical business practices result not only in financial disaster but also in the disillusionment and loss of trust on the part of consumers and shareholders alike. Unethical behavior often originates with top management. However, these bad actors cannot act alone. They must have the complicit support of others within the organization. In this installment of Business Law & Ethics Corner, we examine the pressures and motives of people deep within the corporation; the ordinary people who, by just going about their everyday jobs, enable these scandals to take place. Administrative evil is an explanatory framework to understand the tendency toward dehumanization and the rationalization of unethical behaviors. Using the Wells Fargo account scandal as an illustration, we integrate administrative evil with theories from organizational psychology which strive to understand group pressure for social conformity. We conclude with recommendations to prevent unethical attitudes and behaviors from permeating the organization

    Inventário de aerossóis biogênicos em Curitiba : sazonalidade de pólen poaceae

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    Orientador: Ricardo H. M. GodoiMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo: As doenças alérgicas vêm sendo consideradas um problema epidêmico no mundo, afetando cerca de 10 a 30% da população mundial, sendo os polens os desencadeadores mais frequentes de doenças alérgicas no ser humano. A polinose é a doença decorrente da sensibilização ao pólen e é considerada a forma sazonal aguda da rinite alérgica e/ou asma brônquica mediada pelo anticorpo imunoglobina E (IgE). Em termos de alergenicidade, a família Poaceae é aquela com o maior número de gêneros de plantas com indução para a polinose, uma vez que liberam alta quantidade de pólen na atmosfera e são largamente distribuídas em todos os continentes. O presente trabalho quantificou, de maneira exploratória, a concentração de polens da família Poaceae na cidade de Curitiba e comparou a curva de distribuição de polens com os dados da década de 80 e 90. Além disso, classificou a concentração diária de gramínea segundo a National Allergy Bureau (NAB) e estimou a relação entre os picos de pólen e os casos de alergia respiratória registrados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O equipamento de amostragem é o captador volumétrico Burkard do tipo Hirst, sendo instalado no Centro Politécnico da Universidade Federal do Paraná, a uma altura de aproximadamente 25 metros do solo. Os polens amostrados foram contabilizados e então classificados em pólen total (PT) e pólen Poaceae. O pico de concentração diária de pólen total ocorreu no começo do mês de agosto, correspondendo a 302 grãos/m³. O mês de agosto também concentrou 8 dos maiores picos diários de concentração de pólen total, sendo 7 deles superiores a 200 grãos/m³. Foi encontrado pólen Poaceae ao longo de todo o ano de 2018 e o maior pico de concentração foi de 27 grãos/m³ em agosto e setembro. Observa-se que na média anual, as gramíneas foram responsáveis por 10% dos polens amostrados. Os dados nas décadas de 80 e 90 em Curitiba observaram picos de pólen de gramíneas no mês de novembro e período de polinização entre os meses de outubro e abril. No entanto, o mesmo não foi obtido para o ano de 2018, uma vez que a época de polinização das gramíneas se adiantou em 2 meses, agora com início em agosto, e o pico de concentração também sendo transferido para os meses de agosto e setembro. Em relação ao pólen total, a umidade relativa teve correlação moderada e foi o parâmetro mais relevante segundo o coeficiente de Spearman. Em relação ao pólen Poaceae, as condições meteorológicas mais importantes foram a temperatura (média, mínima, alta) e a radiação solar, todas com correlação fraca. Foi possível observar que os casos de alergia na cidade de Curitiba seguiram as mesmas tendências de aumento e diminuição das concentrações médias de pólen Poaceae entre os meses de julhodezembro. O mês com o maior número de casos de alergia foi o mês de agosto, o mesmo em que foram encontrados os picos de pólen total e pólen Poaceae. Após esse mês, os casos de alergia e as concentrações mensais de pólen decresceram

    Effect of Exercise in Preventing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Racially Diverse Overweight Pregnant Women

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    Title: Effect of Exercise in Preventing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Racially Diverse Overweight Pregnant Women Authors: Barry Francis1, Ami Eho1, Bre McDonald1, Sadaf Dabeer, Ph.D.2, Juliana Meireles, Ph.D.2, Katherine H. Ingram, Ph.D.(mentor)2 Institution: 1Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management, Kennesaw State University Introduction: With the increase in unhealthy lifestyles in the Western world, obesity and other chronic diseases plague our current society. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) remains a major complication affecting 7-10% of pregnancies. The fetus is affected by GDM which increases chances of having diabetes in their lifetime. Racial and ethnic minority populations especially American Indians and African Americans are at a higher risk of GDM. Some studies postulated that this might be due to the prevalence of obesity in these groups. Exercise has been shown to lower the risk for GDM in overweight pregnant women. Studies reviewed the necessity of exercise pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy, but the correct amount of exercise to see these effects in racially- diverse women remains to be determined. Purpose: The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review which evaluates the specific exercise volume required to prevent GDM in women of different races who are also overweight. Methods: PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and the Kennesaw State University library system will be searched to identify systematic reviews and randomized trials published until 2021. Key terms to be utilized include: pregnancy, GDM, at-risk, obesity, race, and exercise/physical activity. Using these terms but omitting “obesity,” the number of sources available on PubMed narrowed to 21 sources. Of these 21 sources, based on the criteria deemed necessary for the review, different races represented, at-risk women with GDM, and the volume of exercise deemed necessary, only five of those 21 articles matched the necessary guidelines. When key terms overweight, pregnant women, exercise, GDM were entered along with the Boolean operators with terms AND, OR in PubMed, excluding the focus on diet, 78 results were obtained. With the filters of English for language and human for species checked, 10 were deemed fit. Including the five sources from the search focusing on race and the 10 sources found from an obesity focus, 15 total sources were collected. Conclusion: The findings from this study will provide more information about specific exercise volume that should be recommended as part of prenatal care to pregnant women based on their racial differences in order to decrease the prevalence of GDM in these groups

    Las mujeres en Nueva Guinea.

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    En Nueva Guinea, las mujeres se han insertado cada vez más en el proceso productivo de fiorma directa, sin que los hombres se hayan sentido obligados a participar en las tareas domésticas y en la crianza de los hijos

    Hijas todas, madres algunas…

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    Desde un abordaje feminista se profundiza en las relaciones madres e hijas visibilizadas y valoradas como apertura a la inclusión y democratización de las relaciones de poder entre mujeres y hombres, así como al interior desde ellas. Se aporta sobre las decisiones de las mujeres en su crecimiento profesional y gestión de conocimientos a partir de sus propias experiencias. El enfoque metodológico fue cualitativo en sus niveles descriptivo e interpretativo con el análisis de 10 casos donde existe la relación madre e hija en su calidad de feministas y activistas del Movimiento de Mujeres en Managua, Masaya y Bilwi, con un corte transversal que corresponde de Junio 2009 a Julio 2010. Se caracterizaron las rupturas de mandatos de género sobre la jerarquización, poder, procesos de identidad y asignación de roles de madres e hijas en instancias organizativas y laborales, se priorizaron los testimonios de las mujeres que laboran en ONG’s nacionales e internacionales. En conclusión, la ruptura de los mandatos de género se han dado de una generación a otra, las madres de hoy establecieron con sus madres relaciones donde prevaleció la autoridad y el respeto a costa del criterio propio. Las hijas de hoy afirman que las relaciones con sus madres  son más horizontales y más cercanas como mujeres con consciencia de género.Summary This study is made from a feminist approach in order to make visible and know how to deepen the relationship between mothers and daughters as an opening to the inclusion and democratization of power relations between men and women , as well as from within them. The research contributes to women decisions in terms of their professional growth and knowledge management from their own experiences. The methodology used was qualitative based on a descriptive and interpretative analysis of 10 cases where there is a mother-daughter relationship as a feminist and activist of the Women's Movement in Managua, Masaya and Bilwi, with a cross section corresponding from June 2009 to July 2010. We characterized the ruptures on gender hierarchy, power, identity processes and assignment of roles of mothers and daughters in organizative and laboral instances. The testimonies of women who work in national and international NGO's were prioritized.In conclusion, the rupture of gender mandates have been given from one generation to another; the mothers of today established relationships with their mothers where authority and respect prevails above any other thing. The daughters of today claim that their relationships with their mothers are more horizontal and closer as women with a gender-awareness

    Cosmological Radar Ranging in an Expanding Universe

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    While modern cosmology, founded in the language of general relativity, is almost a century old, the meaning of the expansion of space is still being debated. In this paper, the question of radar ranging in an expanding universe is examined, focusing upon light travel times during the ranging; it has recently been claimed that this proves that space physically expands. We generalize the problem into considering the return journey of an accelerating rocketeer, showing that while this agrees with expectations of special relativity for an empty universe, distinct differences occur when the universe contains matter. We conclude that this does not require the expansion of space to be a physical phenomenon, rather that we cannot neglect the influence of matter, seen through the laws of general relativity, when considering motions on cosmic scales.Comment: 6 Pages. To appear in MNRA

    Multi-layer Perceptron Model for Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Flood Attack in Internet Kiosk Based Electronic Voting

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    Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) flood attack targeting an Internet Kiosk voting environment can deprive voters from casting their ballots in a timely manner. The goal of the DDoS flood attack is to make voting server unavailable to voters during election process. In this paper, we present a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm to mitigate DDoS flood attack in an e-voting environment and prevent such attack from disrupting availability of the vulnerable voting server. The developed intelligent DDoS flood mitigation model based on MLP Technique was simulated in MATLAB R2017a. The mitigation model was evaluated using server utilization performance metrics in e-voting. The results after the introduction of the developed mitigation model into the DDoS attack model reduced the server utilization from 1 to 0.4 indicating normal traffic. MLP showed an accuracy of 95% in mitigating DDoS flood attacks providing availability of voting server resources for convenient and timely casting of ballots as well as provide for credible delivery of electronic democratic decision making

    Does Entrepreneurial Mindset Catalyse Business- turnover by Women Managing Small and Medium Enterprises? Evidence from What Works in Kenya

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    This paper explores the effect of entrepreneurial mind-set on business turnover of women-owned Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya. The study had three objectives aimed determining the effect of: i) education and business training on business turnover, ii) soft skills training on business turnover, and iii) overall entrepreneurial mindsets on business turnover.  The study used an explanatory mixed methods research design premised on pragmatism paradigm. The study was anchored on Resource Based View (RBV) Theoretical framework propounded by Adegbite (2019) which explains how women can utilize resources to grow their businesses.  Slovenes  formula using 800,000  population of KWFT beneficiaries   was employed to determine a stratified random sample of 400 women entrepreneurs from Kakamega, Kilifi, Machakos and Vihiga Counties in Kenya. Quantitative data from questionnaires coupled with qualitative case studies were used. The study revealed that education and training provided during training varied in intensity of coverage across the study locales with women located in Kakamega, Machakos and Vihiga more prepared compared with their counterparts in Kilifi Counties. Second, there were positive and statistically significant correlations between type of business and business turnover (r =.707**, p =01) and type of business and entrepreneurial mind-set (r =.483**, p = 01). Third, there were positive and no-statistically significant correlations between study locale and all other study variables. Further, positive and statistically significant correlations between business turnover and skills gained (r =.587**, p =001), and business turnover and entrepreneurial mind-set (r =.359**, p =.05) were established. However, further qualitative case study data analysis using interviews and focus group discussion (FGDs) revealed that   entrepreneurial mind-set, which is a combination of business training and soft skills/life skills (e.g. curiosity, creativity, problem solving, communication and collaboration, resilience), were not covered adequately during programme intervention. It is recommended that programme providers should make a policy shift towards providing a comprehensive intervention model that incorporate entrepreneurial mind-set as part of their capacity building through lifelong learning which has been demonstrated to be a critical driver that can spur business turnover among women managed SMEs not only in Kenya but other Sub-Saharan African countries. Keywords:Entrepreneurial mindset, education and training, Nurturing soft skills, Small and Medium Enterprises, Kenya DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-14-06 Publication date:August 31st 202