732 research outputs found

    Cell types, network homeostasis, and pathological compensation from a biologically plausible ion channel expression model.

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    How do neurons develop, control, and maintain their electrical signaling properties in spite of ongoing protein turnover and perturbations to activity? From generic assumptions about the molecular biology underlying channel expression, we derive a simple model and show how it encodes an "activity set point" in single neurons. The model generates diverse self-regulating cell types and relates correlations in conductance expression observed in vivo to underlying channel expression rates. Synaptic as well as intrinsic conductances can be regulated to make a self-assembling central pattern generator network; thus, network-level homeostasis can emerge from cell-autonomous regulation rules. Finally, we demonstrate that the outcome of homeostatic regulation depends on the complement of ion channels expressed in cells: in some cases, loss of specific ion channels can be compensated; in others, the homeostatic mechanism itself causes pathological loss of function.Charles A. King TrustThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press (Elsevier) via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2014.04.002

    Sunscreens’ uv filters risk for coastal marine environment biodiversity: A review

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    Considering the rapid growth of tourism in recent years and the acknowledgement that exposure to solar UV radiation may cause skin cancer, sunscreens have been widely used by beach-goers in recent decades. UV filters contained in sunscreens, however, were recently identified as emerging pollutants in coastal waters since they accumulate in the marine environment with different adverse effects. In fact, exposure to these components was proven to be toxic to most invertebrate and vertebrate marine species. Some UV filters are linked to the production of significant amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide, and the release of inorganic micronutrients that may alter the status of coastal habitats. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification have not yet been fully addressed. This review highlights recent progress in research and provides a comprehensive overview of the toxicological and ecotoxicological effects of the most used UV filters both on the abiotic and biotic compartments in different types of coastal areas, to gain a better understanding of the impacts on coastal biodiversity

    Análise das Condições para Desenvolvimento do Mercado de Estruvita Recuperada a Partir de Águas Residuárias no Brasil

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    A cristalização de estruvita a partir do tratamento de águas residuárias vem crescentemente sendo realizada em Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuárias (ETARs) em muitos países, prática que vai ao encontro dos conceitos do Nexus e Economia Circular. A estruvita contêm nitrogênio (N), fósforo (P) e magnésio (Mg) em sua composição, e é considerada um fertilizante reciclado valioso, especialmente devido à possibilidade de escassez futura do elemento P. Neste estudo foram avaliadas as condições de viabilidade técnica, comercial, econômica e regulamentárias para o desenvolvimento do mercado desse produto reciclado no Brasil. Os resultados indicam que existem algumas tecnologias para recuperação de estruvita sendo ofertadas no mercado mundial e que podem perfeitamente ser implementadas no país. Seu maior potencial de aceitação está na iniciativa privada, podendo a estruvita recuperada ser comercializada como um produto fertilizante refinado. O preço da estruvita no mercado mundial ainda é incerto, sendo necessária a utilização de indicadores e comparações para estimá-lo. A opção por projetos relacionados a instalação de tecnologias para recuperação de estruvita a partir do tratamento de águas residuárias passa por estudos de viabilidade econômica. O estudo de viabilidade econômica de um projeto no setor da suinocultura indica que as duas variáveis que mais impactam no resultado são o valor de mercado da estruvita e o preço da fonte de magnésio utilizada no processo. Não foram encontradas restrições legais à produção e comercialização de estruvita no Brasil, apesar de não haver registros desse produto no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Não obstante, a legislação pertinente não é clara e específica, o que gera dúvidas e incertezas em potenciais investidores

    Neuronal behaviors: A control perspective

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    The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce and analyze models of neurons from a control perspective and to show how recently developed analytical tools help to address important biological questions. A first objective is to review the basic modeling principles of neurophysiology in which neurons are modeled as equivalent nonlinear electrical circuits that capture their excitable properties. The specific architecture of the models is key to the tractability of their analysis: in spite of their high-dimensional and nonlinear nature, the model properties can be understood in terms of few canonical positive and negative feedback motifs localized in distinct timescales. We use this insight to shed light on a key problem in experimental neurophysiology, the challenge of understanding the sensitivity of neuronal behaviors to underlying parameters in empirically-derived models. Finally, we show how sensitivity analysis of neuronal excitability relates to robustness and regulation of neuronal behaviors.This paper presents research results of the Belgian Network DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization), funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme, initiated by the Belgian State, Science Policy Office. G.D. is a Marie-Curie COFUND postdoctoral fellow at the University of Liege. Co-funded by the European Union. J.D. is supported by the F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgian Fund for Scientific Research. The scientific responsibility rests with its authors.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CDC.2015.740249

    Phase transitions of extended-range probabilistic cellular automata with two absorbing states

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    We study phase transitions in a long-range one-dimensional cellular automaton with two symmetric absorbing states. It includes and extends several other models, like the Ising and Domany-Kinzel ones. It is characterized by a competing ferromagnetic linear coupling and an antiferromagnetic nonlinear one. Despite its simplicity, this model exhibits an extremely rich phase diagram. We present numerical results and mean-field approximations.Comment: New and expanded versio

    Asynchronous Wi-Fi Control Interface (AWCI) Using Socket IO Technology

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices to the Internet that are provided with unique identifiers which has the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to- human or human-to- computer interaction. Raspberry pi-3 a popular, cheap, small and powerful computer with built in Wi-Fi can be used to make any devices smart by connecting to that particular device and embedding the required software to Raspberry pi-3 and connect it to Internet. It is difficult to install a full Linux OS inside a small devices like light switch so in that case to connect to a Wi-Fi connection a model was proposed known as Asynchronous Wi-Fi Control Interface (AWCI) which is a simple Wi-Fi connectivity software for a Debian compatible Linux OS). The objective of this paper is to make the interactive user interface for Wi-Fi connection in Raspberry Pi touch display by providing live updates using Socket IO technology. The Socket IO technology enables real-time bidirectional communication between client and server. Asynchronous Wi-Fi Control Interface (AWCI) is compatible with every platform, browser or device.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, published with Global Research and Development Journal for Engineerin

    Analysis of relative prosperity in Romania and Slovenia using the being-loving-having model

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    The study aimed to verify Allardt's prosperity model in the field of economic prosperity based on the notions of being, loving and having and to explore the existence of possible correlation among sets of all three variables. Canonical correlation analysis to predict relative prosperity was performed for selected 110 nations with the focus on Romania and Slovenia. The study results for Romania for 2011 indicate low approval of the government, low confidence in the judicial system as well as in financial institutions, in addition to concerns about health prospects and lack of confidence in the transparency of elections for the loving construct. In addition, the being construct is also negative in Romania suggesting overall dissatisfaction with the economic status and development, indicating strong dissatisfaction with governmental efforts to address poverty and efforts regarding sanitation, concerns about environment, existing standard of living and life expectancy, suggesting a weak health system. The study further suggests for Slovenia for 2011 negative expectations for the loving construct and below average expectations for the being construct. The approval of the government and confidence in the judicial system and financial institutions in Slovenia is also low, the only positive expectation is the confidence in electoral system, but Slovenians are also worried about their health prospects. In addition, the being construct for Slovenia is also slightly below average, indicating dissatisfaction with economic development and below average satisfaction with water quality and environment, and life expectancy suggesting health system inefficiency. The longitudinal study for the time period from 2011 till 2016 suggests moderate improvements for Romania in eight areas of relative prosperity, especially for the natural environment, governance and education, and for Slovenia practically unchanged situation. The study further suggests that both nations still face numerous challenges but due to implementation of certain structural reforms till 2016, albeit limited, some additional improvements regarding the economic prosperity of their citizens could be expected in the near future

    Massive measurements of 5G exposure in a town: methodology and results

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    We target the problem of performing a large set of measurements over the territory to characterize the exposure from a 5G deployment. Since using a single Spectrum Analyzer (SA) is not practically feasible (due to the limited battery duration), in this work we adopt an integrated approach, based on the massive measurement of 5G metrics with a 5G smartphone, followed by a detailed analysis done with the SA and an ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) meter in selected locations. Results, obtained over a real territory covered by 5G signal, reveal that 5G exposure is overall very limited for most of measurement locations, both in terms of field strength (up to 0.7 [V/m]) and as share w.r.t. other wireless technologies (typically lower than 15%). Moreover, our approach allows easily spotting measurement outliers, e.g., due to the exploitation of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) techniques between 4G and 5G. In addition, the exposure metrics collected with the smartphone are overall a good proxy of the total exposure measured over the whole 5G channel. Moreover, the sight conditions and the distance from 5G base station play a great role in determining the level of exposure. Finally, a maximum of 130 [W] of power radiated by a 5G base station is estimated in the scenario under consideration