109 research outputs found

    τοῦ λοιδορεῖν ἀπέστη: appunti per un profilo letterario di Ferecrate

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    According to Proleg. de com. 3, 9 p. 8, 28-31 Koster, Pherecrates’ comedies are often considered not political plots, characterized by non-iambic subjects. Many fragments, in contrast, show instances and problems related to political, social and cultural life of the polis.According to Proleg. de com. 3, 9 p. 8, 28-31 Koster, Pherecrates’ comedies are often considered not political plots, characterized by non-iambic subjects. Many fragments, in contrast, show instances and problems related to political, social and cultural life of the polis

    The main actors involved in extending the invertebrate life span

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    Classical invertebrate models, i.e., Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, have provided the keys to understand the life span regulation. In the present paper we summarize the mechanisms involved in this process with particular emphasis on the role of the fly fat body. It is interesting to note that pathways which lead to an extension of life span are highly conserved in animals so that “longevity pathways” identified in invertebrates provide templates for the identification of genes and drugs that regulate longevity and diseases also in other animals, including mammals

    El verso 20a del Libro de Apolonio: un enigma ecdótico

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    Las diferentes ediciones del Libro de Apolonio divergen en el verso 20a con respecto a la transcripción de la primera palabra del segundo hemistiquio. Unos editores proponen la lectura frenme, otros la variante firme. El problema radica en que la primera forma es totalmente desconocida en el castellano tanto antiguo como moderno y la segunda no ofrece en el verso 20a ninguna solución satisfactoria desde el punto de vista sintáctico y semántico. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo resolver de manera definitiva la duda de la lectura paleográfica, examinar y valorar las diferentes interpretaciones ecdóticas posibles que permite la lectura del códice y, finalmente, poner sobre el tapete una enmienda no tenida en cuenta hasta ahora. Esta convierte el verso 20a del Libro de Apolonio en una una secuencia métrica, sintáctica y semánticamente impecable

    Magister Odo de Chériton, ¿profesor de las universidades de Palencia y Salamanca?

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    Targets and Effects of Yessotoxin, Okadaic Acid and Palytoxin: A Differential Review

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    In this review, we focus on processes, organs and systems targeted by the marine toxins yessotoxin (YTX), okadaic acid (OA) and palytoxin (PTX). The effects of YTX and their basis are analyzed from data collected in the mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis, the annelid Enchytraeus crypticus, Swiss CD1 mice and invertebrate and vertebrate cell cultures. OA and PTX, two toxins with a better established mode of action, are analyzed with regard to their effects on development. The amphibian Xenopus laevis is used as a model, and the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX) as the experimental protocol

    Morphochemical age-related changes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: immunoperoxidase localization of cytokine- and growth factor-like molecules

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    Morphochemical age-related features in the hermaphrodite Caenorhabditis elegans are reported. The study of worms of different ages shows a gradual decline in response to the various histochemical reactions and a disorganization of the components of the gonad during ageing. Using an immunocytochemical procedure, we show for the first time the presence of immunoreactive IL-1alpha and PDGF-AB molecules in neurons from young adult C. elegans. Moreover, TNF-alpha- and PDGF-AB-like molecules are also present in the secretory cells of the pharyngeal terminal bulb. The number of positive cells to anti-cytokine and anti-growth factor antibodies decreases in older worms, suggesting that these molecules may play an important role in worm ageing. The present investigation therefore supports the findings in the literature obtained with different approaches on the crucial role of the nervous and reproductive systems in the life span of C. elegans