53 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of riveted lap-shear joints using Rivet Element

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    Abstract In aeronautical and automotive industries the use of rivets for applications requiring several joining points is now very common. In spite of a very simple shape, a riveted junction has many contact surfaces and stress concentrations that make the local stiffness very difficult to be calculated. To overcome this difficulty, commonly finite element models with very dense meshes are performed for single joint analysis because the accuracy is crucial for a correct structural analysis. Anyhow, when several riveted joints are present, the simulation becomes computationally too heavy and usually significant restrictions to joint modelling are introduced, sacrificing the accuracy of local stiffness evaluation. In this paper, we tested the accuracy of a rivet finite element presented in previous works by the authors. The structural behaviour of a lap joint specimen with a rivet joining is simulated numerically and compared to experimental measurements. The Rivet Element, based on a closed-form solution of a reference theoretical model of the rivet joint, simulates local and overall stiffness of the junction combining high accuracy with low degrees of freedom contribution. In this paper the Rivet Element performances are compared to that of a FE non-linear model of the rivet, built with solid elements and dense mesh, and to experimental data. The promising results reported allow to consider the Rivet Element able to simulate, with a great accuracy, actual structures with several rivet connections

    a novel composite bolted joint element application to a single bolted joint

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    Abstract Based on an analytical solution of the theoretical reference model of the composite bolted joint undergoing in-plane loads, a modeling technique for this kind of demountable connections is presented. The novel composite bolted joint element substitutes a region of the original model, comprising the bolt and the peripheral area, with a set of radially arranged beams: the cross-section properties are opportunely tailored in order to establish a stiffness equivalence between the theoretical reference model and the presented finite element through the resolution of a system of algebraic equations. The in-plane load condition is considered in this work because of its prevalence in comparison with other ones in many practical applications as the double lap shear joint. Numerical case studies are provided to validate the novel composite bolted joint element comparing FE models of circular plates, featuring a quasi-isotropic lay-up, with an internal rigid core or with the presented FE tool

    structural health monitoring algorithm application to a powerboat model impacting on water surface

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    Abstract In naval field, live monitoring of local strains and displacements in the hull is the basis for dynamic studies such as checking the design limits, sea-keeping tests in smooth and rough seas, fatigue life estimation and damage detection. Vessels sailing on water are subject to impulsive loadings and local deformations; in these conditions the damage detection in real time becomes crucial. In this paper, a numerical methodology is proposed to measure the deformation of the whole structure of a powerboat entering the water free surface starting from local strain measurements, obtained numerically in a FE simulation. A modal decomposition approach has been used to reconstruct the structural response of the whole boat body. The reconstruction algorithm is calibrated for this study by means of the normalized modal strains matrix obtained through a FEA. A transient FE analysis is implemented to generate local strain signals from virtual sensors. In this analysis hydrodynamic loading resulting from well-known models are applied. The positioning and number of the virtual reference and control sensors are investigated. Virtual control sensors are utilized to compare strains with respect to the reconstructed quantities. Subsequently, the structural health monitoring algorithm has been applied to the powerboat model with a localized damage on the structure. The results reported in the paper reveal the capability of the method to detect the damage in real time

    An original FE modelling of a longitudinal multi-passes seam welding

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    Abstract Both finite element and analytical methods for simulation of welding are essential to predict residual stress and distortions of welded components. Best FE modelling is obtained by using solid elements for thermo-structural simulation with high computational cost. In this contest, an equivalent modelling of plates based on shell elements is proposed in order to streamline the simulations. The equivalent model is composed of n levels of shell elements, centered on the weld seam, in order to evaluate rotations and translations typical of a multi-pass weld. There are as many levels as the number of the weld passes that compose the seam. The interconnection between the n shell levels is realized by rigid beam elements. The latter ones are connected to shell elements by constraint equations. Solid brick models of the plates are used as a benchmark for the equivalent models in thermal and mechanical simulations. The equivalent modelling is in good agreement with solid results, showing a strong decrease of computational burden, enabling the simulation of large welded models in operative conditions

    Durata a fatica di strutture saldate per punti

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    Dottorato di ricerca in progettazione dei sistemi meccanici. 12. ciclo. Tutore V. Vullo. Coordinatore C. BruttiConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Decisiones Regni Neapolitani

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    Sign.: [cruz latina]\p4\s, a-h\p6\s, A-Y\p6\s, Z\p4\s, 2A-2Z\p6\s, 3A\p5\sPort. a dos tintas con grab. xilTexto a dos co
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