15 research outputs found

    Influence of different floor management techniques on chemical composition of 'Chardonnay' variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Upravljanje sustavom tla u vinogradu ima višestruku i izuzetno važnu ulogu u uzgoju vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.).U posljednje vrijeme povećan je interes za zatravljivanjem i malčiranjem vinograda u odnosu na upotrebu herbicida i stalnu obradu tla jer povoljno utječu na tlo i rast i razvoj vinove loze te kvalitetu grožđa.Tema ovog diplomskog rada je pokus koji je postavljen 2016. godine na sorti Chardonnay. Pokus se sastoji od četiri različita sustava upravljanja tlom. Jedan sustav predstavlja konvencionalnu obradu, drugi kontinuiranu izostavljenu obradu, treći je pod prirodnom vegetacijom koja se održava malčiranjem i četvrti sustav se održava podrivanjem i rotirajućom motikom. U trenutku berbe izdvojen je prosječan uzorak od 10 grozdova po varijanti na kojem je određen sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost te slobodni α-amino dušik (FAN). Isto tako utvrdio se prirod, broj grozdova po trsu te prosječna masa grozda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike među navedenim sustavima za održavanje tla, ali može se uočiti kako zatravljivanje i malčiranje pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj vinove loze.The management of the soil system in the vineyard has a multifaceted and extremely important role in the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Recently, there has been an increase in interest in cover crops and mulches of vineyards in relation to herbicide use and permanent soil cultivation, as they favorably affect the soil, growth and development of vines and grape quality. This thesis describes the experiment set up in 2016 on Chardonnay variety. The experiment consists four different soil management systems. One system represents conventional tillage , the other is a continuous no-tillage, the third is under natural vegetation, which is maintained by mulching, and the fourth system is underlined and rotating. At the time of harvest, an average sample of 10 clusters was varied according to the variations in sugar, total acidity, pH value and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). They also followed the yield, the number of bunches per pound, the average mass of the grape.The results obtained showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the above mentioned soil maintenance systems, but it can be noticed that the cover crops and malting positively affect the growth and development of grapevine

    Influence of different floor management techniques on chemical composition of 'Chardonnay' variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Upravljanje sustavom tla u vinogradu ima višestruku i izuzetno važnu ulogu u uzgoju vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.).U posljednje vrijeme povećan je interes za zatravljivanjem i malčiranjem vinograda u odnosu na upotrebu herbicida i stalnu obradu tla jer povoljno utječu na tlo i rast i razvoj vinove loze te kvalitetu grožđa.Tema ovog diplomskog rada je pokus koji je postavljen 2016. godine na sorti Chardonnay. Pokus se sastoji od četiri različita sustava upravljanja tlom. Jedan sustav predstavlja konvencionalnu obradu, drugi kontinuiranu izostavljenu obradu, treći je pod prirodnom vegetacijom koja se održava malčiranjem i četvrti sustav se održava podrivanjem i rotirajućom motikom. U trenutku berbe izdvojen je prosječan uzorak od 10 grozdova po varijanti na kojem je određen sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost te slobodni α-amino dušik (FAN). Isto tako utvrdio se prirod, broj grozdova po trsu te prosječna masa grozda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike među navedenim sustavima za održavanje tla, ali može se uočiti kako zatravljivanje i malčiranje pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj vinove loze.The management of the soil system in the vineyard has a multifaceted and extremely important role in the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Recently, there has been an increase in interest in cover crops and mulches of vineyards in relation to herbicide use and permanent soil cultivation, as they favorably affect the soil, growth and development of vines and grape quality. This thesis describes the experiment set up in 2016 on Chardonnay variety. The experiment consists four different soil management systems. One system represents conventional tillage , the other is a continuous no-tillage, the third is under natural vegetation, which is maintained by mulching, and the fourth system is underlined and rotating. At the time of harvest, an average sample of 10 clusters was varied according to the variations in sugar, total acidity, pH value and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). They also followed the yield, the number of bunches per pound, the average mass of the grape.The results obtained showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the above mentioned soil maintenance systems, but it can be noticed that the cover crops and malting positively affect the growth and development of grapevine

    Influence of different floor management techniques on chemical composition of 'Chardonnay' variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Upravljanje sustavom tla u vinogradu ima višestruku i izuzetno važnu ulogu u uzgoju vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.).U posljednje vrijeme povećan je interes za zatravljivanjem i malčiranjem vinograda u odnosu na upotrebu herbicida i stalnu obradu tla jer povoljno utječu na tlo i rast i razvoj vinove loze te kvalitetu grožđa.Tema ovog diplomskog rada je pokus koji je postavljen 2016. godine na sorti Chardonnay. Pokus se sastoji od četiri različita sustava upravljanja tlom. Jedan sustav predstavlja konvencionalnu obradu, drugi kontinuiranu izostavljenu obradu, treći je pod prirodnom vegetacijom koja se održava malčiranjem i četvrti sustav se održava podrivanjem i rotirajućom motikom. U trenutku berbe izdvojen je prosječan uzorak od 10 grozdova po varijanti na kojem je određen sadržaj šećera, ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost te slobodni α-amino dušik (FAN). Isto tako utvrdio se prirod, broj grozdova po trsu te prosječna masa grozda. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajne razlike među navedenim sustavima za održavanje tla, ali može se uočiti kako zatravljivanje i malčiranje pozitivno utječu na rast i razvoj vinove loze.The management of the soil system in the vineyard has a multifaceted and extremely important role in the cultivation of vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Recently, there has been an increase in interest in cover crops and mulches of vineyards in relation to herbicide use and permanent soil cultivation, as they favorably affect the soil, growth and development of vines and grape quality. This thesis describes the experiment set up in 2016 on Chardonnay variety. The experiment consists four different soil management systems. One system represents conventional tillage , the other is a continuous no-tillage, the third is under natural vegetation, which is maintained by mulching, and the fourth system is underlined and rotating. At the time of harvest, an average sample of 10 clusters was varied according to the variations in sugar, total acidity, pH value and free α-amino nitrogen (FAN). They also followed the yield, the number of bunches per pound, the average mass of the grape.The results obtained showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the above mentioned soil maintenance systems, but it can be noticed that the cover crops and malting positively affect the growth and development of grapevine

    Derivatisation of nucleosides, nucleotides and their analogues in a ball mill

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    Vibrating ball mill enabled chemoselective acylation of primary amines (including nucleoside analogues) within ten minutes using avoiding undesirable solvents which are typically employed for such reactions (e.g., DMF). A model reaction between propargylamine and the N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester of p-phenylazobenzoic acid was optimised with respect to the milling frequency, equivalents of propargylamine, and the equivalents and strength of additional base / catalyst. Under optimised conditions, synthesis of amides in the presence of primary and a secondary alcohol functions was achieved in high to excellent yields (65 - 94%). The addition of ethyl acetate was found to both significantly accelerate reaction rates using solid substrates and enhance chemoselectivity. Overall, the optimised methods demonstrated to have significant practical advantages over conventional solvent- approach including greater yields; higher chemoselectivity and easier product separation. Atom-efficient pyrophosphate coupling between adenosine 5'-phosphoromorpholidate and 5'- riboside mono-, di-, or tri-phosphates was achieved using liquid-assisted grinding in a ball mill. This methodology avoided the use of anhydrous pyridine, dmf or formamide and thereby enabled the use of commercially-available donors and acceptors (as their alkali or alkaline earth metal salts) without extensive pre-reaction processing to generate organic-soluble materials. A dramatic reduction in reaction times (to 90 minutes) did not prejudice the yields (50 - 87% HPLC yield) a rapid purification using reversed-phase HPLC was facilitated.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Subthreshold Laser Treatment for Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm

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    International audiencePurpose: To assess the effects of subthreshold laser treatment(STLT) for retinal arterial macroaneurysms(RAM) associated with foveal exudative manifestations and visual acuity deterioration. Methods: Patients with RAM associated with foveal exudative manifestations and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) worse than 20/80 Snellen equivalent underwent a ophthalmologic examination, including ETDRS visual acuity, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and fluorescein angiography. The patients were prospectively observed for 4 months period, and in absence of spontaneous improvement, they underwent STLT using an infrared diode laser. Primary outcome measures were reduction of mean central point thickness(CPT) and BCVA changes at the 12-month examination. Secondary outcomes included changes in mean total macular volume(TMV) and central subfield thickness(CST). Results: Nine patients were enrolled and prospectively followed up. Mean baseline values of BCVA, CPT, TMV, and CST were 0.8±0.1 (logMAR±SD), 340±49µm, 7.14±0.05mm3, and 366±37ìm, respectively. At the 4-month examination following STLT, mean BCVA improved to 0.6±0.2, whereas mean CPT, TMV, and CST decreased to 274±29µm, 6.87±0.11mm3, and 296±33ìm. At the 12-month examination, mean BCVA was 0.36±0.2, mean CPT was 195±11µm, mean TMV was 6.55±0.19mm3, and mean CST was 239±14ìm, respectively. No side-effects were noted. In particular, no sign of retinal thinning and underlying backscattering typical of conventional laser treatment could be detected at the site of the laser application on OCT. Conclusion: The current pilot investigation of STLT for the treatment of symptomatic RAM shows encouraging data. A randomized clinical trial is required to ascertain the real efficacy this technique and the most appropriate settings to be employed

    New half sandwich Ru(II) coordination compounds for anticancer activity

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    With the aim of expanding the structure\u2013activity relationship investigation, the series of Ru(II) half sandwich coordination compounds of the type [Ru([9]aneS3)(chel)(L)]n+ previously described by us (where [9]aneS3 is the neutral face-capping ligand 1,4,7-trithiacyclononane, chel is a neutral or anonic chelating ligand, L = Cl 12 or dmso-S, n = 0\u20132) was extended to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane ([9]aneN3). In addition, new neutral N\u2013N, and anionic N\u2013O and O\u2013O chelating ligands, i.e. dach (trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane), pic 12 ( picolinate), and acac 12 (acetylacetonate), were investigated in combination with both [9]aneS3 and [9]aneN3. Overall, ten new half-sandwich complexes were prepared and fully characterized and their chemical behaviour in aqueous solution was established. The single-crystal X-ray structures of eight of them, including the versatile precursor [Ru([9]aneN3)(dmso-S)2Cl]Cl (9), were also determined. The results of in vitro antiproliferative tests performed on selected compounds against MDA-MB-231 human mammary carcinoma cells confirmed that, in this series, only compounds that hydrolyse the monodentate ligand at a reasonable rate show moderate activity, provided that the chelate ligand is a hydrogen bond donor