45 research outputs found

    Large-signal device simulation in time- and frequency-domain: a comparison

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the most common time- and frequency-domain numerical techniques for the determination of the steady-state solution in the physics-based simulation of a semiconductor device driven by a time-periodic generator. The shooting and harmonic balance (HB) techniques are applied to the solution of the discretized drift-diffusion device model coupled to the external circuit embedding the semiconductor device, thus providing a fully nonlinear mixed mode simulation. The comparison highlights the strong and weak points of the two approaches, basically showing that the time-domain solution is more robust with respect to the initial condition, while the HB solution provides a more rapid convergence once the initial datum is close enough to the solution itsel

    Evaluation of the risk factors contributing to the African swine fever occurrence in Sardinia, Italy

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    This study assesses the relation between hypothesized risk factors and African swine fever virus (ASFV) distribution in Sardinia (Italy) after the beginning of the eradication program in 1993, using a Bayesian multivariable logistic regression mixed model. Results indicate that the probability of ASFV occurrence in Sardinia was associated to particular socio-cultural, productive and economical factors found in the region, particularly to large number of confined (i.e., closed) farms (most of them backyard), high road density, high mean altitude, large number of open fattening farms, and large number of pigs per commune. Conversely, large proportion of open farms with at least one census and large proportion of open farms per commune, were found to be protective factors for ASFV. Results suggest that basic preventive and control strategies, such as yearly census or registration of the pigs per farm and better control of the public lands where pigs are usually raised, together with endanced effords of outreach and communication with pig producers should help in the success of the eradication program for ASF in the Island. Methods and results presented here will inform decision making to better control and eradicate ASF in Sardinia and in all those areas with similar management and epidemiological conditions

    Evaluation of Serological Methods and a New Real-Time Nested PCR for Small Ruminant Lentiviruses.

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    Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs), i.e., CAEV and MVV, cause insidious infections with life-long persistence and a slowly progressive disease, impairing both animal welfare and productivity in affected herds. The complex diagnosis of SRLVs currently combines serological methods including whole-virus and peptide-based ELISAs and Immunoblot. To improve the current diagnostic protocol, we analyzed 290 sera of animals originating from different European countries in parallel with three commercial screening ELISAs, Immunoblot as a confirmatory assay and five SU5 peptide ELISAs for genotype differentiation. A newly developed nested real-time PCR was carried out for the detection and genotype differentiation of the virus. Using a heat-map display of the combined results, the drawbacks of the current techniques were graphically visualized and quantified. The immunoblot and the SU5-ELISAs exhibited either unsatisfactory sensitivity or insufficient reliability in the differentiation of the causative viral genotype, respectively. The new truth standard was the concordance of the results of two out of three screening ELISAs and the PCR results for serologically false negative samples along with genotype differentiation. Whole-virus antigen-based ELISA showed the highest sensitivity (92.2%) and specificity (98.9%) among the screening tests, whereas PCR exhibited a sensitivity of 75%

    Evaluation of Haematological and Immunological Parameters of the ASFV Lv17/WB/Rie1 Strain and Its Derived Mutant Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L against ASFV Challenge Infection in Domestic Pigs

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the etiological agent of a haemorrhagic disease that threatens the global pig industry. There is an urgency to develop a safe and efficient vaccine, but the knowledge of the immune–pathogenetic mechanisms behind ASFV infection is still very limited. In this paper, we evaluated the haematological and immunological parameters of domestic pigs vaccinated with the ASFV Lv17/WB/Rie1 strain or its derived mutant Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L and then challenged with virulent Armenia/07 ASFV. Circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), 13 key cytokines and 11 haematological parameters were evaluated throughout the study. Lv17/WB/Rie1 triggered an inflammatory response, with increased levels of CRP and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and induced lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia and a decline in red blood cell (RBC) parameters, although this was transitory. Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L triggered only transitory thrombocytopenia and a mild inflammatory reaction, with no increase in serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but it raised IL-1Ra levels. Both strains counteracted several adverse reactions elicited by virulent challenge, like thrombocytopenia, a decline in RBC parameters, and inflammation. Within this paper, we provided a deep portrayal of the impact of diverse ASFV strains on the domestic pig’s immune system. A better understanding of these immune–pathological mechanisms would help to design suitable vaccines against this disease

    Comparative studies on the pathogenicity and tissue distribution of three virulence variants of classical swine fever virus, two field isolates and one vaccine strain, with special regard to immunohistochemical investigations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to compare the tissue distribution and pathogenicity of three virulence variants of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and to investigate the applicability of various conventional diagnostic procedures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>64 pigs were divided into three groups and infected with the highly virulent isolate ISS/60, the moderately virulent isolate Wingene'93 and the live attenuated vaccine strain Riems, respectively. Clinical signs, gross and histopathological changes were compared in relation to time elapsed post infection. Virus spread in various organs was followed by virus isolation, by immunohistochemistry, applying monoclonal antibodies in a two-step method and by <it>in situ </it>hybridisation using a digoxigenin-labelled riboprobe.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tissue distribution data are discussed in details, analyzing the results of the various diagnostic approaches. The comparative studies revealed remarkable differences in the onset of clinical signs as well as in the development of the macro- and microscopical changes, and in the tissue distribution of CSFV in the three experimental groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study demonstrates that in the case of highly and moderately virulent virus variants the virulence does not affect the pattern of the viral spread, however, it influences the outcome, the duration and the intensity of the disease. Immunohistochemistry has the advantage to allow the rapid detection and localisation of the virus, especially in cases of early infection, when clinical signs are still absent. Compared to virus isolation, the advantage of this method is that no cell culture facilities are required. Thus, immunohistochemistry provides simple and sensitive tools for the prompt detection of newly emerging variants of CSFV, including the viruses of very mild virulence.</p

    A multi gene-approach genotyping method identifies 24 genetic clusters within the genotype II-European African swine fever viruses circulating from 2007 to 2022

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    IntroductionAfrican swine fever (ASF) is a contagious viral disease of pigs and wild boar that poses a major threat to the global swine industry. The genotype II African swine fever virus (ASFV) entered the European Union (EU) in 2014 and since then fourteen countries have been affected, Italy and North Macedonia being the last in 2022. While whole genome sequencing remains the gold standard for the identification of new genetic markers, sequencing of multiple loci with significant variations could be used as a rapid and cost-effective alternative to track outbreaks and study disease evolution in endemic areas.Materials and methodsTo further our understanding of the epidemiology and spread of ASFV in Europe, 382 isolates collected during 2007 to 2022 were sequenced. The study was initially performed by sequencing the central variable region (CVR), the intergenic region (IGR) between the I73R and I329L genes and the O174L and K145R genes. For further discrimination, two new PCRs were designed to amplify the IGR between the 9R and 10R genes of the multigene family 505 (MGF505) and the IGR between the I329L and I215L genes. The sequences obtained were compared with genotype II isolates from Europe and Asia.ResultsThe combination of the results obtained by sequencing these variable regions allowed to differentiate the European II-ASFV genotypes into 24 different groups. In addition, the SNP identified in the IGR I329L-I215L region, not previously described, grouped the viruses from North Macedonia that caused the 2022 outbreaks with viruses from Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece, differentiating from other genotype II isolates present in Europe and Asia. Furthermore, tandem repeat sequence (TRS) within the 9R-10R genes of the multigene family 505 (MGF505) revealed eight different variants circulating.DiscussionThese findings describe a new multi-gene approach sequencing method that can be used in routine genotyping to determine the origin of new introductions in ASF-free areas and track infection dynamics in endemic areas

    Maternidad subrogada y la afectación de las instituciones jurídicas de la sociedad paterno - filial. Tarapoto, región San Martín, 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar de qué manera la maternidad subrogada influye en las instituciones jurídicas de la sociedad paterno-filial. La recopilación de datos en cuanto a lo teórico debemos decir que utilizamos la técnica del fichaje para lo referente a la información doctrinaria, y el análisis de contenido para lo referente al estudio normativo; en cuanto a la recopilación de datos de campo utilizamos los instrumentos de la encuesta de opinión aplicado a las mujeres en edad reproductiva y el cuestionario de expertos a los operadores jurídicos en la especialidad de derecho de familia o genético. En cuanto a los resultados más importantes obtenido en nuestra etapa de ejecución es que se ha comprobado que las mujeres encuestadas aceptan la realización de la técnica asistida de maternidad subrogada, porque consideran viable de padecer un problema de infertilidad. Se ha comprobado que la postura permisiva de la maternidad subrogada es la más aceptada a nivel del derecho comparado como son los países de México, Ucrania, India, Brasil, Rusia; en donde su regulación se expresa desde una ley especial y se ha comprobado que las instituciones jurídicas del derecho de familia como la adopción, patria potestad y filiación materna se ven afectadas con la práctica de la maternidad subrogada como técnica de reproducción humana asistida. La conclusión principal es que la maternidad subrogada influye de manera negativa en las instituciones jurídicas de la sociedad paterno-filial al desnaturalizar las instituciones de la filiación materna, adopción y patria potestad, en el distrito de Tarapoto, región San Martín, 2017; por ello se recomienda la dación de una ley especial que regule las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida

    Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in Italy: Epidemiological Issues after Free Status Recognition and Measures Applied to Tackle the Last Persistent Clusters

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    Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL), caused by the bovine leukemia virus (BLV), has been eradicated in over 20 countries, most of which are in Western Europe. The European Commission, in 2017, declared Italy to be an officially EBL-free country by means of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1910, despite the presence of some infection clusters located in four regions of Central-Southern Italy. As a consequence of persisting infection, the Italian Ministry of Health established specific eradication measures in these areas. In collaboration with the National Reference Laboratory for the Study of Ruminant Retroviral Infectious Diseases, the Ministry of Health employed data from the veterinary information system digital platform, combined with a gap analysis exercise, to monitor and verify the progress of control activities within infection clusters during the period 2018–2021. Our aim was to identify any remaining gaps and, consequently, specific measures to eliminate the factors favouring EBL persistence, on the basis of a description and analysis of the current data regarding epidemiological trends in Italian clusters. The final goal is to achieve the implementation of a less expensive surveillance plan in these areas, as well. The results of comprehensive analysis showed that the eradication activities had been effectively implemented by official local veterinary services, resulting in a drastic reduction of EBL outbreaks in most territories during the period 2018–2021