400 research outputs found


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    This paper will describe the evolutionary stages that shaped and built, over the time, a robust and solid relationship between ‘indirect survey methods’ and knowledge of the ‘architectural matter’, aiming at producing a conservation project for the built heritage. Collecting architectural data by simply drawing them was considered to be inadequate by John Ruskin already in 1845. He strongly felt the need to fix them through that ‘blessed’ invention that was the ‘daguerreotype’. Today taking simple photographs is not enough: it is crucial to develop systems able to provide the best graphics supports (possibly in the third dimension) for the development and editing of the architectural project. This paper will focus not only on the re-examination of historical data, on the research and representation of the ‘sign’, but also on the evolution of technologies and ‘reading methods’, in order to highlight their strengths and weaknesses in the real practice of conservation project and in the use of the architectures of the past

    Implementing a 3d game in unity

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    This project consisted in developing a 3D videogame using a modern 3D game engine. A game engine is a piece of software that provides a wide range of modules and interfaces to develop a videogame. The aim of this project was to verify whether it is possible for an independent developer, with limited resources, to produce a high-quality videogame. Unity 3D was selected as game engine for this project. The graphics and sound content were obtained from the online store on the Unity website and from a company that offers this type of services (Mixamo). The game created is an Adventure Hack and Slash. As such, the game mainly focus on a storyline and on the combat system, allowing the player to improve its combat skills. The main objective in the game is to fight your way out of each level, until the end of the game. The title of the game is Shadow Walker. The tools used allowed to produce a game of reasonably high-quality, considering the limited resource available to the developer. A demonstrational video of the Shadow Walker is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qtm1D3xJc

    A green approach to clean iron stains from marble surfaces

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    AbstractIn the field of cultural heritage restoration, the removal of iron corrosion stains is a difficult problem to deal with, especially in stone materials. Many studies in recent years have been aimed at finding simple and reliable methods using non-toxic chelating compounds. The search for natural non-toxic compounds is therefore of great relevance, especially in the conservation of cultural heritage, where the use of toxic chemical compounds often involves risks for the environment and human health. Following this trend, the purpose of this preliminary work was to verify the use of two proteins, Lactotransferrin (Ltf) and Ovotransferrin (Ovt), for the removal of iron-based stains on marble surfaces. The two proteins, whose high affinity for iron "in vivo" has been widely documented, were extracted from their natural matrices. The protein extracts were then immobilized using a common cellulose pulp. The poultices obtained were spread on the surfaces of artificially stained marble specimens and, after a set time, were easily removed. The effectiveness of the removal, visually evident, was detected by spectrocolorimetry and image analysis. The surface analyses, before and after the treatment, carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), confirmed that both proteins have a selective and effective complexing capacity for the ferric ions of rust stains

    Oral Health in Migrants: An Observational Study on the Oral Health Status of a Migrant Cohort Coming from Middle-and Low-Income Countries

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    Introduction. The oral health conditions of migrants coming from middle-and low-income countries to developed countries have been shown to be poorer than those of the host population. Since the phenomenon of migration has continued to grow over the past five decades, the oral health status of migrant populations should be an issue of great concern. Objectives. The objective of our observational study was to analyse the periodontal health status and the prevalence of dental caries and lesions of the oral mucosa in a migrant cohort resident in Italy, assessing the association between the oral health status and the educational level of the included patients. Materials and Methods. Our research was conducted at the dental department of Policlinico Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy). A sample of 200 migrants coming from middle-and low-income countries, aged between 3 and 37, was included in our study. Each patient underwent a physical examination of the oral cavity, recording the DMFT/dmft index, Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPI), and lesions of the oral mucosa. The one-way ANOVA test was used to establish the correlation between the oral health status and the educational level of the participants. Results. Many participants (62.5%) showed a DMFT/dmft Index ≥ 4; only 27% of the migrants had a DMFT/dmft Index lower than 4, and only 21 of them (10.5%) were recorded at 0. A CPI equal to 0 or 1 was observed in 131 patients (65.5%), while only 30 participants presented a CPI equal to or higher than 4 (15%), and 19.5% (39 patients) were assigned to code 2 and 3. Significant statistical differences were found in the CPI after adjusting data for the educational level of the included participants (p-value < 0.01). Conclusions. The data obtained in our research highlighted poor oral conditions among the analysed migrant population, recording a high prevalence of dental caries and inadequate oral hygiene habits

    Phononic and photonic band gap structures: modelling and applications

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    AbstractPhotonic crystals (PhCs) are artificial materials with a permittivity which is a periodic function of the position, with a period comparable to the wavelength of light. The most interesting characteristic of such materials is the presence of photonic band gaps (PBGs). PhCs have very interesting properties of light confinement and localization together with the strong reduction of the device size, orders of magnitude less than the conventional photonic devices, allowing a potential very high scale of integration. These structures possess unique characteristics enabling to operate as optical waveguides, high Q resonators, selective filters, lens or superprism. The ability to mould and guide light leads naturally to novel applications in several fields.Band gap formation in periodic structures also pertains to elastic wave propagation. Composite materials with elastic coefficients which are periodic functions of the position are named phononic crystals. They have properties similar to those of photonic crystals and corresponding applications too. By properly choosing the parameters one may obtain phononic crystals (PhnCs) with specific frequency gaps. An elastic wave, whose frequency lies within an absolute gap of a phononic crystal, will be completely reflected by it. This property allows realizing non-absorbing mirrors of elastic waves and vibration-free cavities which might be useful in high-precision mechanical systems operating in a given frequency range. Moreover, one can use elastic waves to study phenomena such as those associated with disorder, in more or less the same manner as with electromagnetic waves.The authors present in this paper an introductory survey of the basic concepts of these new technologies with particular emphasis on their main applications, together with a description of some modelling approaches

    The value of immunohistochemical research on PCNA, p53 and heat shock proteins in prostate cancer management: a review.

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    This review addresses the significance of the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), p53 and some heat shock proteins (Hsps) in prostate carcinoma (PC). In fact, PCNA and p53 are two widely discussed tools in PC diagno- sis, mainly because of the controversy regarding the signifi- cance of their expression during prostate cancer development and progression. At the same time, only few studies have shown the potential role of Hsps in carcinogenesis and their overexpression in pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the prostate. We briefly describe the physiological roles of Hsps in normal cells, and the significance of their immunohistochem- ical detection in PC as well as in pre-cancerous lesions of the prostate. We will also discuss the possible functional interac- tions of these molecules in both dysplastic and neoplastic cell
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