187 research outputs found

    RobustStateNet: Robust ego vehicle state estimation for Autonomous Driving

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    Control of an ego vehicle for Autonomous Driving (AD) requires an accurate definition of its state. Implementation of various model-based Kalman Filtering (KF) techniques for state estimation is prevalent in the literature. These algorithms use measurements from IMU and input signals from steering and wheel encoders for motion prediction with physics-based models, and a Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) for global localization. Such methods are widely investigated and majorly focus on increasing the accuracy of the estimation. Ego motion prediction in these approaches does not model the sensor failure modes and assumes completely known dynamics with motion and measurement model noises. In this work, we propose a novel Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based motion predictor that parallelly models the sensor measurement dynamics and selectively fuses the features to increase the robustness of prediction, in particular in scenarios where we witness sensor failures. This motion predictor is integrated into a KF-like framework, RobustStateNet that takes a global position from the GNSS sensor and updates the predicted state. We demonstrate that the proposed state estimation routine outperforms the Model-Based KF and KalmanNet architecture in terms of estimation accuracy and robustness. The proposed algorithms are validated in the modified NuScenes CAN bus dataset, designed to simulate various types of sensor failures

    CT-guided radiofrequency ablation of spinal osteoblastoma: treatment and long-term follow-up.

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    Osteoblastoma (OB) is a painful, rare, benign bone tumour usually observed in young populations, and this condition involves the spine in up to one-third of cases. We sought to focus on the minimally invasive treatment of spinal OB with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) under computed tomography (CT) guidance. When performed near the spinal cord, surgery can lead to instability of the spine, sometimes requiring additional interventions to stabilise the segments involved, and can cause the precocious onset of arthrosis or other degenerative diseases. The results were evaluated both clinically and with the aid of diagnostic imaging techniques during a 5-year follow-up study.Eleven patients affected by spinal OB were treated in a single session with biopsy and CT-guided RFA. Pre- and post-evaluations of the patients were performed both clinically and with CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Complete success in terms of pain relief was achieved in all patients. Additional treatments were not required in any patients. There were no complications. During follow-up, neither complications nor pathological findings related to the treatment were observed.Our experience demonstrates that RFA for spinal OB is safe and effective. One of the main advantages of this technique is represented by its lower grade of invasiveness compared with that for potentially hazardous surgical manoeuvres

    Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery treatment of non-spinal intra-articular osteoblastoma: feasibility, safety, and outcomes in a single-center retrospective analysis

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    Background: Interventional radiology, thanks to its low invasiveness and possibility to reduce the average time for the patients to come back to their normal activity, is becoming more and more promising and diffused in multiple fields. Employed without needles, MRgFUS is probably the less invasive techniques among the ones belonging to the field of interventional radiology. Purpose: To evaluate safety and effectiveness of MRgFUS in the treatment of a rare and benign, though disabling, bone lesion: intra-articular osteoblastoma. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was carried out on 6 patients (mean, 21 years) treated in the last 2 years with MRgFUS for symptomatic, histologically proved intra-articular osteoblastoma. The main inclusion criterion was the presence of a good acoustic window. The procedures consisted in MR-guided ablation, using high intensity ultrasound beams focused on the target lesion. Spinal anesthesia or peripheral nerve block was used. Clinical (based on pain and functional scales) and imaging follow-up studies were performed up to 1 year after treatment. Complications were recorded. Multiple linear regression and analysis of variance were used to assess correlations. Results: All the procedures were technically successful; no complications were observed. Painful symptomatology decreased of 88% at 6 months and 98% at 12 months (p < 0.0001), and was associated to functional improvement (p = 0.002). MRI and CT controls showed disappearance of all signs of disease and bone inflammation with a marked tendency to bone healing. Conclusion: This study shows the safety and effectiveness of MRgFUS in the treatment of intra-articular osteoblastoma with a good acoustic window

    Modified Research Utilization Questionnaire: Development and Validation Study among Italian Nurses

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop the modified research utilization questionnaire (M-RUQ) and to establish its content and face validity, construct validity, and reliability. Methods: This study has a multiphase (three phases), methodological, and cross-sectional design. First, research utilization questionnaire (RUQ) was translated into Italian, which is the target language to develop the M-RUQ. Second, the RUQ psychometric proprieties were assessed using exploratory factorial analysis to identify ambiguous or problematic items (e.g., cross-loadings) (cross-sectional sampling A). The RUQ modification (i.e., item deleting, wording modification, and scoring procedure) represented the development of the M-RUQ among Italian nurses. The third phase was aimed to confirm the construct validity of the M-RUQ and to test its stability and internal consistency (cross-sectional sampling B). Results: This study's findings show that M-RUQ has a three-dimensional structure and a total of 22 items. The M-RUQ shows evidence of validity and reliability. Precisely, the factorial structure coming from an exploratory factorial analysis on the first sample (n = 504) was confirmed by a final model of confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) on a second sample (n = 362). The final CFA model showed adequate goodness of fit, where all the factor loadings showed values higher than .40. Cronbach's α was satisfactory for each domain and for the overall scale. Furthermore, the M-RUQ showed good stability described by the test–retest. Conclusion: The M-RUQ should be used to assess research utilization among nurses for educational or research purposes to address the practice. Further research about its validity and reliability is suggested. Keywords: evidence-based nursing, nursing, psychometric

    Phasor-FLIM-guided unraveling of ATRA supramolecular organization in liposomal nanoformulations

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    : Here we use fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to study the supramolecular organization of nanoencapsulated liposomal all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), exploiting ATRA's intrinsic fluorescence as a source of signal and phasor transformation as a fit-free analytical approach to lifetime data. Our non-invasive method is suitable for checking for the presence of a fraction of ATRA molecules interacting with liposomal membranes. The results are validated by independent small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nano-differential scanning calorimetry (NanoDSC) measurements, probing ATRA's putative position on the membrane and effect on membrane organization. Besides the insights on the specific case-study proposed, the present results confirm the effectiveness of Phasor-FLIM analysis in elucidating the nanoscale supramolecular organization of fluorescent drugs in pharmaceutical formulations. This underscores the importance of leveraging advanced imaging techniques to deepen our understanding and optimize drugs' performance in delivery applications

    ighlights from 2013 Consociazione Nazionale Associazioni Infermieri (CNAI) Conference: reflections and addresses for Italian nursing

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    This conference intends to boost the reflection on the state of nursing in Italy, which began with the XV National Congress of National Consociation of Nurses Associations and Other Health Social Workers (CNAIOSS) held in Naples in 1996. Today the name of the association is National Consociation of Italian Nurses (CNAI) (Desimio et al, 1998). After 17 years, it seems urgent to re-read the stretch of progress made in nursing science and identify future directions for the Italian nursing, in this period of rationalization of resources and economic crisis. The congress activities intend to deepen Italian debate within the profession on the state of the art and discipline, starting from the changing of many elements such as: healthcare setting, diffusion information technology, contents of education and especially the care needs of the population. The conference is designed to answer to some stated aims: to set the nursing science within the wide context of the health sciences with particular reference to Italy;to reflect on the state of the art and culture of nursing in Italy;to acquire theoretical and methodological elements useful to strengthen and redefine their identity as nurse practitioners;to identify the reasons why it is urgent to choose and use a common language in nursing clinical education, training and organization;to learn from the sharing of the care planning experience and from the knowledge of different languages acquired by Italian realities.The conference follows the tradition of CNAI and intends to continue its contribution to the evolution of the theoretical and methodological aspects that found nursing practice in ItalyKeywords: conference report, Italian nursing, 2013 CNAI, nursing professio
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