2,264 research outputs found

    Case popolari per edilizia sostenibile (in localita Sant'Ermete) con sistemi a secco di tipo Xlam

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    La presente tesi tratta la progettazione di un edificio popolare realizzato in materiali a secco, ossia in Xlam. Nel presente elaborato si è cercato di coniugare due aspetti: da un lato l'illustrazione tecnica e architettonica dell'edificio, dall'altra si è spiegato il funzionamento meccanico dell'Xlam e quali siano le norme che ne regolano la progettazione; pertanto, dopo un breve escursus su cosa sia il social housing insieme ad alcuni esempi, si entra nel vivo della trattazione

    The Kinetics of Alcoholic Fermentation by Two Yeast Strains in High Sugar Concentration Media

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    Over the last two decades, most of Italian vines have produced grapes with higher sugar to total acid ratios, greater concentrations of phenols and aromatic compounds and greater potential wine quality. As a consequence, the musts obtained by these grapes are more difficult to process because of the risk of slowing or stuck of fermentation. With the aim of describing the time evolution of the sugars bioconversion during alcoholic fermentation, the kinetics of the D-glucose and D-fructose degradations, promoted by two yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain C) e Saccharomyces bayanus (strain B)), was investigated using synthetic media, added or not with ethanol. The concentrations of both the substrates and the products of the sugars conversions, as well as the number of viable cells of yeasts, were determined as a function of the alcoholic fermentation time and the related kinetics constants determined. If the reaction medium contained high concentrations of both glucose and fructose, the strains showed significant different fermentatory ability. In these conditions a stuck of fermentation occurred and the remaining sugar was only fructose (strain C) or prevailing fructose (strain B). If the reaction medium contained only glucose as substrate, the strain C seemed more efficient while the kinetics behavior changed completely in presence of only fructose. On the basis of the information collected using this kinetic approach, it would be possible to develop technical data sheets, specific for each yeast strain, useful to choose the optimal microbial strain as a function of the different operative conditions. Moreover the kinetic constant of hexose conversion could be adopted as bio-markers in selection and breeding of wine yeast strains having a lower tendency for sluggish fructose fermentation

    Contrastive filtering of domain specific multi-word terms from different types of corpora

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    In this paper we tackle the challenging task of Multi-word term (MWT) extraction from different types of specialized corpora. Contrastive filtering of previously extracted MWTs results in a considerable increment of acquired domain specific terms

    Singling out Legal Knowledge from World Knowledge. An NLP-based Approach

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    1. Introduction - 2. Background and Motivation - 3. The Term Extraction Approach - 4. Experiments and Results - 5. Evaluation - 5.1. General Evaluation Criteria - 5.2. Discussion of Results - 6. Conclusio

    Lessico settoriale e lessico comune nell\u27estrazione di terminologia specialistica da corpora di dominio

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    The paper tackles the challenging task of automatic domain term extraction, with a specific view to singling out domain terms from common words in different types of specialized corpora.Il presente contributo descrive un approccio basato su strumenti di Trattamento Automatico del Linguaggio (TAL) finalizzato all\u27acquisizione di terminologia specialistica a partire da corpora di testi di dominio. La metodologia qui presentata prospetta una possibile soluzione alla principale difficolt? nel processo di estrazione terminologica automatica, ovvero l\u27acquisizione di unit? terminologiche rilevanti per il dominio settoriale di acquisizione che siano distinte dalle unit? che appartengono al lessico comune di una lingua. Tale difficolt? ? dovuta principalmente alla stretta relazione che c\u27? tra lessico settoriale e lessico comune

    Singling out Legal Knowledge from World Knowledge. An NLP-based approach

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    Ontology learning in the legal domain rises the well-known problem of epistemological promiscuity between legal entities and regulated domain instances. In this paper, we propose a new term extraction approach specifically aimed at tackling such a problem through the acquisition of a term glossary where legal terms, expressing legal concepts, and domain terms, providing a description of the regulated world knowledge, are automatically singled out. The proposed approach has been tested with promising results on a corpus of Italian European legal texts regulating the environmental domain

    Waiting time information in the Italian NHS: A citizen perspective

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    Public involvement in the management and communication of waiting times is known to support initiatives to reduce waiting times, as well as increase fairness and promote transparency and accountability. In order to improve transparency and communication to citizens, Italy recently updated the National Regulatory Plan for Waiting Lists (2019–2021), which calls for the disclosure of waiting time information on healthcare provider webpages. This study analyses waiting time information for outpatient visits and digital services available on the institutional website pages of 144 public healthcare organisations in nine regions and two autonomous provinces of Italy. Web pages were analysed both in terms of the available information/services, using a grid, and in terms of the quality of the text using an advanced readability assessment tool (READ-IT). This information was complemented and validated by regional healthcare key informants during research-specific workshops. Waiting time information disclosure, digital services and text readability varied both within and between the regional healthcare systems and organisations. The types and characteristics of waiting time information and statistics vary considerably with a negative impact on their use for benchmarking and their readability and usability for booking purposes. Overall, communication weaknesses due to low harmonization and clarity of information can undermine efforts in effectively informing and involving the public through online waiting time data disclosure

    A Mathematical Model to Evaluate the Kinetics of D-glucose and D-fructose Fermentations by Saccharomyces bayanus at Increasing Ethanol Concentration

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    In the cellar, slow and stuck fermentations occurring during winemaking are often successfully solved by the addition of yeast strains like Saccharomyces bayanus. The kinetic behaviour shown by S. bayanus during alcoholic fermentation was investigated using a mathematical model previously tested for S. cerevisiae, in order to show which of the six functional parameters of the model differed significantly with the yeast population. Although some parameters (hexose fractions converted to ethanol and glycerol) did not change, the kinetic constant related to the inactivation rate of the yeast population showed by S. cerevisiae assumed a value significantly higher (approximately 50-fold) than that observed for S. bayanus, while this latter population was ten times less affected by ethanol than S. cerevisiae. Although no remarkable differences could be found between the ability shown by the two yeast populations to convert hexoses (D-glucose and D-fructose), the tolerance for ethanol accumulation changed strongly. The conversion rate of these two hexoses by S. bayanus was affected less (about ten thousand-fold) by ethanol than that of S. cerevisiae

    A Research Publication on the Economic Value of the Third Sector in Italy

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    The crisis of the welfare state as we have known it in Italy and Europe over the last few decades has forced countries and the societies of those so-called "advanced countries" to review their priorities and the methods by which social services are provided. In this way a process has begun, which reflects on how to support the organization of a renewed sense of civic responsibility, able to satisfy demand and requirements where the Public and the Market, for various reasons, are not able to provide an adequate response. The entire sector, according to the information gathered during the 8th General Census of Industry and Services carried out by Istat (the National Institute for Statistics) in 2001, adjusted in the 2003 annual report, includes: 2 5,232 non-profit institutions, equal to 5.4% of all institutional units; approximately 488,000 employees and independent workers, equal to 2.5% of all assigned workers; approximately 4 million individuals involved as volunteers 38 billion in revenue (over 3.3% of the GDP); 35 billion in costs, with a surplus of 3 billion reinvested in the activities carried out. These figures will obviously need to be updated following the growth in the world of non-profits over the last decade, but they are even more significant when accompanied by a calculation of the social savings deriving from the labour hours provided free of charge by the four million volunteers and, even more so, the material and immaterial well-being provided to those who benefited from their work, their help and their compassion. In 2012, in cooperation with IPSOS and UniCredit's Territorial Research and Strategies, UniCredit Foundation promoted and carried out an investigation into the economic value of the third sector in Italy. The study looks at the situation in the Italian non-profit sector and the growth trends registered by the sector in recent years