30 research outputs found

    Leaving home and housing prices. The experience of Italian youth emancipation

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    This paper provides an explanation for the postponement of youth emancipation in the Italian context mainly characterized by a sharp increase in both house and rent prices together with stagnant disposable income over the past decade. We first assemble a unique database related to the housing and rental market which is then matched with household characteristics. We find that the probability of leaving home decreases by about half percentage point and one percentage point for males and females, respectively, for a one-standard-deviation change in house prices. Together with property prices, local labour markets play a prominent role in determining decisions by unemployed youths to postpone the transition. The youngest cohort was mainly affected by the real estate market evolution that occurred in the last decade.coresidence, moving out, real estate market, discrete time duration model.

    Leaving home and housing prices. The experience of Italian youth emancipation

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    This paper provides an explanation for the postponement of the youth emancipa- tion in the Italian context mainly characterized by a sharp increase in both house and rent prices together with a stagnant disposable income over the last decade. We first assemble a unique database related to the housing and rental market value which is then matched with household characteristics. We find a significant effect of the real estate market: the probability of moving out decreases by about 0.45% and 1.18% for males and females respectively for a one-standard-deviation increase in house prices. Together with property prices, local labour markets play a prominent role in determin- ing unemployed youth decisions to postpone the transition. The youngest cohort was mainly affected by the real estate market evolution occurred in the last decadecoresidence, moving out, real estate market, discrete time duration model

    Economic insecurity and fertility intentions: the case of Italy

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    We aim to provide an explanation for the combination of the relatively low female participation rates and lowest-low fertility levels in Italy. Starting from the assumption that childbearing decisions also depend on uncertainty about future employment, income, and wealth, we empirically assess how fertility intentions are affected by: 1) the deprivation of a quality job, which may severely compromise the employability of workers and is likely to provoke feelings of insecurity about future employment; 2) conditions of economic disadvantage in terms of household income and wealth, which may imply insufficient means to deal with potential adverse future events, thereby generating in the household feelings of anxiety and economic insecurity. We show that the instability of women’s work status (i.e. the holding of occasional and precarious employment positions) significantly discourages the decision to have a first child. Low levels of household wealth significantly and positively influence the decision to postpone, or even decide against, having a first child. The chances of further childbirth are significantly and negatively influenced by household income insecurity.economic insecurity, income, wealth, fertility, childbearing, , employment instability, precarious employment, Italy

    Échos de la mythologie Ă©gyptienne dans l’Ɠuvre de deux Ă©crivaines d’Égypte de langue française : AndrĂ©e Chedid et Joyce Mansour

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    La lecture de l’Ɠuvre de deux grandes voix de la francophonie Ă©gyptienne, AndrĂ©e Chedid et Joyce Mansour, montre que leurs Ă©crits sont nourris d’archĂ©types et de symboles Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans une Ă©criture comme semĂ©e de messages codĂ©s. Il s’agit en l’occurrence de mythes importĂ©s d’une culture dont la structure pourrait sembler presque totalement Ă©trangĂšre Ă  l’horizon d’attente du public auquel ces deux femmes venues « d’ailleurs » s’adressent. Nous voudrions interroger ces figures du mythe comme ..

    Economic insecurity and fertility intentions: the case of Italy

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    We aim to provide an explanation for the combination of the relatively low female participation rates and lowest-low fertility levels in Italy. Starting from the assumption that childbearing decisions also depend on uncertainty about future employment, income, and wealth, we empirically assess how fertility intentions are affected by: 1) the deprivation of a quality job, which may severely compromise the employability of workers and is likely to provoke feelings of insecurity about future employment; 2) conditions of economic disadvantage in terms of household income and wealth, which may imply insufficient means to deal with potential adverse future events, thereby generating in the household feelings of anxiety and economic insecurity. We show that the instability of women’s work status (i.e. the holding of occasional and precarious employment positions) significantly discourages the decision to have a first child. Low levels of household wealth significantly and positively influence the decision to postpone, or even decide against, having a first child. The chances of further childbirth are significantly and negatively influenced by household income insecurity

    Selection of suitable reference genes for accurate normalization of gene expression profile studies in non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In real-time RT quantitative PCR (qPCR) the accuracy of normalized data is highly dependent on the reliability of the reference genes (RGs). Failure to use an appropriate control gene for normalization of qPCR data may result in biased gene expression profiles, as well as low precision, so that only gross changes in expression level are declared statistically significant or patterns of expression are erroneously characterized. Therefore, it is essential to determine whether potential RGs are appropriate for specific experimental purposes. Aim of this study was to identify and validate RGs for use in the differentiation of normal and tumor lung expression profiles. METHODS: A meta-analysis of lung cancer transcription profiles generated with the GeneChip technology was used to identify five putative RGs. Their consistency and that of seven commonly used RGs was tested by using Taqman probes on 18 paired normal-tumor lung snap-frozen specimens obtained from non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients during primary curative resection. RESULTS: The 12 RGs displayed showed a wide range of Ct values: except for rRNA18S (mean 9.8), the mean values of all the commercial RGs and ESD ranged from 19 to 26, whereas those of the microarray-selected RGs (BTF-3, YAP1, HIST1H2BC, RPL30) exceeded 26. RG expression stability within sample populations and under the experimental conditions (tumour versus normal lung specimens) was evaluated by: (1) descriptive statistic; (2) equivalence test; (3) GeNorm applet. All these approaches indicated that the most stable RGs were POLR2A, rRNA18S, YAP1 and ESD. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that POLR2A, rRNA18S, YAP1 and ESD are the most suitable RGs for gene expression profile studies in NSCLC. Furthermore, they highlight the limitations of commercial RGs and indicate that meta-data analysis of genome-wide transcription profiling studies may identify new RGs

    L'antifascisme en Egypte dans les premiĂšres publications de "Giustizia e LibertĂ " (1940-1943)

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    International audienc

    The Rise of Surrealist Avant-Gardes in Literary, Artistic and Cultural History in Francophone Egypt, from 20's to 40's

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    Dans l'Égypte de la fin des annĂ©es Trente Ă  l'aprĂšs-guerre, un groupement de jeunes intellectuels anime le collectif « Art et LibertĂ©/ Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah » qui, dans les domaines artistique, littĂ©raire, politique, vĂ©hicule des messages libertaires, rĂ©volutionnaires et Ă©galitaires qui reprĂ©sentent un cas quasiment unique au Moyen Orient. S’inspirant des principes de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de l’Art RĂ©volutionnaire et IndĂ©pendant, crĂ©Ă©e en 1938 par AndrĂ© Breton et LĂ©on Trotski, le groupe rĂ©uni autour du polĂ©miste francophone Georges Henein et de l’artiste et thĂ©oricien RamsĂšs Younane fut le foyer culturel qui opĂ©ra pour l’introduction du surrĂ©alisme en Égypte, Ă  travers cinq expositions d’art pendant la DeuxiĂšme Guerre Mondiale, des revues culturelles, Ă©galement en arabe, des maisons d’éditions publiant des auteurs Ă  l’époque peu connus du grand public. À travers l’analyse du contexte culturel et artistique de l’époque prĂ©cĂ©dant les activitĂ©s d’« Art et LibertĂ©/ Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah », nous avons retracĂ© les circonstances de son Ă©closion et la prĂ©sence des avant-gardes futuristes et surrĂ©alistes en Égypte, un territoire d’accueil et d’animation culturelle ayant donnĂ© naissance Ă  des centres artistiques autonomes. Le dĂ©bat accompagnant le naissant art Ă©gyptien tiraillĂ© entre appels Ă  une « Ă©gyptianitĂ© » idĂ©ale et une admiration sans bornes de tout ce venait d'Europe est symptomatique des rĂ©centes pratiques artistiques du premier pays de tradition musulmane Ă  avoir « importĂ© » les Beaux-Arts europĂ©ens, dans lequel « le groupe surrĂ©aliste d’Egypte » inscrit ses manifestations et ses luttes contre le monopole Ă©tatique de la culture et de l'art. Proclamant la libertĂ© de l'art et son droit de citĂ© dans une Égypte aux conceptions culturelles figĂ©es et passĂ©istes, les manifestes, les confĂ©rences, les dĂ©bats, les entreprises Ă©ditoriales et les expositions que le groupe anime sont autant de jalons d'une rĂ©volution culturelle Ă  laquelle une partie de la jeunesse Ă©gyptienne aspire, dans une pĂ©riode oĂč l'on vit le danger imminent de la guerre et une grande effervescence intellectuelle.In Egypt from the end of the thirties to the post-war period, a group of young intellectuals led the collective "Art et LibertĂ© / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah". From an artistic, literary and political point of view it conveyed libertarian, revolutionary and egalitarian messages that were almost unique in the Middle East.The collective was inspired by the principles of the FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de l’Art RĂ©volutionnaire et IndĂ©pendant, created in 1938 by AndrĂ© Breton and LĂ©on Trotski, it gathered around the French-speaking polemicist Georges Henein and the artist and theorist Ramses Younane. The group was the cultural center that led to the introduction of the surrealism in Egypt, through five art exhibitions during the Second World War, cultural magazines, also in Arabic and publishers publishing authors that at the time were little known to the general public.Through the analysis of the cultural and artistic context of the period preceding the activities of "Art and Liberty / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah", we retraced the circumstances of its emergence and the presence of the futuristic avant-garde and surrealists in Egypt, a territory of welcome and cultural animation which gave birth to autonomous artistic centers.The debate accompanying the nascent Egyptian art torn between calls for an ideal "Egyptianity" and a limitless admiration of everything coming from Europe is symptomatic of the recent artistic practices of the first country of Muslim tradition to have "imported" the European Beaux-Arts.It is in this context that "the surrealist group of Egypt" inscribes its manifestos and its struggles against the state monopoly of culture and art. Proclaiming the freedom of art and its rightful place in an Egypt with set and backward cultural conceptions, the manifestos, conferences, debates, editorial companies and exhibitions that the group animates are all milestones of a cultural revolution to which a part of the Egyptian youth aspires, in a period where one lives the imminent danger of the war and a great intellectual effervescence

    Histoire littĂ©raire, artistique et culturelle de la naissance des avant-gardes surrĂ©alistes en Égypte francophone, des annĂ©es 1920 aux annĂ©es 1940

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    In Egypt from the end of the thirties to the post-war period, a group of young intellectuals led the collective "Art et LibertĂ© / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah". From an artistic, literary and political point of view it conveyed libertarian, revolutionary and egalitarian messages that were almost unique in the Middle East.The collective was inspired by the principles of the FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de l’Art RĂ©volutionnaire et IndĂ©pendant, created in 1938 by AndrĂ© Breton and LĂ©on Trotski, it gathered around the French-speaking polemicist Georges Henein and the artist and theorist Ramses Younane. The group was the cultural center that led to the introduction of the surrealism in Egypt, through five art exhibitions during the Second World War, cultural magazines, also in Arabic and publishers publishing authors that at the time were little known to the general public.Through the analysis of the cultural and artistic context of the period preceding the activities of "Art and Liberty / Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah", we retraced the circumstances of its emergence and the presence of the futuristic avant-garde and surrealists in Egypt, a territory of welcome and cultural animation which gave birth to autonomous artistic centers.The debate accompanying the nascent Egyptian art torn between calls for an ideal "Egyptianity" and a limitless admiration of everything coming from Europe is symptomatic of the recent artistic practices of the first country of Muslim tradition to have "imported" the European Beaux-Arts.It is in this context that "the surrealist group of Egypt" inscribes its manifestos and its struggles against the state monopoly of culture and art. Proclaiming the freedom of art and its rightful place in an Egypt with set and backward cultural conceptions, the manifestos, conferences, debates, editorial companies and exhibitions that the group animates are all milestones of a cultural revolution to which a part of the Egyptian youth aspires, in a period where one lives the imminent danger of the war and a great intellectual effervescence.Dans l'Égypte de la fin des annĂ©es Trente Ă  l'aprĂšs-guerre, un groupement de jeunes intellectuels anime le collectif « Art et LibertĂ©/ Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah » qui, dans les domaines artistique, littĂ©raire, politique, vĂ©hicule des messages libertaires, rĂ©volutionnaires et Ă©galitaires qui reprĂ©sentent un cas quasiment unique au Moyen Orient. S’inspirant des principes de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de l’Art RĂ©volutionnaire et IndĂ©pendant, crĂ©Ă©e en 1938 par AndrĂ© Breton et LĂ©on Trotski, le groupe rĂ©uni autour du polĂ©miste francophone Georges Henein et de l’artiste et thĂ©oricien RamsĂšs Younane fut le foyer culturel qui opĂ©ra pour l’introduction du surrĂ©alisme en Égypte, Ă  travers cinq expositions d’art pendant la DeuxiĂšme Guerre Mondiale, des revues culturelles, Ă©galement en arabe, des maisons d’éditions publiant des auteurs Ă  l’époque peu connus du grand public. À travers l’analyse du contexte culturel et artistique de l’époque prĂ©cĂ©dant les activitĂ©s d’« Art et LibertĂ©/ Al-Fann w-al-Hurryiah », nous avons retracĂ© les circonstances de son Ă©closion et la prĂ©sence des avant-gardes futuristes et surrĂ©alistes en Égypte, un territoire d’accueil et d’animation culturelle ayant donnĂ© naissance Ă  des centres artistiques autonomes. Le dĂ©bat accompagnant le naissant art Ă©gyptien tiraillĂ© entre appels Ă  une « Ă©gyptianitĂ© » idĂ©ale et une admiration sans bornes de tout ce venait d'Europe est symptomatique des rĂ©centes pratiques artistiques du premier pays de tradition musulmane Ă  avoir « importĂ© » les Beaux-Arts europĂ©ens, dans lequel « le groupe surrĂ©aliste d’Egypte » inscrit ses manifestations et ses luttes contre le monopole Ă©tatique de la culture et de l'art. Proclamant la libertĂ© de l'art et son droit de citĂ© dans une Égypte aux conceptions culturelles figĂ©es et passĂ©istes, les manifestes, les confĂ©rences, les dĂ©bats, les entreprises Ă©ditoriales et les expositions que le groupe anime sont autant de jalons d'une rĂ©volution culturelle Ă  laquelle une partie de la jeunesse Ă©gyptienne aspire, dans une pĂ©riode oĂč l'on vit le danger imminent de la guerre et une grande effervescence intellectuelle