805 research outputs found

    How vegetation in flows modifies the turbulent mixing and spreading of jets

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    While studies on vegetated channel flows have been developed in many research centers, studies on jets interacting with vegetation are still rare. This study presents and analyzes turbulent jets issued into an obstructed cross-flow, with emergent vegetation simulated with a regular array of cylinders. The paper presents estimates of the turbulence diffusion coefficients and the main turbulence variables of jets issued into a vegetated channel flow. The experimental results are compared with jets issued into unobstructed cross-flow. In the presence of the cylinder array, the turbulence length-scales in the streamwise and transverse directions were reduced, relative to the unobstructed crossflow. This contributed to a reduction in streamwise turbulent diffusion, relative to the unobstructed conditions. In contrast, the transverse turbulent diffusion was enhanced, despite the reduction in length-scale, due to enhanced turbulent intensity and the transverse deflection of flow around individual cylinders. Importantly, in the obstructed condition, the streamwise and transverse turbulent diffusion coefficients are of the same order of magnitude

    coastline evolution based on statistical analysis and modeling

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    Abstract. Wind, waves, tides, sediment supply, changes in relative sea level and human activities strongly affect shorelines, which constantly move in response to these processes, over a variety of timescales. Thus, the implementation of sound coastal zone management strategies needs reliable information on erosion and/or deposition processes. To suggest a feasible way to provide this information is the main reason for this work. A chain approach is proposed here, tested on a vulnerable coastal site located along southern Italy, and based on the joint analysis of field data, statistical tools and numerical modeling. Firstly, the coastline morphology has been examined through interannual field data, such as aerial photographs, plane-bathymetric surveys and seabed characterization. After this, rates of shoreline changes have been quantified with a specific GIS tool. The correlations among the historical positions of the shoreline have been detected by statistical analysis and have been satisfactorily confirmed by numerical modeling, in terms of recurrent erosion–accretion area and beach rotation trends. Finally, based on field topographic, sediment, wave and wind data, the response of the beach through numerical simulation has been investigated in a forecasting perspective. The purpose of this study is to provide a feasible, general and replicable chain approach, which could help to thoroughly understand the dynamics of a coastal system, identify typical and recurrent erosion–accretion processes, and predict possible future trends, useful for planning of coastal activities

    Case Report: A case of IgD lambda/lambda Multiple Myeloma in patient with acute renal failure and without monoclonal spike in serum electrophoresis

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    Background: IgD Multiple Myeloma is a rare form of plasma cell dyscrasia and accounts for approximately 1-2% of all cases of Multiple Myeloma. It mainly affects young, male subjects; it is characterized by an aggressive course, a high production of Bence Jones protein, acute renal failure and an often unfortunate outcome compared to the other isotypes of MM. A distinctive feature is the lack of a monoclonal peak on serum protein electrophoresis (SPE). Case report: a 57-year-old man with pain in his left lower limb and weight loss goes to the Emergency Department (Emergency Department). Laboratory tests performed showed normocytic normochromic anemia (Hemoglobin 9.4 g/dL), acute renal failure (s-creatinine 2.85 mg/dL, e-GFR 23 mL/min/1.73 m². serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) detected only mild polyclonal in the gamma zone with no evidence of any monoclonal peak. Results: serum immunofixation (s-IFE) showed a monoclonal IgD l band and a monoclonal l band. The Free Light Chains (s-FLC) measurement showed a ratio of 0.04. The bone marrow biopsy confirmed an infiltration of> 20% of clonal plasma cells; renal biopsy diagnosed “cast nephropathy”. Conclusion: IgD l/l Multiple Myeloma is a rare form of this disease with a poor prognosis; an early and correct laboratory diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment and effective monitoring in order to improve patient outcom

    Quasi-geostrophic jet-like flow with obstructions

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    Jet-like flows are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and oceans, and thus a thorough investigation of their behaviour in rotating systems is fundamental. Nevertheless, how they are affected by vegetation or, generally speaking, by obstructions is a crucial aspect which has been poorly investigated up to now. The aim of the present paper is to propose an analytical model developed for jet-like flows in the presence of both obstructions and the Coriolis force. In this investigation the jet-like flow is assumed homogeneous, turbulent and quasi-geostrophic, and with the same density as the surrounding fluid. Laws of momentum deficit, length scales, velocity scales and jet centreline are analytically deduced. These analytical solutions are compared with some experimental data obtained using the Coriolis rotating platform at LEGI-Grenoble (France), showing a good agreemen

    Intra- and Inter-Population Genetic Diversity of “Russello” and “Timilia” Landraces from Sicily: A Proxy towards the Identification of Favorable Alleles in Durum Wheat

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    Climate change and global population growth call for urgent recovery of genetic variation from underexploited or unexplored durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) landraces. Indeed, these untapped genetic resources can be a valuable source of favorable alleles for environmental adaptation and tolerance or resistance to (a)biotic stress. In southern Italy, in addition to the widespread modern and highly productive durum wheat cultivars, various landraces have been rediscovered and reused for their adaptation to sustainable and low-input cropping systems and for their peculiar qualitative characteristics. Sicily is a semiarid area rich in landraces, some of which are independently reproduced by many farmers. Among these, “Timilia” and “Russello” have been independently grown in various areas and are now cultivated, mostly under organic systems, for their hypothetical greater benefits and height, which give them a high level of competitiveness against weeds despite their low yield potential. So far, there is little information on the genetic variations of “Timilia” and “Russello” despite their putative origin from a common funder. This work aims to dissect the genetic variation patterns of two large germplasm collections of “Timilia” and “Russello” using SNP genotyping. The analysis of intra- and inter-population genetic variation and the identification of divergent loci between genetic groups showed that (i) there are two “Russello” genetic groups associated with different Sicilian geographical areas, which differ in important traits related to gluten quality and adaptation, and (ii) the individuals of “Timilia”, although presenting wide genetic variation, have undergone a conservative selection, likely associated with their distinctive traits. This work paves the way for a deeper exploration of the wide genetic diversity in Sicilian landraces, which could be conveniently exploited in future breeding programs, and points out that intra-population genetic diversity should be taken into account when ‘conservation varieties’ are to be registered in national registers of crop

    In vitro diagnosis of sepsis: a review

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    Marcello Guido,1 Maria Rosaria Tumolo,2 Antonella De Donno,1 Tiziano Verri,3 Francesca Serio,1 Francesco Bagordo,1 Antonella Zizza2 1Laboratory of Hygiene, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy; 2National Research Council, Institute of Clinical Physiology, 3Laboratory of Physiology, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salento, Lecce, ItalyAbstract: Sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock, systemic inflammatory response, and other related manifestations represent a relevant medical problem with high morbidity and mortality, despite the improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures over the last few decades. The limited knowledge of the pathophysiology in association with the lack of in vitro diagnostic methods for the certain and quick determination of the causative microbiological agents and their antibiotic resistance means the condition is still critical and of high impact in health care. The current gold standard method to detect the sepsis-causing pathogens, which is based on blood culture, is still insufficiently sensitive and slow. The new culture-independent molecular biology-based techniques can lead to the identification of a broad range of microorganisms and resistance markers within a few hours and with high sensitivity and specificity; nevertheless, limitations of, for example, the polymerase chain reaction-based methods still hamper their application in the clinical routine. This review summarizes the in vitro diagnostic methods and their approach in the clinical diagnosis of the bloodstream infections, and explores their advantages and disadvantages at the current state of the art. A quick analysis of the future prospective in multiplex technologies for microbiological diagnosis of sepsis is also provided. Keywords: PCR, PCR/ESI-MS, microarray, MALDI-TOF, next-generation sequencing, FIS

    Using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay to evaluate Chromosomal DNA damage in chronic renal patients undergoing Bicarbonate Haemodialysis and Haemodiafiltration

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    Introduction. Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) patients are considered to show genomic instability and are associated with a high risk of both cardiovascular diseases and cancer. We explored DNA damage due to two dialysis treatments in 20 patients undergoing bicarbonate haemodialysis, 20 undergoing haemodiafiltration and 40 healthy subjects.Methods. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (MN) assay was performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes to evaluate genetic damage.Results. A higher frequency of MN in the dialysis groups compared with controls was found. The results do not show a relationship between genetic instability and the type, frequency and duration of haemodialysis. The average BD and HDF treatment time was respectively 3.8±6.3 and 3.7±3.9 yrs. CAT and scintigraphy was independently correlated with high levels of MN.Discussion. Overall, the frequency of MN in CRF patients undergoing dialysis therapy was observed to be higher. Further studies need to be performed on a larger number of patients and for a longer period

    Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in the Province of Lecce: Results from the PROTOS Case–Control Study in Salento (Southern Italy)

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    In the province of Lecce (southern Italy), a higher incidence of lung cancer (LC) among men compared to regional and national data was reported. In a sub-area in the center of the province (cluster area), the incidence and mortality for LC was even higher. PROTOS is a case-control study aimed at investigating possible risk factors for LC in the province area. A total of 442 patients with LC and 1326 controls matched by sex and age living in the province of Lecce for at least 10 years were enrolled and georeferenced; they filled in a questionnaire with their personal information and exposures. For each risk factor, an Odds Ratio adjusted for all the other variables was calculated. The risk of LC increased with excessive use of alcohol in women, for those subjects with a family cancer history, for each increase in pack/year of cigarettes, for men more exposed considering the industrial district in the cluster area, and for those using pesticides in agriculture without wearing personal protective equipment. The higher incidence of adenocarcinoma in both sexes suggests that, in addition to cigarette smoking, concurrent exposures to other environmental, occupational, and life-style factors may play a role in increased cancer risk and should be more deeply explored

    67 kDa laminin receptor (67LR) in normal and neoplastic hematopoietic cells: is its targeting a feasible approach?

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    The 67 kDa laminin receptor (67LR) is a non-integrin cell surface receptor for laminin (LM) that derives from a 37 kDa precursor (37LRP). 67LR expression is increased in neoplastic cells and correlates with an enhanced invasive and metastatic potentialin many human solid tumors, recommending this receptor as a new promising target for cancer therapy. This is supported by in vivo studies showing that 67LR downregulation reduces tumour cell proliferation and tumour formation by inducing apoptosis. 67LR association with the anti-apoptotic protein PED/PEA-15 activates a signal transduction pathway, leading to cell proliferation and resistance to apoptosis. However, the main function of 67LR is to enhance tumor cell adhesion to the LM of basement membranes and cell migration, two crucial events in the metastasis cascade.Thus, inhibition of 67LR binding to LM has been proved to be a feasible approach to block metastatic cancer cell spread. Despite accumulating evidences on 67LR overexpression in hematologic malignancies, 67LR role in these diseases has not been clearly defined. Here, we review 67LR expression and function in normal and malignant hematopoietic cells, 67LR role and prognostic impact in hematological malignancies and first attempts in targeting its activity

    Evaluation of Radon Exposure Risk and Lung Cancer Incidence/Mortality in South-Eastern Italy

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    Introduction: Radon and its decay products may cause substantial health damage after long-term exposure. The aim of the study was to perform a spatial analysis of radon concentration in the Salento peninsula, province of Lecce (South-eastern Italy) in order to better characterize possible risk for human health, with specific focus on lung cancer.Methods: Based on previous radon monitoring campaigns carried out in 2006 on behalf of the Local Health Authority (ASL Lecce) involving 419 schools and through the application of kriging estimation method, a radon risk map was obtained for the province of Lecce, in order to determine if areas with higher radon concentrations were overlapping with those characterized by the highest pulmonary cancer incidence and mortality rates.Results: According to our data, areas at higher radon concentrations seem to overlap with those characterized by the highest pulmonary cancer mortality and incidence rates, thus indicating that human exposure to radon could possibly enhance other individual or environmental pro-carcinogenic risk factors (i.e. cigarette smoking, air pollution and other exposures).Conclusions: The radon risk should be further assessed in the evaluation of the causes resulting in higher mortality and incidence rates for pulmonary cancer in Salento area vs Italian average national data. For these reasons, ASL Lecce in cooperation with ARPA Puglia and CNR-IFC has included the monitoring of individual indoor radon concentrations in the protocol of PROTOS case-control Study, aimed at investigating the role of different personal and environmental risk factors for lung cancer in Salento