12 research outputs found

    Analysis of discrimination by linguistic profiling during callings to access rental housing in Spain

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    Este estudio busca determinar si existe discriminación lingüística hacia individuos percibidos como extranjeros por perfilado de su forma de hablar cuando llaman para acceder a pisos de alquiler. Trabajos anteriores apuntan a que esto es posible y ocurre en otros países. Nuestra investigación se basa en 288 llamadas telefónicas a anuncios de alquiler en tres ciudades con altos números de migración o turismo y otras tres que no. Se trazó un personaje homogéneo que todas las llamantes interpretaron para evitar que aspectos sociales o laborales fuesen distractores. En total, 8 potenciales candidatas hicieron 36 llamadas cada una. Dos de ellas hablaban una variedad peninsular y otra tenía origen dominicano. En este caso se quería comparar la diferencia de éxito entre diferentes variedades del español. También queríamos contrastar el efecto nativo y diferentes tipos de nacionalidades, por eso, el resto de llamantes eran de origen árabe, japonés, finlandés, alemán e italiano. Los resultados muestran que no hay diferencia entre nativas de español de diferentes variedades a la hora de acceder a oportunidades de visitar un piso. Tampoco se encuentra con hablantes de origen europeo. Sin embargo, las llamantes arabófona y japonesa tuvieron menos oportunidades de ver pisos y peor calidad de atención en las llamadas.This study seeks to determine whether there is linguistic discrimination against individuals perceived as foreigners by profiling their way of speaking when calling to rental flats. Previous works suggest that this is possible and occurs in other countries. Our research is based on phone calls to 288 rental ads in 3 cities with high migration or tourism numbers and 3 other cities with the opposite profile. A homogeneous role was drawn, and all the callers performed it to avoid social distractors. In total, 8 potential candidates made 36 calls each. Two of them were of Spanish origin and spoke a peninsular variety, and another was of Dominican origin. In this case, we wanted to compare the difference between communicative success between different varieties of Spanish. We also wanted to contrast the native/non-native effect and different types of nationalities, so the rest of the callers were of Arab, Japanese, Finnish, German and Italian origin. The results show that there is no difference between native Spanish speakers of different varieties when it comes to accessing opportunities to visit a flat. Neither are statistical differences found for speakers of European origin. However, the Arabic-speaking and Japanese callers had fewer opportunities to see the flats and, also, worse quality of service on the calls.Esta publicación es parte del proyecto de I+D+I PID2021-124673NA-I00 financiado por MICIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa

    Tex19.1 Promotes Spo11-Dependent Meiotic Recombination in Mouse Spermatocytes

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    Meiosis relies on the SPO11 endonuclease to generate the recombinogenic DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) required for homologous chromosome synapsis and segregation. The number of meiotic DSBs needs to be sufficient to allow chromosomes to search for and find their homologs, but not excessive to the point of causing genome instability. Here we report that the mammal-specific gene Tex19.1 promotes Spo11-dependent recombination in mouse spermatocytes. We show that the chromosome asynapsis previously reported in Tex19.1-/- spermatocytes is preceded by reduced numbers of recombination foci in leptotene and zygotene. Tex19.1 is required for normal levels of early Spo11-dependent recombination foci during leptotene, but not for upstream events such as MEI4 foci formation or accumulation of H3K4me3 at recombination hotspots. Furthermore, we show that mice carrying mutations in Ubr2, which encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase that interacts with TEX19.1, phenocopy the Tex19.1-/- recombination defects. These data suggest that Tex19.1 and Ubr2 are required for mouse spermatocytes to accumulate sufficient Spo11-dependent recombination to ensure that the homology search is consistently successful, and reveal a hitherto unknown genetic pathway promoting meiotic recombination in mammals

    Bcr-Abl Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Pediatric CML

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    The therapeutic approach to Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) has changed since the advent of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) imatinib, which was then followed by the second generation TKIs dasatinib, nilotinib, and, finally, by ponatinib, a third-generation drug. At present, these therapeutic options represent the first-line treatment for adults. Based on clinical experience, imatinb, dasatinib, and nilotinib have been approved for children even though the studies that were concerned with efficacy and safety toward pediatric patients are still awaiting more specific and high-quality data. In this scenario, it is of utmost importance to prospectively validate data extrapolated from adult studies to set a standard therapeutic management for pediatric CML by employing appropriate formulations on the basis of pediatric clinical trials, which allow a careful monitoring of TKI-induced adverse effects especially in growing children exposed to long-term therapy

    A BCI-based Assessment of a Player's State of Mind for Game Adaptation

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    Playing videogames is a process driven by both cognitive and emotional factors. Then, developing a mechanism that takes into account players’ emotional state for adapting specifc game features is a way to increase their engagement and ow during gameplay. In this paper, we present how a passive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) can be used to assess the state of mind of a player that can be used for enhancing his experience through adaptation. In particular, we collected data from EEG signals, in a horror adventure game, to learn a model of ow by monitoring the level of boredom, ow, and stress of the player. To this aim, we set an experiment and collected both subjective data about the perceived emotions and state of ow and data from the BCI that have been used to learn a classi er to recognize and assess the player’s affective state. Results are encouraging and the learned model achieves a good accuracy in distinguishing the three player’s states

    Use of autogenous fascia lata graft for perineal herniorrhaphy in dogs

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    Objective-To evaluate the effectiveness of a herniorrhaphy technique, using an autogenous fascia lata graft (FLG) for perineal hernia (PH) repair in dogs. Study Design-Prospective clinical study. Animals-Twelve dogs with PH. Method-PHs were repaired with FLG harvested from the dog's ipsilateral thigh and sutured directly into the perineal defect. Correction of associated conditions, and castration were performed. Surgical time, pain, inflammation, pattern of defecation, lameness, hospitalization time, postoperative complications, and owner satisfaction were recorded. Histopathologic examination was performed in 1 dog euthanatized 10 months after repair. Results-Hernia did not recur (mean follow-up, 5.8 months). Lameness was the most frequent minor complication, and was resolved within a few days. Transient rectal prolapse occurred in 2 dogs with bilateral PH. The mean (+/- SD) hospitalization was 1.8 +/- 0.9 days, and the surgical time was 76.5 +/- 9.8 minutes. Histopathologic examination in 1 dog revealed perfect integration of FLG into adjacent tissues without substantial tissue reaction. Conclusions-FLG reconstruction of PH is a simple, effective method of treatment. Clinical Relevance-FLG can be used without major complications for primary repair of PH, as an augmentation procedure when the internal obturator muscle is thin or friable, or when herniation has recurred after another repair technique. (c) Copyright 2005 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons

    Diacylglycerolipids isolated from a thermophile cyanobacterium from the Euganean hot springs

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    The Phormidium sp. ETS-05 thermophile blue-green alga is one of the most typical and widespread species of cyanobacteria of the thermal muds of the Euganean hot springs, the therapeutic properties of which have been known since ancient times. The polar diacylglycerolipids of this cyanobacterium consists of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol. We have isolated and purified these four diacylglycerolipids from ETS-05, and then analysed them for their quantitative and structural features and fatty acid contents. The monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and digalactosyldiacylglycerol show a marked presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which C18 : 4 is the most common. We propose that these glycoglycerolipids can be used as markers for monitoring the thermal mud colonisation process


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    The room-temperature controlled crystallization of monodispersed ZnS nanoparticles (average size of 5 nm) doped with luminescent ions (such as Mn2+, Eu3+, Sm3+, Nd3+, and Yb3+) was achieved via a microfluidic approach. The preparation did not require any stabilizing ligands or surfactants, minimizing potential sources of impurities. The synthesized nanomaterials were characterized from a structural (XRD and XAS at lanthanide L-3 edges), morphological (TEM), and compositional (XPS, ICP-MS) perspective, giving complementary information on the materials' features. In view of potential applications in the field of optical bioimaging, the optical emission properties of the doped nano-particles were assessed, and samples showed strong luminescent properties while being less affected by self-quenching mechanisms. Furthermore, in vitro cytotoxicity experiments were conducted, showing no negative effects and evidencing the appeal of the synthesized materials for potential applications in the field of optical bioimaging