195 research outputs found


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    The fatigue behaviour of injection moulded short fibre reinforced polymers depends upon fibre orientation, as shown in experiments conducted with notched specimens injected through different injection gates. The different fatigue behaviour is mainly related to the different local elastic properties, as determined by the different fibre orientation patterns, resulting into different strain distributions. In order to quantify the relationship between fibre orientation and elastic constants, the Cell Method was applied to volumes extracted from the specimens, reconstructed by micro-tomography

    Studio del danneggiamento mediante tomografia in luce del sincrotrone: impatto di un cono d’ombra sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni

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    Un’accurata osservazione della geometria tridimensionale di cricche e difetti è necessaria per lostudio dei meccanismi alla base del processo di danneggiamento. I metodi convenzionali utilizzati a questoscopo sono distruttivi o non possiedono una sufficiente risoluzione. Le tecniche di imaging che utilizzano laluce di sincrotrone, ed in particolare la microtomografia (micro-CT) a raggi X, invece, uniscono i vantaggi di unatecnica non distruttiva ad un’elevata risoluzione spaziale e risultano quindi particolarmente interessanti. Unlimite all’applicazione di questa tecnica è costituito dalla propensione della cricca a richiudersi una volta rimossoil carico che ha provocato il danneggiamento, superabile attraverso l’impiego di un dispositivo in grado diesercitare un carico di trazione durante l’acquisizione dei dati. Facendo riferimento al set-up sperimentale dellalinea SYRMEP di Elettra, il sincrotrone di Trieste, e tralasciando per il momento i vincoli legati a pesi eingombri, è possibile pensare di inserire tra camera di ionizzazione e CCD una macchina per prove di trazionemono-colonna commerciale, in grado di mantenere aperto il difetto per tutta la durata della tomografia. Inquesto lavoro viene valutato l’impatto di questo vincolo sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni

    Progress in pediatrics in 2015: choices in allergy, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, haematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, nephrology, neurology, nutrition, oncology and pulmonology

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    This review focuses key advances in different pediatric fields that were published in Italian Journal of Pediatrics and in international journals in 2015. Weaning studies continue to show promise for preventing food allergy. New diagnostic tools are available for identifying the allergic origin of allergic-like symptoms. Advances have been reported in obesity, short stature and autoimmune endocrine disorders. New molecules are offered to reduce weight gain and insulin-resistance in obese children. Regional investigations may provide suggestions for preventing short stature. Epidemiological studies have evidenced the high incidence of Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis in patients with Down syndrome. Documentation of novel risk factors for celiac disease are of use to develop strategies for prevention in the population at-risk. Diagnostic criteria for non-celiac gluten sensitivity have been reported. Negative effect on nervous system development of the supernumerary X chromosome in Klinefelter syndrome has emerged. Improvements have been made in understanding rare diseases such as Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Eltrombopag is an effective therapy for immune trombocytopenia. Children with sickle-cell anemia are at risk for nocturnal enuresis. Invasive diseases caused by Streptococcus pyogenes are still common despite of vaccination. No difference in frequency of antibiotic prescriptions for acute otitis media between before the publication of the national guideline and after has been found. The importance of timing of iron administration in low birth weight infants, the effect of probiotics for preventing necrotising enterocolitis and perspectives for managing jaundice and cholestasis in neonates have been highlighted. New strategies have been developed to reduce the risk for relapse in nephrotic syndrome including prednisolone during upper respiratory infection. Insights into the pathophysiology of cerebral palsy, arterial ischemic stroke and acute encephalitis may drive advances in treatment. Recommendations on breastfeeding and complementary feeding have been updated. Novel treatments for rhabdomyosarcoma should be considered for paediatric patients. Control of risk factors for bronchiolitis and administration of pavilizumab for preventing respiratory syncytial virus infection may reduce hospitalization. Identification of risk factors for hospitalization in children with wheezing can improve the management of this disease. Deletions or mutations in genes encoding proteins for surfactant function may cause diffuse lung disease

    Studio del danneggiamento mediante tomografia in luce del sincrotrone: impatto di un cono d'ombra sulla qualitĂ  finale delle ricostruzioni

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    Un'accurata osservazione della geometria tridimensionale di cricche e difetti è necessaria per lo studio dei meccanismi alla base del processo di danneggiamento. I metodi convenzionali utilizzati a questo scopo sono distruttivi o non possiedono una sufficiente risoluzione. Le tecniche di imaging che utilizzano la luce di sincrotrone, ed in particolare la microtomografia (micro-CT) a raggi X, invece, uniscono i vantaggi di una tecnica non distruttiva ad un'elevata risoluzione spaziale e risultano quindi particolarmente interessanti. Un limite all'applicazione di questa tecnica è costituito dalla propensione della cricca a richiudersi una volta rimosso il carico che ha provocato il danneggiamento, superabile attraverso l'impiego di un dispositivo in grado di esercitare un carico di trazione durante l'acquisizione dei dati. Facendo riferimento al set-up sperimentale della linea SYRMEP di Elettra, il sincrotrone di Trieste, e tralasciando per il momento i vincoli legati a pesi e ingombri, è possibile pensare di inserire tra camera di ionizzazione e CCD una macchina per prove di trazione mono-colonna commerciale, in grado di mantenere aperto il difetto per tutta la durata della tomografia. In questo lavoro viene valutato l'impatto di questo vincolo sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni

    Advances in paediatrics in 2016: Current practices and challenges in allergy, autoimmune diseases, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, neonatology, nephrology, neurology, nutrition, pulmonology

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    Abstract This review reports main progresses in various pediatric issues published in Italian Journal of Pediatrics and in international journals in 2016. New insights in clinical features or complications of several disorders may be useful for our better understanding. They comprise severe asthma, changing features of lupus erythematosus from birth to adolescence, celiac disease, functional gastrointestinal disorders, Moebius syndrome, recurrent pneumonia. Risk factors for congenital heart defects, Kawasaki disease have been widely investigated. New diagnostic tools are available for ascertaining brucellosis, celiac disease and viral infections. The usefulness of aCGH as first-tier test is confirmed in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. Novel information have been provided on the safety of milk for infants. Recent advances in the treatment of common disorders, including neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, hypo-glycemia in newborns, atopic dermatitis, constipation, cyclic vomiting syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, regurgitation, short stature, secretions in children with cerebral palsy have been reported. Antipyretics treatment has been updated by national guidelines and studies have excluded side effects (e.g. asthma risk during acetaminophen therapy). Vaccinations are a painful event and several options are reported to prevent this pain. Adverse effects due to metabolic abnormalities are reported for second generation antipsychotic drugs

    Best practices, challenges and innovations in pediatrics in 2019

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    This paper runs through key progresses in epidemiology, pathomechanisms and therapy of various diseases in children that were issued in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics at the end of last year. Novel research and documents that explore areas such as allergy, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, and respiratory tract illnesses in children have been reported. These observations will help to control childhood illnesses

    Advances in paediatrics in 2019: current practices and challenges in allergy, endocrinology, gastroenterology, public health, neonatology, nutrition, nephrology, neurology, respiratory diseases and rheumatic diseases

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    We highlight the main developments that have been published during the first semester of the last year in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics. We have carefully chosen information from numerous exciting progresses issued in the Journal in the field of allergy, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neonatology, nutrition, nephrology, neurology, public health, respiratory diseases and rheumatic diseases. The impact on the care of patients has been placed in the broader context of studies that appeared in other journals. We think that many observations can be used directly to upgrade management of patients

    New insights in pediatrics in 2021: choices in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, haematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, palliative care, respiratory tract illnesses and telemedicine

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    In this review, we report the developments across pediatric subspecialties that have been published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics in 2021. We highlight advances in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, hematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, palliative care, respiratory tract illnesses and telemedicine

    New insights in pediatrics in 2021: choices in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, haematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, palliative care, respiratory tract illnesses and telemedicine

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    In this review, we report the developments across pediatric subspecialties that have been published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics in 2021. We highlight advances in allergy and immunology, critical care, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, hematology, infectious diseases, neonatology, neurology, nutrition, palliative care, respiratory tract illnesses and telemedicine

    A Survey on Monitoring Innovation and Societal Impact of EU-funded Research: Factual Summary Report

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    The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC), in collaboration with the EC Directorate General for Research and Innovation initiated an activity to define suitable indicators to retrospectively assess the impact of European Union (EU)-funded research. To this aim, the JRC conducted a survey addressed to current and former participants of EC-funded research projects in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. This summary report provides a brief factual overview of the replies received, with information on the respondents as well as the number of responses and range of opinions. The replies gathered through this survey will help the European Commission assess how EU-funded research activities have contributed to innovation and impact.JRC.F.3-Chemicals Safety and Alternative Method
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