81 research outputs found

    Detection of small molecules with a flow immunosensor

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    We describe the development of an easy-to-use sensor with widespread applications for detecting small molecules. The flow immunosensor can analyze discrete samples in under one minute or continuously monitor a flowing stream for the presence of specific analytes. This detection system is extremely specific, and achieves a level of sensitivity which meets or exceeds the detection limits reported for rival assays. Because the system is also compact, transportable, and automated, it has the potential to impact diverse areas. For example, the flow immunosensor has successfully detected drugs of abuse and explosives, and may well address many of the needs of the environmental community with respect to continuous monitoring for pollutants. Efforts are underway to engineer a portable device in the field

    Point-of-care diagnostics for niche applications

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    Point-of-care or point-of-use diagnostics are analytical devices that provide clinically relevant information without the need for a core clinical laboratory. In this review we define point-of-care diagnostics as portable versions of assays performed in a traditional clinical chemistry laboratory. This review discusses five areas relevant to human and animal health where increased attention could produce significant impact: veterinary medicine, space travel, sports medicine, emergency medicine, and operating room efficiency. For each of these areas, clinical need, available commercial products, and ongoing research into new devices are highlighted

    Review of recent developments in stimulated emission depletion microscopy: applications on cell imaging

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    Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy is one type of far-field optical technique demonstrated to provide subdiffraction resolution. STED microscopy utilizes a donut-shaped depletion beam to limit the probe volume to be much smaller than a diffraction-limited spot. Resolutions as small as a few tens of nanometers laterally are reported for cell analysis. The different versions of STED microscopes are described and contrasted in terms of their applicability for biological imaging. Finally, we suggest likely avenues for improving the performance and increasing the utility of STED microscopy

    Mechanical and Vascular Cues Synergistically Enhance Osteogenesis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Development and maintenance of a vascular network are critical for bone growth and homeostasis; strategies that promote vascular function are critical for clinical success of tissue-engineered bone constructs. Co-culture of endothelial cells (ECs) with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and exposure to 10% cyclic tensile strain have both been shown to regulate osteogenesis in isolation, but potential synergistic effects have yet to be explored. The objective of this study was to expose an MSC-EC co-culture to 10% cyclic tensile strain to examine the role of this mechanical stimulus on MSC-EC behavior. We hypothesized that paracrine signaling from ECs would stimulate osteogenesis of MSCs, and exposure to 10% cyclic tensile strain would enhance this anabolic signal. Human umbilical vein ECs and human bone marrow-derived MSCs were either monocultured or co-cultured at a 1:1 ratio in a mixed osteo/angiogenic medium, exposed to 10% cyclic tensile strain at 1 Hz for 4 h/day for 2 weeks, and biochemically and histologically analyzed for endothelial and osteogenic markers. While neither 10% cyclic tensile strain nor co-culture alone had a significant effect on osteogenesis, the concurrent application of strain to an MSC-EC co-culture resulted in a significant increase in calcium accretion and mineral deposition, suggesting that co-culture and strain synergistically enhance osteogenesis. Neither co-culture, 10% cyclic tensile strain, nor a combination of these stimuli affected endothelial markers, indicating that the endothelial phenotype remained stable, but unresponsive to the stimuli evaluated in this study. This study is the first to investigate the role of cyclic tensile strain on the complex interplay between ECs and MSCs in co-culture. The results of this study provide key insights into the synergistic effects of 10% cyclic tensile strain and co-culture on osteogenesis. Understanding mechanobiological factors affecting MSC-EC crosstalk will help enhance strategies for creating vascularized tissues in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

    Microfabricated blood vessels undergo neoangiogenesis

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    The greatest ambition and promise of tissue engineering is to manufacture human organs. Before “made-to- measure” tissues can become a reality [1-3], however, three-dimensional tissues must be reconstructed and characterized. The current inability to manufacture operational vasculature has limited the growth of engineered tissues. Here, free-standing, small diameter blood vessels with organized cell layers that recapitulate normal biological functionality are fabricated using microfluidic technology. Over time in culture, the endothelial cells form a monolayer on the luminal wall and remodel the scaffold with human extracellular matrix proteins. After integration into three-dimensional gels containing fibroblasts, the microvessels sprout and generate extended hollow branches that anastomose with neighboring capillaries to form a network. Both the microfabricated vessels and the extended sprouts support perfusion of fluids and particles. The ability to create cellularized microvessels that can be designed with a diameter of choice, produced by the meter, and undergo angiogenesis and anastomoses will be an extremely valuable tool for vascularization of engineered tissues. To summarize, ultraviolet (UV) photocross linkable poly(ethylene glycol) and gelatin methacrylate polymers used in combination with sheathflow microfluidics allow for the fabrication of small diameter blood vessels which undergo neoangiogenesis as well as other developmental processes associated with normal human blood vessel maturation. Once mature, these vessels can be embedded; perfused; cryogenically stored and respond to stimuli such as chemokines and shear stresses to mimic native human blood vessels. The applications range from tissue-on-chip systems for drug screening, characterization of normal and pathologic processes, and creation and characterization of engineered tissues for organ repair

    Low-Rate Smartphone Videoscopy for Microsecond Luminescence Lifetime Imaging with Machine Learning

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    Time-resolved techniques have been widely used in time-gated and luminescence lifetime imaging. However, traditional time-resolved systems require expensive lab equipment such as high-speed excitation sources and detectors or complicated mechanical choppers to achieve high repetition rates. Here, we present a cost-effective and miniaturized smartphone lifetime imaging system integrated with a pulsed UV LED for 2D luminescence lifetime imaging using a videoscopy-based virtual chopper (V-chopper) mechanism combined with machine learning. The V-chopper method generates a series of time-delayed images between excitation pulses and smartphone gating so that the luminescence lifetime can be measured at each pixel using a relatively low acquisition frame rate (e.g., 30 fps) without the need for excitation synchronization. Europium (Eu) complex dyes with different luminescent lifetimes ranging from microseconds to seconds were used to demonstrate and evaluate the principle of V-chopper on a 3D-printed smartphone microscopy platform. A convolutional neural network (CNN) model was developed to automatically distinguish the gated images in different decay cycles with an accuracy of >99.5%. The current smartphone V-chopper system can detect lifetime down to ~75 microseconds utilizing the default phase shift between the smartphone video rate and excitation pulses and in principle can detect much shorter lifetimes by accurately programming the time delay. This V-chopper methodology has eliminated the need for the expensive and complicated instruments used in traditional time-resolved detection and can greatly expand the applications of time-resolved lifetime technologies

    Transformable liquid-metal nanomedicine

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    To date, numerous inorganic nanocarriers have been explored for drug delivery systems (DDSs). However, the clinical application of inorganic formulations has often been hindered by their toxicity and failure to biodegrade. We describe here a transformable liquid-metal nanomedicine, based on a core–shell nanosphere composed of a liquid-phase eutectic gallium-indium core and a thiolated polymeric shell. This formulation can be simply produced through a sonication-mediated method with bioconjugation flexibility. The resulting nanoparticles loaded with doxorubicin (Dox) have an average diameter of 107 nm and demonstrate the capability to fuse and subsequently degrade under a mildly acidic condition, which facilitates release of Dox in acidic endosomes after cellular internalization. Equipped with hyaluronic acid, a tumour-targeting ligand, this formulation displays enhanced chemotherapeutic inhibition towards the xenograft tumour-bearing mice. This liquid metal-based DDS with fusible and degradable behaviour under physiological conditions provides a new strategy for engineering theranostic agents with low toxicity

    Microfluidic Fabrication of Polymeric and Biohybrid Fibers with Predesigned Size and Shape

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    A “sheath” fluid passing through a microfluidic channel at low Reynolds number can be directed around another “core” stream and used to dictate the shape as well as the diameter of a core stream.Grooves in the top and bottom of a microfluidic channel were designed to direct the sheath fluid and shape the core fluid.By matching the viscosity and hydrophilicity of the sheath and core fluids, the interfacial effects are minimized and complex fluid shapes can be formed.Controlling the relative flow rates of the sheath and core fluids determines the cross-sectional area of the core fluid.Fibers have been produced with sizes ranging from 300 nm to ~1 mm, and fiber cross-sections can be round, flat, square, or complex as in the case with double anchor fibers. Polymerization of the core fluid downstream from the shaping region solidifies the fibers.Photoinitiated click chemistries are well suited for rapid polymerization of the core fluid by irradiation with ultraviolet light.Fibers with a wide variety of shapes have been produced from a list of polymers including liquid crystals, poly(methylmethacrylate), thiol-ene and thiol-yne resins, polyethylene glycol, and hydrogel derivatives. Minimal shear during the shaping process and mild polymerization conditions also makes the fabrication process well suited for encapsulation of cells and other biological components

    Self-folded redox/acid dual-responsive nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery

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    Self-folded redox/acid dual-responsive nanocarriers (RAD-NCs) are developed for physiologically triggered delivery of anticancer drug. The evidenced redox/acid responsiveness, facile decoration of ligands, and active tumor-targeting capability of RAD-NCs suggest their potential as a promising formulation for tumor-targeted chemotherapy

    A dual wavelength-activatable gold nanorod complex for synergistic cancer treatment

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    A multifunctional gold nanorod complex was formulated for synergistic anticancer treatment upon ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light dual irradiations