1,543 research outputs found

    La complessità dei diritti personali e il dibattito sul Codice civile uniforme in India

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. La logica dell’uniformazione - 3. Due significati di “complessità”. The complexity of personal laws and the debate on the Uniform Civil Code in India ABSTRACT: The promulgation of the Uniform Civil Code, envisaged in the Indian Constitution as a Directive Principle of State Policy, has been at the center of a debate on overcoming the application of personal laws in matters of family and succession that has always been present in the Indian context and has recently been revived. The contribution identifies as useful keys for analysis on the one hand the logic of uniformisation as choice and, on the other hand, complexity, understood both as the operational difficulty of managing a system of laws applied on a personal basis and as a basic feature of continuous interactions between different principles and rules in a highly pluralistic context

    Las reformas del derecho de familia en India: el matrimonio de niños entre derecho hindú tradicional e intervención estatal

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    El artículo analiza la evolución del derecho de India en relación con el matrimonio de niños, considerando algunos aspectos del derecho tradicional hindú, los caracteres de la intervención colonial y las reformas jurídicas posteriores a la independencia. El trabajo resalta la interacción entre las diferentes fuentes de las que emerge el derecho hindú y los conflictos que se presentan entre derecho oficial y no oficial, para, con base en ello, explicar la manera como la modernización del derecho hindú ha encontrado diferentes resistencias que se han traducido en una peculiar separación entre disciplina privatista y penalista del matrimonio de niños, siendo este sancionado penalmente pero considerado válido hasta el Child Marriage Prohibition Act de 2006, cuya eficacia en el contexto indio aún sigue siendo problemática

    Dote e violenza domestica in India: un’analisi socio-giuridica

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    The phenomenon of gender violence, in all its aspects, affects millions of women throughout the world, as it has been underlined by the WHO in a recent report. India represents a peculiar and interesting case as to both the incidence of the problem and the mixture of factors contributing to determine specific and local forms of violence, like the one related to dowry.After describing the path feminist movements followed at the international level in order to shed light on the phenomenon of gender violence and get a stronger protection, this work examines the Indian context. A study on the role of women in the Indian tradition and history will allow the reader to place the 70’s feminist struggles in a wider frame of acquisition of self-awareness on the part of Indian women, fighting against common forms of gender violence in India, such as female infanticide, sati and dowry, on which the rest of the essay is focused.This research aims at bringing out the difficulties scholars face when framing the dowry problem, which, far from the traditional version described in the sacred texts, has turned into a pernicious and violent practice. On the one hand, I try to identify the elements of distinction between the old and the modern dowry and, on the other hand, I look into the roots of this violence, that some people ascribe to a process of westernization, and some others to an inefficient enforcement of inheritance rights, or problems related to traditional marriage practices.This essay would like to organically present all the theories that have been proposed with reference to dowry, linking together the different approaches in a wider study, which encompasses not only a sociological and traditional analysis of dowry, but also a legal one. The last part of this work will focus on the legal response which has been offered by the State in the field of dowry and domestic violence and on the causes of the abuses and the significant inefficiency of this legislation. Keywords: gender violence, India, dowry, bride-burning.Parole chiave: violenza di genere, India, dote, bride-burning

    The role of PIAS3, p-STAT3 and ALR in colorectalcancer: new translational molecular features for an old disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Human colorectal cancer (CRC) is characterized by a sequence of biological events that determine its induction and progression. Gut microbiota has an impor-tant role in this multistep model of carcinogen-esis, as well as constitutive activation of Signal Transducer and Activator Factors 3 (p-STAT3) and Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT3 (PIAS3), which negatively controls STAT3. It has been re-ported that a liver growth factor, the Augmenter of Liver Regeneration (ALR), an anti-apoptotic, anti-metastatic factor, exerts protective/cell sur-vival and anti-metastatic activities and has been detected highly expressed in neoplastic cells. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, p-STAT3, PIAS3 and ALR expression in neoplastic human tissues from CRC patients, grouping the data in accord-ance with the histological alterations (G1, G2 and G3) and metastasis presence. Western blot (WB) analysis of ALR was also determined in ne-oplastic and surrounding tissues. Finally, cell proliferation (Ki-67) and apoptosis (Bcl-2) were determined. RESULTS : Colon cancer tissue samples showed: (1) ALR and p-STAT3 strongly over-ex-pression in 100% of G1 tissue samples, reducing in G2 and G3 tissue samples; (2) PIAS3 immuno-logical determination was poorly expressed in G1 tissue samples and highly expressed in the 100% of colorectal tissues from group G2 and G3. Ki-67 progressively increases with the im-portance of the anatomic-pathological altera-tions and Bcl-2 resulted higher in G3 tissue sam-ples compared to G1 neoplastic tissues. WB data evidenced, in neoplastic tissues, compared to the tumour-surrounding tissues, ALR over-ex-pressed in G1 neoplastic tissues and down-ex-pressed in G3 neoplastic tissues.CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate a dif-ferent dynamism of the investigated factors in relation to the severity of CRC histological find-ings. We hypothesize that the positive expres-sion of ALR and p-STAT3 in the neoplastic tis-sue samples from CRC G1 group, associated to the absence of PIAS3, could be useful marker to identify an early stage of the disease. Based on these data and on our previous studies on gut microbiota in precancerous intestinal lesions, we are confident that, after microbial priming, a cascade of molecular events is started. So, the detectable molecules acting in these initial steps should be considered for the study of CRC progression and therapy