4,042 research outputs found

    Estradiol and testosterone levels in patients undergoing partial hepatectomy - A possible signal for hepatic regeneration?

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    In five adult male patients undergoing a 40-60% partial hepatectomy, serum sex hormone levels before and after hepatic resection were determined. Blood was drawn immediately prior to each surgical procedure and at specified time points postoperatively. Compared to hormone levels found prior to surgery, following major hepatic resection, estradiol levels increase at 24 and 48 hr, while testosterone levels decline, being significantly reduced at 96 and 144 hr. These data demonstrate that adult males who undergo a 40-60% partial hepatectomy experience alterations in their sex hormone levels similar to those observed in male rats following a 70% hepatectomy. These changes in sex hormone levels have been associated in animals with an alteration of the sex hormone receptor status of the liver that is thought to participate in the initiation of the regenerative response. These studies suggest, but do not prove, that in man, as in the case of the rat, sex hormones may participate in the initiation of or at least modulate in part the regenerative response that occurs following a major hepatic resection. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Different response to epidermal growth factor of hepatocytes in cultures isolated from male or female rat liver. Inhibitor effect of estrogen on binding and mitogenic effect of epidermal growth factor

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from the livers of male and female rats has been compared in monolayer culture. Plating efficiency, DNA and protein content, viability, and morphologic appearance were the same in cultures prepared with hepatocytes isolated from male or female rats. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced DNA synthesis was significantly higher in hepatocytes from male rats than in hepatocytes from female rats. This was the case whether hepatocytes were isolated from normal or partially hepatectomized male or female rats. Hepatocytes isolated from regenerating liver synthesize more DNA than those isolated from normal liver in response to EGF. This increased response to EGF in hepatocytes derived from regenerating liver was relatively the same for male- and female-derived hepatocytes, but the magnitude of the response was considerably higher in male-derived hepatocytes. In contrast, in vivo DNA synthesis in the liver remnant after partial hepatectomy was similar in male and female rats if measured 24 h after the operation. A comparison of EGF binding to male- and female-derived hepatocytes maintained in primary culture indicated a lower number of high-affinity receptors for EGF in the female hepatocytes. The addition of estrogen to primary cultures of hepatocytes isolated from male rats inhibited EGF binding as well as EGF-induced DNA synthesis. Our studies show significant differences in DNA synthesis in response to EGF when male and female hepatocytes are compared in primary culture. The regenerative response after partial hepatectomy, on the other hand, was the same in male and female rats. Thus, our studies indicate that the sex of the donor rat is important when hepatocytes in culture are used for a variety of studies, such as hepatocyte metabolism, induction and control of DNA synthesis, and hepatocarcinogenesis. In addition, our results indicate that caution is advised when inferences are made from in vitro findings for in vivo conditions. © 1987

    The transport of pyruvate in rat liver mitochondria

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    Effect of ranitidine on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in dogs

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    The effect of ranitidine administration upon the hepatotoxic effect produced by a multidose acetaminophen administration regimen was examined. Seventy-two dogs received three subcutaneous injections of acetaminophen (750, 200, 200 mg/kg body wt) in DMSO (600 mg/ml) at time zero, 9 hr later, and 24 hr after the first dose. Ten control animals (group I) were not given ranitidine, the remaining 62 dogs received an intramus-cular injection of ranitidine 30 min before each acetaminophen dose. Three different doses of ranitidine were used (mg/kg body wt): 50 mg, group II (33 dogs); 75 mg, group III (14 dogs); 120 mg, group IV (15 dogs). Ranitidine reduced the expected acetaminophen-induced hepatoxicity in a dose-response manner. Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the ranitidine dose and the survival rate, as evidenced by transaminase levels in the serum and histology of the liver. This model of fulminant hepatic failure induced by acetaminophen and its modulation with ranitidine provides clinical investigators with a research tool that will be useful in the future investigation of putative medical and surgical therapies being investigated for use in the clinical management of fulminant hepatic failure. Because of the size of the animal used in this model, frequent and serial analyses of blood and liver were available for study to determine the effect of therapy within a given animal as opposed to within groups of animals. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Hepatotrophic effects of FK506 in dogs

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    Portacaval shunt (Eck fistula) in dogs causes hepato- cyte atrophy and organelle disruption, as well as tripling of hepatocyte mitoses. After submitting dogs to this pro-cedure, FK506 was infused into the tied-off left portal vein. The size, anatomic quality, and replication of he- patocytes were enhanced in the portion of liver infused with FK506, with a significant spillover effect in the noninfused portion. These hepatotrophic qualities of FK506 may explain part of FK506’s efficacy for the treatment of chronic liver rejection. Also, the observa-tions support a trial with this drug for the treatment of autoimmune liver diseases because, in addition to turning off the immunologic genesis of such disorders, repair and regeneration of the damaged liver may be augmented. Finally, these hepatrophic qualities are part of an emerging spectrum of biologic effects caused by drugs that may modulate the enzyme cis-trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase), the principal constituent of the cy-tosolic binding sites of FK506, repamycin, cyclosporine, and presumably other immunosuppressive drugs as yet undiscovered.© 1991 by Williams & Wilkins

    Provider-led Pathways to Work: Net impacts on employment and benefits, Working Paper No 113

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