119 research outputs found

    Exponential decay to equilibrium for a fibre lay-down process on a moving conveyor belt

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    We show existence and uniqueness of a stationary state for a kinetic Fokker-Planck equation modelling the fibre lay-down process in the production of non-woven textiles. Following a micro-macro decomposition, we use hypocoercivity techniques to show exponential convergence to equilibrium with an explicit rate assuming the conveyor belt moves slow enough. This work is an extension of (Dolbeault et al., 2013), where the authors consider the case of a stationary conveyor belt. Adding the movement of the belt, the global Gibbs state is not known explicitly. We thus derive a more general hypocoercivity estimate from which existence, uniqueness and exponential convergence can be derived. To treat the same class of potentials as in (Dolbeault et al., 2013), we make use of an additional weight function following the Lyapunov functional approach in (Kolb et al., 2013)

    Nonlinear stability of chemotactic clustering with discontinuous advection

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    We perform the nonlinear stability analysis of a chemotaxis model of bacterial self-organization, assuming that bacteria respond sharply to chemical signals. The resulting discontinuous advection speed represents the key challenge for the stability analysis. We follow a perturbative approach, where the shape of the cellular profile is clearly separated from its global motion, allowing us to circumvent the discontinuity issue. Further, the homogeneity of the problem leads to two conservation laws, which express themselves in differently weighted functional spaces. This discrepancy between the weights represents another key methodological challenge. We derive an improved Poincar\'e inequality that allows to transfer the information encoded in the conservation laws to the appropriately weighted spaces. As a result, we obtain exponential relaxation to equilibrium with an explicit rate. A numerical investigation illustrates our results

    Nonlinear stability of chemotactic clustering with discontinuous advection

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    We perform the nonlinear stability analysis of a chemotaxis model of bacterial self-organization, assuming that bacteria respond sharply to chemical signals. The resulting discontinuous advection speed represents the key challenge for the stability analysis. We follow a perturbative approach, where the shape of the cellular profile is clearly separated from its global motion, allowing us to circumvent the discontinuity issue. Further, the homogeneity of the problem leads to two conservation laws, which express themselves in differently weighted functional spaces. This discrepancy between the weights represents another key methodological challenge. We derive an improved Poincaré inequality that allows to transfer the information encoded in the conservation laws to the appropriately weighted spaces. As a result, we obtain exponential relaxation to equilibrium with an explicit rate. A numerical investigation illustrates our results

    Geometric structure of graph Laplacian embeddings

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    We analyze the spectral clustering procedure for identifying coarse structure in a data set x₁,
,x_n, and in particular study the geometry of graph Laplacian embeddings which form the basis for spectral clustering algorithms. More precisely, we assume that the data is sampled from a mixture model supported on a manifold M embedded in R^d, and pick a connectivity length-scale Δ>0 to construct a kernelized graph Laplacian. We introduce a notion of a well-separated mixture model which only depends on the model itself, and prove that when the model is well separated, with high probability the embedded data set concentrates on cones that are centered around orthogonal vectors. Our results are meaningful in the regime where Δ=Δ(n) is allowed to decay to zero at a slow enough rate as the number of data points grows. This rate depends on the intrinsic dimension of the manifold on which the data is supported

    Uniqueness of stationary states for singular Keller-Segel type models

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    We consider a generalised Keller–Segel model with non-linear porous medium type diffusion and non-local attractive power law interaction, focusing on potentials that are more singular than Newtonian interaction. We show uniqueness of stationary states (if they exist) in any dimension both in the diffusion-dominated regime and in the fair-competition regime when attraction and repulsion are in balance. As stationary states are radially symmetric decreasing, the question of uniqueness reduces to the radial setting. Our key result is a sharp generalised Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev type functional inequality in the radial setting
