7 research outputs found

    Influence of Prunus spinosa L. flower extract polyphenols on type-2 diabetes mellitus in C57BL/6 mouse

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    Brojni dokazi sugeriraju da dijeta bogata polifenolnim spojevima ima mogućnost zaÅ”tite od dijabetesa. Ekstrak cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. je bio promatran zbog svog utjecaja na lipidnu peroksidaciju i antioksidativni status kod miÅ”eva kod kojih je dijabetes izazvan pomoću alloxana. Promatrani biomarkeri oksidativnog stresa u organima su bili malonilaldehid (MDA) i reducirani glutation (GSH). Primjena ekstrakta cvijeta P. spinosa L. u dozi od 100 mg/kg tjelesne mase na C57BL/6 dijabetičnim miÅ”evima tijekom 10 dana je uzrokovala značajnu redukciju poviÅ”enih MDA vrijednosti, istovremeno povećavajući aktivnost antioksidativnog enzima (GSH) na dijabetičnim miÅ”evima. Promatrano značajno povećanje razine MDA u tkivima jetre i bubrega, kod dijabetičnih miÅ”eva, sugerira da dijabetični miÅ”evi imaju povećanu koncentraciju slobodnih radikala u usporedbi s normalnim, zdravim miÅ”evima. Smanjena aktivnost GSH u jetri i bubrezima tijekom dijabetesa je vjerojatno zbog inaktivacija ili inhibicije enzima i to zbog povećanje proizvodnje aloksan povezanih reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS). Rezultati ukazuju da ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. može reducirati slobodne radikale povezane s oksidativnim stresom u eksperimentalno izazvanom diabetes mellitus.Significant evidence suggests that polyphenol-rich diets have the ability to protect against diabetes. Extract flower Prunus spinosa L. was investigated for its effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The investigated biomarkers of oxidative stress in the organs were malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH). Administration of extract of P. spinosa L. flower at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight to C57BL/6 diabetic mice for 10 days caused significant reduction in the elevated MDA level, while increasing the activity of the antioxidant enzyme (GSH) in diabetic mice. The observed significant elevation in MDA level in liver and kidney tissues of alloxaninduced diabetic mice suggests an intensified free radical generation in diabetic mice compared to the normal mice. The lower activities of GSH observed in liver and kidney during diabetes may be due to the inactivation or inhibition of the enzymes by the increased production of alloxan-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Results indicate that the extract flower Prunus spinosa L. can reduce free radical mediated oxidative stress in experimental diabetes mellitus

    Influence of Prunus spinosa L. flower extract polyphenols on type-2 diabetes mellitus in C57BL/6 mouse

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    Brojni dokazi sugeriraju da dijeta bogata polifenolnim spojevima ima mogućnost zaÅ”tite od dijabetesa. Ekstrak cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. je bio promatran zbog svog utjecaja na lipidnu peroksidaciju i antioksidativni status kod miÅ”eva kod kojih je dijabetes izazvan pomoću alloxana. Promatrani biomarkeri oksidativnog stresa u organima su bili malonilaldehid (MDA) i reducirani glutation (GSH). Primjena ekstrakta cvijeta P. spinosa L. u dozi od 100 mg/kg tjelesne mase na C57BL/6 dijabetičnim miÅ”evima tijekom 10 dana je uzrokovala značajnu redukciju poviÅ”enih MDA vrijednosti, istovremeno povećavajući aktivnost antioksidativnog enzima (GSH) na dijabetičnim miÅ”evima. Promatrano značajno povećanje razine MDA u tkivima jetre i bubrega, kod dijabetičnih miÅ”eva, sugerira da dijabetični miÅ”evi imaju povećanu koncentraciju slobodnih radikala u usporedbi s normalnim, zdravim miÅ”evima. Smanjena aktivnost GSH u jetri i bubrezima tijekom dijabetesa je vjerojatno zbog inaktivacija ili inhibicije enzima i to zbog povećanje proizvodnje aloksan povezanih reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS). Rezultati ukazuju da ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. može reducirati slobodne radikale povezane s oksidativnim stresom u eksperimentalno izazvanom diabetes mellitus.Significant evidence suggests that polyphenol-rich diets have the ability to protect against diabetes. Extract flower Prunus spinosa L. was investigated for its effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The investigated biomarkers of oxidative stress in the organs were malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH). Administration of extract of P. spinosa L. flower at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight to C57BL/6 diabetic mice for 10 days caused significant reduction in the elevated MDA level, while increasing the activity of the antioxidant enzyme (GSH) in diabetic mice. The observed significant elevation in MDA level in liver and kidney tissues of alloxaninduced diabetic mice suggests an intensified free radical generation in diabetic mice compared to the normal mice. The lower activities of GSH observed in liver and kidney during diabetes may be due to the inactivation or inhibition of the enzymes by the increased production of alloxan-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Results indicate that the extract flower Prunus spinosa L. can reduce free radical mediated oxidative stress in experimental diabetes mellitus

    Utjecaj ekstrakta cvijeta trnine na homeostazu glukoze u normoglikemijskom i aloksanom induciranom hiperglikemijskom C57BL/6 miŔu

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    Research background. The use of plants and their extracts in treatments of chronic diseases is widely known in traditional medicine. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of 10-day consumption of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) flower extract on blood glucose, glycaemic load, serum Ī±-amlyase activity and insulin concentration in normoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic (alloxan-induced) mice model. Experimental approach. Normoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic (treated with alloxan, 150 mg per kg body mass) C57BL/6 mice were administered daily, during 10 days, blackthorn flower extract by gavage. The sugar mass concentration within the extract was determined by HPLC analysis. In mice, blood and serum blood glucose concentrations, and oral glucose tolerance test were determined by blood glucometer. Serum insulin concentration was determined by ELISA assay and Ī±-amylase activity by colourimetric assay. Results and conclusions. The blackthorn flower extract increased glucose concentrations in normoglycaemic mice by 30% after the 1st and 5th day and by 17% after the 10th day of consumption. It is a consequence of released sugars because sugar analysis revealed 59.8 mg/L monosaccharides, mainly fructose (55.7 mg/L) and glucose (24.3 mg/L) in the extract. On the contrary, the extract consumption reduced serum blood glucose in hyperglycaemic mice by 29% after 10 days of treatment. Oral glucose tolerance test also confirmed that in the hyperglycaemic group treated with blackthorn flower extract glucose homeostasis was improved and showed decrease in blood glucose. Serum insulin concentration increased by 49% and serum Ī±-amylase activity by 46% after 10 days of treatment with blackthorn flower extract in hyperglycaemic group. Thus, it can be concluded that blackthorn flower extract improved glucose tolerance, enhanced insulin secretion and lowered serum Ī±-amylase activity. Novelty and scientific contribution. The obtained results show for the first time the potential of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) flower extract in hyperglycaemia management.Pozadina istraživanja. Primjena biljaka i njihovih ekstrakata u liječenju kroničnih bolesti nadaleko je poznata u tradicionalnoj medicini. Svrha je ovoga rada bila utvrditi utjecaj desetodnevne konzumacije ekstrakta cvijeta trnine na koncentraciju glukoze u krvi, glikemijsko opterećenje, aktivnost Ī±-amilaze i koncentraciju inzulina u serumu normoglikemijskih i hiperglikemijskih (induciranih aloksanom) miÅ”eva. Eksperimentalni pristup. Normoglikemijski i hiperglikemijski (inducirani s 150 mg aloksana po kg tjelesne mase) C57BL/6 miÅ”evi tretirani su tijekom 10 dana ekstraktom cvijeta trnine. Koncentracija Å”ećera u ekstraktu određena je HPLC analizom, a koncentracija glukoze u krvi i oralna podnoÅ”ljivost glukoze (oralni glukoza tolerans test) ispitane su glukometrom. Koncentracija inzulina u serumu određena je ELISA testom, a aktivnost Ī±-amilaze kolorimetrijskom metodom. Rezultati i zaključci. Ekstrakt cvijeta trnine povećao je koncentraciju glukoze u krvi u normoglikemijskom miÅ”u za 30 % nakon prvog i petog dana, te za 17 % nakon desetog dana konzumacije. To je bila posljedica prisustva slobodnih Å”ećera, Å”to je potvrđeno analizom njihovog sastava, kojom je utvrđeno da ekstrakt sadržava 59,8 mg/L monosaharida, uglavnom fruktoze (55,7 mg/L) i glukoze (24,3 mg/L). Suprotno tome, tretman ekstraktom cvijeta trnine je nakon 10 dana smanjio koncentraciju glukoze u krvi hiperglikemijskog miÅ”a za 29 %. Oralni glukoza tolerans test potvrdio je da se u hiperglikemijskoj skupini tretiranoj ekstraktom poboljÅ”ala podnoÅ”ljivost glukoze te da je brže uspostavljena njezina homeostaza. Koncentracija inzulina u serumu povećala se za 49 %, a aktivnost Ī±-amilaze za 46 % nakon desetodnevnog tretmana hiperglikemijske skupine ekstraktom cvijeta trnine. Može se zaključiti da ekstrakt cvijeta trnine poboljÅ”ava podnoÅ”ljivost glukoze, potiče lučenje inzulina te smanjuje aktivnost serumske Ī±-amilaze. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Dobiveni rezultati prvi put pokazuju mogućnost primjene ekstrakta cvijeta trnine u regulaciji hiperglikemije

    The influence of bioactive molecules from Prunus spinosa L. flower extract on hyperglycaemia in mice

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    Brojna istraživanja pokazuju da dijeta bogata polifenolnim spojevima pomaže u regulaciji hiperglikemije. Ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. promatran je zbog bogatog polifenolnog sastava, te utjecaja na razinu inzulina, glukoze u krvi (GUK), Ī±-amilaze i nastalih produkata oksidacijskih proteina (AOPP) kod C57BL/6 miÅ”a. Kod miÅ”eva je izazvana hiperglikemija pomoću aloksana (150 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ tjelesne mase) te su tretirani sa ekstraktom cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. u dozi od 25 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ tjelesne mase koji je bogat bioaktivnim molekulama. Eksperiment je trajao 10 dana na miÅ”evima podijeljenima u četiri grupe. 1. grupa je kontrolna (K), 2. grupa je tretirana ekstraktom cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. (ECT), 3. grupa je aloksan grupa (AL), 4. grupa je aloksan grupa tretirana ekstraktom (AL+ECT). Polifenolni spojevi iz ekstrakta cvijeta Prunus spinosa L., u homogenatima jetre i bubrega, su statistički značajno smanjili aktivnost glukoze u krvi, inzulina i Ī±-amilaze u skupini Al+ECT u odnosu na AL grupu. Statistički značajno smanjenje koncentracije AOPP u AL+ECT grupi ukazuje na antioksidacijski učinak ECT-a. Zaključno, ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. može pozitivno djelovati na hiperglikemiju i oksidacijski stres, te može poslužiti kao suportivna terapija u liječenju Å”ećerne bolesti.Numerous studies show that a diet rich with polyphenolic compounds helps regulate hyperglycemia. Prunus spinosa L. flower extract was observed due to its rich polyphenolic composition, and its effect on insulin levels, blood sugar levels, Ī±-amylase, and oxidation protein products (AOPP) in C57BL/6 mice. Hyperglycaemia was induced in mice by alloxan (150 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ bw) and treated with Prunus spinosa L. flower extract at a dose of 25 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ bw with total polyphenols. The experiment lasted 10 days on mice divided into four groups. Group 1 as control (C), group 2 as Prunus spinosa L. flower extract (PSE), group 3 as aloxan (AL) and group 4 as AL with PSE. Polyphenolic compounds from Prunus spinosa L. flower extract in liver and kidney homogenates showed a statistically significant decrease in blood sugar levels, insulin and Ī±-amylase activity in the group AL with PSE compared to the AL group. A statistically significant decrease in AOPP concentration in the group AL with PSE indicates the antioxidant effect of PSE. In conclusion, Prunus spinosa L. flower extract can have a positive effect on hyperglycemia and oxidative stress and can serve as supportive therapy in the treatment of diabetes

    The influence of bioactive molecules from Prunus spinosa L. flower extract on hyperglycaemia in mice

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    Brojna istraživanja pokazuju da dijeta bogata polifenolnim spojevima pomaže u regulaciji hiperglikemije. Ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. promatran je zbog bogatog polifenolnog sastava, te utjecaja na razinu inzulina, glukoze u krvi (GUK), Ī±-amilaze i nastalih produkata oksidacijskih proteina (AOPP) kod C57BL/6 miÅ”a. Kod miÅ”eva je izazvana hiperglikemija pomoću aloksana (150 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ tjelesne mase) te su tretirani sa ekstraktom cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. u dozi od 25 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ tjelesne mase koji je bogat bioaktivnim molekulama. Eksperiment je trajao 10 dana na miÅ”evima podijeljenima u četiri grupe. 1. grupa je kontrolna (K), 2. grupa je tretirana ekstraktom cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. (ECT), 3. grupa je aloksan grupa (AL), 4. grupa je aloksan grupa tretirana ekstraktom (AL+ECT). Polifenolni spojevi iz ekstrakta cvijeta Prunus spinosa L., u homogenatima jetre i bubrega, su statistički značajno smanjili aktivnost glukoze u krvi, inzulina i Ī±-amilaze u skupini Al+ECT u odnosu na AL grupu. Statistički značajno smanjenje koncentracije AOPP u AL+ECT grupi ukazuje na antioksidacijski učinak ECT-a. Zaključno, ekstrakt cvijeta Prunus spinosa L. može pozitivno djelovati na hiperglikemiju i oksidacijski stres, te može poslužiti kao suportivna terapija u liječenju Å”ećerne bolesti.Numerous studies show that a diet rich with polyphenolic compounds helps regulate hyperglycemia. Prunus spinosa L. flower extract was observed due to its rich polyphenolic composition, and its effect on insulin levels, blood sugar levels, Ī±-amylase, and oxidation protein products (AOPP) in C57BL/6 mice. Hyperglycaemia was induced in mice by alloxan (150 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ bw) and treated with Prunus spinosa L. flower extract at a dose of 25 mg kgĖ‰Ā¹ bw with total polyphenols. The experiment lasted 10 days on mice divided into four groups. Group 1 as control (C), group 2 as Prunus spinosa L. flower extract (PSE), group 3 as aloxan (AL) and group 4 as AL with PSE. Polyphenolic compounds from Prunus spinosa L. flower extract in liver and kidney homogenates showed a statistically significant decrease in blood sugar levels, insulin and Ī±-amylase activity in the group AL with PSE compared to the AL group. A statistically significant decrease in AOPP concentration in the group AL with PSE indicates the antioxidant effect of PSE. In conclusion, Prunus spinosa L. flower extract can have a positive effect on hyperglycemia and oxidative stress and can serve as supportive therapy in the treatment of diabetes

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: ā€žToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€œ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists