19 research outputs found

    OpenCL-Accelerated Simplified General Perturbations 4 Algorithm

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    The number of space objects such as satellites, spacecraft, and debris are increasing significantly, and so is the need for tracking them for security and collision avoidance purposes. In this context, as parallelism is becoming a new paradigm, the need of implementing high performance propagators remain unmet. For this, we implemented Simplified General Perturbations No. 4 (SGP4), a popular analytical orbital propagator, in OpenCL. OpenCL is a rising high performance and heterogeneous computation paradigm aimed to take the best of the processing elements on a given platform, in a paral- lel fashion, regardless of the underlying architecture. Despite some considerations had to be taken, we prove that our develop- ment shows no significant calculation differences, while not only being hardware independent, but also boosting the performance notably by two orders of magnitude in several scenarios.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    GLOrbit: A 3D satellite orbit propagator for network topology analysis

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    Traditional networking protocols were developed for earth-based networks characterized by highly static topologies. In this scenario, erratic link failures were the most demanding change a network configuration could face. In the other hand, mobile networking protocols copes with dynamic topologies but assumes unknown trajectories and high connectivity. Neither of these applies to satellite constellations network paradigmwhere their orbiting nature describes a time-varying but highly predictive topology. To study satellite constellations networks we propose GLOrbit; a tool capable of propagate space nodes in time, create a 3D visual environment, and record the topology in different formats for further analytical studies. For this we implemented SGP4 propagation algorithm, OpenGL graphic library, and DOT language among other libraries interacting in a C++ program. This allows to obtain precise outputs for network graph and physical analysis while gaining visual intuition on satellite networks topologies for different orbital configurations. We demonstrate the tool capabilities with a first work on three representative low earth orbit topologies analysis generated by GLOrbit. Lineal, transversal, and different altitude scenarios are studied concluding that the first evidence an important strength in inter-satellite links while the second on ground to space contacts.Fil: Fraire, Juan Andr茅s. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba; Argentina.Fil: Ferreyra, Pablo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba; Argentina.Fil: Marques, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba; Argentina.Ingenier铆a El茅ctrica y Electr贸nic

    OpenCL-Accelerated Simplified General Perturbations 4 Algorithm

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    The number of space objects such as satellites, spacecraft, and debris are increasing significantly, and so is the need for tracking them for security and collision avoidance purposes. In this context, as parallelism is becoming a new paradigm, the need of implementing high performance propagators remain unmet. For this, we implemented Simplified General Perturbations No. 4 (SGP4), a popular analytical orbital propagator, in OpenCL. OpenCL is a rising high performance and heterogeneous computation paradigm aimed to take the best of the processing elements on a given platform, in a paral- lel fashion, regardless of the underlying architecture. Despite some considerations had to be taken, we prove that our develop- ment shows no significant calculation differences, while not only being hardware independent, but also boosting the performance notably by two orders of magnitude in several scenarios.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    OpenCL-Accelerated Simplified General Perturbations 4 Algorithm

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    The number of space objects such as satellites, spacecraft, and debris are increasing significantly, and so is the need for tracking them for security and collision avoidance purposes. In this context, as parallelism is becoming a new paradigm, the need of implementing high performance propagators remain unmet. For this, we implemented Simplified General Perturbations No. 4 (SGP4), a popular analytical orbital propagator, in OpenCL. OpenCL is a rising high performance and heterogeneous computation paradigm aimed to take the best of the processing elements on a given platform, in a paral- lel fashion, regardless of the underlying architecture. Despite some considerations had to be taken, we prove that our develop- ment shows no significant calculation differences, while not only being hardware independent, but also boosting the performance notably by two orders of magnitude in several scenarios.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Antagonismo de dos ascomicetos contra phytophthora capsici leonian, causante de la marchitez del chile (capsicum annuum l.)

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    En esta investigaci贸n se evalu贸 la actividad antag贸nica y protecci贸n de pl谩ntulas in vitro del ascomiceto Xylaria poitei, y la actividad antag贸nica de 茅ste en combinaci贸n con un ascomiceto desconocido (AD) contra P. capsici, causante de la marchitez del chile. Xylaria poitei protegi贸 pl谩ntulas de chile y permiti贸 la sobrevivencia de un 58.3% de las pl谩ntulas, mientras que el oomiceto caus贸 100% de mortandad; adem谩s este hongo inhibi贸 el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici hasta un 49.6% en uno de los experimentos donde se establecieron confrontaciones duales. En confrontaciones triples ambos ascomicetos incrementan ligeramente su inhibici贸n a los 12 d铆as de establecida la confrontaci贸n contra P. capsici; y a煤n mantienen la inhibici贸n del oomiceto cuatro d铆as despu茅s. Ambos ascomicetos estimulan o inhiben su crecimiento en alguna fecha de evaluaci贸n durante la confrontaci贸n entre ellos. El medio l铆quido papa dextrosa expuesto al crecimiento de X. poitei (filtrado) tiene baja actividad contra el crecimiento micelial de P. capsici. Los resultados anteriores indican que la actividad antag贸nica de ambos ascomicetos contra P. capsici se incrementa cuando ambos crecen en forma combinada respecto a las confrontaciones duales, y sugieren que la actividad antag贸nica de X. poitei es estimulada por la presencia del oomicete

    Dise帽o de nanoestructuras plasm贸nicas generadas por bioconjugaci贸n y puentes moleculares : estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n y aplicaciones

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Qu铆micas) - - Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Qu铆micas, 2016El objetivo de este trabajo de Tesis es el dise帽o de nanoestructuras de oro y plata en base a diferentes estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n: quimisorci贸n, uniones no covalentes basadas en sistemas de afinidad ligando-receptor, y uniones covalentes mediante qu铆mica de conjugaci贸n. Los sistemas generados mediante estas estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n comprenden nanopart铆culas 煤nicas o aglomerados controlados de nanopart铆culas, con propiedades 贸pticas y superficiales que pueden ser moduladas permitiendo desarrollar una vasta gama de aplicaciones. En particular, este trabajo de tesis desarrolla una serie de estrategias para el dise帽o de nanoestructuras con aplicaciones en la generaci贸n de nanosensores 贸pticos y en la nanomedicina. El estudio de nanosensores abarc贸 desde los aspectos fundamentales de las propiedades 贸pticas de aglomerados de nanopart铆culas, pasando por la optimizaci贸n de la respuesta 贸ptica mediante diferentes estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n, hasta el dise帽o de un nano-biosensor con posibles aplicaciones cl铆nicas. Las estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n y la comprensi贸n de los fen贸menos 贸pticos que se desarrollaron en el dise帽o de los diferentes nanosensores permitieron extender la aplicabilidad de las nanoestructuras a estudios desde el punto de vista de la biolog铆a celular, aplicando las sondas plasm贸nicas a la generaci贸n de im谩genes celulares y cuantificaci贸n de analitos en sus membranas mediante la utilizaci贸n de las propiedades de campo cercano. Por 煤ltimo, se demuestra como las estrategias de funcionalizaci贸n pueden utilizarse para generar sondas anticancer铆genas con nanopart铆culas, aprovechando la capacidad de modular la respuesta de inducci贸n de apoptosis en c茅lulas tumorales mediante la modificaci贸n de par谩metros morfol贸gicos de Las nanoestructuras. Los aportes de este trabajo de Tesis representan resultados relevantes no solo en el campo de la ciencia b谩sica, en cuanto a la descripci贸n detallada de las propiedades 贸pticas de las diferentes nanoestructuras generadas, sino tambi茅n desde el punto de vista de aplicaciones concretas hacia campos de la qu铆mica anal铆tica, la biolog铆a celular, y la nanomedicina.The aim of this Thesis is the design of goid and silver nanostructures based Qn different functionalization strategies: chemisorption, noncovalent affinity-based receptorligand systems, and covalent binding by conjugation chemistry. The systems generated by these functionalization strategies include unique nanoparticles or controlled nanoparticles agglomerates, which exhibit optical and surface properties that can be modulated allowing to develop a wide range of applications. In particular, this Thesis is focused in the developing of a series of strategies for the design of nanostructures with applications as nanosensors and in the nanomedicine field. The studies focused in the generation of sensing applications with the synthetized nanostructures involves from the fundamentais of the optical properties of nanoparticles aggregates, to the optimization of the optical response using different functionalization strategies, to the design of a nano-biosensor with potential clinical applications. The concepts used in the design of the different nanosensors described in the Thesis allow extending the applicability of the nanostructures to the ceil biology field by generating plasmonic probes for cellular imaging and quantification of analytes in their membranes using plasmonic near-field properties. Finally, the functionalization strategies can be used to generate plasmonic nanostructures for cancer therapy applications using the ability to modulate the response of inducing apoptosis in tumor celis by modifying the morphological parameters of the nanostructures. The contributions of this Thesis represents relevant results not only in the field of basic science, as it presents detailed description of the optical properties of the different generated nanostructures, but also from the point of view of concrete applications to a variety of fields including analytical chemistry, celi biology and nanomedicine.Fil: Fraire, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Qu铆micas; Argentina

    OpenCL overview, implementation, and performance comparison

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    High performance parallel computing was something exclusive for expensive specialized hardware some years ago. But now we can find powerful parallel processors in many home graphics card whose interface has been recently opened by many manufacturers for general purpose computing. OpenCL, created by the world most important processors manufacturers, went a little further, aiming for a platform and manufacturer independent parallel language. However, understanding this new processing paradigm is challenging and critical for future computation demanding applications. The first approach of this document is to provide a deep technical background of OpenCL architecture. Second, we propose an implementation of a matrix product calculation OpenCL kernel directly implemented in C++ without wrappers so as to describe in detail the OpenCL programming flow. Thirdly, different platforms and algebraic scenarios are created for this program concluding that the improvement of calculation performance can reach up to 3 orders of magnitude over the same algorithm in plain C++.Fil: Fraire, Juan Andres. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a y F铆sica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ferreyra, Pablo Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a y F铆sica; ArgentinaFil: Marques, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Matem谩tica, Astronom铆a y F铆sica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentin