823 research outputs found

    The Expression and Roles of Nde1 and Ndel1 in the Adult Mammalian Central Nervous System

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Under a Creative Commons license Acknowledgments We thank Prof Angelo Sementilli, Department of Pathology, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, SP, Brazil, for the human sample collection. This study is funded by Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (HR07019 to S. Shen and C.D. McCaig), Medical Research Scotland (384 FRG to B. Lang, United Kingdom), Tenovus Scotland (G12/25 to B. Lang), Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies (C.D. McCaig and Y.Q. Ding) and Wellcome Trust (WT081633MA-NCE to P.J.A. McCaffery, United Kingdom).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Valor e cultivo e uso de arroz irrigado tropical no ciclo 2011/12.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo divulgar os resultados dos ensaios de VCU de arroz, conduzidos nos estados de Goiás, Tocantins, Roraima e Mato Grosso do Sul, no ciclo 2011/12 pela Embrapa, visando à indicação de novas cultivares de arroz para a região tropical

    Identification of the Maize Gravitropism Gene \u3ci\u3elazy plant1\u3c/i\u3e by a Transposon-Tagging Genome Resequencing Strategy

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    Since their initial discovery, transposons have been widely used as mutagens for forward and reverse genetic screens in a range of organisms. The problems of high copy number and sequence divergence among related transposons have often limited the efficiency at which tagged genes can be identified. A method was developed to identity the locations of Mutator (Mu) transposons in the Zea mays genome using a simple enrichment method combined with genome resequencing to identify transposon junction fragments. The sequencing library was prepared from genomic DNA by digesting with a restriction enzyme that cuts within a perfectly conserved motif of the Mu terminal inverted repeats (TIR). Paired-end reads containing Mu TIR sequences were computationally identified and chromosomal sequences flanking the transposon were mapped to the maize reference genome. This method has been used to identify Mu insertions in a number of alleles and to isolate the previously unidentified lazy plant1 (la1) gene. The la1 gene is required for the negatively gravitropic response of shoots and mutant plants lack the ability to sense gravity. Using bioinformatic and fluorescence microscopy approaches, we show that the la1 gene encodes a cell membrane and nuclear localized protein. Our Mu-Taq method is readily adaptable to identify the genomic locations of any insertion of a known sequence in any organism using any sequencing platform

    EGS4 and MCNP4b MC Simulation of a Siemens KD2 Accelerator in 6 MV Photon Mode

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    The geometry of a Siemens Mevatron KD2 linear accelerator in 6 MV photon mode was modeled with EGS4 and MCNP4b. Energy spectra and other phase space distributions have been extensively compared in different plans along the beam line. The differences found have been evaluated both qualitative and quantitatively. The final aim was that both codes, running in different operating systems and with a common set of simulation conditions, met the requirement of fitting the experimental depth dose curves and dose profiles, measured in water for different field sizes. Whereas depth dose calculations are in a certain extent insensible to some simulation parameters like electron nominal energy, dose profiles have revealed to be a much better indicator to appreciate that feature. Fine energy tuning has been tried and the best fit was obtained for a nominal electron energy of 6.15 MeV

    Incidência de percevejos em genótipos de arroz no Tocantins.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação da intensidade de ataque de percevejos dos grãos em diferentes genótipos de arroz irrigado tropical. Espera-se com isso que não haja diferenças estatísticas entre os genótipos avaliados

    Recognition of prior learning at the centre of a national strategy: tensions between professional gains and personal development

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    This paper focuses on recognition of prior learning as part of a national policy based on European Union guidelines for lifelong learning, and it explains how recognition of prior learning has been perceived since it was implemented in Portugal in 2000. Data discussed are the result of a mixed method research project that surveyed adult learners, some of whom were interviewed, who successfully completed the recognition of prior learning process from 2007 to 2011 in a new opportunities centre. Adult educators, and workplace representatives from the companies in which these adults in the recognition of prior learning process were working, were also part of the survey. A theme-based content analysis was done on the resulting data. Findings revealed tension between the goals of economic and human resource management and the change experienced by these adult learners in their professional status. Based on these results, the closing remarks to this article highlight the tensions caused by the failure of the goals of the policy to which recognition of prior learning was central, and the personal and social changes referred to by learners. Important educational changes were achieved although they were undermined by the adult education policy and European Union guidelines.The writing of this article was funded by Cied – Institute of Education, University of Minho and the Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa

    Flexible and Scalable Genotyping-by-Sequencing Strategies for Population Studies

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    Background: Many areas critical to agricultural production and research, such as the breeding and trait mapping in plants and livestock, require robust and scalable genotyping platforms. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) is a one such method highly suited to non-human organisms. In the GBS protocol, genomic DNA is fractionated via restriction digest, then reduced representation is achieved through size selection. Since many restriction sites are conserved across a species, the sequenced portion of the genome is highly consistent within a population. This makes the GBS protocol highly suited for experiments that require surveying large numbers of markers within a population, such as those involving genetic mapping, breeding, and population genomics. We have modified the GBS technology in a number of ways. Custom, enzyme specific adaptors have been replaced with standard Illumina adaptors compatible with blunt-end restriction enzymes. Multiplexing is achieved through a dual barcoding system, and bead-based library preparation protocols allows for in-solution size selection and eliminates the need for columns and gels. Results: A panel of eight restriction enzymes was selected for testing on B73 maize and Nipponbare rice genomic DNA. Quality of the data was demonstrated by identifying that the vast majority of reads from each enzyme aligned to restriction sites predicted in silico. The link between enzyme parameters and experimental outcome was demonstrated by showing that the sequenced portion of the genome was adaptable by selecting enzymes based on motif length, complexity, and methylation sensitivity. The utility of the new GBS protocol was demonstrated by correctly mapping several in a maize F2 population resulting from a B73 × Country Gentleman test cross. Conclusions: This technology is readily adaptable to different genomes, highly amenable to multiplexing and compatible with over forty commercially available restriction enzymes. These advancements represent a major improvement in genotyping technology by providing a highly flexible and scalable GBS that is readily implemented for studies on genome-wide variation

    Almost sure stability of discrete-time Markov Jump Linear Systems

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    This paper deals with transient analysis and almost sure stability for discrete-time Markov Jump Linear System (MJLS). The expectation of sojourn time and activation number of any mode, and switching number between any two modes of discrete-time MJLS are presented firstly. Then a result on transient behavior analysis of discrete-time MJLS is given. Finally a new deterministically testable condition for the exponential almost sure stability of discrete-time MJLS is proposed