13 research outputs found

    Nitrogen States In Ga(as,p) And The Long-range, Short-range Model: A Systematic Study

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    The long-range, short-range model of the nitrogen isoelectronic impurity in Ga(As,P) is discussed in terms of the results of recent photoluminescence and lifetime measurements. The predictions of the theory are shown to depend sensitively upon the strength of the coupling among the states produced separately by the long- and short-range parts of the potential: The strength of the coupling reflects the specific model of potential used in all cases treated. Strong coupling yields theoretical energies whose general composition dependence mirrors the features of the data. The effect of consideration of the L-conduction-band minima is smaller. Determination of potential parameters from experimental energies indicates a range 20-25. Luminescence calculations require an accurate treatment of the continuum contribution. Predictions of the theory are in good agreement with available data. Inclusion of L indicates the existence of an excited nitrogen state in GaP. No internal inconsistencies in the theory are found. © 1980 The American Physical Society.2183478349

    The Mirage Effect: A Sensitive Probe For Electrochemical Cell Calorimetry

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    Measurements of the mirage deflection in an electrochemical cell, where Cu electrodeposition and the ferro/ferricyanate reaction occurred, were performed in the dark under a potential step and in ac conditions with the aim of detecting thermal phenomena due to Joule and Peltier effects at the interface. A mathematical model based on the diffusion of thermal and ionic waves into the electrolyte allowed simulation of the mirage deflection in all cases. The experimental conditions under which the model is valid and the thermal effects can be separated from the ionic effects were discussed. Finally, the Peltier coefficient of the ferro/ferricyanate redox couple could also be measured using the ac technique. © 1993.34601/02/15119133Muller, (1973) Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, 9. , P. Delahay, C.W. Tobias, Wiley, New YorkRoyce, Voss, Bocarsly, MIRAGE EFFECT STUDIES OF ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES (1983) Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 44, p. 325. , Colloq. 6Boccara, Fournier, Badoz, (1980) Appl. Phys. Lett., 36, p. 130Roger, Fournier, Boccara, Noufi, Cahen, (1985) Thin Solid Films, 128, p. 11Royce, Sinencio, Goldstein, Muratore, Williams, Yim, Studies of Photocorrosion at the ZnSe-Electrolyte Interface by Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (1982) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 129, p. 2393Wagner, Mandelis, (1987) Photoacoustic and Thermal Wave Phenomena in Semiconductors, p. 323. , A. Mandelis, North-Holland, New YorkDecker, Fracastoro-Decker, (1988) J. Electroanal. Chem., 243, p. 187Fracastoro-Decker, Decker, (1989) J. Electroanal. Chem., 266, p. 215Tamor, Zanini, (1986) J. Electrochem. Soc., 133, p. 1399Russo, McLarnon, Spear, Cairns, (1987) J. Electrochem. Soc., 134, p. 2783Decker, Neuenschwander, Cesar, Penna, (1987) J. Electroanal. Chem., 228, p. 481Plichon, Besbes, (1990) J. Electroanal. Chem., 284, p. 141Barbero, Miras, Haas, Kötz, (1991) J. Electrochem. Soc., 138, p. 669Weast, (1989) CRC Handbook for Chemistry and Physics, , 70th edn., CRC Press, Cleveland, OHBard, Faulkner, (1980) Electrochemical Methods, , Wiley, New YorkDecker, Fracastoro-Decker, Cella, Vargas, (1990) Electrochim. Acta, 35, p. 25Marquardt, An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters (1963) Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 11, p. 431Garrels, Christ, (1965) Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria, p. 403. , Harper & Row, New YorkBarbero, Miras, Kötz, (1992) Electrochim. Acta, 37, p. 429Mandelis, Royce, (1984) Appl. Opt., 23, p. 2892Kuz'minskii, Gorodyskii, (1988) J. Electroanal. Chem., 252, p. 2

    Electroacoustics In A Silicon Solar Cell

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    We present electroacoustic measurements of a p/n+ silicon solar cell as a function of the stimulating potential modulation frequency, gaining information on the different power dissipation sources within the device by means of thermal depth profiling. Theoretical calculations of the electroacoustic signal based on a reinterpretation of the Rosencwaig and Gersho model have also been performed, and the results of these calculations have been compared to the experimental data.61444745

    Computer Simulation Of Cdte Electrodeposition

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    Following the simple kinetic model, based on the Butler-Volmer equation, developed by Engelken and Van Doren, a computer simulation has been performed of CdTe electrodeposition at 160 °C from a special ethylene glycol-based bath containing CdCl2 (1 M), TeCl4 (0.01 M) and KI (0.3 M). From the fitting of the experimental data, the values of the thermodynamic, kinetic and mass transport parameters of the electrodeposition process were obtained. Other simulations in which the influence of Cd and Te concentrations in the electrolyte has been analysed proved that the given bath composition has been optimized to obtain electronic-grade CdTe over a wide range of deposition potentials (more than 50 mV around the point of perfect stoichiometry). They also showed that, as a consequence of the high ratio between the Cd and Te concentrations in solution, the potential of perfect stoichiometry is less negative than the Cd Nernst potential, so that Cd underpotential deposition is possible. The results have been discussed within the framework of those obtained by Engelken and Van Doren in aqueous solution. © 1994.372149155Gore, Pandey, (1988) Thin Solid Films, 164, p. 225Pandey, Razzini, Bicelli, (1992) Solar Energy Mater and Solar Cells, 26, p. 285Pandey, Maffi, Bicelli, Study of CdTe electrodeposition from a nonaqueous bath (1993) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 35, p. 15Engelken, Van Doren, (1985) J. Electrochem. Soc., 132, p. 2904Engelken, Van Doren, (1985) J. Electrochem. Soc., 132, p. 2910Antropov, (1972) Theoretical Electrochemistry, p. 378. , MIR, New YorkChristian, (1975) The Theory of Transformations in Metals and Alloys. Part I. Equilibrium and General Kinetic Theory, p. 170. , Pergamon, OxfordJordan, (1979) Calculations of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry of Alloy Phases, p. 100. , AIME, Warrendale, PAJordan, (1970) Metall. Trans., 1, p. 239Pourbaix, (1974) Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions, p. 564. , 2nd edn., NACE, Houston, TX, Cebelcor, Brussel

    Optically Monitored Electrodeposition Of Thin Cdse Films

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    Interference in the light reflected from a semiconducting non-oxide film was observed for the first time during the electrodeposition of CdSe. The in situ experimental curve was compared with that calculated using Fresnel's equations, which were modified to take into account the non-unformity of the film. © 1987.1473291297Cocivera, Darkowski, Love, (1984) J. Electrochem. Soc., 131, p. 2514Hodes, Manassen, Neagu, Cahen, Mirovsky, (1982) Thin Solid Films, 90, p. 433Stebbens, Sheir, A Study of the Formation of Anodic Oxide Films on Uranium (1961) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 108, p. 30Peter, (1980) Surf. Sci., 101, p. 162McAleer, Peter, (1982) J. Electrochem. Soc., 129, p. 1252Skyllas Kazacos, Miller, Electrodeposition of CdSe Films from Selenosulfite Solution (1980) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 127, p. 2378McIntyre, Aspnes, (1971) Surf. Sci., 24, p. 417Decker, Fracastoro-Decker, Zotti, Mengoli, (1985) Electrochimica Acta, 30, p. 1147(1972) American Institute of Physics Handbook, pp. 6-152. , 3rd edn., McGraw-Hill, New YorkBlondeau, Froelicher, Froment, Hugot-le-Goff, (1976) Thin Solid Films, 38, p. 261(1982) Landolt-Börnstein, 17, p. 218. , Springer, Berlin, b(1982) Landolt-Börnstein, 17, p. 453. , Springer, Berlin, bF. Decker, unpublished results, 198

    A Mirage Effect Analysis Of The Electrochemical Processes In Nickel Hydroxide Electrodes

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    [No abstract available]35401/02/15273279Fantini, Gorenstein, (1987) Solar Energy Mater., 16, p. 487de Torresi, Gabrielli, Le Goff, Torresi, Electrochromic Behavior of Nickel Oxide Electrodes (1991) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 138, p. 1548de Torresi, Joiret, Le Goff, Electrochromic Behavior of Nickel Oxide Electrodes (1991) Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 138, p. 1554Scarminio, Estrada, Anderson, Gorenstein, Decker, (1992) J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, p. 1236Barnard, Randell, Tye, (1980) J. Appl. Electrochem., 10, p. 109Corrigan, Knight, (1989) J. Electrochem. Soc., 136, p. 613Decker, Fracastoro-Decker, (1988) J. Electroanal. Chem., 243, p. 187Plichon, Besbes, (1990) J. Electroanal. Chem., 284, p. 141Rosolen, Fracastoro-Decker, Decker, (1993) J. Electroanal. Chem., 346, p. 119Carpenter, Connel, Corrigan, (1987) Solar Energy Mater., 16, p. 333Alefeld, (1975) Energy, 27, p. 180Butler, (1984) Appl. Phys. Lett., 45, p. 1007Sahu, Scarminio, Decker, (1990) J. Electrochem. Soc., 137, p. 1150Mandelis, Royce, (1984) Appl. Opt., 23, p. 2892Born, Wolf, (1975) Principles of Optics, , Pergamon, New YorkLampert, Omstead, Yu, (1985) SPIE Proc., 562, p. 15Yu, Nazri, Lampert, Spectroscopic And Electrochemical Studies Of Electrochromic Hydrated Nickel Oxide Films (1980) SPIE Proc., 653, p. 16J.M. Rosolen, F. Decker, M. Fracastoro-Decker, A. Gorenstein, S. Córdoba de Torresi and R.M. Torresi, to be publishe