29 research outputs found

    Proces uczenia się o interesariuszach w publicznym podmiocie leczniczym

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    The functioning of modern healthcare organization is determined by the increasing demands of the beneficiaries of health services, budgetary constraints and the need for political consensus. These problems generate increased spending on public health needs and force policy makers to seek effective management instruments. Pro-efficiency solutions for public sector lead healthcare managers to build flexible strategies which mean the necessity of preparation and often redefining the strategic goals and ways to achieve them as a response for stakeholder’s needs. That makes knowledge and learning process about stakeholders an important part of a new public management paradigm. This paper consists of theoretical part, where on the basis of literature studies problems of organizational learning are presented, as well as practical part which presents some research results being a part of three projects carried out by the Department of Public Management and Social Sciences – Stakeholder analysis in the management of the public organization carried out in 2009-2011, Learning Organizations Survey in public health care units carried out in 2010 and the Organizational culture of public organizations carried out in 2012-201

    Facilitating co-production in health promotion : study of senior councils in Poland

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    PURPOSE: Health promotion is one of the core functions of public health which should be even more strongly recognized as a public good in the time of Covid-19 crisis. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the possibility of using the mechanisms of co-production in health and social care services.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Drawing on a literature review, analysis of documents, observation of practices, and an opinion survey, this paper sheds light on the role of Senior Councils in co-production of health promotion activities and explores the requisite conditions for positive results of co-production.FINDINGS: The research shows that SC are active co-producers in the field of health promotion. Through the co-production of the health promotion activities members of SC receive personal benefits with spillover effects for the whole society and in this way contribute to increasing the wellbeing of the elderly and co-creating the public value. The identified conditions of co-production effectiveness are active engagement of users, mutual trust, co-production capability, willingness of the co-producers to contribute, and users’ motivation to co-produce.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The identification of the factors requisite for the positive results of co-production in health promotion may constitute practical recommendations for policymakers and public managers which help them better fulfilled societal needs by social policy in the public sphere, and senior policy in particular.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The co-production of health promotion activities is conducive to the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, thus helping improve the wellbeing of seniors which constitutes the personal value for them. There is also the spillover effect of this co-production for the whole society which constitutes the public value.Preparation of publication was supported by funding the research projects “Motivation as part of human resource management in public service providers” and “Modeling the primary health care services for the elderly and the determinants of their effectiveness” carried out in the Department of Public Management & Social Science, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland.peer-reviewe

    Digital exclusion of seniors as a barrier to leading a productive life in the fourth industrial revolution

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    Purpose – Analysis of the reasons for cyber exclusion of the elderly and a statistical illustration of this phenomenon in Poland Research method – Literature review, analysis of current statistical data, synthesis. Results – The introduction of modern ICT-based solutions can significantly help older people to remain independent and maintain a high quality of life. This is facilitated by strategic initiatives funded by the European Union, encouraging public units to take action to increase digital competences in society. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Highlighting the role of public governance units in creating an ecosystem of support for building access to ICTs and increasing digital competence.This article is the result of a project funded by the University of Economics in Katowice 2021–2023 BEYOND BARRIERS – The digital economy – a model departure to support the inclusion of cyber-excluded older people in the use of social services provided in a postpandemic world by ICT-enabled public management entities.Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka: [email protected] Zrałek: [email protected] Ostrowska: [email protected] Frączkiewicz-Wronka - University of Economics, KatowiceMaria Zrałek - Humanitas University, SosnowiecSabina Ostrowska - University of Economics, KatowiceAmpuja M., Koivisto J., 2014, From ‘Post-Industrial’ to ‘Network Society’ and Beyond: The Political Conjunctures and Current Crisis of Information Society Theory, “Economics triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society triple C”, No. 12(2), pp. 447–463, DOI: 10.31269/TRIPLEC.V12I2.568Arendt Ł., Wykluczenie cyfrowe – zagadnienia teoretyczno-empiryczne, [in:] Wykluczenie cyfrowe na rynku pracy, Kryńska E., Arendt Ł. (eds.), IPiSS, Warszawa 2010.Bakaev M., Ponomarev V., Prokhorova L., 2008, E-learning and older people: Barriers and benefits, [in:] Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Novosibirsk Scientific Centre, Novosibirsk, pp. 110–113.Batorski D., 2009, Wykluczenie cyfrowe w Polsce, [in:] Społeczeństwo informacyjne, Grodzka D. (ed.), “Studia BAS”, No. 3(19).Batorski D., Płoszaj A., 2012, Diagnoza i rekomendacje w obszarze kompetencji cyfrowych społeczeństwa i przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu cyfrowemu w kontekście zaprogramowania wsparcia w latach 2014–2020, Warszawa.Cattaneo M., Malighetti P., Spinelli D., 2016, The impact of university of the third age courses on ICT adoption, “Computers in Human Behavior”, No. 63, pp. 613–619, DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.05.087.Černá M., Svobodová L., 2018, Development of computer competence courses in seniors: Shift from learning space with computer-based activities to virtual platform – Case study, [in:] Blended learning. Enhancing learning success, Cheung S.K.S., Kwok L.-F., Kubota K., Lee L.-K., Tokito J. 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(eds.), Springer, Cham, pp. 292–302.Fernández-Ardèvol M., Ivan L., 2015, Why age is not that important? An ageing perspective on computer anxiety, [in:] Proceedings of human aspects of IT for the aged population – Design for aging: 1st International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Zhou J., Salvendy G. (eds.), Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 189–200.Gatto S.L., Tak S. H. 2008, Computer, internet, and e-mail use among older adults: Benefits and barriers, “Educational Gerontology”, No. 34(9), pp. 800–811, DOI: 10.1080/03601270802243697.Gore Ch., Figueiredo J.B., 2003, Wykluczenie społeczne i polityka przeciwdziałania ubóstwu, “Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje”, No. 5.Hunsaker A., Hargittai E., 2018, A review of Internet use among older adults, “New Media & Society”, No. 20(10), pp. 3937–3954, DOI: 10.1177/1461444818787348.Hussain D., Ross P., Bednar P., 2017, The perception of the benefits and drawbacks of Internet usage by the elderly people, [in:] Digital technology and organizational change, Rossignoli C., Virili F. (eds.), Springer, Cham, pp. 199–212.Kamin S.T., Lang F.R., Beyer A., 2017, Subjective technology adaptivity predicts technology use in old age, “Gerontology”, No. 63(4), pp. 385–392, DOI: 10.1159/000471802.Kokol P., Stiglic G., 2011, PRIMER ICT: A new blended learning paradigm for teaching ICT skills to older people, [in:] Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE, Bristol, pp. 1–5.Lee B., Chen Y., Hewitt L., 2011, Age differences in constraints encountered by seniors in their use of computers and the internet, “Computers in Human Behavior”, No. 27(3), pp. 1231–1237, DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2011.01.003.Lelkes, O., 2013, Happier and less isolated: Internet use in old age, “Journal of Poverty and Social Justice”, No. 21(1), pp. 33–46, DOI: 10.1332/175982713X664047.Maier M.W., Emery D., Hilliard R., 2001, Software architecture: introducing IEEE standard 1471. “Computer”, No. 34(4), pp. 107–109.Neves B.B., Amaro F., 2012, Too old for technology? 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Schyłek siły roboczej na świecie i początek ery postrynkowej, Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie, Wrocław.Schulz R., Wahl H.-W., Matthews J.T., de Vito Dabbs A., Beach S.R., Czaja S.J., 2015, Advancing the aging and technology agenda in gerontology, “The Gerontologist”, No. 55(5), pp. 724–734, DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnu071.Schwab K., 2018, Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa, Wydawnictwo Studio EMKA, Warszawa 2018.Seifert A., Rössel J., 2019, Digital participation, [in:] Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging, Gu D., Dupre M. E. 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    Zarządzanie przepływem i ochroną informacji

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationPrzedstawione wydawnictwo stanowi zasadniczy plon obrad konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Zarządzania Informacją na Wydziale Ekonomii i Zarządzania w dniach 25—26 marca 2007 roku. Ambicją organizatorów konferencji było włączenie w tok dyskusji licznych przedstawicieli praktyki gospodarczej, mediów oraz studentów. W odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do udziału w konferencji napłynęło ponad dwadzieścia referatów problemowych, z których kilka, ze względu na problematykę ściśle wiążącą się z zagadnieniami bezpieczeństwa, zostanie opublikowanych w nowym czasopiśmie naukowym Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego pt. „Problemy Bezpieczeństwa”. Autorami wszystkich przygotowanych tekstów są uznani eksperci w dziedzinie przepływu i ochrony informacji, a także młodzi pracownicy szkół wyższych i przedstawiciele praktyki gospodarczej. Patronat medialny objęły pisma o ogólnopolskim zasięgu i uznanej renomie: „Przegląd Organizacji”, „CSO Magazyn Zarządzających Bezpieczeństwem” i „Czasopismo Zabezpieczenia”. Całość rozważań Autorów podzielona została na trzy części, ściśle ze sobą powiązane. Część pierwsza grupuje teksty pod wspólnym tytułem „Przepływ, przetwarzanie i ochrona informacji we współczesnych systemach zarządzania”, część druga nosi tytuł: „Informacja jako determinanta tworzenia wartości dodanej oraz przewagi konkurencyjnej”, część trzecia zaś omawia „Zarządzanie wiedzą w wybranych dziedzinach aktywności gospodarczej i publicznej”

    Public-Social Partnership – a Framework of Analysis from the Point of View of Management Studies

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    Background. The logic of the democratization process determines an increased importance of parties, other than state owned ones, to join the process of shaping the basis for social-economic development. The scarcity of public funds causes a need to find solutions for organizing the public service delivery system, including social services, that it is both cost-effective and consistent with the principles of social justice. The need for organizations providing social services to achieve high efficiency has led both practitioners and theorists to take an interest in inter-organizational collaboration as a formula in which they can be implemented. Research aims. There is a need for a theoretical reflection on the construct of networks operating in the formula of partnership between public sector and social organizations. Method. The paper is based on the literature review. Key findings. Networks operating in the formula of partnership between public sector and social organizations are (a) a relatively new organizational phenomenon, and (b) by nature flexible, with ability to change rapidly and to achieve added value. They arise from the pursuit of high efficiency and the proper coordination of various undertakings within complex organizational and social structures operating in a certain geographical and administrative space. Such structures provide a better environment for solving social problems

    Strategic Orientation and Organisational Culture in Polish Public Organisations: Insights from the Miles and Snow Typology

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    Polish public organisations are often perceived as having strong bureaucratic orientation, avoiding both change and risk. However, in the last decade a distinct change in the management model of public organisations can be noticed. Public sector becomes an open ground for mergers and partnerships, entrepreneurial leadership, diversified services and commercialization (Golensky and DeRuiter 1999; Zimmerman and Dart, 1998; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2004; Walker, 2013]. Public organisations embrace these strategies from the for-profit sector in order to manage change and to be effective. Most importantly, public organisations are adopting these frameworks in order to survive the changing operating environment, including changes in the level of government funding. Our paper draws on the Miles and Snow (1978) typology of generic strategies - prospectors, defenders, analysers, and reactors - to identify different organisational strategies within public organisations providing social services in Poland. In order to assess organisational culture we used the most widespread and used in many empirical studies Cameron and Quinn’s model (2003), the Competing Values Framework (CVF), from which four cultures - adhocracy, clan, market and hierarchy - emerge. The choice of these two providers of social services was dictated by our conviction, that these organisations are critical both for the national economy and for mitigating, counteracting and preventing social exclusion

    How Practices of Managing Partnerships Contributes to the Value Creation—Public–Social Partnership Perspective

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    In this paper, the authors aim to answer the question of which model of public management—Public Administration, New Public Management, or Collaborative Public Management—is conducive to achieving better results in the public-social partnership. We understand public⁻social partnership as an activity undertaken in collaboration between organizations operating both in the public and social sectors. We also claim that Collaborative Public Management fosters sustainability in partnerships and should therefore be preferred in partnerships that are focused on delivering social services. In particular, we aim to find out how management practices that are used in the public-social partnership contribute to the co-creation of public value. The article brings together theoretical insights and empirical data. First, we integrate insights from different strands of literature. Next, empirical data are derived from two main sources: first, a specific case of the public-social partnership established by 18 institutions and organisations, followed by quantitative research that was conducted in 173 partnerships in Poland. Based on the presented case study, analysis of the survey results and in-depth interviews (IDIs) conducted with the 18 leaders of the organisations constituting the partnership, the observed pattern revealed the dominance of the Collaborative Public Management model contributing to the success of the partnership. It was also identified what actions were taken by the manager of the partnership in order to maintain links between the partners, build trust, and win their support and legitimisation in public space—all of which are necessary to create public value, which in turn contributes to the sustainability of the partnership

    Ocena jakości usług straży miejskiej w opinii osób starszych

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    The sense of security is one of the basic human needs being taken in consideration while evaluating physical environment. For instance, the choice of place of residence is determined by its perception as a safe area where peace and shelter can be found. Security is also one of the key elements affecting the assessment of the quality of life. Such a significant perception of security as autotelic value is reflected in constitutional norms, in which it is clearly stated that one of constitutional duty of the state is to set up and improve institutions aimed at meeting this need. The state, in order to accomplish tasks specified in the Constitution, creates various institutions activities of which are aimed at building a sense of security among the residents of the given area. One of such organisations is the municipal police, being unifor- med formation of self-government established by the municipal council for the protection of public order in its territory

    Identyfi kacja czynników decydujących o atrakcyjności szpitala powiatowego jako pracodawcy

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    Marka pracodawcy to bardzo istotny element strategii pozyskiwania i utrzymywania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku pracy, zwłaszcza w warunkach niedoboru zasobów ludzkich. Organizacje sektora publicznego rzadziej zabiegają o swój wizerunek na rynku pracy. Konstatacja ta dotyczy również szpitali, które w obliczu wyraźnego niedoboru personelu medycznego, od którego zależy nie tylko dostępność, ale i jakość usług medycznych, nie podejmują działań zmierzających do identyfikacji czynników przyciągających i zatrzymujących wartościowy kapitał ludzki. W związku z powyższym celem niniejszego artykułu jest podjęcie próby identyfikacji czynników, które stanowić mogą podstawę strategii budowania marki szpitali powiatowych na rynku pracy. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na szpitale powiatowe stanowiące podstawę systemu opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce. Identyfikacji dokonano na podstawie ankiet skierowanych do kierowników liniowych sfery medycznej: ordynatorów, pielęgniarek oddziałowych i innych kierowników sfery medycznej. Zagregowana wielkość próby wyniosła 242 kierowników liniowych, w tym respondentów ze szpitali powiatowych było 99. Z analiz wynika, że zestaw czynników, jakie czynią szpital atrakcyjnym pracodawcą, ma swoją specyfikę w szpitalach powiatowych. W badanych szpitalach personel medyczny większą wagę przywiązuje do takich wartości, jak stabilność i rzetelność

    The learning process about stakeholders in public healthcare units

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    The functioning of modern healthcare organization is determined by the increasing demands of the beneficiaries of health services, budgetary constraints and the need for political consensus. These problems generate increased spending on public health needs and force policy makers to seek effective management instruments. Pro-efficiency solutions for public sector lead healthcare managers to build flexible strategies which mean the necessity of preparation and often redefining the strategic goals and ways to achieve them as a response for stakeholder’s needs. That makes knowledge and learning process about stakeholders an important part of a new public management paradigm. This paper consists of theoretical part, where on the basis of literature studies problems of organizational learning are presented, as well as practical part which presents some research results being a part of three projects carried out by the Department of Public Management and Social Sciences – Stakeholder analysis in the management of the public organization carried out in 2009-2011, Learning Organizations Survey in public health care units carried out in 2010 and the Organizational culture of public organizations carried out in 2012-201