27 research outputs found

    Dávid változó arcai a deuteronomiumi történetírásban = The changing faces of David in the Deuteronomic historiography

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    Studies in anthropology and cultural memory evidenced the common concept in several cultures that possessing the land by the community living on it is conditioned by the ethical conduct of their rulers. The legitimacy of kings depends on their ethical conduct and devotion to the deity who is the patron of the country and their group. Legitimacy of a new dynasty is interconnected in historical memory with the erection of a new sanctuary built by the founding member of the dynasty and consecrated to the patron deity. However, perpetrating certain sins like cultic offenses, homicide and bloodshed, sexual sins, breaking oaths call for punishment in the form of plagues, attacks of foreign hordes, the fall of the dynasty, or the exile of the people. Ancient Near Eastern historiographies – including biblical Deuteronomistic historiography – are in line with this principle, and use special narrative forms to express it. The present study aims at examining the use of the elements of this ethical language in the Deuteronomistic historiography and demonstrating how they served – the exilic redactors being aware of the fall of the Judean kingdom and the fate of its dynasty – to reshape an originally ideal image of David, the founder of a dynasty, and how to make his portrait ambiguous by eliminating from and adding to the narrative elements with ethical portent

    A szent és a tisztátalan : ószövetségi és hellénisztikus kori zsidó törvények

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    Megáll az idő

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    Kőszeghy Miklós: Föld alatti Izrael. Az Ószövetség világának anyagi kultúrája. Budapest, Sapientia Főiskola – L’Harmattan, 2014. [recenzió

    “Because He Loves Her …” The Figure of the Demon in the Book of Tobit

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    Ószövetségi apokrif és pszeudepigráfikus irodalom magyarul = Old Testament apocryphal and pseudepigraphic literature in Hungarian

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    Megjelent a nem kánoni ószövetségi irodalom legkorábbi és legjelentősebb művének, Henok első könyvének első mérvadó magyar fordítása, a későbbi Henok-irodalom műveivel (szláv és héber Henok) egy kötetben, bevezetőkkel és jegyzetekkel. Befejezés előtt áll a leghosszabb, és magyarul eddig ismeretlen Jubileumok könyvének fordítása etióp (geéz) nyelvről. Készen állnak a görög, latin, szír nyelvű apokrif irodalom más fontos, rövidebb darabjainak fordításai. Elkészült a szövegeket áttekintő első magyar nyelvű monográfia, amely a műveket műfajcsoportonként, és mindig ószövetségi előzményeikkel és párhuzamaikkal együtt tárgyalja. Így világossá válnak a műfaji és irodalmi hagyományok, a művek helye a hagyományban és történeti környezetükben. A kutatásban résztvevők munkájával 1 angol nyelvű, külföldön kiadott kötet, és 1 magyar nyelvű kötet jelent meg. Külföldi kiadványokban 20 idegen nyelvű, itthon 15 magyar nyelvű publikációjuk jelent meg. Nemzetközi konferenciákon 33 idegen nyelvű, itthon 33 magyar nyelvű előadás hangzott el. A kutatásban résztvevő fiatal kutatók felkészülését tudományos pályájukra segítették a meghívott előadók előadásai a kutatás területéről (ezek magyar nyelvű kötetben való megjelentetését tervezzük), tovább a szemináriumok és konzultációk. Az előadások szép számú külső érdeklődőt is vonzottak. A kutatás eredményei jól hasznosíthatók a most indult Vallástörténet mesterszak oktatásában. | An authoritative translation (with introduction and notes) of the oldest and most important noncanonical biblical text, the first book of Enoch (1Enoch) was published, together with translations of 2nd and 3rd Enoch. The translation of another Ethiopic text of seminal importance, the book of Jubilees was nearly completed. Translations of shorter noncanonical texts in Greek, Latin, and Syriac are ready for publishing. A comprehensive monography on the noncanonical literature was completed. Texts are treated in it in generic terms and in chronological order, in the light of Old Testament tradition and parallels. Participants of the program have edited one volume in foreign languages, and one volume in Hungarian; they published 20 articles in foreign languages, and 15 articles in Hungarian during the term of the program. 33 conference papers were read in foreign languages, and 33 papers in Hungarian on the problems of Second Temple noncanonical literature and its background. The participants of the program are young scholars at the beginning of their careers. Papers given by world renown scholars in the themes of the program, as well as consultations helped them greatly to advance in their work on their dissertations and publications (publication of the papers in Hungarian is being planned). The papers attired a good number of auditory. Results of the research can be profited in the teaching of the new master program in History of Religions

    Clinical manifestations and immunomodulatory treatment experiences in psychiatric patients with suspected autoimmune encephalitis: a case series of 91 patients from Germany

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    Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) can rarely manifest as a predominantly psychiatric syndrome without overt neurological symptoms. This study’s aim was to characterize psychiatric patients with AE; therefore, anonymized data on patients with suspected AE with predominantly or isolated psychiatric syndromes were retrospectively collected. Patients with readily detectable neurological symptoms suggestive of AE (e.g., epileptic seizures) were excluded. Patients were classified as “probable psychiatric AE (pAE),” if well-characterized neuronal IgG autoantibodies were detected or “possible pAE” (e.g., with detection of nonclassical neuronal autoantibodies or compatible cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) changes). Of the 91 patients included, 21 (23%) fulfilled our criteria for probable (autoantibody-defined) pAE and 70 (77%) those for possible pAE. Among patients with probable pAE, 90% had anti-NMDA receptor (NMDA-R) autoantibodies. Overall, most patients suffered from paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes (53%). Patients with probable pAE suffered more often from disorientation (p < 0.001) and impaired memory (p = 0.001) than patients with possible pAE. Immunotherapies were performed in 69% of all cases, mostly with high-dose corticosteroids. Altogether, 93% of the patients with probable pAE and 80% of patients with possible pAE reportedly benefited from immunotherapies (p = 0.251). In summary, this explorative, cross-sectional evaluation confirms that autoantibody-associated AE syndromes can predominantly manifest as psychiatric syndromes, especially in anti-NMDA-R encephalitis. However, in three out of four patients, diagnosis of possible pAE was based on nonspecific findings (e.g., slight CSF pleocytosis), and well-characterized neuronal autoantibodies were absent. As such, the spectrum of psychiatric syndromes potentially responding to immunotherapies seems not to be limited to currently known autoantibody-associated AE. Further trials are needed