91 research outputs found

    Diffusion measurements in fluids by dynamic light scattering

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    In the course of the last thirty years, light scattering techniques have been used with increasing effort and attention for the measurement of the thermophysical properties of pure fluids and fluid mixtures. Here, an introduction is given to dynamic light scattering (DLS) as a valuable tool for the measurement of diffusion processes. First, the basic principles of the method and its experimental realization are presented in some detail. A survey on various applications is given, which especially are related to the determination of transport and other thermophysical properties of transparent fluids. Selected measurements and results are shown for the determination of the thermal diffusivity a in pure fluids and fluid mixtures. For the latter the experimental conditions can turn out to be more complex. The measurement of the mutual diffusion coefficient D12 in binary fluid mixtures, however, is also treated with the simultaneous determination of a which can be realized under certain conditions. In this context beside results for fluids of technical interest, e.g., alternative refrigerants, typical measurements within the critical region for a binary fluid mixture along the critical isochor and a critical separation system are highlighted. Beside a and D12 the application of light scattering from bulk fluids on a molecular level gives also information about sound speed cS, sound attenuation DS, and Landau-Placzek ratio S. For these properties some results from DLS are renewed for the hydrofluorocarbons 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane and pentafluoroethane. Additionally, the measurement of the dynamic viscosity η based on the determination of the diffusion coefficient DP of suspended seed particles is demonstrated for selected pure fluids. The application of DLS to a liquid-vapor interface, also called surface light scattering (SLS), for the simultaneous determination of liquid kinematic viscosity Îœ and surface tension σ is demonstrated for the important and, thus, well-documented reference fluid toluene, pure refrigerants and their mixtures, and a high viscosity fluid. These measurements demonstrate an excellent performance of the SLS-technique regarding both the achievable high accuracy and the application over a wide range of viscosity

    Translational and rotational diffusion coefficients in nanofluids from polarized dynamic light scattering

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    Nanofluids representing nanometer-sized solid particles dispersed in liquids are of interest in many fields of process and energy engineering, e.g., heat transfer, catalysis, and the design of functionalized materials [1]. The physical, chemical, optical, and electronic properties of nanofluids are strongly driven by the size, shape, surface potential, and concentration of the nanoparticles. For the analysis of diffusive processes in nanofluids allowing access to, e.g., particle size and its distribution, dynamic light scattering (DLS) is the state-of-the-art technique. It is based on the analysis of microscopic fluctuations originating from the random thermal movement of particles in the continuous liquid phase at macroscopic thermodynamic equilibrium. For anisotropic particles or particle aggregates, besides translational diffusion also rotational diffusion occurs. To obtain the sum of the orientation-averaged translational (DT) and rotational (DR) diffusivities by depolarized DLS [2], a homodyne detection scheme is usually applied which can hardly be fulfilled in the experimental realization. Furthermore, the experiments are restricted to limited ranges for temperature, particle concentration, and viscosity
