38 research outputs found


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    Referring to the role of the press, some researchers in the domain, who have mentallyrepresented the existence of the modern society in the absence of the mass-media, concludedthat, in spite of all the shortcomings of the journalist activities, one could not entirely imaginethe human existence without being accompanied and influenced by the media.Keywords: journalist, mass-media, information, press, developmen

    Interesarea nervilor pudendali la femeile în postmenopauză cu prolaps genital asociat sau nu cu incontinenţă urinară de stres

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    Prolapsul organelor pelvine este rezultatul deteriorării structurale a ţesuturilor pelviperineale, leziuni ce pot fi localizate la nivelul fi brelor musculare, ţesutului conjunctiv, vaselor de sânge şi la nivelul fi brelor nervoase, interesarea acestora modelând tabloul complex al prolapsului pelviperineal. Cercetarea de faţă s-a axat pe studiul anomaliilor nervoase periferice la femei cu prolaps pelviperineal asociat sau nu cu incontinenţă urinară de stress. În timpul intervenţiilor chirurgicale pentru rezolvarea prolapsului şi/sau a incontinenţei urinare la 50 femei, comparativ cu un lot martor de 25 femei, care au suferit intervenţii chirurgicale pelvine pentru alte afecţiuni, s-au obţinut fragmente tisulare din sistemele de susţinere care au fost prelucrate prin tehnici histologice. Examenul microscopic efectuat a relevat aspecte diferite, în funcţie de localizarea fi letelor nervoase, mai afectate fi ind cele din regiunea periuretrală, în toate aceste cazuri existând un grad de incontinenţă urinară de stress, concomitent cu alterări ale ţesutului muscular şi conjunctiv. Modifi cările fi brelor nervoase remarcate la bolnavele cu prolaps al organelor pelvine constau în reducerea numărului fi brelor nervoase, reducerea numărului fi brelor mielinice, dezorganizarea nervilor prin incluziuni fi broase care „ştrangulează” fi brele nervoase, dar şi degenerare moderată a fi brelor nervoase. În concluzie, leziunile microscopice observate susţin existenţa neuropatiei pudendale care este implicată în etiologia relaxării planşeului pelvin, a incontinenţei urinare de stres şi a incontinenţei fecale la femeile în postmenopauză. Afectarea nervilor muşchiului levator anal poate apare ca urmare a traumatismelor din timpul naşterii, ajungându- se la mişcarea paradoxală a muşchiului ia punct fi x pe sacrum şi coccige şi alungeşte fanta urogenitală, lăsând organele pelvine fără susţinere, în loc să ia punct fi x pe pubis şi să micşoreze această fantă

    Trends and perspectives of the Romanian regional passenger transport

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    Today, passenger transport has become an indispensable life element, because it offers to the society members many travel possibilities. Modern civilisation, characterised by a massive trade of material and spiritual values, claims a continuous movement of goods and people from a place to another. Transport services are strongly influenced by the transition to the market economy, Romania’s geographical position and also by the life standard. The purpose of this paper is to realize a statistical analysis of the main indicators concerning passenger transport for the southern part of Romania, respectively for the historical provinces Muntenia (excluding Bucharest Municipality) and Oltenia

    Facets in an Analytico-Synthetic Classification and Their Role in Subject Retrieval

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    The limitations of the enumerative nature of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) are compensated by the existence of the auxiliary tables, also known as facets, which provide flexibility to and enhance the expressiveness of the classification as a whole. Their use makes new notations possible through synthesis, avoiding as a result further subdividing and enumeration of concepts. This way, new compound numbers are created with a direct impact on the flexibility of the classificatory structure. The paper aims to focus on the UDC auxiliary tables and their contribution to improved expressiveness of the subjects represented by the UDC main class numbers. Our purpose is to demonstrate that despite the limitations of an analytico-synthetic classification system designed more than one hundred years ago, successive developments of the scheme along with the consistent updating of its functionalities enables it to be successfully used in modern information retrieval systems both from bibliographic and non-bibliographic domain. The impact of these features on subject retrieval are explored in the paper


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    As the pressure of the currency consolidation increased in the years 1990, the world became aware that the world currency system, with 178 separate national currencies, became too costly, both for the domestic economies and for the world economy. The high costs and great vulnerability of the national currencies determined the financial and economic business of small open economies to move into the major currencies of the world. The euro is the first great success of a regional currency with a large potential in the international finance. Romania needs to overcome many problems to get through the stages required for the euro adoption. They range from the problem of standardising the macro and micro economic policies and adjusting the business cycle in line with the business cycle of the euro zone to the problem of putting on track the role and the functions of the national central bank according to the Eurosystem standards, of the preparing to join to the Exchange Rate Mechanism II and to meat the convergence criteria. Romania must very seriously get prepared in a shorter period of time for the advantage of adopting the euro and also for losing inter alia its national monetary policy and capital markets

    The effects of bureaucracy over the business environment from Romania

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    The business environment from Romania is facing many problems, including bureaucracy. At global level, entrepreneurs face different bureaucratic systems that affect more or less the interest in investing in certain regions or fields. This study aims to analyze the main effects of bureaucracy over the business environment from Romania and their impact on sustainable economic development. Also, I will analyze a questionnaire among young people (21-34 years) about the bureaucracy role in their decision to open their own business. Therefore, it will be seen if the Romanian bureaucratic system is among the main negative effects that affect the entrepreneurs decisions to invest or not in Romania

    Cloth simulation using soft constraints

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    This paper describes a new way of using projective methods for simulating the constrained dynamics of deformable surfaces. We show that the often used implicit integration method for discretized elastic systems is equivalent to the projection of regularized constraints. We use this knowledge to derive a Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient implicit solver and a new projection scheme based on energy preserving integration. We also show a novel way of adding damping to position based dynamics and a different view on iterative solvers. In the end we apply these fresh insights to cloth simulation and develop a constraint based finite element method capable of accurately modeling thin elastic materials