86 research outputs found

    Refugee Resettlement in Australia: What we know and need to know

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    The year 2011 marked the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Refugee Convention. It is thus an appropriate time to review the situation of refugees in one of the few signatory countries that accepts United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees-approved refugees, Australia. Australia takes around 14,000 refugees annually, from countries in the African, Middle Eastern, and Asian regions. The Australian Government funds a range of services to assist the settlement process, and these are recognized as among the best in the world. While these services provide assistance in the areas of employment, education and training, housing, language, health, social support, and cultural orientation, there is room for improvement to ensure social inclusion. This article provides an overview of research undertaken with this population over the last 15 years investigating some of the key barriers to social inclusion. It outlines a number of matters in need of policy improvement, and areas for further research

    Creating a climate in which students can flourish: A whole school intercultural approach

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    This article reports part of an ongoing process that is taking place at one high school. With the vision of an inclusive school in which all students could flourish, the school deliberately set out to develop a culture in which the students would feel welcome, connected and have a sense of belonging. This article focuses on, first, how the school, with a culturally-diverse student population, implemented a whole school intercultural approach aimed at improving students’ views of the school climate and, second, the impact that this had on students’ perceptions of the school climate and their self-reports of wellbeing, resilience and identity. These results indicated that, at the end of the 18 month period, students’ perceptions of the school climate were statistically significantly higher for four of the six school climate scales. Further, students’ scored statistically higher in terms of their wellbeing, resilience, self-anchoring and moral identity

    Photovoice and refugee research: The case for a ‘layers’ versus ‘labels’ approach to vulnerability

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    ‘Vulnerability’ is a key concept used to understand the ethical implications of conducting refugee-focused research. This case study illustrates the need to follow Luna’s (2009) call for a shift from a ‘labels’ to a ‘layers’ approach to vulnerability by analysing how two university ethics committees responded to issues of informed consent in two similar refugee research projects using the PhotoVoice method. The following commentary argues that, when driven by a research governance regime, ethics review risks viewing refugees through a static label of vulnerability, negatively affecting research viability and data quality. In contrast, a layers approach opens space for understanding the potential for vulnerability amongst refugee research participants while supporting PhotoVoice’s goals of empowerment and facilitating agency. The case study highlights the need for national-level ethics statements that encourage a more flexible approach within research institutions

    Overcoming cross-cultural group work tensions: mixed student perspectives on the role of social relationships

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    As universities worldwide rapidly internationalise, higher education classrooms have become unique spaces for collaboration between students from different countries. One common way to encourage collaboration between diverse peers is through group work. However, previous research has highlighted that cross-cultural group work can be challenging and has hinted at potential social tensions. To understand this notion better, we have used robust quantitative tools in this study to select 20 participants from a larger classroom of 860 students to take part in an in-depth qualitative interview about cross-cultural group work experiences. Participant views on social tensions in cross-cultural group work were elicited using a unique mediating artefact method to encourage reflection and in-depth discussion. In our analysis of emergent interview themes, we compared student perspectives on the role of social relationships in group work by their academic performance level. Our findings indicated that all students interviewed desired the opportunity to form social relationships with their group work members, but their motivations for doing so varied widely by academic performance level

    Limits to Poisson's ratio in isotropic materials - general result for arbitrary deformation

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    The lower bound usually cited for Poisson's ratio {\nu} is -1, derived from the relationship between {\nu} and the bulk and shear moduli. From consideration of the longitudinal and biaxial moduli, we recently determined that the lower bound on {\nu} for isotropic materials is actually 1/5, a value also consistent with experimental measurements on real materials. Herein we generalize this result, first by analyzing expressions for {\nu} in terms of six common elastic constants, and then by considering arbitrary strains. The results corroborate the prior finding that 1/5 <= {\nu} for linear elasticity to be applicable.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Australia Day, flags on cars and Australian nationalism

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    This article reports the results of research into the recent popular phenomenon of flying Australian flags on one’s car for Australia Day. A survey was undertaken in Western Australia in 2011 to ascertain who flies the flag and why. Results indicate the phenomenon was widespread, with a quarter of those surveyed displaying car-flags. A clear relationship between car-flag-flying and exclusionary nationalism is demonstrated. Car-flag-flyers rate more highly on measures of patriotism and nationalism, and feel more negative towards Muslims and asylum seekers, and more positive about the White Australia Policy. They are also significantly more likely to feel their culture and values are in danger, and have a nativist vision of Australian identity. While both groups are positive about Australia’s diversity, car-flag-flyers are more likely to feel that migrants should assimilate. The results support other literature that suggests that in some contexts the Australian flag has come to be associated with exclusionary nationalism

    A closer look at neuron interaction with track-etched microporous membranes

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    Microporous membranes support the growth of neurites into and through micro-channels, providing a different type of neural growth platform to conventional dish cultures. Microporous membranes are used to support various types of culture, however, the role of pore diameter in relation to neurite growth through the membrane has not been well characterised. In this study, the human cell line (SH-SY5Y) was differentiated into neuron-like cells and cultured on track-etched microporous membranes with pore and channel diameters selected to accommodate neurite width (0.8 µm to 5 µm). Whilst neurites extended through all pore diameters, the extent of neurite coverage on the non-seeded side of the membranes after 5 days in culture was found to be directly proportional to channel diameter. Neurite growth through membrane pores reduced significantly when neural cultures were non-confluent. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that neurites bridged pores and circumnavigated pore edges – such that the overall likelihood of a neurite entering a pore channel was decreased. These findings highlight the role of pore diameter, cell sheet confluence and contact guidance in directing neurite growth through pores and may be useful in applications that seek to use physical substrates to maintain separate neural populations whilst permitting neurite contact between cultures

    Nanoscale surface topography reshapes neuronal growth in culture

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    International audienceNeurons are sensitive to topographical cues provided either by in vivo or in vitro environments on the micrometric scale. We have explored the role of randomly distributed silicon nanopillars on primary hippocampal neurite elongation and axonal differentiation. We observed that neurons adhere on the upper part of nanopillars with a typical distance between adhesion points of about 500 nm. These neurons produce fewer neurites, elongate faster, and differentiate an axon earlier than those grown on flat silicon surfaces. Moreover, when confronted with a differential surface topography, neurons specify an axon preferentially on nanopillars. As a whole, these results highlight the influence of the physical environment in many aspects of neuronal growth