551 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Fowler, Catherine A. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Fowler, Catherine A. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    The films of Chantal Akerman : a cinema of displacements

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    This thesis attempts to broaden the critical boundaries within which the films of Chantal Akerman have been discussed. First, it extends analysis from Akerman's 70s to her 80s and 90s films. Second, it argues that as well as her gender and aesthetic identities, Akerman's Belgian and Jewish identities should be acknowledged. Finally, it suggests that each of these four identities: woman, independent film-maker, Belgian and Jewish allow her a position of marginality, figured in her films through the trope of 'displacement'. The structure of the thesis is two-fold: it extends discussion of Akerman's cinema to films not previously considered, and through this extension engages with contemporary issues in film and cultural theory such as female authorship, independent and national, and marginal cinemas. Chapter one `Woman' and chapter two `Independent' extend the reading of gender and sexuality and formal and aesthetic innovation in Akerman's cinema. In the first chapter this is done through consideration of the films Golden Eighties (1986) and Nuit et jour (1990), while in the second her short films, video work and work for television are examined. My third and fourth chapters offer areas of Akerman's work which have not previously been studied. Chapter three, `Belgian', considers the significance of Akerman's nationality for her film-making while engaging with theories around national cinema. It examines the possibility of a `Belgian national cinema' and the intersections which arise between this and Akerman's cinema, especially around Toute une nuit (1982). Finally, in my fourth chapter, `Jewish', I use Histoires d'Amerigue (1989) and D'Est (1993) to argue that Akerman's is a `wandering' cinema, in which she is constantly examining the homelessness and displacement that her Jewishness engenders

    School that Makes Cent$: Taking CTE Courses

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    Career and Technical Education (or CTE) classes are a great way to learn skills for a future career. CTE is the practice of teaching career skills to students. By taking a concentration of CTE courses, high school students can graduate with special certifications that make them eligible to work in certain jobs. These certifications can help high school graduates get a head start in college or career. This tip sheet provides high school students with information about what CTE classes are, how to choose a CTE focus for classes and how to request any accommodations that may be needed

    Past, Present, and Future

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    Seven leading thinkers on the presentation of Native American history and contemporary cultures discuss how the essential ideas behind the creation of the National Museum of the American Indian initially were implemented and potentially could evolve. In addition to honoring the leadership and contributions of the museum’s founding director, W. Richard West, Jr., the authors explore such topics as repatriation, the representation of Native voices in exhibitions and programs, and the museum’s ongoing effort to develop its intellectual authority. Synthesizing the papers presented at a symposium of the same name hosted by the museum in October 2007, Past, Present, and Future takes a candid look at the National Museum of the American Indian’s complex genesis and future challenges

    The role and nature of universal health services for pregnant women, children and families in Australia

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    INTRODUCTION Recent reports indicate that social policy in developed countries has seen positive results in well - child health and safety, child material security, education and socialisation (UNICEF, 2007) . In countries where child health is supported by policy, children have relatively high levels of well - being as measured by material well - being, health and safety, educational well - being, family and peer relationships, behaviours, risks and subjective well - being (UNICEF, 2007) . In Australia, the overall health, development and well - being of children is high on many indicators. Childhood mortality rates have halved over the last two decades, the incidence of vaccin e - preventable diseases has been reduced since the introduction of immunisation (92% of two - year - olds being fully vaccinated in 2004) and the proportion of households with young children in which a household member smoked inside the house has decreased over the past decade (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2005) . However, concerns are emerging related to rapid social change and the associated new morbidities such as increasing levels of behaviou ral, developmental, mental health and social problems. This has resulted in early childhood becoming a priority for Australian government and non - government organizations (Australian Institute of Health a nd Welfare, 2005) . Health indicators also continue to show significant disparities between Indigenous and non - Indigenous children. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Infant mortality is three times the rate of non - Indigenous Australians and more th an 50 per cent higher than Indigenous children in the USA and New Zealand (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation & Oxfam Australia, 2007) , and Indigenous babies are more than twice as likely to be born with low birth weight or premature, wi th a negative impact on their growth and development (Australian medical Association report care series, 2005

    Assessing the public goods provided by organic agriculture: lessons learned from practice

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    The role of farms as providers of public goods has long been recognised, and measuring performance in this area is of increasing interest to policy makers, in light of the approaching Common Agricultural Policy reform. The Organic Research Centre has been working on this topic in recent years, through the development of sustainability assessment tools. The latest outcome from this process is a ‘Public Goods’ assessment tool, developed through a Natural England funded project which aimed to evaluate the benefits accruing from organic management and entering into an Organic Entry Level Stewardship (OELS) agreement. This paper describes the development of the Public Goods (PG) tool, and what has been learned in the process
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