1,109 research outputs found

    Trustworthiness of South African sustainability reports : an overview

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    Published ArticleIt is widely assumed that sustainability reporting is a mechanism that companies can use to demonstrate their trustworthiness with regard to development in a sustainable manner. This article uses the Mayer, Davis and Schoorman trust model as basis to discuss how sustainability reporting can enhance trustworthiness in a sustainable development context. The study also uses a survey-questionnaire, sent to South African sustainability reporters, to explore whether they are finding sustainability reporting useful for enhancing companies' trustworthiness among stakeholders in a sustainable development context. Respondents indicate, amongst other things, that sustainability reporting in South Africa has a role to play in enhancing trustworthiness, more so among contractual stakeholders than among community stakeholders. To entrench trust benefits in the long term will however require long term strategies. Such strategies should focus on increasing the engagement of community stakeholders, authentic use of the GRI and implementing effective control systems that prevent the misuse of sustainability reports, while not preventing the formation of real trust

    Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A review of qualitative research studies

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd Background: Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a chronic, untreatable condition represented by two illnesses, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. Despite high incidence in well-developed industrialised countries, and the significant impact of symptoms on patient's quality of life, little is known about living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Aim: To explore the patients’ experiences of living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Design: A qualitative systematic review. Data sources: CINAHL, Medline, British Nursing Index and PsycINFO were searched using the following keywords: Inflammatory Bowel Disease AND experiences. We have limited the search to studies published in English from 2000 to 2017. Review method: Thematic synthesis. Results: Data from 23 studies, identified that fatigue, incontinence and uncertainty about future, body image, and lack of information from healthcare professionals dominated the experiences of those living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Also, patients living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease were reluctant to disclose their illness due to lack of public awareness and stigma surrounding symptoms. From these, an overarching theme has been identified: Living in isolation and exclusion. Conclusion: Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease face a variety of problems, often their priorities and those of healthcare professionals differ greatly. Healthcare professionals have little evidence needed to provide adequate, holistic care to this group. With a rise in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease population in newly industrialised countries it is estimated that the condition is turning into a global disease, potentially making long term care unsustainable. More evidence is needed to understand the concerns of this group

    Improvement of common bacterial blight resistance in South African dry bean cultiver teebud

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    Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli is an important seed-borne disease of dry beans in South Africa.  Development of resistant cultivars is considered the best control measurement for the disease. Backcross breeding was used to improve  BB resistance in the small white canning bean, cv. Teebus, using resistance sources XAN 159 and Wilk 2. High resistance levels in near-isogenic lines, developed in two independent breeding programmes, indicated successful  transfer of resistance from both sources. Presence of SCAR-markers, SU91 and BC420, in 35 of 39 XAN 159 derived Teebus lines and all lines derived from Wilk 2, confirmed successful resistance transfer. AFLP studies conducted to determine genetic relatedness of two near-isogenic Teebus lines, showed a similarity of 96.2% with the maximum similarity between  these lines and Teebus being 93.1%. One cultivar, Teebus-RCR2 with yield similar to Teebus and improved resistance to CBB has been released from the programme

    Susceptibility of South African dry bean cultivars to bacterial diseases

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    Dry beans are an important crop in South Africa with the annual bean consumption being approximately 120 000 t. The crop is annually subjected to a number of biotic constraints such as bacterial diseases that can cause serious yield losses especially when the climate is conducive to diseases. The use of resistant varieties is an effective way of reducing the risk of crop failure and deployment of resistance requires knowledge on the susceptibility of cultivars. Twenty-one locally grown commercial dry bean cultivars were evaluated at Potchefstroom in South Africa to evaluate the resistance to common bacterial blight, halo blight and bacterial brown spot. Results indicated that South African cultivars differed in susceptibility to bacterial diseases. Cultivars Teebus, Cerillos, PAN 146 and PAN 159 were most susceptible to common bacterial blight with Monati and OPS-RS2 having low levels of resistance. Negative correlations (r=-0.44)(P<0.001) between disease ratings and yields were obtained in the common bacterial blight trial. Levels of resistance to halo blight were observed with small seeded cultivars generally being more resistant than large seeded types. A negative correlation (r=-0.35)(P=0.001) was obtained between halo blight rating and yield. Cultivars differed regarding susceptibility to bacterial brown spot with the majority having adequate resistance. Teebus, Cerillos, Bonus and PAN 159 were most susceptible, with Mkuzi exhibiting highest levels of resistance. No correlation was obtained between disease rating and yield. Although a number of cultivars exhibited field resistance to halo blight and bacterial brown spot, all cultivars were more or less susceptible to common bacterial blight. Common bacterial blight can be considered the most important bean bacterial disease in South Africa. Improvement of common bacterial blight resistance in South African cultivars is necessary for yield stability.Les haricots secs constituent une culture importante en Afrique du Sud avec une consommation annuelle d\u2019environ 120 000 t. Par ailleurs, cette culture est annuellement sujet \ue0 un bon nombre de contraintes biotiques dont les maladies bact\ue9riennes responsables de pertes consid\ue9rables de rendement, sp\ue9cialement lorsque le climat est favorable aux maladies. L\u2019utilisation des vari\ue9t\ue9s r\ue9sistantes est un moyen efficace de r\ue9duction du risque d\u2019\ue9chec des cultures, ce qui demande la connaissance sur la susceptibilit\ue9 des cultivars pour la pr\ue9paration de traits de r\ue9sistance. Vingt et un cultivars de haricots secs commerciaux localement cultiv\ue9s \ue9taient \ue9valu\ue9s au Potchefstroom en Afrique du Sud face \ue0 la r\ue9sistance \ue0 la bact\ue9rie commune de fl\ue9trissement, le fl\ue9trissement aur\ue9olaire et la bact\ue9rie de la t\ue2che brune. Les r\ue9sultats ont indiqu\ue9 que les cultivars sud africains pr\ue9sentaient une diff\ue9rence quant \ue0 la susceptibilit\ue9 aux maladies bact\ue9riennes. Les cultivars Teebus, Cerillos, PAN 146 et PAN 159 \ue9taient les plus susceptibles \ue0 la bact\ue9rie commune de fl\ue9trissement, les cultivars Monati et OPS-RS2 pr\ue9sentant des niveaux bas de r\ue9siatance. Des coll\ue9lations n\ue9gatives (r=-0.44)(P<0.001) entre les taux d\u2019incidence maladie et rendements \ue9taient obtenues dans des essais de bact\ue9ries communes de fl\ue9trissement. Des niveaux de r\ue9sistance au fl\ue9trissement aur\ue9olaire \ue9taient observ\ue9s, les cultivars \ue0 petit grains \ue9tant les plus r\ue9sistants que ceux \ue0 grains larges. Une corr\ue9lation n\ue9gative (r=-0.35)(P=0.001) \ue9tait obtenue entre le taux de fl\ue9trissement aur\ue9olaire et le rendement. Les cultivars diff\ue9raient en leur susceptibilit\ue9 \ue0 la bact\ue9rie de la t\ue2che brune, la majorit\ue9 ayant une r\ue9sistance adequate. Teebus, Cerillos, Bonus et PAN 159 \ue9taient les plus susceptibles, le cultivar Mkuzi pr\ue9sentant les plus hauts niveaux de r\ue9sistance. Aucune corr\ue9lation n\u2019\ue9tait obtenue entre le taux de maladie et le rendement. Bien qu\u2019un bon nombre de cultivars avaient montr\ue9 une r\ue9sistance sur terrain au fl\ue9trissment aur\ue9olaire et \ue0 la bacteria de la t\ue2che brune, tous les cultivars \ue9taient plus ou moins susceptibles \ue0 la bact\ue9rie commune de fl\ue9trissement. Par cons\ue9quent, cette derni\ue8re peut \ueatre consid\ue9r\ue9e comme la plus importante maladie bact\ue9rienne du haricot en Afrique du Sud. L\u2019am\ue9lioration de la r\ue9sistance \ue0 la bact\ue9rie commune de fl\ue9trissement dans les cultivars sud africain est pour ce faire n\ue9cessaire pour la stabilit\ue9 de rendement

    'These Discussions Aren't Happening': Experiences of People Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Talking About Sexual Well-being with Health Care Professionals.

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    Background Inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] affects all aspects of life, yet little is known about the impact of the condition on intimacy and sexuality and if such concerns should be discussed with health care professionals. This hermeneutical phenomenological study aimed to explore the experiences of people living with inflammatory bowel disease and discussing their sexuality concerns with health care professionals. Methods Participants [n = 43] aged 17–64 years were recruited. Data were collected via in depth interviews and anonymous narrative accounts [Google Forms]. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Results An overarching theme ‘These discussions aren’t happening’ with four main themes were generated. The main themes were: ‘I can’t image talking about sex’; ‘I am a person, not my IBD’; ‘We need to talk about sex’; and ‘Those who talked about sex, talked badly’. Participants described the lack of conversations with their health care professionals on sexual well-being issues, in spite of the importance they gave to the topic, and identified barriers to having such conversations. They made suggestions for future clinical practice that would better meet their needs. The few who had discussed sexual well-being issues with health care professionals reported negative experiences. Conclusions Patients’ needs and preferences, about addressing during clinical appointments concerns related to their sexual well-being, should be addressed routinely and competently by health care professionals. Understanding the implications of inflammatory bowel disease for intimate aspects of the lives of those living with the condition could improve the quality of the care provided

    Application of molecular markers in breeding for bean common blight resistance in South Africa

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    Sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers, linked to four independent quantitative trait loci (QTL) in XAN 159 and GN #1 Nebr. sel. 27, are available for indirect selection of resistance to common bacterial blight in Phaseolus vulgaris . Existing SCAR-markers, SU91, BC420, BC409 and SAP6, were evaluated for potential use in the South Africa breeding programme. Segregating populations of progenies developed through backcross breeding with cultivars Teebus and Kranskop as susceptible recurrent parents, and XAN 159 and Vax 4 as resistant donor parents were evaluated for presence of existing markers. Presence of all four markers in improved Teebus lines (XAN 159 derived) confirmed transfer of resistance in these lines. Marker BC420 was absent in XAN 159 derived Kranskop-lines. These lines were only moderately resistant when tested in the greenhouse, indicating that the QTL linked to this marker is important in order to obtain high levels of resistance. Progenies from backcrosses with Kranskop as recurrent parent using Vax 4 have exhibited high levels of resistance and presence of all markers found in Vax 4 confirmed transfer of resistance. Marker-assisted selection can successfully be implemented in breeding for common bacterial blight resistance in South African materials.Les marqueurs de r\ue9gions amplifi\ue9es de s\ue9quences caract\ue9ris\ue9es (SCAR), associ\ue9es \ue0 quatre traits de loci quantitatives ind\ue9pendantes (QTL) dans XAN 159 et GN #1 Nebr. sel. 27, sont disponibles pour une s\ue9lection indirecte de r\ue9sistance au fl\ue9trissement commun dans Phaseolus vulgaris . Les marqueurs existants SCAR, SU91, BC420, BC409 et SAP6, \ue9taient \ue9valu\ue9s pour leur utilisation potentielle dans le programme d\u2019am\ue9lioration en Afrique du Sud. Les populations s\ue9gr\ue9gantes des prog\ue9nies d\ue9velopp\ue9es \ue0 travers l\u2019am\ue9lioration par croisement en retour avec les parents susceptibles recurrents et les parents donneurs r\ue9sistants XAN 159 et Vax 4 \ue9taient \ue9valu\ue9es pour la pr\ue9sence des marqueurs existants. La presence de tous les quatre marqueurs dans les lign\ue9es de Teebus am\ue9lior\ue9es (XAN 159) a confirm\ue9 le transfert de r\ue9sistance dans ces lign\ue9es. Le marqueur BC420 \ue9tait absent dans XAN 159 d\ue9riv\ue9 des lign\ue9es Kranskop. Ces lign\ue9es \ue9taient seulement mod\ue9r\ue9ment r\ue9sistantes lorsqu\u2019 elles \ue9taient test\ue9es en serre, indiquant l\u2019importance du QTL associ\ue9 \ue0 ce marqueur dans l\u2019obtention de niveaux \ue9lev\ue9s de r\ue9sistance. Les prog\ue9nies issues de croisements en retour avec Kranskop comme parent recurrant utilisant Vax 4 ont montr\ue9 des niveaux \ue9lev\ue9s de r\ue9sistance, et la pr\ue9sence de tous les marqueurs trouv\ue9s dans Vax 4 ont confirm\ue9 le transfert de r\ue9sistance. La s\ue9lection par marqueur asssist\ue9 peut \ueatre appliqu\ue9 avec succ\ue8s dans le programme d\u2019am\ue9lioration pour r\ue9sistance au fl\ue9trissement bact\ue9rien commun dans le mat\ue9riel Sud Africain

    The use of confocal microscopy in quantifying changes in membrane potential

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    Monitoring the plasma membrane potential and its changes can be a time consuming and challenging task especially when conventional electrophysiological techniques are used. The use of potentiometricfluorophores, namely tetramethylrhodamine methylester (TMRM), and digital imaging devices (laser scanning confocal microscopy) provides reliable and time efficient method. Two scorpion pore-forming peptides, namely PP and OP1, were used as a tool to induce depolarization of the plasma membrane potential of neuroblastoma cell line and cardiac myocytes. Alternative methods for the neuroblastoma cells and cardiac myocytes were used. Depolarization of the neuroblastoma cells was calibrated with 140 mM KCl solution with 1 ìM valinomycin, after which intensity readers were substituted in the Nernst equation for quantification. Calibration of the alternative method used of the cardiac myocytes’ plasma membrane potential changes was calibrated with the use of 5, 20, 40, and 80 mM KCl solutions with 1 ìM valinomycin. A calibration curve was then constructed from which plasma membrane potential could be calculate

    Pathogenic and genetic variation in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli and its fuscans variant in Southern Africa

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    Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and its fuscans variant, X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans is a widespread disease of dry beans in South Africa. Variation within pathogen populations has been reported and in order to breed for resistance it is important to investigate whether variation exists within the local pathogen population. One hundred and forty three common bacterial blight isolates from 44 localities in four countries, were inoculated onto eight Phaseolus acutifolius lines that differentiate between pathogenic races. This differential set was expanded to include resistant genotypes, XAN 159, GN #1 Nebr. sel 27, Wilk 2, Wilk 6, Vax 4, Vax 5 and Vax 6 and cv. Teebus as susceptible check. Genetic variation within nine selected Xap and Xapf isolates and a non-pathogenic Xanthomonas isolate, was studied using RAPD and AFLP analysis. Genotypes XAN 159, Wilk 2, Wilk 6, Vax 4, Vax 5 and Vax 6 were resistant to all isolates, while GN #1 Nebr. sel 27 and cv. Teebus were susceptible. Isolates varied in aggressiveness on cv. Teebus; however, the pathogenic reaction on the set of differentials indicated that all, but one isolate, grouped in what has been reported as race 2. Thus, results based on reaction of the majority isolates, suggest the absence of different races. However, the distinct differential reaction recorded for a single isolate, may prove to represent another, as yet unrecorded, race of this pathogen. Both RAPD and AFLP analyses revealed high frequency of DNA polymorphism among isolates and could distinguish between Xap, Xapf and a non-pathogenic isolate. Differences between Xap and Xapf isolates demonstrate that these are two distinct groups of bacteria.Le fl\ue9trissement bact\ue9rien commun (CBB) caus\ue9 par Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli et ses variantes \u201cfuscans\u201d, X. axonopodis var. pv. phaseoli est une maladie r\ue9pandue des haricots en Afrique du Sud. Pour am\ue9liorer la r\ue9sistance \ue0 la maladie, une \ue9tude \ue9tait men\ue9e pour \ue9valuer la variation \ue0 l\u2019int\ue9rieur de populations pathog\ue8nes locales. Pour ce faire, cent quarante trois isolats de bact\ue9ries communes de fl\ue9trissement issues de 144 localit\ue9s de quatre pays \ue9taient inocul\ue9s dans huit lign\ue9es de Phaseolus acutifolius diff\ue9rentes de races pathog\ue9niques. Cet ensemble differentiel \ue9tait \ue9tendu afin d\u2019inclure les g\ue9notypes r\ue9sistants XAN 159, GN #1 Nebr. sel 27, Wilk 2, Wilk 6, Vax 4, Vax 5 et Vax 6 ainsi que cv. Teebus comme t\ue9moins susceptible. La variation g\ue9n\ue9tique parmi neuf Xap et leurs isolats s\ue9lectionn\ue9s ainsi qu\u2019un isolat de Xanthomonas non-pathog\ue9nique \ue9taient \ue9tudi\ue9s par l\u2019analyse RAPD et AFLP. Les g\ue9notypes XAN 159, Wilk 2, Wilk 6, Vax 4, Vax 5 et Vax 6 \ue9taient r\ue9sistants \ue0 tous les isolats alors que GN #1 Nebr. sel 27 et cv. Teebus \ue9taient susceptibles. Les isolats variaient dans leur agressivit\ue9 au cv; par ailleurs, la r\ue9action pathog\ue9nique sur l\u2019ensemble des diff\ue9rentiels a indiqu\ue9 que tous les isolats sauf un seul, pouvaient \ueatre group\ue9s dans ce qui \ue9tait d\ue9crit comme race 2. Ainsi, les r\ue9sultats bas\ue9s sur la r\ue9action de la majorit\ue9 des isolats sugg\ue8rent l\u2019absence de diff\ue9rentes races. Par ailleurs, la r\ue9action diff\ue9rentielle distincte enregistr\ue9e dans un seul isolat, pourrait permettre de repr\ue9senter une autre race de ce pathog\ue8ne non encore enregistr\ue9e. Les analyses RAPD et AFLP ont r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 une fr\ue9quence \ue9lev\ue9e du polymorphisme de l\u2019AND parmi les isolats et pourraient permettre de faire une distinction entre Xap, Xapf et un isolat non pathog\ue9nique. Les diff\ue9rences entre les isolats Xap et Xapf d\ue9montrent que ces derniers forment deux groupes distincts de bact\ue9ries

    The efficacy of a generic doxycycline tablet in the treatment of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a generic doxycycline tablet (DoxyVet®) against Ehrlichia canis infection in dogs. Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis is caused by the bacterium E. canis and transmitted by the brown kennel tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Six disease-free and tick-free dogs were infested with E. canisinfected ticks. Once diagnosed (with polymerase chain reaction [PCR] analysis and platelet counts) as positive for infection, doxycycline tablets were administered orally once a day for 20 consecutive days, at a target dose level of 10 mg/kg. The actual dose administered was calculated as ranging between 10 mg/kg and 11.7 mg/kg. The PCR analysis, 28 days after the first administration of the tablets, failed to detect E. canis in any of the dogs. On Day 56 of the study, four of the dogs were diagnosed with E. canis for the second time and a fifth dog was diagnosed on Day 70. The platelet counts of the sixth dog remained within normal levels and it was discharged from the study on Day 84. Doxycycline tablets were then administered to the remaining five infected dogs for 28 consecutive days. Four of these dogs had no positive PCR results during the following 3 months. The fifth dog was diagnosed with E. canis for the third time 58 days after the last tablets of the second treatment had been administered, after which it was rescue treated (doxycycline for a further 28 days). The results indicate that doxycycline administered in tablet form (DoxyVet®) at 10 mg/kg – 11.7 mg/kg body mass once daily for 28 consecutive days clears most dogs of infection. The importance of a concomitant tick-control programme is therefore stressed

    Description of Baetao-Manteiga 41 and ‘Yunguilla’ superior Andean common beans for Tanzanian production environments

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    An international effort was initiated with the evaluation of a diverse set of largeseeded Andean common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), the Andean Diversity Panel, in sub-Saharan Africa. Several entries in the panel have been selected for extensive characterization on the basis of high performance acrossmultiple location × year trials in Tanzania—conducted both on station and on farm. Baetao- Manteiga 41, tested asADP-190, has a commercialKablanketi (light purple speckled) seed type, and ‘Yunguilla’, tested as ADP-447, has a commercial Calima (red mottled) seed type. Both lines exhibited yield stability, vigorous growth under low fertility conditions, angular leaf spot resistance, andmoderate common bacterial blight resistance; Yunguilla also possessed rust resistance. These two lines were tested, selected, and characterized cooperatively by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), the Tanzanian Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), the USDA-ARS, and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa, and in collaboration with local farmers in Tanzania
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