458 research outputs found

    Who Is Riding Shotgun? The Influence of Multinational Corporations on International Negotiation Outcomes

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    This study seeks to determine if multinational corporations attempt influence the outcome of international negotiations. In order to examine this, I conducted two case studies pertaining to international trade negotiations between the United States and the European Union. The results from my analysis indicate multinational corporations do attempt to influence international negotiation outcomes through various methods

    On the Structure of ZnI2{\rm ZnI_2}

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    A new structure for ZnI2{\rm ZnI_2} is proposed which it exists in tetragonal state. In this structure the ZnI2{\rm ZnI_2} molecule exists in a nonlinear array and forms the basis of the tetragonal unit cell with one basis per unit cell. The structural analysis based on the reflections listed in ASTM 30-1479 shows that the proposed structure is correct.Comment: six pages and four figures. Manuscript prepared in RevTe

    Writing a French-Greek medical dictionary: Between practice and theory, a GP'S 1 perspective

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    Στο άρθρο αυτό, έπειτα από μια σύντομη αναφορά στους όρους «λεξικολογία», «σώματα κειμένων», «λεξικό» και «γλωσσάριο», γίνεται ανάλυση τριών Γαλλο Ελληνικών ιατρικών λεξικών που κυκλοφορούν στην ελληνική αγορά (Ouzounis, 1957, Kavagias, 2001, Manuila, 2004) και αναφέρονται οι ελλείψεις που παρουσιάζει το καθένα από αυτά. Ακολουθούν ορισμένες αρχές για τη σύνταξη ενός χρηστικού Γαλλο Ελληνικού ιατρικού λεξικού. Με βάση τα συμπεράσματα της μελέτης και της ορολογίας που περιέχεται στα ήδη υπάρχοντα λεξικά επιχειρήθηκε η σύνταξη ενός Γαλλο Ελληνικού ιατρικού λεξικού μέσα από λεξικολογική ανάλυση. Υπάρχουν 26 βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές. Θα ήταν χρήσιμο, εφόσον υπάρχει η δυνατότητα, να αναφερθεί στο άρθρο ο αριθμός λημμάτων του νέου Γαλλο Ελληνικού ιατρικού λεξικού καθώς και ενδεικτικά (σε παράρτημα) κάποια λήμματα

    La matérialité invisible des services et ses implications énergétiques : une estimation de l’énergie grise par la méthode input-output

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    Notre objectif est de montrer que l’immatérialité des services est un mythe et que les consommations énergétiques du secteur tertiaire sont significativement sous-estimées. Dans la première section, nous examinons le mythe de l’immatérialité des services dans des termes généraux, en nous appuyant sur la littérature économique. Dans la deuxième section, nous identifions différentes sources de matérialité des services, et par conséquent de consommation d’énergie. Nous distinguons, d’une part, trois sources directes de matérialité et de consommation d’énergie : l’intervention de service, les déplacements et la mise en condition et, d’autre part, une source indirecte liée aux processus de fabrication des systèmes matériels mobilisés au cours de la prestation de services. Cette dernière source de consommation d’énergie, qualifiée d’« énergie grise », est invisible et absente des statistiques énergétiques du secteur tertiaire. Dans la troisième section, nous l’isolons et tentons de l’estimer en nous appuyant sur une méthode input-output.Our goal is to demonstrate that the non-materiality of service activities is a myth and that energy consumptions in the services sector are significantly underestimated. In the first section, we examine the myth of the non-materiality of service activities, relying on the economics literature. In the second section, we identify the full range of sources of materiality in service activities, and therefore of energy consumption. We distinguish between, on the one hand, three direct sources of materiality and energy consumption (operations, conditioning and travel) and, on the other hand, an indirect source of materiality associated with the manufacturing process of material systems mobilized during the provision of services. The latter, described as “embodied energy” is invisible and does not appear in the energy statistics of the services sector. In the third section, we try to estimate this “embodied energy” by relying on an input-output method

    Filosofía química ò verdades fundamentales de la química moderna

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    Según Palau, impreso en el s. XVIII, aunque parece que el impresor también trabaja a principios del XIX. Existen impresiones de Manuel Texero al menos entre 1791 y 1851La h. pleg. :"Tabla de nomenclatura quimica... 1787"[ ]2, A-P

    Is Elective Vulvar Plastic Surgery Ever Warranted, and What Screening Should Be Conducted Preoperatively?

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    Introduction.  Elective vulvar plastic surgery was the topic of a heated discussion on the list-serve of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Medicine. At the suggestion of a board member, it was determined that this discussion might of interest to journal readers in the form of a published controversy. Methods.  Six people with expertise and/or strong opinions in the area of vulvar health, several of whom had been involved in the earlier online discussion, were invited to submit evidence-based opinions on the topic. Main Outcome Measure.  To provide food for thought, discussion, and possible further research in a poorly discussed area of sexual medicine. Results.  Goodman believes that patients should make their own decisions. Bachmann further states that, while that is a woman's right, she should be counseled first, because variations in looks of the vulvar region are normal. Johnson furthers this thought, discussing the requirement for counseling before performing reinfibulation surgery on victims of female genital cutting. Fourcroy emphasizes the need to base surgical procedures on safety and efficacy in the long term, and not merely opportunity at the moment. Goldstein and Goldstein state that, based on the four principles of ethical practice of medicine, vulvar plastic surgery is not always ethical, but not always unethical. Sklar pursues this thought further, pointing out specific examples in regard to the principles of ethics. Conclusion.  Vulvar plastic surgery may be warranted only after counseling if it is still the patient's preference, provided that it is conducted in a safe manner and not solely for the purpose of performing surgery. Goodman MP, Bachmann G, Johnson C, Fourcroy JL, Goldstein A, Goldstein G, and Sklar S. Is elective vulvar plastic surgery ever warranted, and what screening should be done preoperatively? J Sex Med 2007;4:269–276.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72245/1/j.1743-6109.2007.00431.x.pd

    Accumulation and secretion of coumarinolignans and other coumarins in Arabidopsis thaliana roots in response to iron deficiency at high pH

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    22 Pags.- 3 Tabls.- 8 Figs. This Document is Protected by copyright and was first published by Frontiers (http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/373). All rights reserved. it is reproduced with permission.Root secretion of coumarin-phenolic type compounds has been recently shown to be related to Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to Fe deficiency at high pH. Previous studies revealed the identity of a few simple coumarins occurring in roots and exudates of Fe-deficient A. thaliana plants, and left open the possible existence of other unknown phenolics. We used HPLC-UV/VIS/ESI-MS(TOF), HPLC/ESI-MS(ion trap) and HPLC/ESI-MS(Q-TOF) to characterize (identify and quantify) phenolic-type compounds accumulated in roots or secreted into the nutrient solution of A. thaliana plants in response to Fe deficiency. Plants grown with or without Fe and using nutrient solutions buffered at pH 5.5 or 7.5 enabled to identify an array of phenolics. These include several coumarinolignans not previously reported in A. thaliana (cleomiscosins A, B, C, and D and the 5′-hydroxycleomiscosins A and/or B), as well as some coumarin precursors (ferulic acid and coniferyl and sinapyl aldehydes), and previously reported cathecol (fraxetin) and non-cathecol coumarins (scopoletin, isofraxidin and fraxinol), some of them in hexoside forms not previously characterized. The production and secretion of phenolics were more intense when the plant accessibility to Fe was diminished and the plant Fe status deteriorated, as it occurs when plants are grown in the absence of Fe at pH 7.5. Aglycones and hexosides of the four coumarins were abundant in roots, whereas only the aglycone forms could be quantified in the nutrient solution. A comprehensive quantification of coumarins, first carried out in this study, revealed that the catechol coumarin fraxetin was predominant in exudates (but not in roots) of Fe-deficient A. thaliana plants grown at pH 7.5. Also, fraxetin was able to mobilize efficiently Fe from a Fe(III)-oxide at pH 5.5 and pH 7.5. On the other hand, non-catechol coumarins were much less efficient in mobilizing Fe and were present in much lower concentrations, making unlikely that they could play a role in Fe mobilization. The structural features of the array of coumarin type-compounds produced suggest some can mobilize Fe from the soil and others can be more efficient as allelochemicals.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grant AGL2013-42175-R, co-financed with FEDER) and the Aragón Government (group A03). PS-T and AL-V were supported by MINECO-FPI contracts.Peer reviewe

    A conscious rethink : Why is brain tissue commonly preserved in the archaeological record? Commentary on: Petrone P, Pucci P, Niola M, et al. Heat-induced brain vitrification from the Vesuvius eruption in C.E. 79. N Engl J Med 2020;382:383-4. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1909867

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    Brain tissue is ubiquitous in the archaeological record. Multiple, independent studies report the finding of black, resinous or shiny brain tissue, and Petrone et al. [2020 “Heat-induced Brain Vitrification from the Vesuvius Eruption in C.E. 79.” N Engl J Med. 382: 383–384; doi:10.1056/NEJMc1909867] raise the intriguing prospect of a role for vitrification in the preservation of ancient biomolecules. However, Petrone et al. (2020) have not made their raw data available, and no detailed laboratory or analytical methodology is offered. Issues of contamination and misinterpretation hampered a decade of research in biomolecular archaeology, such that addressing these sources of bias and facilitating validation of specious findings has become both routine and of paramount importance in the discipline. We argue that the evidence they present does not support their conclusion of heat-induced vitrification of human brain tissue, and that future studies should share palaeoproteomic data in an open access repository to facilitate comparative analysis of the recovery of ancient proteins and patterns of their degradation