41 research outputs found

    Histochemical method of diagnosis of mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis bird disease

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    For the first time was developed an effective and specific histochemical method for the diagnosis of mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis diseases of birds, which can be used in conjunction with bacteriological, serological and helminthocoproscopic studies, and in cases where it is impossible to diagnose serologic methods. The proposed method of histochemical diagnostics can be used for the detection of pasterelo-ascaridium carriers during mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis disease of birds. In the birds of the experimental group (clinically diseased bird), the pasteurial antigen in the histological preparations of the organs tissues after the histochemical study looked like local and diffuse clusters of oval and deep form of intense purple color and local clusters of oblong-shaped larvae with the presence of a head and a tail of blue and eggs of light purple color On histological sections of tissues and organs of the control group (clinically healthy bird), such changes were absent. For investigation of the organs of the experimental group (clinically diseased poultry), we have established the following areas of accumulation of pasteurial antigen and larvae and eggs of ascarids: in the heart – observed postponement of the antigen Pasteurella multocida in the form of strips throughout the area of the histological cut along the length of the muscle fibers and the loss of their delineation and fragmentation; in the liver – observed the diffuse location of the Pasteurella multocida antigen throughout the histological section in the lumen of the blood vessels and around them, the Disse spaces, between the hepatocytes; histochemically detected reduction of AsAT – by 84.3% and bilirubin – by 74.5%; in the muscular stomach – there was a diffuse postponement of the pasteurial antigen throughout the histologic section, but the largest accumulation was observed around the fibers of smooth muscle tissue of dark purple; in the spleen – the presence of Pasteurella multocida antigen throughout the histological section around lymphoid clusters, blood vessel walls, and intensive deposition of the antigen were observed around the splenic artery in the form of a deep, intense violet color; in the duodenum – observed diffuse deposition of the Pasteurella multocida antigen across the entire histologic area around the blood vessels, lymphatic follicles, villi of the mucous membrane, between the enterocytes, the mucosal muscle folds, the intramural ganglion nodules in the form of the deep form; Intestinal wall, blood vessels, licorice glands, larvae of ascarid species of Ascaridia galli species were observed blue, around granular grains around the dead larvae; Histochemically, decreased activity of alkaline phosphatase – by 70% and mucin – by 82.4%; in the kidneys – locally observed the presence of a Pasteurella multocida pasteur antigen around the intercellular veins, a capsule of the nephron, a circular oval-shaped distal tubule, a dark violet color; Histochemically, creatinine decreased by 45.4%

    Histological Studies of Snails at Different Periods of Their Life Activity

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    Large species of terrestrial mollusks are used for human consumption and are bred for this purpose. They have become a part of national cuisine in many countries. Histology is used in many fields of humane and veterinary medicine. Its main essence is that this method can diagnose the presence of formations and inclusions. It is used to determine this process's structure and stage of development. Samples of different tissues can be used as material for histological examination. The specialist analyzes and describes the histological preparations obtained after processing the material. Thus, we proposed a histological method of studying snails. This method can provide the data of snails’ state as a whole. Snails of the species Helix aspersa maxima, Helix aspersa muller, and Helix pomatia were the material for the study. Ten snails of each species were selected for the experiment at different periods: immediately after hibernation, five days after wakening, 14 days after wakening, and at the time of their active life – in July. First, we conducted histological studies of snails during their active life, i.e., in the summer months. Therefore, for this purpose, snails for the experiment were taken in July. It was determined that if the snail eats and has an everyday life, its digestive gland generally consists of digestive tubules separated by intertubular connective tissue containing hemolymphatic sinuses and hemocytes. Thus, in our research, we studied the structure of the digestive gland. A circular muscle layer surrounds each tubule. There are three different cell types in the epithelium lining the tubules of the digestive glands, which differentiate into digestive cells, calcium cells, and excretory cells. Digestive cells are the most numerous cellular component of the tubular epithelium of the digestive gland. Basally located nuclei of digestive cells have a round or oval shape. During the rest period, the digestive gland of snails is characterized by a complete loss of digestive function and the transformation of digestive cells into excretory ones. Metabolic products are not excreted into the environment. When they accumulate, they fill all cavities in the body of snails, namely the lumens of glandular tubules, excretory ducts, stomach, and intestines. Food intake in snails increases the level of metabolism. It stimulates the differentiation of digestive cells, the functional activity of excretory cells, and the volume of excretory products. It leads to the complete liberation of the digestive tract from accumulated excretion products during the rest period. The structure of the digestive gland is completely restored

    Determination of acute toxicity parameters of “Zoodizin” disinfectant

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    An important element in ensuring the epizootic well-being of the poultry industry is disinfection. Modern poultry farming requires a large number of effective disinfectants. It is known that the resistance of microorganisms to the effects of disinfectants is based on a genotypic mechanism. The nature of the formation of resistance to disinfectants and antiseptics is different than antibiotics. With regard to disinfectants, resistance is formed more slowly and the proportion of resistant strains in the population of microorganisms may not be high for a long time. This is due to different mechanisms of formation of resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants, in the first case – plasmid mechanism, in the second – chromosomal. However, increasing the resistance to the active substance in disinfectants can be widespread, so it is necessary to periodically rotate disinfectants. The goal of the work – to investigate the parameters of acute toxicity of the disinfectant biocide “Zodizin”. The studies were conducted in the laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacy and the Vivarium of Sumy National Agrarian University. The drug “Zodizine” contains: polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride – 21.0 %, alkylldimethylbenzylammonium chloride – 3.0 %. For toxicological examination of the disinfectant, healthy white male rats and white female rats weighing 200 ± 10 g 1.5 years of age were used. In the study of acute toxicity of animals observed daily, noted the general condition of the animals, features of their behavior. Studies have found that the toxic effect of the disinfectant “Zodizin” clinically manifested almost equally in both males and females. The average lethal dose for the rat female was 1000.0 ± 35.0 mg/kg body weight, males 1033.0 ± 34.3 mg/kg. Therefore, according to the classification of substances by toxicity, the drug by intragastric administration can be attributed to low-toxic substances. Observations on animals revealed that 1–3 hours after oral administration of the drug in a subtoxic dose in laboratory animals, shortness of breath and inhibition of the central nervous system were noted. Most of them died during the first day. Subsequent observations of the surviving animals indicated that their motor response was suppressed over the next 24–72 hours. Conclusions and prospects for further research: 1. It was found that the average lethal dose of the drug “Zodizin” with oral administration to rats-females was 1000.0 ± 35.0 mg/kg body weight, males – 1033.0 ± 34.3 mg/kg. 2. Experimental studies have proved that the disinfectant “Zodizin” according to GOST 12.1.007-76, belongs to the IV class of danger, that is, to the low-dangerous compounds, and according to GOST 12.1.07 – to the III class of hazard of substances and can be used for disinfection premises where animals and poultry are kept. Further, the sporoсide and corrosion properties of the “Zoodizin” biocide will be studied

    Вплив гриба Flammulina velutipes та соєвої олії як замінників жиру на якість курячих сосисок

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    Low-fat meat products are the major trends in developing healthier meat products. Attention is drawn that the animal fat is essential for emulsified meat products to enhance the stability, flavor, cooking yield, and texture. The low energy density and healthier ingredients can replace some or all of the fat in emulsified meat products according to some studies. As can be noted that compound fat substitutes, such as vegetable protein and carrageenan, vegetable oil and vegetable fibre, cellulose, and water, improved texture better than single fat substitutes. Nevertheless, the character of the emulsified meat product will eventually decrease as the amount of animal fat is reduced. Therewith, a little information is available about using Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil as fat alternatives in the manufacture of chicken meat products. The chicken sausage was used as the research object, and Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil were used as fat substitutes to study their effects on the quality of the chicken sausage. Chicken meat, salt and sodium polyphosphate were used for preparation of the sausages. Firstly, the mushroom and soybean oil were mixed in a ratio of 1:1.5, replacing the fats of 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 % respectively. Then, cooking yield, folding test, pH, color, and sensory evaluation were measured. The experimental results showed that when adding Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil, the cooking yield, pH, L* and b* value were increased; folding test values for the 75 % and 100 % experimental groups decreased; chicken sausage with 50% fat replacement had the highest sensory score. In summary, replacing 50% of the fat in chicken sausage with Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil was optimal. The addition of Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil increased the brightness and yellowness of the chicken sausages. The low addition of Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil decreased the redness of the sausage, which increased when Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil completely replaced the fat Flammulina velutipes and soybean oil compound is a promising fat substitute in the development of low-fat meat products.М’ясні продукти з низьким вмістом жиру є основними трендами під час розробки м’ясних продуктів для здорового харчування. Слід звернути увагу на те, що тваринний жир необхідний для емульгованих м’ясних продуктів для підвищення стабільності, смаку, виходу та покращення текстури. Згідно з деякими дослідженнями, сировина з низькою енергетичною цінністю та більш корисні інгредієнти можуть замінити частину або весь жир у емульгованих м’ясних продуктах. Варто зазначити, що такі замінники жиру, як рослинний білок і карагенан, рослинна олія і рослинна клітковина, целюлоза і вода, досить суттєво покращують консистенцію готового продукту. Крім того, досить небагато інформації щодо використання Flammulina velutipes і соєвої олії як альтернативних замінників жиру при виробництві продуктів з курячого м’яса. Курячі сосиски були об’єктом дослідження, а Flammulina velutipes і соєва олія використовувались як замінники жиру. Для приготування сосисок використовували куряче м’ясо, сіль і поліфосфат натрію. Було вивчено вплив цих компонентів на якісні показники курячих сосисок. Спочатку комбінували грибну сировину та соєву олії у співвідношенні 1:1,5, замінивши жири 25 %, 50 %, 75 % та 100 % відповідно. Потім вимірювали вихід, текстурні показники, pH, колір і сенсорні показники. Експериментальні результати показали, що при додаванні Flammulina velutipes і соєвої олії збільшувались вихід, значення рН, L* і b*; значення текстурних показників для 75 % і 100 % експериментальних зразків знизилися; курячі сосиски з 50 % заміною жиру виявили найкращі сенсорні показники. Загалом, заміна 50 % жиру в курячих сосисиках на Flammulina velutipes і соєву олію була оптимальними. Додавання Flammulina velutipes і соєвої олії посилило яскравість і жовтизну курячих сосисок. Низьке додавання Flammulina velutipes і соєвої олії зменшило почервоніння ковбаси, яке посилилося, коли Flammulina velutipes і соєва олія повністю замінили жир. Flammulina velutipes і соєва олія є перспективним замінником жиру при розробці нежирних м’ясних продуктів

    Визначення параметрів гострої токсичності протипротозойного препарату “Авізурил”

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    Chickenpox is an intestinal disease that disrupts growth and suppresses the immune system, leading to high mortality, which researchers estimate is more than $ 3 billion annually in poultry. However, a significant problem of modern animal husbandry and especially poultry farming is the emergence of resistance in Eimeria to almost all coccidiostats. It is possible to prevent and prevent the emergence of drug resistance only by rotating the drugs with different active substances. For this purpose, 3–4 different drugs are used in the cultivation of animals and poultry. The goal of the work. In connection with the above purpose of the study was to determine the toxicity of the new antiprotozoal drug “Avizuril”. Depending on the amount of Avizuril administered, the mean lethal dose (DL50) and the main parameters of acute toxicity were determined using the methods of G. Kerber (1931) and G. Pershin (1939, 1950). To determine the toxicity of the drug used male and female white rats aged three months, weighing 180 ± 9.0 g. For feeding animals used feed according to a unified diet. Toxic effect of the drug “Avizuril” on experimental rats is observed at a dose of 1200 mg/kg. Based on the data on the calculation of the average lethal dose of the drug “Avizuril” when administered into the stomach by G. Kerber (1931), it was found that the DL50 for white rats is 1570 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. At autopsy, rats that died from acute poisoning were noted hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, congestion in the lungs, heart and liver, enlargement of the spleen. At the next stage of research, the subtoxic dose of Avizuril was determined. Observations of animals showed that 1–3 hours after oral administration of the drug in a subtoxic dose in laboratory animals showed suffocation and depression of the central nervous system. Most of them died during the first day. Subsequent observations of the surviving animals showed that their motor response was suppressed for the next 24–72 hours. In studies of acute toxicity of the drug “Avizuril” it was found that when administered intragastrically to white rats DL50 for white rats is 1570 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. Studies of the effect of the subtoxic dose of the drug “Avizuril” when administered orally on the general functional parameters of experimental rats noted suffocation and depression of the central nervous system, the death of most animals during the first day. Subsequently, the behavior of the surviving animals was characterized by suppression of motor reactions during the next 24–72 hours, decreased motor activity, agitation, reactivity and aggression, movement disorders, decreased response to touch and pain. According to the Sanitary and hygienic norms and SOU 85.2-37-736: 2011 according to the toxicity class the drug “Avizuril” in the concentration of 2.5 % when administered to the stomach of white rats belongs to the third class of danger (moderately dangerous compounds). In the future, it is planned to study the allergic properties of the drug “Avizuril”.Промислове птахівництво відграє вирішальну роль у забезпеченні населення висококалорійними, високоякісними та екологічно безпечними продуктами харчування, а саме м’ясом та яйцями. Підвищена концентрація поголів’я птиці на обмеженій території створює сприятливі фактори для розповсюдження хвороб заразної етіології. Еймеріоз є однією з нагальних проблем сучасного промислового птахівництва. У збудників цього захворювання протягом 3–4 місяців виробляється резистентність до препаратів проти еймерій, тому вони потребують постійного оновлення та ротації. При розробці нового протипротозойного препарату важливим є визначення гострої та хронічної токсичності. При проведенні досліджень щодо визначення гострої токсичності препарату “Авізуріл” встановлено, що при внутрішньошлунковому введенні білим щурам DL50 для білих щурів становить 1570 мг засобу на 1 кг маси тварини. При дослідженні впливу субтоксичної дози препарату “Авізуріл” при оральному виявляли задуху й пригнічення центральної нервової системи, загибель більшості тварин впродовж першої доби. Надалі поведінка тварин, що вижили, характеризувалася пригніченням рухових реакцій впродовж наступних 24–72 год, зниженням рухової активності, збудженістю, реактивністю та агресивністю, розладами руху, зниженням реакції на дотик і больові подразнення. Згідно з санітарно-гігієнічними нормами та СОУ 85.2-37-736:2011 за класом токсичності препарат “Авізуріл” у концентрації 2,5 % при введенні в шлунок білим щурам належить до третього класу небезпечності (помірно небезпечні сполуки)

    The effect of military activities on the epizootic situation of ASF in the Sumy region

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    Using publicly available information from the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection on the cases of African swine fever in Ukraine, the epidemiological situation regarding ASF in the Sumy region was analyzed, taking into account the consequences of military activities. When considering the ways of spreading the virus, the impact of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the main risk factors for the spread of the disease was revealed. In our opinion, wild boars, the number of which has increased by 19.3 % in the region over the past year and which is not regulated by hunters due to the hunting ban, remain a particularly dangerous way of spreading the virus. Hostilities, shelling and the movement of military equipment through the ASF-affected regions directly affect the migration processes of disturbed wildlife, which can quickly spread the virus over long distances, spread it within the population and transmit it to the domestic livestock. An important anthropogenic factor in the spread of the disease is the chaotic contamination of military base areas with unprocessed food residues that may contain a viable virus and, together with other fomites, contaminate the environment. Therefore, state anti-epizootic measures and methods of monitoring infectious diseases should be updated to reflect the realities of today. To control the circulation of the ASF virus among wildlife in the Sumy region under the conditions of a ban on monitoring culling, 25 samples of swabs, feed residues and feces from the feeding grounds of three forestries were studied using Real-Time PCR. In 100 % of the samples, no African swine fever virus DNA was detected, which means a negative result. However, the probable absence of the disease within the studied forestries did not prevent the region from having three outbreaks of ASF among domestic animals during 2022, which is a significant deterioration in the epizootic situation compared to the positive case-free year of 2021. Thus, the epidemiological situation regarding African swine fever in the Sumy region remains unfavorable and requires significant attention due to a number of factors that are dangerous and atypical for peacetime and may significantly affect the spread of numerous infectious diseases

    Санітарно-мікробіологічні показники питної води тваринницьких ферм

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    The article presents data on the study of sanitary and microbiological indicators of drinking water of livestock farms. The criteria for sanitary and hygienic assessment of water from a microbiological point of view are the total amount of microflora and the presence or absence of Escherichia coli, the definition of pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, which characterize its fitness for consumption by animals. The main purpose of sanitary and microbiological research is to provide animals, the population with quality water, for which hygienic assessment of water of infectious safety for human and animal health is carried out. Full supply of livestock enterprises with good quality water is one of the main prerequisites for successful production of quality and safe livestock products. The goal of the work. In connection with this, the purpose of our research was to investigate the sanitary and microbiological parameters of the drinking water of livestock farms. Sanitary and microbiological studies of drinking water sources for animals were conducted. It was found that in the studied samples, the number of bacteria of the group of Escherichia coli (BGKP) in 1 liter of water (coli-index) ranges from 200 to 140 000 and more. Of all the samples tested for this indicator, only 39.4% of the reservoirs met the normative indicator. Water samples from artesian wells in 12.3% of cases did not meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the amount of BGKP. When carrying out sanitary-microbiological analysis of samples of water from various elements of water supply systems with respect to conditionally pathogenic microflora, it was found that the samples that were collected from the wafers had the highest degree of microbial contamination. The total number of microorganisms was 107 CFU/cm3, and the coli index exceeded 240 thousand units. Examining the water samples found that 40% of the samples had an increased amount of enterobacteria. From the samples tested, 100 cultures of conditionally pathogenic microflora were isolated, including E. faecalis – 32%, E. coli – 23%, E. cloacae – 9%, E. faecium – 11% and K. pneumoniae – 4%, of which 59.3 respectively: 30.4; 33.3; 54.5 and 75% had hemolytic properties. E. faecalis showed resistance to erythromycin, cefuroxime, benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline, vancomycin; E. faecium – to vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline; representatives of the family Enterobacteriacea (E. coli, K. pneumoniae, E. cloacae) – mainly to amoxicillin, streptomycin, levomycetin.У статті наведені дані щодо дослідження санітарно-мікробіологічних показників питної води тваринницьких ферм. Критеріями санітарно-гігієнічної оцінки води з мікробіологічного погляду є загальна кількість мікрофлори і наявність або відсутність у ній кишкової палички, визначення патогенних мікроорганізмів, у тому числі сальмонел, що характеризують її придатність до споживання тваринами. Основною метою санітарно-мікробіологічного дослідження є забезпечення тварин якісною водою, для чого проводиться гігієнічне оцінювання води щодо інфекційної безпеки для здоров’я людей і тварин. Повне забезпечення тваринницьких підприємств доброякісною водою в достатній кількості – одна з основних передумов успішного виробництва якісної та безпечної продукції тваринництва. В зв’язку з цим метою наших досліджень було дослідження санітарно-мікробіологічних показників питної води тваринницьких ферм. Було проведено санітарно-мікробіологічні дослідження джерел питної води для тварин. При цьому встановлено, що у досліджуваних пробах кількість бактерій групи кишкової палички (БГКП) в 1 л води (колі-індекс) коливається від 200 до 140 000 та більше. Зі всіх досліджених проб за даним показником нормативному показнику відповідало тільки 39,4% водоймищ. Проби води із артезіанських свердловин в 12,3% випадків не відповідали санітарно-гігієнічним вимогам за кількістю БГКП. При проведенні санітарно-мікробіологічного аналізу проб води з різних елементів систем водопостачання щодо умовно-патогенної мікрофлори встановили, що найвищий ступінь мікробної контамінації мали проби, які було відібрано з напувалок. Загальна кількість мікроорганізмів склала 107 КУО/см3, а колі-індекс перевищував 240 тис. одиниць. Дослідивши проби води, встановили, що 40% зразків мали підвищену кількість ентеробактерій. Із підданих дослідженню проб води виділили 100 культур умовно-патогенної мікрофлори, в тому числі Е. faecalis – 32%, Е. coli – 23%, Е. cloacae – 9%, Е. faecium – 11% і К. pneumoniae – 4%, із них відповідно 59,3; 30,4; 33,3; 54,5 і 75% були притаманні гемолітичні властивості. Е. faecalis виявили стійкість до еритроміцину, цефуроксиму, бензилпеніциліну, ампіциліну, тетрацикліну, ванкоміцину; Е. faecium – до ванкоміцину, ципрофлоксацину, тетрацикліну; представники родини Enterobacteriacea (Е. coli, К. pneumoniae, E. cloacae) – переважно до амоксициліну, стрептоміцину, левоміцетину

    Вплив збудника лістеріозу на організм курчат-бройлерів в умовах екс-перименту

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    Ross Cobb 500 chickens (40) were divided into four groups of 10 animals. On the 15th day of life, Chickens from experimental groups were orally infected with a daily culture at a dose of 0.5 Mac Farland-1 ml (1.5×108 CFU/cm3) L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. monocytogenes). One group was a control group. At the time of slaughter, on the 38th day of the chickens' life, blood samples were taken for biochemical and hematological studies. At the end of the experiment, in the control group of chickens, all animals (10) were alive; in the L. innocua, L. ivanovii, and L. monocytogenes groups, 8, 9, and 7 birds remained, respectively. Infection of poultry with the causative agent of listeriosis did not affect the weight of experimental broiler chickens; the average weight of infected animals was almost at the same level as the control group: L. monocytogenes (2278.5 ± 169.6 g), L. ivanovii (2422.8 ± 63.4 g), L. innocua (2358.0 ± 68.9 g), control group (2320.0 ± 70.8 g). Among the biochemical indicators of the blood of broiler chickens, specific biochemical changes were found, which were characterized, first of all, by an increase in the level of creatinine and the ratio of Ca and P and a decrease in the activity of alkaline phosphatase. The established changes may indicate a violation of metabolic processes in bone and muscle tissue due to the action of Listeria. According to the results of hematological studies of the broilers of the control and experimental groups, it was established that heterophilia due to L. monocytogenes, eosinophilia, and lymphocytosis – due to L. ivanovii and L. innocua compared to the control.Курчат Ross Cobb 500 (40 тварин) розділили на 4 групи по 10 голів. Курчат з дослідних груп на 15 добу життя заразили перорально добовою культурою в дозі 0,5 Mac Farland-1 мл (1,5×108 КУО/см3) L. innocua, L. іvanovii, L. monocytogenes). Одна група була контрольною. Під час забою на 38 добу життя курчат відбирали зразки крові для біохімічних і гематологічних досліджень. Наприкінці проведення досліду в контрольній групі курчат всі тварини (10) були живі, в групі L. innocua,  L. ivanovii, L. monocytogenes залишилось 8, 9 і 7 птахів відповідно. Зараження птиці збудником лістеріозу не вплинуло на масу в дослідних курчат-бройлерів, середня маса інфікованих тварин була майже на одному рівні з контрольною групою: L. monocytogenes (2278,5 ± 169,6 г), L. іvanovii (2422,8 ± 63,4 г), L. innocua (2358,0 ± 68,9 г), контрольна група (2320,0 ± 70,8 г). Серед біохімічних показників крові курчат-бройлерів виявлено окремі біохімічні зміни, що характеризувалися насамперед підвищенням рівню креатиніну та співвідношенням Са і Р, зниженням активності лужної фосфатази. Встановлені зміни можуть вказувати на порушення обмінних процесів у кістковій та м’язовій тканині за дії лістерій. За результатами гематологічних досліджень бройлерів контрольної і дослідних груп встановлено різною мірою виражену порівняно з контролем гетерофілію за дії L. monocytogenes, еозинофілію та лімфоцитоз – за впливу L. іvanovii та L. innocua

    Експрес-методи виявлення обробки м’яса дезінфікуючими засобами під час зберігання та реалізації

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    The need to improve the control of meat slaughter animals and poultry in their rigging to develop modern express methods that have credibility in the indicators within and 99,4 to 99.9%, and can be used along with other methods to determine their quality and safety in the manufacturing laboratory facilities for meat processing, slaughtering companies and companies with sales and storage of meat (supermarkets, wholesale warehouses, refrigerators and the like), in the state laboratories of veterinary medicine and in laboratories of veterinary-sanitary examination of agro-industrial markets. Despite the fact that the responsibility for the safety and quality of food of animal origin is entrusted to the manufacturer, the protection of consumer health is always under control of the state. To ensure consumers receive safe and high quality meat need to develop new rapid methods for their adequate control. Especially relevant are the research directions for the development of rapid methods to objectively assess the safety and quality of meat of slaughtered animals and poultry during storage, and the implementation or use for the production of meat products. In stores, supermarkets, wholesale bases, the agricultural markets during the implementation of the meat of slaughtered animals and poultry it is often possible to detect the adulteration of meat for the handling of formalin, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, potassium permanganate for long-term storage and eliminate the signs of damage. Therefore, we have performed experimental studies and developed rapid methods to identify this type of fraud. Developed rapid methods for the determination of adulteration of meat of slaughter animals and poultry with formalin, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, potassium permanganate are simple to implement and their results specific quality indicators. Therefore, these rapid methods are available us along with other methods for determining the quality and safety of meat slaughtered animals and poultry (determination of organoleptic, the content of amino-ammoniac nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, pH, etc). These methods can be used in determining the safety and quality of meat of slaughtered animals and poultry during storage, and the implementation of laboratories at the facilities of meat processing, supermarkets, wholesale bases, in government veterinary laboratories and laboratories of veterinary-sanitary examination of agro-industrial markets.Розроблені експрес-методи виявлення обробки м’яса ссавців та птиці дезінфікуючими засобами (формаліном, хлором, пероксидом водню, оцтовою кислотою) з метою приховування ознак його псування. Ці методи можуть бути використані поряд з іншими методами під час проведення судової експертизи необроблених харчових продуктів, зокрема м’яса. Вірогідність результатів визначення становить 99,4–99,9%. Для контролю якості й безпечності м’яса забійних ссавців та птиці під час їх зберігання й реалізації пропонується застосовувати розроблені експрес-методи у виробничих лабораторіях потужностей із переробки м’яса, забійних підприємствах та підприємствах із реалізації та зберігання м’яса, у державних лабораторіях ветеринарної медицини та в лабораторіях ветеринарно-санітарної експертизи на агропродовольчих ринках, а також під час проведення судової експертизи харчових продуктів, зокрема м’яса забійних ссавців та птиці