23 research outputs found

    Drivers for educational change? Educational leaders’ perceptions of academic developers as change agents

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    Educational leaders are responsible for educational change, and many scholars have argued that academic developers (ADs) have expertise with the potential to influence educational change. We argue, however, that ADs’ influence depends on how educational leaders perceive educational change and position ADs’ roles and responsibilities in relation to that change. In this paper, we critically analyse data from interviews with educational leaders from four universities, within two national contexts. Informed by a significant current discussion about academic development, we reveal the extensive potential of educational leaders to enhance ADs’ influence on educational change and their ability to become change agents


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    Massification, marked orientation, standardisation and digitalisation are some of the reform elements in higher education that may potentially affect the development of the individual student in a negative way. For us this has caused a concern for student development and learning in net-based education. This book is the result of two years of work in a Scandinavian research group with a common interest in net-based higher education. We started out with a sense of there being something different in the Scandinavian way of conducting net-based higher education, and at the same time with a concern for the developmental processes of the net-based students towards being citizens of academia. If we look at the possible trajectory of a student who conducts all her higher education studies net-based, from the introductory course up to the level of PhD; in the present versions of our net-based educational courses and programmes, what do we believe would be the outcome? Will the student have developed her own voice as an academic? We fear that something would be lacking. There could of course potentially be a number of different dimensions lacking in any student development, regardless of learning environment. But, when it comes to our present net-based courses and programmes, our hypothetical assumption is that the Academic Bildung of the students would be suffering

    Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill

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    Source at https://www.cappelendammundervisning.no/_praksisnar-undervisning--i-praksis-og-teori-9788202632588. Simulation in education involves creating situations that are similar to events, rituals and routines performed in the workplace – or in therapy, consultation, conflicts or similar situations. One recreates as many conditions as are necessary for the students to ‘live’ within what one imitates. Teachers instruct students and run the procedures as if they were ‘reality’. Some simulations, such as in nursing education, require expensive equipment and sophisticated use of ICT. Others can be set up as role-playing games with what one has at their disposal in terms of facilities. The article compares three cases of simulation that were closely examined in connection with a research project. The purpose was to find out if the students experienced this as good quality. The students’ ability to immerse themselves in the situation is of great importance for the benefit of the simulation. Most students find that the situations closely resemble real life and keep them engaged and alert. Teaching that explicitly tries to resemble reality is perceived as very educational

    Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill

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    Simulation in education involves creating situations that are similar to events, rituals and routines performed in the workplace – or in therapy, consultation, conflicts or similar situations. One recreates as many conditions as are necessary for the students to ‘live’ within what one imitates. Teachers instruct students and run the procedures as if they were ‘reality’. Some simulations, such as in nursing education, require expensive equipment and sophisticated use of ICT. Others can be set up as role-playing games with what one has at their disposal in terms of facilities. The article compares three cases of simulation that were closely examined in connection with a research project. The purpose was to find out if the students experienced this as good quality. The students’ ability to immerse themselves in the situation is of great importance for the benefit of the simulation. Most students find that the situations closely resemble real life and keep them engaged and alert. Teaching that explicitly tries to resemble reality is perceived as very educational.publishedVersio

    Becoming a professional supervisor: Doctoral supervisors’ development in a mandatory, large-scale development programme

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    High-quality supervision is crucial for doctoral researchers’ progression, attrition rates, well-being, and experience of their doctoral journeys. New requirements in higher education have actualised the professional development of doctoral supervisors’ praxis, both as an institutional responsibility and academic field. However, there is a lack of literature exploring doctoral supervisors’ perspectives on professional development. This paper explores what doctoral supervisors find essential for their professional development when attending a mandatory programme for doctoral supervisors. Drawing on a longitudinal case study on the professional development of supervisors, five core aspects essential for the professional development of doctoral supervisors’ praxis are identified: institutional responsibility and support; transformational learning; building a broader repertoire of approaches to supervision; learning to balance complexity, and interaction and identity formation within supervisors’ communities. Based on these findings, a set of institutional recommendations for the professional development of doctoral is suggested

    Tackling Gender Inequality In Doctoral Supervision - An Intersectional Toolkit Involving Hearts, Minds, Policies, And Practices

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    Doctoral supervision is both a rewarding and challenging experience for supervisors and doctoral students, while effective supervision and research practice is of crucial importance for the developmental process and both students' and supervisors' careers. Although several challenges in the research journey are strictly research-focused, supervision is a human activity where intersectional aspects influence actions and activities. Power dynamics are involved in supervisor and research student interactions, many of which link affective with intellectual domains, and many are based on differences, of gender, age, race, or intersectionality. Here, we are mainly concerned with how to tackle challenging issues that grow from gender differences and intersectionality. Within the complex landscape of doctoral supervision, this paper is based on both research and educational development practice, since as authors and practitioners we are engaged with this. We use research, policy, widely available literature, and professional practice to underpin, build and share our developing “gender equality toolkit”. We use case studies to support constructive policies and practices and engage colleagues in reflective and practical development aimed at tackling issues concerning gender and intersectional inequalities in doctoral experiences and supervision

    Stories of technology-enhancement in higher education – a critical approach

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    There is a large body of research on technology-enhanced learning, but questions related to the educational effectiveness of technology use still needs to be questioned. In this paper, I argue that digital innovators’ stories about technology enhancement may constitute a rich source for understanding this complex educational phenomenon both in relation to teachers’ daily practices and the implementation of ICT in higher education at large. Based on biographical interviews with “digital innovators”, the aim of this paper is to investigate how [their] digital competence is used to enhance teaching and learning in higher education. This paper asks; how do digital innovators approach the use of ICT to enhance students’ learning and what are the organisational conditions for this approach? The findings suggests that technology-enhancement is linked to nine key characteristics: different educational models, authenticity, pedagogical added values, meaningful student activities, changing approaches to feedback, assessment and connection with the outside world, as well as holistic planning, supportive leaders and strong micro-cultures. This paper proposes a more nuanced understanding of the term technology enhanced learning and suggests strategies for educational development and further investigations related to this phenomenon in higher education

    Deltaker eller tilskuer? En casestudie om vilkår for deltakelse og samarbeidslæring i et nettbasert masterprogram i økonomi og ledelse (MBA)

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    Nettstudier, her forstått som distribuert undervisning tilrettelagt via internett, er et stadig mer aktuelt tema innen høyere utdanning. Det økte antallet nettstudenter har flere årsaker: fremveksten av nye studentgrupper, nasjonal satsning på «livslang læring», nye kunnskapsbehov i arbeidslivet, samt behov for tettere samarbeid på tvers av institusjoner og landegrenser. På tross av økt etterspørsel, vet man fortsatt lite om de komplekse vilkårene for samarbeidslæring i nettbaserte studier. Med utgangspunkt i observasjon og intervjuer med studenter og lærere i en nettbasert MBA og et teoretisk rammeverk om hvordan teknologi kan tilrettelegge for samarbeidslæring, stilles følgende forskningsspørsmål: hvordan tilrettelegges det for studenters deltakelse og samarbeidslæring i en nettbasert MBA? Funnene avdekker at en rekke komplekse forhold ved selve undervisningsdesignet, lærestedets organisering og tilrettelegging er avgjørende for deltakelse og samarbeidslæring. Våre funn peker på en rekke spesifikke utfordringer universitet- og høgskolesektoren må ta hensyn til i sin videre satsning på nettbaserte studier generelt og voksne studenter i jobb spesielt

    Deltaker eller tilskuer?

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    Sammendrag Nettstudier, her forstått som distribuert undervisning tilrettelagt via internett, er et stadig mer aktuelt tema innen høyere utdanning. Det økte antallet nettstudenter har flere årsaker: fremveksten av nye studentgrupper, nasjonal satsning på «livslang læring», nye kunnskapsbehov i arbeidslivet, samt behov for tettere samarbeid på tvers av institusjoner og landegrenser. På tross av økt etterspørsel, vet man fortsatt lite om de komplekse vilkårene for samarbeidslæring i nettbaserte studier. Med utgangspunkt i observasjon og intervjuer med studenter og lærere i en nettbasert MBA og et teoretisk rammeverk om hvordan teknologi kan tilrettelegge for samarbeidslæring, stilles følgende forskningsspørsmål: hvordan tilrettelegges det for studenters deltakelse og samarbeidslæring i en nettbasert MBA? Funnene avdekker at en rekke komplekse forhold ved selve undervisningsdesignet, lærestedets organisering og tilrettelegging er avgjørende for deltakelse og samarbeidslæring. Våre funn peker på en rekke spesifikke utfordringer universitet- og høgskolesektoren må ta hensyn til i sin videre satsning på nettbaserte studier generelt og voksne studenter i jobb spesielt