2,241 research outputs found

    Demonstration of NV-detected ESR spectroscopy at 115 GHz and 4.2 Tesla

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    High frequency electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is an invaluable tool for identification and characterization of spin systems. Nanoscale ESR using the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center has been demonstrated down to the level of a single spin. However, NV-detected ESR has exclusively been studied at low magnetic fields, where spectral overlap prevents clear identification of spectral features. Within this work, we demonstrate NV-detected ESR measurements of single-substitutional nitrogen impurities in diamond at a NV Larmor frequency of 115 GHz and the corresponding magnetic field of 4.2 Tesla. The NV-ESR measurements utilize a double electron-electron resonance sequence and are performed using both ensemble and single NV spin systems. In the single NV experiment, chirp pulses are used to improve the population transfer and for NV-ESR measurements. This work provides the basis for NV-based ESR measurements of external spins at high magnetic fields.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Vicky Minors in Winter Sports

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    Vicky has had her winter togs ready for quick use since November. Whether she has a date for a ski party or an afternoon of ice skating, she\u27s prepared. Vicky\u27s winter wardrobe features warmth, attractiveness and comfort

    The Evolution of a Button

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    Shirliann Fortman reviews an unusual thesis on Handmade Buttons of Original Design written by Mary E. Kesler for the M.S. degree under the auspices of the Department of Applied Ar

    In Style and Comfort Vicky Views Veishea

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    Vicky\u27s Veishea enthusiasm is bubbling over. She sold pass books in March, helped on committees during April and now she\u27s down to the fundamental problem confronting every coed anticipating the annual Iowa State exposition. What is she going to wear to the horse show, the concert, Vodvil or the track meet? What can she wear that is comfortable, pretty and up-to-the-moment

    Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of Trm10 and Trm10 Homologs in S. cerevisiae

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    Denman Research Forum 3rd Place Winner in Biological Sciences SectionTransfer RNAs (tRNAs) depend upon proper tRNA editing and modification, as well as proper secondary and tertiary folding in order to be stable and correctly functional within the cell. One such tRNA modification is the methylation of guanine at its N-1 position to form N-1 methylguanosine (m1G), found at position 9 (m1G9) in multiple cytoplasmic and mitochondrial tRNAs from Eukarya and Archaea. In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, m1G9 is produced by the enzyme tRNA methyltransferase 10 (Trm10) on at least thirteen different tRNA substrates. Interestingly, multiple (up to three) different TRM10 homologs are encoded in metazoa (including humans), but the reason for the presence of these variants is currently unknown. However, the widespread conservation of Trm10, as well as the recent identification of disease-causing mutations in one human homolog (TRMT10A), suggests that this enzyme plays a crucial role in biology. Therefore, the overall goal of this project was to investigate the biological function of nine diverse Trm10 homologs. Deletion of TRM10 in S. cerevisiae does not cause obvious growth defects on normal media, but the trm10Δ strain is hypersensitive to the chemical 5-fluorouracil. Taking advantage of this hypersensitive phenotype, we identified three eukaryotic TRM10 homologs that could substitute for wild-type yeast Trm10, as measured by their ability to provide resistance to 5FU when expressed in S. cerevisiae. Among the six non-complementing homologs, two are of significant interest because western blots revealed that they were abundantly expressed in yeast, suggesting that the lack of complementation is not due to defects in expression in S. cerevsisiae. Instead, for these two genes (one each from human and mouse), we hypothesize that the resulting enzymes do not methylate the same thirteen tRNAs that are normally substrates for yeast Trm10, thus leading to the inability to complement the growth phenotype on 5FU. Preliminary primer extension data for the three eukaryotic TRM10 homologs that could substitute for the loss of wild-type Trm10 suggest that there are specific tRNA substrates within the cells that must modified in order to provide 5FU resistance.No embargoAcademic Major: Biochemistr

    Vicky Enters College Life

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    After one look at the activities planned for Freshman Days, any new coed is bound to look at her closet and moan, What am I going to wear

    Characterization of Bacterial Communities in Biscayne Bay Through Genomic Analysis

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    Biscayne Bay is a shallow oligotrophic estuary in Southeast Florida. Channelization of rivers, and dredging of canals has greatly altered the historical flow of fresh water into the bay. This, coupled with the rise of a sprawling urban & suburban development, has greatly increased the nutrient load in the bay. This study examined the bacterial community at 14 stations throughout Biscayne Bay —6 stations were located at the mouths of canals; 1 upstream-canal station; 6 stations in the center of the bay; and one ocean influenced station, located near the entrance to the bay. One liter, surface water samples were taken monthly for one year. The 16S rRNA gene was used to identify bacterial community composition. There were 19,680 Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) identified across all 146 samples. Salinity and total phosphorous were the primary factors explaining bacterial biodiversity. Biodiversity in microbial communities in the Miami River and the ocean influenced site, were unique compared to other sites in the study. Alpha and β-diversity were generally homogeneous over most of the study area. Looking at α- diversity, the two stations on the Miami River were statistically identical and had higher diversity. The ocean influenced station, located near the Safety Valve, was statistically unique, and had lower α-diversity. The remaining 11 stations had moderate diversity and were statistically identical, appearing to be a combination of the previously mentioned Miami River sites and the ocean influenced site. Beta diversity showed a similar pattern; with the exception that the site located at the mouth of Black Creek could now be grouped with the Miami River sites

    Computer-Based Cognitive Training for Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Cognitive Training has been shown to be an effective tool in enhancing cognitive functioning. Research has also shown video game playing can improve certain aspects of visual attention and cognitive processing speed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of both a specific computer-based cognitive training program and non-specific video game playing in improving cognitive functioning for individuals with age-related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment. Twenty-nine older adults were recruited into the study and randomly assigned to either the cognitive training group or video-game playing group. Nineteen participants completed the study, engaging in either cognitive training or video game playing for 10-15 minutes a day, 4 days per week, for eight weeks. Multiple measures of neuropsychological functioning were administered both before and after training. The results showed no significant improvements in the cognitive training group, while the video game playing group improved on measures of auditory memory and processing speed. No significant differences were found between the two groups on any of the dependent variables. The electronic version of this dissertation is available free at Ohiolink ETD Center, www.ohiolink.edu/etd
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