6,673 research outputs found

    The XII century towers, a benchmark of the Rome countryside almost cancelled. The safeguard plan by low cost uav and terrestrial DSM photogrammetry surveying and 3D Web GIS applications

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    “Giving a bird-fly look at the Rome countryside, throughout the Middle Age central period, it would show as if the multiple city towers has been widely spread around the territory” on a radial range of maximum thirty kilometers far from the Capitol Hill center (Carocci and Vendittelli, 2004). This is the consequence of the phenomenon identified with the “Incasalamento” neologism, described in depth in the following paper, intended as the general process of expansion of the urban society interests outside the downtown limits, started from the half of the XII and developed through all the XIII century, slowing down and ending in the following years. From the XIX century till today the architectural finds of this reality have raised the interest of many national and international scientists, which aimed to study and catalog them all to create a complete framework that, cause of its extension, didn’t allow yet attempting any element by element detailed analysis. From the described situation has started our plan of intervention, we will apply integrated survey methods and technologies of terrestrial and UAV near stereo-photogrammetry, by the use of low cost drones, more than action cameras and reflex on extensible rods, integrated and referenced with GPS and topographic survey. In the final project we intend to produce some 3D scaled and textured surface models of any artifact (almost two hundreds were firstly observed still standing), to singularly study the dimensions and structure, to analyze the building materials and details and to formulate an hypothesis about any function, based even on the position along the territory. These models, successively georeferenced, will be imported into a 2D and 3D WebGIS and organized in layers made visible on basemaps of reference, as much as on historical maps

    Ab-Initio Studies on Carburization of Fe3Al Based Alloys

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    AbstractFe-Al based alloys exhibit excellent properties but suffer metal dusting in carburizing atmospheres. Surface composition can be a determinant factor in the solution of this problem. We calculate in this work the C adsorption energies in the L21 Fe2AlX (X=Ti,V,Nb) structures and we study the influence of surface covering. Our results show the beneficial effect of Ti, suggesting that there could exist an activation energy to promote the incorporation of C in the subsurface layers when the surface is covered enoug

    L’ambiente carsico e l’idrogeologia dei gessi di Sassalbo (MS)

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    Nel Canale dell’Acqua Torbida (Alta Lunigiana), si trova il maggiore affioramento di evaporiti triassiche della Toscana. Rispetto ai gessi dell’Alta val Secchia (RE), di cui sono il lembo meridionale, appaiono molto meno tettonizzati. L’area carsica, che comprende in prevalenza calcari cavernosi, ha una superficie complessiva di circa 2,2 km2 in cui sono ben rappresentate forme carsiche superficiali, sia macro che micro. Anche i fenomeni carsici sotterranei sembrano essere ben sviluppati: la loro genesi è stata attribuita a periodi di avanzata e arretramento dei ghiacciai durante l’ultimo glaciale. Attualmente nel catasto toscano sono registrate 5 cavità, di cui 4 rilevate. Nell’ambito del Progetto Trias II (studio interdisciplinare svolto dalla Società Speleologica Italiana per conto del Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) è stato possibile studiare l’area dal punto di vista morfologico, speleologico e idrochimico, monitorando in continuo alcune delle principali risorgenti carsiche parallelamente ai torrenti cui esse potevano risultare connesse. Nel presente lavoro, dopo breve illustrazione delle morfologie epigee ed ipogee, vengono presentati i risultati del monitoraggio idrologico. Le analisi hanno permesso di evidenziare come in molti casi le acque del carso di Sassalbo siano chimicamente molto simili a quelle del sistema ad ansa ipogea del Tanone della Gacciolina in Alta val di Secchia. Fanno eccezione altre sorgenti, alimentate quasi esclusivamente dalla serie marnoso arenacea e dal macigno, che presentano comportamenti idrodinamici differenti in funzione dei loro specifici bacini di alimentazione.Karst and hydrology of the Sassalbo Gypsa (Massa Carrara – Italy) The largest triassic evaporitic outcrop of Tuscany is located inside the Acqua Torbida creek (Upper Lunigiana). They represent the southernmost and less tectonized part of the Upper Secchia Gypsa (RE). The karst area (some 2,2) consists mostly of limestone (Calcari Cavernosi) with well developed macro – and micro – forms. The underground phenomena are mainly related to the mouventes of glacial tongues during the last Glacial. 5 cavities are presently known and inserted in the Tuscany Cadaster, 4 of which mapped. In the framework of the Trias II Project (an interdisciplinary study sponsored by the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park and performed by the Italian Speleological Society) this area has been investigated from the morphological, speleological, hydrochemical point of view while some of the major springs and related rivers were monitored. In the paper after a short description of the epigean and hypogean forms, the achieved result during the hydrological study are presented. This study evidenced that in many occurrences the behavior of the Sassalbo karst waters is very similar to that of the Tanone della Gacciolina cave in the Upper Secchia Valley. Only a few springs exhibit a different behavior being rather completely fed by the marnoso-arenacea and macigno formations
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