689 research outputs found

    Daily mood, partner support, sexual interest, and sexual activity among adolescent women

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    This is a post print version of the article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below.Objective: to examine day-to-day associations of coitus, sexual interest, partner emotional support, negative mood and positive mood among adolescent women. Methods: Women (ages 14 – 17 at enrollment; N=146) enrolled from one of three adolescent primary care clinics completed up to five 84-day diaries over a 27-month period. The diaries assessed partner interactions, sexual activity, substance use and mood. Partner-specific measures assessed on each day included partner emotional support (4 items; alpha = 0.94), argument with a partner (no/yes) and coitus (no/yes). Within-day measures assessed marijuana use (no/yes), Positive Mood (3-items; alpha = 0. 86); Negative Mood (3-items; alpha = 0.82) and Sexual Interest (1-item). Lagged measures of mood and sexual activity were included in multivariate models to control for recent mood and sexual behavior effects on current day mood and coitus. Two main analyses were conducted: coitus as a predictor of positive and negative mood; and the role of positive and negative mood as predictors of coitus. Analyses were conducted by multivariate mixed effect regression and mixed effect logistic regression models. Results: Data represent 28,376 days from 146 participants. The average number of diary days was 194 days per participant. Sexual activity was reported on 8.3% of days, with condoms used for 27.0% of these coital events. Marijuana was used on 11% of days. Significant predictors of positive mood on a given day included partner support, marijuana use, and coitus. Negative mood was associated with having an argument with a partner and with prior day coitus. Predictors of coitus on a given day included age (Odds ratio = 1.22), increased coital frequency in previous week (OR = 1.49), coitus on the previous day (1.21), increased same-day sexual interest (OR = 2.8) and decreased same-day negative mood (OR = 0.92). Conclusions: The data demonstrate complex associations of sexual interest, mood, partner interactions and sexual activity

    Viking Mars lander 1975 dynamic test model/orbiter developmental test model forced vibration test

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    The Viking Mars Lander 1975 dynamic test model and orbiter developmental test model were subjected to forced vibration sine tests. Flight acceptance (FA) and type approval (TA) test levels were applied to the spacecraft structure in a longitudinal test configuration using a 133,440-N (30,000-lb) force shaker. Testing in the two lateral axes (X, Y) was performed at lower levels using four 667-N (150-lb) force shakers. Forced vibration qualification (TA) test levels were successfully imposed on the spacecraft at frequencies down to 10 Hz. Measured responses showed the same character as analytical predictions, and correlation was reasonably good. Because of control system test tolerances, orbiter primary structure generally did not reach the design load limits attained in earlier static testing. A post-test examination of critical orbiter structure disclosed no apparent damage to the structure as a result of the test environment

    Spectroscopic Constants and Vibrational Frequencies for l-C3H+ and Isotopologues from Highly-Accurate Quartic Force Fields: The Detection of l-C3H+ in the Horsehead Nebula PDR Questioned

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    Very recently, molecular rotational transitions observed in the photon-dominated region of the Horsehead nebula have been attributed to l-C3H+. In an effort to corroborate this finding, we employed state-of-the art and proven high-accuracy quantum chemical techniques to compute spectroscopic constants for this cation and its isotopologues. Even though the B rotational constant from the fit of the observed spectrum and our computations agree to within 20 MHz, a typical level of accuracy, the D rotational constant differs by more than 40%, while the H rotational constant differs by three orders of magnitude. With the likely errors in the rotational transition energies resulting from this difference in D on the order of 1 MHz for the lowest observed transition (J = 4 <- 3) and growing as J increases, the assignment of the observed rotational lines from the Horsehead nebula to l-C3H+ is questionable

    Trust, Sexual Trust, and Sexual Health: An Interrogative Review

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    Trust is experienced almost constantly in all forms of social and interpersonal relationships, including sexual relationships, and may contribute both directly and indirectly to sexual health. The purpose of this review is to link three aspects of trust to sexual health: (1) the role of trust in sexual relationships; (2) the role of trust in sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention, particularly condom use; and (3) the relevance of trust in sexual relationships outside of the traditional model of monogamy. The review ends with consideration of perspectives that could guide new research toward understanding the enigmas of trust in partnered sexual relations in the context of sexual and public health

    The Possible Interstellar Anion CH2CN-: Spectroscopic Constants, Vibrational Frequencies, and Other Considerations

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    It is hypothesized that the A ^1B_1 <- X ^1A' excitation into the dipole-bound state of the cyanomethyl anion (CH2CN-) is proposed as the carrier for one diffuse interstellar band. However, this particular molecular system has not been detected in the interstellar medium even though the related cyanomethyl radical and the isoelectronic ketenimine molecule have been found. In this study we are employing the use of proven quartic force fields and second-order vibrational perturbation theory to compute accurate spectroscopic constants and fundamental vibrational frequencies for ^1A' CH2CN- in order to assist in laboratory studies and astronomical observations

    Marker Paper: The Urethral Microbiome of Adolescent Males

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    The Failure of Correlation to Describe Out-of-Plane Carbon=Carbon Bending

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    Carbon-carbon multiply bonded systems are improperly described with standard correlation methods and basis sets. For computations of vibrational modes, the out-of- plane bends can be reported as imaginary at worst or simply too low at best. Utilizing the simplest of aromatic structures (cyclopropenylidene) and various levels of theory, this work diagnoses this known behavior for the first time. A combined 1-particle and n-particle basis set effect conspire to produce these non-physical results. When moving from sp2 to sp3 hybridization in the carbon atoms, the larger number of basis functions overcorrects the energy. This is exacerbated by correlation methods. These allow for occupation of the and orbitals in the expanded wave function that combine with the hydrogen s orbitals. As a result, the improperly described space can be further and non-physically stabilized by post-Hartree-Fock correlation. This represents a fundamental problem with at least Hartree-Fock based methods of all flavors in describing carbon. Beyond being a flaw in quantum chemical theory, other repercussions will be present in computations regarding spectroscopy as well as energy and environmental studies where highly-accurate hydrocabon vibrational transitions or thermochemical data are needed

    Five meter diameter conical furlable antenna

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    An investigation was made to demonstrate that a 5-meter-diameter, furlable, conical reflector antenna utilizing a line source feed can be fabricated utilizing composite materials and to prove that the antenna can function mechanically and electrically as prototype flight hardware. The design, analysis, and testing of the antenna are described. An RF efficiency of 55% at 8.5 GHz and a surface error of 0.64 mm rms were chosen as basic design requirements. Actual test measurements yielded an efficiency of 53% (49.77 dB gain) and a surface error of 0.61 mm rms. Atmospherically induced corrosion of the reflector mesh resulted in the RF performance degradation. An assessment of the antenna as compared to the current state of the art technology was made. This assessment included cost, surface accuracy and RF performance, structural and mechanical characteristics, and possible applications
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