9 research outputs found

    CD47 expression is decreased in hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients with myelofibrosis

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) is characterized by increased circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs), abnormal cytokine levels, and the survival advantage of neoplastic progenitors over their normal counterparts, which leads to progressive disappearance of polyclonal hematopoiesis. CD47 is a surface glycoprotein with many functions, such as acting as a phagocytosis inhibitor of the expressing cell, that is increased in normal hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells mobilized into the blood and several human cancer-initiating cells, such as in acute myeloid leukemia. We compared CD47 expression in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of patients with MF and controls and found it to be decreased in progenitors of MF. Exposure of control HPCs to the cytokines transforming growth factor β and stromal-derived factor 1, which are important regulators of hematopoietic stem cell cycling and are overexpressed in patients with MF, did not modulate CD47 expression

    Hipotireoidismo neonatal transitório em um menino com translocação não balanceada t(8;16)

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    Defeitos genéticos resultando em deficiência hormonal tireoidiana podem ser encontrados em cerca de 10% dos pacientes com hipotireoidismo congênito permanente, porém a identificação de anormalidades genéticas associadas à forma transitória da doença é extremamente rara. Relatamos o caso de um menino com hipotireoidismo neonatal transitório não diagnosticado no teste de triagem neonatal, associado a malformações extratireoidianas e retardo mental. O paciente é portador de translocação não balanceada t(8;16), e seu tio materno tinha fenótipo similar. A análise cromossômica definiu o cariótipo do paciente como 46,XY,der(8)t(8;16)(q24.3;q22)mat,16qh+. A análise cromossômica array-CGH com o DNA do paciente revelou deleção terminal de ~80 kb no cromossomo 8q24.3qter, e duplicação de ~21 Mb no cromossomo 16q22qter. O gene ZNF252, mapeado na região da deleção no cromossomo 8 do paciente, é altamente expresso na tireoide e pode ser um gene candidato no hipotireoidismo neonatal transitório do paciente. Esse é o primeiro relato de associação de uma translocação cromossômica com a forma transitória do hipotireoidismo congênito. Essa descrição descortina novas hipóteses para a fisiopatologia do hipotireoidismo congênito transitório e também pode contribuir para a definição do fenótipo da translocação não balanceada t(8;16)(q24.3;q22), nunca descrito anteriormente.Genetic defects resulting in deficiency of thyroid hormone synthesis can be found in about 10% of the patients with permanent congenital hypothyroidism, but the identification of genetic abnormalities in association with the transient form of the disease is extremely rare. We report the case of a boy with transient neonatal hypothyroidism that was undiagnosed in the neonatal screening, associated with extrathyroid malformations and mental retardation. The boy carries an unbalanced translocation t(8;16), and his maternal uncle had a similar phenotype. Chromosomal analysis defined the patient's karyotype as 46,XY,der(8)t(8;16)(q24.3;q22)mat,16qh+. Array-CGH with patient's DNA revealed a ~80 kb terminal deletion on chromosome 8q24.3qter, and a ~21 Mb duplication on chromosome 16q22qter. ZNF252 gene, mapped to the deleted region on patient's chromosome 8, is highly expressed in the thyroid, and may be a candidate gene for our patient's transient neonatal thyroid dysfunction. This is the first report on the association of a chromosomal translocation with the transient form of congenital hypothyroidism. This description creates new hypothesis for the physiopathology of transient congenital hypothyroidism, and may also contribute to the definition of the unbalanced translocation t(8;16)(q24.3;q22) phenotype, which has never been described before

    A Rare Interstitial Duplication of 8q22.1–8q24.3 Associated with Syndromic Bilateral Cleft Lip/Palate

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    We present a rare case of 8q interstitial duplication derived from maternal balanced translocations in a patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate in syndromic form associated with other congenital malformations. G-banding cytogenetic analysis revealed a chromosomal abnormality in the form of the karyotype 46,XX der(22)t(8;22)(q22.1;p11.1)mat. Chromosome microarray analysis evidenced a 49 Mb duplicated segment of chromosome 8q with no pathogenic imbalances on chromosome 22. Two siblings also carry the balanced translocation. We have compared this case with other “pure” trisomies of 8q patients reported in the literature and with genome wide association studies recently published. This work highlights the involvement of chromosome 8q in orofacial clefts

    Insights into how environment shapes post\u2010mortem RNA transcription in mouse brain

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    Most biological features that occur on the body after death were already deciphered by traditional medicine. However, the molecular mechanisms triggered in the cellular microenvironment are not fully comprehended yet. Previous studies reported gene expression alterations in the post\u2010mortem condition, but little is known about how the environment could in uence RNA degradation and transcriptional regulation. In this work, we analysed the transcriptome of mouse brain after death under three concealment simulations (air exposed, buried, and submerged). Our analyses identi ed 2,103 genes di erentially expressed in all tested groups 48 h after death. Moreover, we identi ed 111 commonly upregulated and 497 commonly downregulated genes in mice from the concealment simulations. The gene functions shared by the individuals from the tested environments were associated with RNA homeostasis, in ammation, developmental processes, cell communication, cell proliferation, and lipid metabolism. Regarding the altered biological processes, we identi ed that the macroautophagy process was enriched in the upregulated genes and lipid metabolism was enriched in the downregulated genes. On the other hand, we also described a list of biomarkers associated with the submerged and buried groups, indicating that these environments can in uence the post\u2010mortem RNA abundance in its particular way

    SHORT syndrome in an adult Brazilian patient

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    We report an individual from Brazil with SHORT syndrome. The term SHORT stands for its common characteristics: short stature (S), hyperextensibility of joints, and/or inguinal hernia (H), ocular depression (O), Rieger anomaly (R), and teething delay (T). In addition to most of the clinical signs previously described in SHORT syndrome, the patient presented here also shows microcephaly and intellectual disability. Diagnosis was confirmed by exome sequencing revealing a novel heterozygous variant c.1456G>A (p.Ala486Thr) at PIK3R1. Human recombinant growth hormone (r-hGH) therapy was administered prior to diagnosis; however, the use of r-hGH may have had a role in anticipating and worsening the glucose metabolic profile in the patient, as previously described. This article contributes to providing a better understanding of the SHORT syndrome genotype and its correlation with the phenotype, by comparing with it other reported cases