19 research outputs found

    A Scholar's Guide to Getting Published in English. Critical Choices and Practical Strategies [Ressenya]

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    Reseña: CURRY, Mary Jane; LILLIS, Theresa. A Scholar’s Guide to Getting Published in English: Critical Choices and Practical Strategies.. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2013. 192 pages. ISBN: 9781783090594.Book review: CURRY, Mary Jane; LILLIS, Theresa. A Scholar’s Guide to Getting Published in English: Critical Choices and Practical Strategies.. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2013. 192 pages. ISBN: 9781783090594

    Preface in memoriam of Raquel Segovia Martín: Translation studies and film studies: New trends

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    This is the fourteenth issue of Language Value, the journal created by the Department of English Studies at Universitat Jaume I (UJI) over 12 years ago. Since its beginning, the journal has grown and progressed, and, at this moment, it is already indexed and recognised internationally. In this evolution, many persons have left their imprint, some of them from the department that devised this journal. One of these persons was Raquel Segovia Martín, who unfortunately left us one year ago. Raquel arrived at Universitat Jaume I from the University of Pittsburgh (USA), where she had obtained her PhD degree in Languages and Film Studies and taught Spanish language and culture courses. Since very young, she had been interested in the Spanish language: she had finished her bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Philology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. However, she saw an opportunity to adapt her profile and to participate in the new project of Universitat Jaume I in 1994, once she had decided to come back to Spain. At this university, she could combine her knowledge of Spanish and English in translation courses and add to it her expertise in film and communication studies. She was a good teacher and a good colleague who left us much too soon. This volume is in memorial of Raquel Segovia Martín, and the articles included in it are all related to her profile: translation, cinema and communication

    Critical components of integrating content and language in Spanish higher education

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    Special Issue: Collaborating for content and language integrated learningAfter the harmonization process carried out in Spanish higher education following the Bologna Declaration, many universities have decided to introduce English as the language of instruction for some studies. From 2010, the new study programmes have been implemented, and there is an urgency to define what is meant by "teaching in English". Some researchers have investigated the constraints and difficulties of introducing a second or third language of instruction and have shown the difficulties content teachers have in recognising and describing their disciplinary discourse (Jacobs, 2007), which would make it very difficult for them to teach it in a foreign language. There seems to be a need for dialogue between language and content teachers, in which they can express their experiences, opinions and fears. An innovative education project proposed by ESP teachers at Universitat Jaume I investigated how teachers intend to implement the directive to introduce English as a third language of instruction and the relationship they think should be established between language and content teachers. This paper summarizes the discussions developed in the meetings held in the framework of this projec

    Science dissemination videos as multimodal supporting resources for ESP teaching in higher education

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    In recent years, science dissemination has moved from printed to digital formats, and digital genres such as free access videos, along with their own multimodal characteristics (e.g. image, audio, movement, among others) are particularly relevant in order to meet 21st century users' (i.e., digital natives) learning needs (Prensky, 2017) and to make them aware of the use of the multimodal traits. However, only a few studies can be found on the use of videos for the dissemination of research in ESP teaching as learning resources in Higher Education (HE) contexts, nor have the multimodal connections embedded in videos which contribute to the engagement of their users been taken into account (Valeiras-Jurado & Bernad-Mechó, 2022). Considering a communicative multimodal procedure in the digital era (Kress, 2010), the objective of this research is to identify the criteria that ESP teachers take into account when selecting this type of video for their courses, as well as the multimodal characteristics of these videos that can be identified and taken into consideration in the classroom. To attain our aim, a questionnaire will be distributed to 10 ESP teachers asking about the criteria they use for the selection of videos (e.g., length, clarity of language, visual aids, subject matter appropriate to the content, difficulty, among other aspects). Secondly, a multimodal discourse analysis of an extract from one of the videos teachers use in their courses will be developed. The teacher who uses this video in his class will be interviewed before and after showing him the multimodal analysis in order to check whether being aware of the video's multimodal traits can change his criteria for video selection and for class activities related to it. The results of this investigation will serve to offer teachers some support in their selection of appropriate multimodal materials for their ESP courses, as well as pedagogical tips about activities that can enhance the multimodal features of this digital genre.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    The presentation of self in résumés: an intercultural approach

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    In this paper, résumés in two languages and two cultures, Peninsular Spanish and American English, are analysed. For this qualitative analysis, we have relied on the dual perspective proposed by Flowerdew (2005) which postulates a complementary usage of linguistic and ethnographic approaches to the study of genre. The analysis of discourse is based on tenets of genre analysis (Swales 1990; Unger 2007) which have traditionally constituted a substantial part of the theoretical basis of the LSP field. However, it also introduces tenets from sociolinguistics and pragmatics (Brown & Levinson 1987; Scollon & Scollon 2001) as résumés crucially involve the presentation of self – namely the construction of professional identity of candidates (de Fina et al. 2006; Dyer & Keller-Cohen 2000). The ethnographic approach consists of interviews of recruiters from both cultures to find out what their expectations are relative to applicants’ presentation of selves. The results, although tentative, indicate that cultural expectations in terms of what constitutes an adequate résumé vary between the two cultures, especially with respect to the type of personal information provided and the lexico-syntactic structures that candidates use to distance themselves from their achievement

    Multimodality for comprehensive communication in the classroom: Questions in guest lectures

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    In recent years there have been many studies about the discourse of lectures (Pérez-Llantada & Ferguson, 2006; Csomay, 2007; Deroey & Taverniers, 2011). Lecturing is the most common speech event in most university classrooms in the world. Bamford (2005) defines lectures’ styles as conversational, stressing the interactive nature of the lecture, the main goal of which is to establish contact with the students, and the co-option of the students into a discourse community. However, most of the studies published up to this moment have focused exclusively on the language used by the lecturer and little attention has been paid to the role of multimodality in this particular genre. In our research, we try to identify the non-verbal behaviour that can be of special relevance for the comprehensive communication in the classroom, focusing on questions in two guest lectures in English delivered for a group of Spanish students. Results indicate that both lecturers use different verbal and non-verbal strategies to foster interaction, adapting to the characteristics of their audience. The final objective of this study is twofold: i) to use the results in our courses for training Spanish lecturers on teaching in English; and ii) to use these results for EAP undergraduate courses, as it has been observed that body language needs awareness raising in order to facilitate transfer from mother tongue to another language

    English Communication for International Business II

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    Llibre i audioENGLISH COMMUNICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS II is the second book of a collection oftwo addressed to those students involved in learning English to communicate in business contexts. As the previous one, the book is conceived as self-learning material which includes the keys to most activities although the support ofthe instructor in the classroom becomes necessary for some of them. This book is content-based, trying to emphasise the written and oral communicative necessities of the international business world. The book is organised in six units which deal with some types ofbusiness written and oral communication, such as meetings and negotiations, international trade procedures related to Incoterms, packing, delivery and insurance, methods of payment and their corresponding documents, orders, and complaints. All units deal with reading, writing, and listening skills, as well as translation. The CD provided with the book is higWy useful for the listening activities. Speaking and interaction can also be worked in all units although always with the teacher's guidance. Each unit starts with a general explanation of the topic, followed by reading comprehension and vocabulary activities. Along the unit, several specific explanations can be found including examples of the documents and of the written and spoken communicative events involved. Students are then required to produce their own documents and effective pieces of communication. At the end of each unit, two communicative situations have been included, asking students to solve a business problem. After the situations, each unit is provided with references for further reading either in books or in websites. As a complement to the units in both volumes, a series of seventeen case studies have been created. These case studies reproduce real situations in a company, such as launching a new product, hiring a new employee, strategies to sell a product, reacting to claims, negotiating staff reduction, etc

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    La aplicación de la Teoría de la Apreciación para la interpretación de entrevistas a investigadores experimentados sobre el Acceso Abierto

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    Interviews are a recognized and valued method for obtaining research data. Usually, these data are drawn from the content of interviews. However, words and prosodic elements that accompany them may reveal complementary, and even contradictory information, that substantially alters the researcher’s first impression. After the publication in September of 2018 of the document COAlition Plan S which announced that research results funded by European institutions would have to be published in Open Access from 1 January 2020 (later postponed to 2021), 10 experienced researchers were interviewed on this topic. It is these interviews that will be the focus of this paper: the interviewees’ discourse and its meaning. To develop this research, the Appraisal Theory (Martin & White, 2005) was selected. Even though it was originally designed to study the English language, the Appraisal Theory framework proved to be very useful for analysing the researchers’ attitudes towards Open Access (OA) through several Spanish and Catalan language strategies. In addition, as interviews were audio recorded, it was decided to complement the linguistic analysis by paying attention to paralinguistic resources. The multimodal analysis of Appraisal in these researchers’ opinions reveals the dilemma they are faced with, either to publish in a limited number of less prestigious journals using Open Access, or to pay very high fees to use Gold Open Access.Las entrevistas son un método reconocido y valorado para la obtención de datos para la investigación. Normalmente, esos datos se extraen del contenido de esas entrevistas. Sin embargo, las palabras y los elementos prosódicos que las acompañan pueden desvelar información complementaria, o incluso contradictoria, que puede modificar sustancialmente la primera impresión obtenida por el investigador. Tras la publicación en septiembre de 2018 del documento COAlition Plan S que anunciaba que los resultados de la investigación financiada por organismos europeos deberían publicarse en acceso abierto a partir del 1 de enero de 2020, más tarde postergado a 2021, se realizó una entrevista sobre este tema a 10 investigadores experimentados. Estas entrevistas serán el centro de atención de este artículo, concretamente, el discurso empleado por los entrevistados y su significado. Para realizar esta investigación, se seleccionó la Teoría de la Apreciación (Appraisal Theory) (Martin & White, 2005). Aunque esta teoría se diseñó en un principio para analizar la lengua inglesa, resultó ser muy útil para analizar las actitudes de los investigadores hacia el Acceso Abierto a través de diferentes estrategias lingüísticas en español y en catalán. Además, dado que las entrevistas se grabaron en audio, se decidió prestar atención también a los recursos paralingü ísticos. El análisis multimodal de la apreciación de las opiniones de estos investigadores descubre el dilema con el que se encuentran: publicar en acceso abierto en un número limitado de revistas poco reconocidas en las clasificaciones internacionales, o pagar altas cuotas en el acceso abierto Gold