30 research outputs found

    An education model for customized and flexible networked learning courses for working engineers

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    The area of computer and electrical engineering is under constant evolution which leads to lifelong learning being an important aspect for being a long term successful working professional. This work presents an education model for creating customized and flexible courses at advanced level for these working professionals. We have approached this work from the educator's point of view and the focus will be on the teaching model and our results from implementing the model during the last two years. Including how we created these need and trend-based education offerings, the course execution inspired with micro-learning and flipped-classroom pedagogics, and our work with creating win-win possibilities within the courses for the working professionals and the companies they work for. Finally, we will present our experiences and lessons learnt, ending with a plan for our upcoming courses and our refined model in our ongoing future work

    An education model for customized and flexible networked learning courses for working engineers

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    The area of computer and electrical engineering is under constant evolution which leads to lifelong learning being an important aspect for being a long term successful working professional. This work presents an education model for creating customized and flexible courses at advanced level for these working professionals. We have approached this work from the educator's point of view and the focus will be on the teaching model and our results from implementing the model during the last two years. Including how we created these need and trend-based education offerings, the course execution inspired with micro-learning and flipped-classroom pedagogics, and our work with creating win-win possibilities within the courses for the working professionals and the companies they work for. Finally, we will present our experiences and lessons learnt, ending with a plan for our upcoming courses and our refined model in our ongoing future work

    Blockchain Research Report

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    This research report outlines the current research into blockchain technologies as of December 2018. Starting with an overview of the blockchain technology to introduce the theory. To then follow with deep looks into the different aspects of blockchain technologies, investigating the research articles and current state of work in these area, including the forefront of the research frontier. As well as existing blockchain products, an outlook on the future, conclusions that can be drawn from this study. With the intent to both create understand of the technologies, as well as inspire further research work and identifying potential knowledge gaps

    Enabling Adaptive Context Views for Mobile Applications : Negotiating Global and Dynamic Sensor Information

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    Mobile devices with Internet access and large amounts of sensors, pushes the development of intelligent services towards new forms of pervasive applications. These applications are made context-aware by utilizing information from sensors and hence the context of a situation, in order to provide a better service. Based on this, the focus of this thesis is on the challenge of creating context awareness in mobile applications. That both utilizes dynamic context information from globally available sensors and provides adaptive views of relevant context information to applications. The first challenge is to identify the properties of an architecture that provides scalable access to information from global sensors within bounded time, because existing systems do not support these properties in a satisfactory manner. The majority of related systems employ a centralized approach with limited support for global sensor information due to poor scalability. Therefore, this thesis proposes a distributed architecture capable of exchanging context between users and entities on a peer-to-peer overlay. Pervasive applications can thus utilize global sensor information in a scalable and manageable way within predictable time bounds. The second challenge to support continually changing and evolving context information, while providing it as both adaptive and manageable views to applications. To address this particular problem, this thesis proposes the usage of a locally stored evolving context object called a context schema. In detail, this schema contains all context information that is considered as being relevant for a specific user or entity. Furthermore, this thesis proposes an application interface that can provide snapshots of the evolving context schemas as adaptive views. These views can then be used in context-aware mobile applications, without inducing unnecessary delays. By successfully addressing the challenges, this thesis enables the creation of pervasive and adaptive applications that utilize evolving context in mobile environments. These capabilities are made possible by enabling access to global sensor information based on a distributed context exchange overlay, in combination with evolving context schemas offered as views through an application interface. In support of these claims, this thesis has developed numerous proof-of-concept applications and prototypes to verify the approach. Hence, this thesis concludes that the proposed approach with evolving context information has the ability to scale in a satisfactory manner and also has the ability to dynamically offer relevant views to applications in a manageable way.MediaSens

    Development of Information Systems at Electric Distribution Company

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    Tietojärjestelmät liittyvät yhä keskeisemmin lähes kaikkiin sähköverkkotoiminnan osa-alueisiin. Tietotekniikan soveltaminen perinteisen sähkötekniikan yhteyteen on tällä hetkellä keskeisin alan kehitystä eteenpäin vievä voima. Koska erilaiset järjestelmät koko ajan lisääntyvät, on myös niiden koordinoitu hallinta muodostunut yhä keskeisemmäksi. Työssä keskitytään kartoittamaan sähköverkkoyhtiön käytössä olevien järjestelmien tilannetta. Kartoitus on pääasiassa tehty Vantaan Energia Sähköverkot Oy:n tilanteen pohjalta. Järjestelmätilanteen kokonaisuudesta on haluttu selkeämpää kuvaa yhtiön sisällä. Keskeisenä lähtökohtana on ollut selvittää järjestelmien välisiä kytkentöjä ja informaatiovirtoja. Näiden perusteella on laadittu tietovirtakaavio tietojärjestelmien välisestä tiedonvaihdosta. Työ tarjoaa samalla kohtuullisen kattavan läpileikkauksen jakeluverkkoyhtiön tänä päivänä käytössä oleviin järjestelmiin. Työn tutkivassa osuudessa on muutamiin järjestelmäkartoituksen yhteydessä esiin nousseisiin kohteisiin etsitty kehitysideoita. Merkittävimpänä näistä on mittauspalveluiden järjestelmäkokonaisuuden toteuttamisvaihtoehdot tulevaisuudessa. Kaukoluennan jatkuvasti lisääntyessä on mittareiden ja mittaustiedon prosesseihin liittyvää automaattista käsittelyä kehitettävä. Tämä vaatii useiden järjestelmien välistä tiedonvaihtoa ja integraatiota. Toisena kohtana on mietitty kaukomittausdatan hyötynäkökohtia ja niiden saavuttamista tulevaisuudessa. Kolmantena kehityskohteena on tarkasteltu verkkotietojärjestelmän yhteyteen hankittuja maasto-PC koneita, joita käytetään kentällä mm. kunnossapidossa. Niiden käyttökokemuksia on kartoitettu ja parannusehdotuksia niihin on mietitty. Myös häiriöviestinnän kehittämistä on lyhyesti työn lopussa käsitelty.Information systems connect more and more to almost every function of electric distribution company. Applying information technology to ordinary power system application is the most driving force in the business nowadays. Number of systems is increasing all the time, so coordinated management of them is needed. This thesis is concentrated to map out and examine information systems at electric distribution company. Mapping is mostly done by the basis of situation at Vantaa Energy Distribution Company. The company wanted to get clearer picture of the system situation. Big part of this was to examine information connection and flows between different systems. Basis of this I have created an information flowchart where all the major systems and information flows between them are described. The thesis also gives a good overview of the many information systems that are used in distribution companies. In the research part of this thesis is concentrated to few points which came out in the mapping of the systems. Biggest job was to think about ways to handle systems that are related to AMR situation. Lot of automatic information processing and system integration is needed. Also I have defined some of the AMR benefits and think about ways to reach them in the near future. Other research subject was to collect user experiences and think some enhancements for new field computers and mobile software that are related to the network information system. In the end of the thesis also improvements for the interruption communication is figured out

    Continuously Changing Information on a Global Scale and its Impact for the Internet-of-Things

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    This article analyzes the challenges of supportingcontinual changes of context information in Internetof-Things applications. These applications require aconstant flow of continuously changing information fromsensor based sources in order to ensure a high quality-ofexperience.However, an uncontrolled flow between sourcesand sinks on a global scale wastes resources, such ascomputational power, communication bandwidth, andbattery time. In response to these challenges we presenta general approach which focuses on four layers wherewe provide a proposed solution to each layer. We haverealized the general model into a proof-of-concept implementationrunning on devices with limited resources,where we can moderate the information exchange basedon relevance and sought after quality-of-experience bythe applications. In conclusion, we evaluate our solutionand present a summary of our experiences regardingthe impact of continuously changing information on theInternet-of-Things.Publ online 27 october 2013</p

    En studentcentrerad fördjupningskurs som startskott på ett livslångt lärande för civilingenjörsstudenter

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    Vi har tagit fram en modern läskurs i seminarieform, där studenterna själva sätter upp ett självstudieprojekt genom att dra nytta av MOOC-kursmaterial. Vår kurs avser att ge civilingenjörsstudenter erfarenhet av denna typ av online-kursmaterial och på så sätt förbereda dem på ett framtida livslångt lärande. Kursen ger även fördjupningsmöjligheter inom många fler områden än lärosätet kan erbjuda konventionella kurser. Vidare syftar kursen till att förmedla både teoretiska kunskaper och praktiska färdigheter som förberedelse inför utbildningens avslutande självständiga arbete, samt att möjliggöra specialisering som start på en framtida karriärväg. Vi har med små lärarinsatser skapat detta kursupplägg, genom att tillämpa studentcentrerat lärande och flipped classroom-tekniker. Studenterna kompletterar ofta MOOC-kurserna med djupare teoriuppgifter, positionerar ämnet vetenskapligt, och reflekterar över sitt lärande i en slutrapport. Vi examinerar hur väl de har planerat och genomfört sina självstudier. Kursen har erbjudits för fyra årskullar. Genomströmning har varit 93% och den har fått goda omdömen i kursutvärderingar. Eftersom studenterna kan välja mellan ett stort antal MOOC kurser som ständigt utvecklas, och studenterna brukar välja aktuella ämnen, så håller kursen sig själv uppdaterad inför framtida trender. Vi lärare behöver endast följa med på resan och får kompetensutveckling inom nya områden på köpet

    En studentcentrerad fördjupningskurs som startskott på ett livslångt lärande för civilingenjörsstudenter

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    Vi har tagit fram en modern läskurs i seminarieform, där studenterna själva sätter upp ett självstudieprojekt genom att dra nytta av MOOC-kursmaterial. Vår kurs avser att ge civilingenjörsstudenter erfarenhet av denna typ av online-kursmaterial och på så sätt förbereda dem på ett framtida livslångt lärande. Kursen ger även fördjupningsmöjligheter inom många fler områden än lärosätet kan erbjuda konventionella kurser. Vidare syftar kursen till att förmedla både teoretiska kunskaper och praktiska färdigheter som förberedelse inför utbildningens avslutande självständiga arbete, samt att möjliggöra specialisering som start på en framtida karriärväg. Vi har med små lärarinsatser skapat detta kursupplägg, genom att tillämpa studentcentrerat lärande och flipped classroom-tekniker. Studenterna kompletterar ofta MOOC-kurserna med djupare teoriuppgifter, positionerar ämnet vetenskapligt, och reflekterar över sitt lärande i en slutrapport. Vi examinerar hur väl de har planerat och genomfört sina självstudier. Kursen har erbjudits för fyra årskullar. Genomströmning har varit 93% och den har fått goda omdömen i kursutvärderingar. Eftersom studenterna kan välja mellan ett stort antal MOOC kurser som ständigt utvecklas, och studenterna brukar välja aktuella ämnen, så håller kursen sig själv uppdaterad inför framtida trender. Vi lärare behöver endast följa med på resan och får kompetensutveckling inom nya områden på köpet