3,892 research outputs found

    Solar gamma ray monitor for OSO-H (0.3-10 MeV)

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    A gamma ray experiment to be flown aboard the OSO-7 spacecraft is described along with a history of the development of the experiment, a description of the gamma ray detector and its operation, and a short preliminary review of the scientific information obtained during the instruments' lifetime. The gamma ray detector operated an average of 18 hours a day for approximately 15 months. The majority of the data was collected in the solar and antisolar direction, but data at right angles to the spacecraft-sun line was also accumulated. In all, at least two full scans of the celestial sphere were completed

    Short-lived synchrotron-induced radioactivities

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    The use of a scintillation spectrometer for measurement of the energy distribution and half-life of short-lived beta-emitters is described. The instrumentation is especially suited for use with radioactivities of low intensity resulting from photonuclear reactions produced by the Iowa State College 70-Mev synchrotron. Such activities are unsuited for study with a conventional magnetic spectrometer of small solid angle, particularly if the activities are short-lived, but may readily be analyzed with a scintillation spectrometer, for which the solid angle of acceptance is close to 50 per cent

    Section 338(h)(10) & Appendix

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    A gamma ray monitor for the OSO-7 spacecraft

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    A 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(Tl) gamma ray (0.3 to 10 MeV) spectrometer with a CsI(Na) charged particle and anti-Compton shield has been developed for the Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO-7) which was launched September 30, 1971. The instrument, designed for a rotating wheel compartment, utilizes a 377 channel quadratic PHA with accumulation times of 3, 1, or 0.5 minutes. Quick look and calibration data obtained via a direct data link to a minicomputer allows near real time monitoring and control of the experiment. Various commands changing the operating mode can be executed. The functions which can be commanded include: rotation of the quadrants in which data is collected by 90 deg; gain adjustment of the central detector over a 6:1 range; manual or automatic sequencing of calibrations; variations of accumulation times by telemetering selected channels; and selection of reference directions. A small X-ray detector covering the range 7.5 to 120 keV is also included

    An analysis of country medal shares in individual sports at the Olympics

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    Research question: Several studies report modelling relating countries’ medal shares at the Olympics to population and per capita income (host status and political system are typically included as controls). This paper uses a similar model but disaggregates to the level of the individual sport to ask questions such as whether some sports have a less steep relationship with income levels than others and whether hosting effects are more pronounced in some sports than others. Research methods: Employing a random effects tobit model, data on medal shares are modelled across 15 sports at six editions of the Games (1992–2012). Marginal effects, calculated for the case of cycling, illustrate how far many poor countries are from reasonable expectation of achieving medals. Results and findings: Income is influential on outcomes in all sports, its effects most pronounced in sports with substantial requirements for specific capital equipment; the distribution of medals is less unequal in sports practised in multi-sports venues. Gains from hosting vary in magnitude, performance tending to be elevated most in sports with outcomes strongly influenced by judges. Implications: For poorer countries, the paper identifies a small group of sports on which it would be most realistic to focus resources. For Games organisers, who must decide which sports to include, it provides information relevant to the goal of spreading success more evenly across countries. For example, proposals to exclude wrestling are shown to have been potentially harmful to medal prospects of poorer countries

    Documentation of the data analysis system for the gamma ray monitor aboard OSO-H

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    The programming system is presented which was developed to prepare the data from the gamma ray monitor on OSO-7 for scientific analysis. The detector, data, and objectives are described in detail. Programs presented include; FEEDER, PASS-1, CAL1, CAL2, PASS-3, Van Allen Belt Predict Program, Computation Center Plot Routine, and Response Function Programs

    Near-Infrared, Adaptive Optics Observations of the T Tauri Multiple-Star System

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    With high-angular-resolution, near-infrared observations of the young stellar object T Tauri at the end of 2002, we show that, contrary to previous reports, none of the three infrared components of T Tau coincide with the compact radio source that has apparently been ejected recently from the system (Loinard, Rodriguez, and Rodriguez 2003). The compact radio source and one of the three infrared objects, T Tau Sb, have distinct paths that depart from orbital or uniform motion between 1997 and 2000, perhaps indicating that their interaction led to the ejection of the radio source. The path that T Tau Sb took between 1997 and 2003 may indicate that this star is still bound to the presumably more massive southern component, T Tau Sa. The radio source is absent from our near-infrared images and must therefore be fainter than K = 10.2 (if located within 100 mas of T Tau Sb, as the radio data would imply), still consistent with an identity as a low-mass star or substellar object.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Probing the cosmic star formation using long Gamma-Ray Bursts: New constraints from the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We report on IRAC-4.5mic, IRAC-8.0mic and MIPS-24mic deep observations of 16 Gamma-Ray Burst (GRBs) host galaxies performed with the Spitzer Space Telescope, and we investigate in the thermal infrared the presence of evolved stellar populations and dust-enshrouded star-forming activity associated with these objects. Our sample is derived from GRBs that were identified with sub-arcsec localization between 1997 and 2001, and only a very small fraction (~20%) of the targeted sources is detected down to f_4.5mic ~3.5microJy and f_24mic ~85microJy (3sigma). This likely argues against a population dominated by massive and strongly-starbursting (i.e., SFR > ~100 Msol/yr) galaxies as it has been recently suggested from submillimeter/radio and optical studies of similarly-selected GRB hosts. Furthermore we find evidence that some GRBs do not occur in the most infrared-luminous regions -- hence the most actively star-forming environments -- of their host galaxies. Should the GRB hosts be representative of all star-forming galaxies at high redshift, models of infrared galaxy evolution indicate that > ~50% of GRB hosts should have f_24mic > ~100microJy. Unless the identification of GRBs prior to 2001 was prone to strong selection effects biasing our sample against dusty galaxies, we infer in this context that the GRBs identified with the current techniques can not be directly used as unbiased probes of the global and integrated star formation history of the Universe.Comment: ApJ in press, 23 pages, 8 figures (scheduled for the ApJ 10 May 2006, v642 2 issue). Full resolution available at http://perceval.as.arizona.edu/~elefloch/Publis/ms_grb_spitzer.pd

    Emission from Water Vapor and Absorption from Other Gases at 5-7.5 Microns in Spitzer-IRS Spectra of Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present spectra of 13 T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region showing emission in Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) 5-7.5 micron spectra from water vapor and absorption from other gases in these stars' protoplanetary disks. Seven stars' spectra show an emission feature at 6.6 microns due to the nu_2 = 1-0 bending mode of water vapor, with the shape of the spectrum suggesting water vapor temperatures > 500 K, though some of these spectra also show indications of an absorption band, likely from another molecule. This water vapor emission contrasts with the absorption from warm water vapor seen in the spectrum of the FU Orionis star V1057 Cyg. The other six of the thirteen stars have spectra showing a strong absorption band, peaking in strength at 5.6-5.7 microns, which for some is consistent with gaseous formaldehyde (H2CO) and for others is consistent with gaseous formic acid (HCOOH). There are indications that some of these six stars may also have weak water vapor emission. Modeling of these stars' spectra suggests these gases are present in the inner few AU of their host disks, consistent with recent studies of infrared spectra showing gas in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the 20 August, 2014, V791 - 2 issue of the Astrophysical Journa
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