19 research outputs found

    Wavelength-division multiplexed optical integrated circuit with vertical diffraction grating

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    A semiconductor optical integrated circuit for wave division multiplexing has a semiconductor waveguide layer, a succession of diffraction grating points in the waveguide layer along a predetermined diffraction grating contour, a semiconductor diode array in the waveguide layer having plural optical ports facing the succession of diffraction grating points along a first direction, respective semiconductor diodes in the array corresponding to respective ones of a predetermined succession of wavelengths, an optical fiber having one end thereof terminated at the waveguide layer, the one end of the optical fiber facing the succession of diffraction grating points along a second direction, wherein the diffraction grating points are spatially distributed along the predetermined contour in such a manner that the succession of diffraction grating points diffracts light of respective ones of the succession of wavelengths between the one end of the optical fiber and corresponding ones of the optical ports

    Index-Coupled Distributed-Feedback Semiconductor Quantum Cascade Lasers Fabricated Without Epitaxial Regrowth

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    Quantum cascade (QC) lasers and methods of fabricating such QC lasers are provided. The QC lasers incorporate a DFB grating without requiring the use of relying on epitaxial regrowth processes. The DFB gratings are formed as sidewall gratings along the lateral length of the QC active region, or the DFB gratings are formed atop the lateral length of the QC active region, and wherein the top DFB grating is planarized with a polymeric material

    Strained layer InP/InGaAs quantum well laser

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    Strained layer single or multiple quantum well lasers include an InP substrate, a pair of lattice-matched InGaAsP quarternary layers epitaxially grown on the substrate surrounding a pair of lattice matched In.sub.0.53 Ga.sub.0.47 As ternary layers surrounding one or more strained active layers of epitaxially grown, lattice-mismatched In.sub.0.75 Ga.sub.0.25 As. The level of strain is selected to control the bandgap energy to produce laser output having a wavelength in the range of 1.6 to 2.5 .mu.m. The multiple quantum well structure uses between each active layer. Diethyl zinc is used for p-type dopant in an InP cladding layer at a concentration level in the range of about 5.times.10.sup.17 /cm.sup.3 to about 2.times.10.sup.18 /cm.sup.3. Hydrogen sulfide is used for n-type dopant in the substrate

    Miniature Laser Doppler Velocimeter for Measuring Wall Shear

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    A miniature optoelectronic instrument has been invented as a nonintrusive means of measuring a velocity gradient proportional to a shear stress in a flow near a wall. The instrument, which can be mounted flush with the wall, is a variant of a basic laser Doppler velocimeter. The laser Doppler probe volume can be located close enough to the wall (as little as 100 micron from the surface) to lie within the viscosity-dominated sublayer of a turbulent boundary layer. The instrument includes a diode laser, the output of which is shaped by a diffractive optical element (DOE) into two beams that have elliptical cross sections with very high aspect ratios

    High-Power Single-Mode 2.65-micron InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb Diode Lasers

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    Central to the advancement of both satellite and in-situ science are improvements in continuous-wave and pulsed infrared laser systems coupled with integrated miniaturized optics and electronics, allowing for the use of powerful, single-mode light sources aboard both satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle platforms. There is a technological gap in supplying adequate laser sources to address the mid-infrared spectral window for spectroscopic characterization of important atmospheric gases. For high-power applications between 2 to 3 micron, commercial laser technologies are unsuitable because of limitations in output power. For instance, existing InP-based laser systems developed for fiber-based telecommunications cannot be extended to wavelengths longer than 2 micron. For emission wavelengths shorter than 3 micron, intersubband devices, such as infrared quantum cascade lasers, become inefficient due to band-offset limitations. To date, successfully demonstrated singlemode GaSb-based laser diodes emitting between 2 and 3 micron have employed lossy metal Bragg gratings for distributed- feedback coupling, which limits output power due to optical absorption. By optimizing both the quantum well design and the grating fabrication process, index-coupled distributed-feedback 2.65-micron lasers capable of emitting in excess of 25 mW at room temperature have been demonstrated. Specifically, lasers at 3,777/cm (2.65 micron) have been realized to interact with strong absorption lines of HDO and other isotopologues of H2O. With minor modifications of the optical cavity and quantum well designs, lasers can be fabricated at any wavelength within the 2-to-3-micron spectral window with similar performance. At the time of this reporting, lasers with this output power and wavelength accuracy are not commercially available. Monolithic ridge-waveguide GaSb lasers were fabricated that utilize secondorder lateral Bragg gratings to generate single-mode emission from InGaAsSb/ AlInGaAsSb multi-quantum well structures. The device fabrication utilizes etched index-coupled gratings in the top AlGaAsSb cladding of the laser chip along the ridge waveguide, whereas commercial lasers that emit close to this wavelength include loss-coupled metal gratings that limit the output power of the laser. Semiconductor-laser-based spectrometers can be used to replace gas sensors currently used in industry and government. With the availability of high-power laser sources at mid-infrared wavelengths, sensors can target strong fundamental gas absorption lines to maximize instrument sensitivity

    Single-mode 2.65 碌m InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb laterally coupled distributed-feedback diode lasers for atmospheric gas detection.

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    We demonstrate index-coupled distributed-feedback diode lasers at 2.65 碌m that are capable of tuning across strong absorption lines of HDO and other isotopologues of H2O. The lasers employ InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb multi-quantum-well structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb, and single-mode emission is generated using laterally coupled second-order Bragg gratings etched alongside narrow ridge waveguides. We verify near-critical coupling of the gratings by analyzing the modal characteristics of lasers of different length. With an emission facet anti-reflection coating, 2-mm-long lasers exhibit a typical current threshold of 150 mA at 20 掳C and are capable of emitting more than 25 mW in a single longitudinal mode, which is significantly higher than the output power reported for loss-coupled distributed-feedback lasers operating at similar wavelengths

    The Sample Analysis at Mars Investigation and Instrument Suite

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    Room-Temperature Operation of Index-Coupled Distributed-Feedback 4.75 Micron Quantum Cascade Lasers Fabricated Without Epitaxial Regrowth

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) was spin-stabilized during its cruise to Mars. We discuss the effects of spin on the radiometric data and how the orbit determination team dealt with them. Additionally, we will discuss the unplanned benefits of detailed spin modeling including attitude estimation and spacecraft clock correlation

    Sub-kHz Linewidth GaSb Semiconductor Diode Lasers Operating Near 2 Micrometers

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    We report on the phase noise properties of DFB lasers operating near 2.0 microns. Measured noise spectra indicate intrinsic laser linewidths below 1 kHz. An effective linewidth of less than 200 kHz for 5 ms measurement times is estimated