62 research outputs found

    Spiritual Leadership Model as a Paradigm for Nursing Leadership: A Review Article

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    AbstractIntroduction: The aim of this study was to explain how the spiritual leadership modelcould be used as a paradigm for nursing leadership. Nursing leaders play a critical rolein the management of the health care system. Spiritual leadership is a new area that hasrecently been considered in nursing management.Methods: In this review article, electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, GoogleScholar and Science Direct) were searched from September 2014 to July 2016 to findrelevant articles using keywords, such as spirituality, leadership, management, nursesand motivation. In this regard, the articles that fulfilled the goals of the study that werewritten in English or Persian, had their full texts accessible, and were published in theintended time interval were entered in the study. The articles without authors’ namesand dates and non-scientific papers were excluded from the study. On the whole, a totalof 120 articles were obtained, of which 48 were selected and analyzed.Results: A review of the literature focusing on spiritual leadership demonstrated thatthe spiritual leadership model has been examined in different countries, various fieldsof the industry, trade training, and the health system with positive individual andorganizational consequences. It seems that the characteristics of this style of leadershipfits the nursing profession as well. Of course, more large-scale future studies for testingthis model of leadership in the field of nursing will bring about more promising results.Conclusions: Spiritual leadership could improve the organizational productivity andemployees’ satisfaction. Nursing leaders should have paid greater attention to this typeof leadership to achieve positive organizational outcomes; therefore, they need moretraining in this issue.

    Correlation between Spiritual Leadership and Occupational Conflict

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    Abstract Introduction: Nurses as the largest group among the healthcare staff sustain continual environmental pressures and changes. Hence, the incidence of conflict among nurses is something normal due to extensive interactions with various people. Managers can make the organizational activity more effective and efficient by the use of innovative leadership styles based on internal motivation and appropriate management of conflict. This study determined the correlation between spiritual leadership and occupational conflict of nurses employed at selected academic hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2017. Methods: 287 nurses employed at various wards of academic hospitals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, were enrolled in this descriptive-correlational study using convenient sampling method. The data were collected using two questionnaires; “Spiritual Leadership” and “Occupational Conflict” and analyzed with SPSS.18. Results: 261 nurses completed questionnaires and resend them. The findings showed that the maximum score obtained by nurses about their head nurse’s spiritual leadership style belonged to “altruistic love” (14.46 out of 25). In addition, the highest score about their occupational conflict belonged to “interclass conflict” (10.98 out of 16). Generally, there was a significant correlation between spiritual leadership and occupational conflict (P<0.001, r=0.522). Conclusions: The findings on the correlation between the nurses’ perspectives about spiritual leadership and occupational conflict indicated that the application of innovative styles such as spiritual leadership to reduce nurses’ occupational conflict in the Iranian healthcare system demands more investigations. It can serve as the managers’ guide in choosing the most effective leadership style to diminish occupational conflict among nurses and reach the highest levels of outcomes in the organization

    Nurses’ Turnover Process: A Qualitative Research

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    Introduction: The shortage of nurses and nursing turnover are major problems in the most countries of the world and Iran accordingly. Nurses' turnover is taken place during a process. The present study aimed to describe how nurses’ turnover process is carried out. Method: The nurse's turnover was studied from the perspective of 16 nurses with basic grounded theory. The participants were selected through conventional and theoretical sampling method. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed simultaneously by continuously comparisons based on Strauss and Corbin 2008 method. Results: Thinking about nursing “turnover” was appeared as the main variable which affects nurses' turnover process. The main variable in this study included six axial codes: professional/managerial challenges, finding a solution, thinking about turnover, job seeking, turnover intention, and conducting turnover. Conclusion: In order to prevent nursing turnover, identifying facilitating factors, removing barriers and promoting the necessary facilities are necessary. Keywords: Process, Turnover, Nurse, Grounded theor

    The Concept of Nursing Care Quality from the Perspective of Stakeholders: A Phenomenological Study

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    Introduction: Quality in health care has various aspects, definitions, and interpretations. According to diverse definitions of nursing care quality in different cultures, this study explored the meaning of nursing care quality from the stakeholders’ point of view. Method: This study employed a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to depict the lived experiences of nurses, doctors, and patients and their relatives about nursing care quality. Data was collected through deep individual interviews and observasions. The collected data was then analyzed using Diekelmann’s seven-stage method. Results: We performed individual interviews with six doctors, 10 nurses, and 22 patients. Moreover, 20 patient relatives were interviewed in a focus group. The first stage of data analysis revealed 2312 initial codes. The ongoing process of analysis, comparison, and reductions resulted in a final number of five themes and 22 subthemes. Doctors, nurses, and patients and their relatives defined the concept of nursing care quality as “meeting the needs of patients through purposeful care and appropriate relationships, support, mutual respect, responsibility, and accountability”. Conclusion: Nursing managers must identify strategies to support and provide better nursing care which reflects purposeful care, nursing responsibility, appropriate relationships, and patient respect and support for all clients. These findings may also be used by nursing educators to improve nursing curricula. Keywords: Nursing care quality, Hermeneutic phenomenology, Nurse, Doctor, Patient

    Auditing Palliative Care Provided by Nurses for Chronic Pain Management in the Elderly

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    AbstractIntroduction: Pain is the most common mental pressure in the elderly and its abstract nature makes it a challenging subject to study. Conformity of palliative care management was examined with standards.Methods: Through a descriptive audit study, 210 elderly patients with chronic pain, who were candidates for palliative and curative care, were examined. A researcher-designed checklist of standard health care for pain management and McGill pain questionnaire were used for data gathering. Data analyses were performed using descriptive statistics and estimating conformity of the pain management measures with standards of SPSS (18).Results: Checking records of painkillers (60%) and reporting the patient’s pain to the physician (74.8%) were the most efficient palliative and curative measures, respectively. Surveying pain (41.9%) and introducing oneself to the patient (42.4%) were the least efficient healthcare services. In addition, palliative measures (24.73%) and drug-intervention measures (30.93%) had little conformity with the pain management standards.Conclusions: Pain management care provided for the elderly has a long way to meet standards. This notable difference can be rooted in the abstract nature of pain and lack of knowledge of the medical team about palliative and curative measures for pain managemen

    Facilitators and inhibitors of full hijab by students: One qualitative study

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objectives: Hijab as an Islamic value and divine duty is emphasized and more than ever it is necessary in university settings. The misveiling is a social phenomenon and it’s social, political and cultural aspects must be studied for understanding factors and causes. The aim of this study was to understand facilitators and inhibitors of full hijab by students.Materials and Methods: This study is part of a grounded theory study. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews from twelve students who left their veiling, eleven students with veiling, three advisors, two Vice in Student & Cultural Affairs and three family members of students who left their veiling. The participants were selected through purposeful and theoretical sampling method and the data were analyzed simultaneously by continuously comparisons based on Corbin and Strauss 2008 method.Results: Spiritual adherence as a facilitator of hijab by students is recognized which has three categories: ethical orientation, religion orientation and fear and hope. Doubt in believing as an inhibitor of hijab by students is abstracted which has three subcategories: escape from essence, superficial religious beliefs and inadequate religious knowledge.Conclusion: By adherence to Spiritual, veiling can be strengthened and it can be weakened by doubts in beliefs. In order to promote of hijab, it is necessary to pay attention its underlying conditions and causes. Individual beliefs and values must be strengthened for promoting hijab.Keywords: Facilitator, inhibitor, Full Hijab, Student, qualitative approach, Grounded theoryFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    The criteria of healthy humans from the perspective of religious texts

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: The Holy Quran contains a lot of subjects on human health. In addition to physical health, the Quran considers mental health as another important dimension to human health. The current study aimed at identifying the criteria for recognizing a healthy human from the perspective of religious texts. In this regard, attempts were made to detect the criteria for identifying a healthy human from an Islamic viewpoint. To this end, ideas proposed by a number of religious figures, including Imam Khomeini, the Supreme Leader, and martyr Motahhari, were investigated.Method: In this descriptive study, content analysis was used to examine verses of Quran and religious experts’ interpretations of these verses about human health. Additionally, the narratives related to the Quran-based interpretations of Prophet Mohammed’s Ahl al-Bayt, especially about the spiritual dimension of human health, were investigated. Furthermore, contemporary domain experts’ opinions were sought to confirm the extracted criteria. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the authors declared no conflict of interests.Results: Based on the obtained results, a human can be regarded as healthy in two dimensions: materialistic and spiritual. It should be noted that these two are not interdependent. In other words, a human may be physically healthy, but spiritually unhealthy. On the contrary, a person may be spiritually healthy, but physically unhealthy. Spiritual health plays a more significant role in human happiness.Conclusion: As argued by domain experts, humanity has to do with people’s spiritual aspect rather than their physical and materialistic one. Spiritual health is more important than physical health. Spiritual diseases are more significant than physical ones. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says, ‘the piety of heart is superior to physical health.’ Therefore, a human is regarded as healthy in two dimensions. The subject of materialistic health falls within the domain of medicine, while the topic of spiritual health is categorized within the realm of religion.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    Spiritual health in an Spiritual-growing social context from Nahj al-Balagha perspective

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click hereBackground and Objectives: Spiritual health is a dimension of human health which can grow in various contexts. These factors can be extracted from Islamic texts particularly from Nahj al-Balagha. Social factor is one of the growing factors in spiritual health. This study aimed to investigate spiritual-growing social factors from Nahj al-Balagha perspective.Materials and Methods: This content analysis study is based on personal and social teachings of Nahj al-Balagha through focusing on spiritual-growing social factors. In this study, Islamic documents and texts including Nahj al-Balagha Islamic sciences software were examined. Moreover, 500 articles were reviewed in the country's publication websites using "Nahj al-Balagha" keywords. From the corpus of the study, 97 articles were replication and the rest were related to various social, moral, literary, educational text-types. Among the reviewed articles, the subject of four articles was health and four articles were related to spiritual issues to some extent. Only one article was about the spiritual health in Nahj al-Balagha which was used in this study.Results: In this study, it was found that the rule of religious and society's leadership has an influential role in directing people towards moral and ethical values. In addition, the fight against poverty, the society's relative welfare, deterring discrimination and social inequality, and executing justice, will lead the society to moral values.Conclusion: According to what was said, it can be concluded that as spirituality has individual aspect, it can have social aspect too. In other words, it is possible to talk about spiritual society and materialistic and unspiritual society as well. Religious behaviors are crucial for the development of spirituality. Accordingly, the spiritual society is established when religious behaviors are pervasive in our society.Keywords: Nahj al-Balagha, Spirituality, Social factorsFor downloading the full-text of this article please click her

    Religious responses of ICU nurses to moral distress: A qualitative study

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objectives: Nowadays, intensive care unit nurses face with numerous moral distress. Moral distress causes a series of responses in nurses. With recognizing these responses, strategies can be used for reducing them. This research was conducted to explain religious responses of ICU nurses to moral distress.Materials and Methods: This qualitative study (which is part of a doctoral thesis) with content analysis approach was done in order to describe of ICU nurses’ religious responses to moral distress. In this study, the data were collected by semi-structured and deep interviews with 18 individual and two group interviews with clinical nurses whom working in different cities in Iran. A Purposive sampling and data analysis with conventional content analysis were done.Results: 26 nurses were participated in this study. During the process of content analysis, 5 subcategories, and 2 categories were obtained. These categories of ICU nurses ‘religious responses to moral distress’ included: "religious beliefs", and "Impairment of religious beliefs". Results of this study showed a firm faith in God and trust in him causes positive response. Weakness and insecurity in the faith cause negative response to moral distress. Main theme in this research was religious responses.Conclusion: Results of this study showed that ICU nurses use various positive and negative responses in deal of moral distress. Nurse administrators can help ICU nurses to diminish moral distress, learn the correct religious beliefs, and prevent harmful outcomes. Teaching religious beliefs, during college, empowering and enhancing the religious capacity is necessary for coping with moral distress.Keywords: religious response, nurses, moral distress, ICU, content analysisFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    Translation and psychometric properties of the 'Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire-Critical Care Version' in Iran

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    Introduction: Ethical conflict is one of ICU nurses' main problems, which rise for several reasons that must be measured. Unfortunately, there is no native instrument for measuring ethical conflicts for ICU nurses in Iran. One of the more suitable and new tools for the measurement of ethical conflict is called the "Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire: Critical Care Version (ECCNQ-CCV)." This study was aimed to translate and investigate psychometric properties of the ECCNQ-CCV in Iranian nurses. Methods: In this methodological study, after translation and cultural adaptation, face validity, content validity, and construct validity were assessed. Then, internal consistency and stability were measured for reliability. Two software programs (SPSS version 20 and AMOS) were used for data analysis. Result: Face and content validities were acceptable. Confirmatory factor analysis was not fitted. Thus, exploratory factor analysis was done, which showed five factors. However, some of the scenarios in a factor were not compatible with each other, and choosing the fit name for factors was not possible. Thus, all the scenarios were put into one factor, which has been proposed by the developer in the original version. The alpha Cronbach was 0.92 for the total scale. Conclusions: Findings show that the one factor Persian version of the ECNQ-CCV has acceptable psychometric properties. It can be used to evaluate ethical conflicts in Iranian ICU nurses
