17 research outputs found

    Use of raw and acidified biochars as constituents of growth media for forest seedling production

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    [EN] In plant nurseries devoted to the propagation of shrubs and trees for landscaping, gardening or forestry it is first concern to produce robust seedlings which resist the stress of transplanting to soil. The selection of appropriate growth media is crucial. Biochar, the product of pyrolysis of organic matter, has been suggested as a new organic amendment for soil or for soilless growth media. Biochar is usually strongly alkaline. We studied the possibility of acidifying biochar with nitric and phosphoric acids. The effects of raw and acidified biochars in peat-based substrates on rooting and growth of cuttings of Rosmarinus officinalis and in sandy soil-based substrates on growth of Phillyrea angustifolia seedlings were compared. The physical and chemical characteristics of the growth media, and the growth and nutrient content of seedlings were analysed. Results showed that biochar acidification with nitric and phosphoric acids improves the pH and enriches the biochar with N and P without excessively increasing electrical conductivity. However, a column experiment showed that nitrate was readily leached whilst phosphate was tightly retained by biochar, which questioned the practical availability of these nutrients to plants. The agronomical assays showed that both raw biochar and acidified biochar improved rooting and growth of Rosmarinus cuttings. In Phillyrea, however, the acidified biochar did not affect plant growth whilst the raw biochar gave satisfactory results both for shoot and root growth. Results led to the conclusion that biochar without further treatment might be successfully used as growth medium constituent, even at large proportions, both in organic and in mineral substrates.We would like to thank L Albufera Natural Park and José Almudever from TENISPLANT S.L. for providing us with the plant material and for the use of their premises. We also would like to thank student Mauro Payá for his valuable technical assistance.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2019). Use of raw and acidified biochars as constituents of growth media for forest seedling production. New Forests. 50(6):1063-1086. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-019-09715-yS10631086506Abad M, Noguera P, Bures S (2001) National inventory of organic wastes for use as growing media for ornamental potted plant production: case study in Spain. 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    Biochar Improves the Properties of Poultry Manure Compost as Growing Media for Rosemary Production

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    [EN] Compost represents a sustainable alternative for peat (P) replacement in soilless plant cultivation, but its use can be limited by several inadequate physical and physicochemical properties. Biochar can alleviate some of the limitations of compost for its use as growth media by improving the physical properties, decreasing salinity and making the phytotoxic compounds unavailable for plants. We studied the physical and physicochemical properties of holm oak biochar (B), poultry manure compost (PMC), poultry manure composted with biochar (PMBC), a commercial peat (P) and multiple combinations of these materials as growth media, and their effect on the rooting and growth of rosemary. PMBC and PMC showed similar physical and physicochemical properties as growing media, and they both were phytotoxic when used in a rate above 50% (by volume) in the growing medium. However, when used at proportion of 25%, PMBC was less phytotoxic than PMC and enhanced the percentage of rosemary cutting rooting. The incorporation of B in the growing medium instead of P (either at 50% or 75% in volume) increased the stability of the growing media and the percentage of rooted cuttings, but it did not affect plant growth significantly. Our results demonstrate the potential of substituting peat by a combination of poultry manure compost and biochar for the formulation of growth media.This research was funded by SPANISH MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS, grant numbers AGL2012-40143-C02-01 and RTI2018-099417-B-I00, co-funded with EU FEDER fundsFornes Sebastiá, F.; Liu-Xu, L.; Lidón, A.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.; Luz Cayuela, M.; Sanchez-Monedero, MA.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2020). Biochar Improves the Properties of Poultry Manure Compost as Growing Media for Rosemary Production. 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Plant Science, 248, 92-101. doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.04.008Domínguez-Valdivia, M. D., Aparicio-Tejo, P. M., Lamsfus, C., Cruz, C., Martins-Loução, M. A., & Moran, J. F. (2008). Nitrogen nutrition and antioxidant metabolism in ammonium-tolerant and -sensitive plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 132(3), 359-369. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.2007.01022.xBritto, D. T., & Kronzucker, H. J. (2002). NH4+ toxicity in higher plants: a critical review. Journal of Plant Physiology, 159(6), 567-584. doi:10.1078/0176-1617-0774Fornes, F., Carrión, C., García-de-la-Fuente, R., Puchades, R., & Abad, M. (2010). Leaching composted lignocellulosic wastes to prepare container media: Feasibility and environmental concerns. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(8), 1747-1755. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.03.01

    Análisis de dos modelos de evaluación de competencias relacionadas con actividades de prácticas de primer curso de grado. Percepción por alumnos y profesores

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    [Otros] The teachers of EICE BeCool conducted an innovative educational project for students of Biotechnology: They designed the evaluation of laboratory activities for Biología Celular. Two types of evaluation were analyzed: 1) a questionnaire on the practicals and 2 ) the presentation of a scientific article. All students undertook the two activities in teams . Procedure: 1 ) design of the questionnaire and of the material needed for the scientific article ; 2) design of evaluation criteria; 3) implementation of activities ; 4) analysis of students¿ and teachers¿ perception of the two systems and 5) analysis of students¿ performance. Results were analyzed by qualitative analysis using the open question "Comment on the two evaluation systems for practicals of Biología Celular", which was aimed at students and teachers, and by descriptive statistics, using the marks obtained by the students. From the qualitative analysis unexpected issues emerged, which will be useful in the application of these systems in subsequent years. As for the results, students improved concentration and follow-up of the practicals in the evaluation by questionnaire. The evaluation by scientific article develops horizontal competences such as understanding and integration of knowledge, teamwork and leadership, effective communication and instrumentation specific to the subject.[ES] Los profesores del EICE BeCool realizamos un proyecto de innovación educativa para alumnos de Biotecnología. Se diseñó la evaluación de actividades de laboratorio de Biología Celular analizándose dos tipos de evaluación: 1) cuestionarios de prácticas y 2) redacción de un artículo científico. Todos los alumnos realizaron las dos actividades por equipos. Procedimiento: 1) elaborar el cuestionario de prácticas y el material de apoyo para el artículo científico; 2) diseñar criterios de evaluación; 3) implementar actividades; 4) analizar la valoración de alumnos y profesores y 5) analizar el rendimiento de los alumnos. Se analizaron los resultados mediante técnicas de análisis cualitativo utilizando la cuestión abierta ¿Opina sobre los dos sistemas de evaluación de prácticas de Biología Celular y compáralos¿ dirigida a alumnos y profesores y mediante estadística descriptiva utilizando las notas obtenidas por los alumnos. Del análisis cualitativo emergieron temas inesperados que resultarán muy útiles en la aplicación de estos sistemas en cursos sucesivos. En cuanto a los resultados, los alumnos mejoran la atención y seguimiento de las prácticas en la evaluación por cuestionario. La evaluación mediante artículo científico supone que desarrollen algunas competencias como la de comprensión e integración, trabajo en equipo y liderazgo, comunicación efectiva e instrumental específica.Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Universitat Politècnica de València. Los autores desean agradecer la inestimable colaboración de los alumnos de Biología Celular del curso 2013-2014.Belda Navarro, RM.; Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Monerri Huguet, MC.; Nebauer, SG.; Saz Rubio, MMD.; Macdonald, P.; Westall Pixton, DL. (2014). Análisis de dos modelos de evaluación de competencias relacionadas con actividades de prácticas de primer curso de grado. Percepción por alumnos y profesores. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1028-1036. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/168750S1028103

    Influencia de los profesores en la percepción de los alumnos de primer curso de actividades relacionadas con competencias transversales

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    [EN] Soft skills have become part of the curriculum of content courses at the Universities. Evaluating those skills requires working in small groups run by various lecturers and those groups might become biased by the lecturer’s perception of the activities. In this study our hypothesis was that lecturers’ prejudices influence student perception of the course activities and that misguidance from lecturers can be amended with motivating coordination of the lecturers. Two team-based activities were assessed for lab evaluation. Besides, self- and peer-evaluation were carried out to mark students’ soft skills related to teamwork and leadership in relation to these activities. Perception of the activities and their assessment by students and lecturers were analysed. We concluded that lecturer prejudices bias students’ perception of the activities they carry out and that lecturers need to work as a close team for the course to become a successful project.[ES] Las competencias transversales se han convertido en parte del programa de las asignaturas en las Universidades. La evaluación de competencias requiere que los grupos de estudiantes sean reducidos, con lo que intervienen varios profesores en una misma actividad programada. Estas actividades pueden resultar influidas por la percepción que de ellas tenga cada profesor. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los prejuicios de los profesores influyen en la percepción que tiene el alumno de las actividades y que las desviaciones debidas a esos prejuicios pueden ser corregidas mediante una coordinación motivadora entre profesores. Se valoró la adecuación como evaluación de prácticas de laboratorio de dos actividades que los alumnos realizaron en equipos de tres. Además, se llevó a cabo un sistema de autoevaluación y evaluación entre pares para evaluar a los alumnos en la competencia “trabajo en equipo y liderazgo” en relación con esas dos actividades. Analizamos la valoración de alumnos y profesores respecto a las actividades propuestas y al sistema de evaluación en una encuesta abierta. Se concluye que los profesores influimos en la apreciación que los alumnos tienen de las actividades y que los profesores necesitaríamos trabajar estrechamente en equipo para que la asignatura sea un proyecto con éxito.Este estudio ha sido financiado por la Universitat Politècnica de València mediante el proyecto ref. PIME/2014/A/001/A. Los autores desean agradecer a los alumnos de la asignatura de Biología Celular (ref. 11112) del curso 2014-15 su inestimable colaboración en la realización del proyecto.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM.; González Nebauer, S.; Pallotti Sagripanti, CG.; Saz Rubio, MMD.; Mac Donald Lightbound, P.; Westall Pixton, DL. (2015). Influencia de los profesores en la percepción de los alumnos de primer curso de actividades relacionadas con competencias transversales. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1603OC

    Acidification with nitric acid improves chemical characteristics and reduces phytotoxicity of alkaline chars

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    [EN] Charred organic matter is recently receiving attention for its potential use as soilless growth medium. However, depending on its origin and on the manufacturing technology, it can result toxic for plants. This fact implies that a detoxifying treatment ought to be devised in order to reclaim char in this way. We have studied three materials which combine these factors: two pyrolyzed biochars, one from forest waste (BCH-FW) and another from olive mill waste (BCH-OMW), and one hydrothermally carbonized hydrochar from forest waste (HYD-FW). These materials are suspicious of phytotoxicity due to their high pH, high salinity, or presence of organic toxics. For these new materials, it is mandatory to select fast and reliable bioassays to predict their potential phytotoxicity. In order to achieve this goal water extracts of the three chars were subjected to bioassays of seed germination and bioassays of seedling growth in hydroponic conditions. The biochar from olive mill waste and the hydrochar, but not the biochar from forest waste, showed considerable phytotoxicity as seed germination and plant growth were negatively affected (e.g. BCH-OMW reduced seed germination by 80% and caused early seedling death). In order to adjust pH and electrical conductivity for plant growth, treatments of acidification and salt leaching with optimal diluted HNO3 solutions (03 N, 0.2 N, and 0.75 N for BCH-OMW, BCH-FW, and HYD-FW, respectively) as calculated from titration curves, were conducted. The acid treatment reduced electrical conductivity in BCH-OMW (from 9.2 to 4.5 dS m(-1)), pH (maximum in BCH-FW from 9.6 to 6.2) and water soluble carbonaceous compounds (maximum in HYD-FW from 5969 to 2145 mg kg(-1)) in the three chars, and increased N content (maximum in BCH-OMW from 50 to 6342 mg kg(-1)) in the three chars. Bioassays on acid-treated chars demonstrated the absence of phytotoxicity and even stimulation of seedling growth over the control (increase of 86% and 56% for BCH-FW and HYD-FW, respectively). We conclude that acidification of chars with diluted HNO3 is a viable technique to conform chars to standards for plant growth purposes. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This study was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Val encia (SP20120433-PAID-05-12) (Proyectos de nuevas Líneas de Investigacion Multidisciplinares; PAID-05-12). We thank INGELIA S.L. for giving us the hydrochar for free.This study was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Val encia (SP20120433-PAID-05-12) (Proyectos de nuevas Líneas de Investigacion Multidisciplinares; PAID-05-12). We thank INGELIA S.L. for giving us the hydrochar for free.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2017). Acidification with nitric acid improves chemical characteristics and reduces phytotoxicity of alkaline chars. Journal of Environmental Management. 191:237-243. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.01.026S23724319

    Are biochar and hydrochar adequate materials as growth medium constituents? A summary of the research carried out at UPV

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    [EN] Biochar and hydrochar are produced by charring organic matter through pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization, respectively. Biochar has been tested extensively in agricultural soils. Nevertheless, both materials have scarcely been tested as soilless growth medium constituents. We have conducted studies on the properties and behaviour of biochar [forest waste (BCH-FW) and olive mill waste (BCH-OMW)] and hydrochar [forest waste (HYD-FW)] as growth medium constituents under different culture conditions. We have grown ornamental, forest and vegetable species. We have conducted assays on seed germination, cutting rooting and plantlet growth under nursery conditions, and tomato growth under commercial conditions. The materials proved useful for growth medium formulation. However, they were not good performers as sole constituents, because they posed specific problems depending on the material. BCH-FW was alkaline and its major problem was the large particle size that some batches presented, which caused low retention of water and nutrients leading to low plant performance. Nevertheless, good results were obtained for seed germination, cutting rooting and plant survival. BCH-OMW was alkaline and highly saline, and as a result was phytotoxic to plants. This was a drawback for seed germination and young plant growth, but not for adult plants and saline-tolerant species such as tomato. HYD-FW was highly hygroscopic and showed high microbial activity, emitting large amounts of CO2. Under these conditions, the low O2 pressure in the rhizosphere led to a decrease in plant performance.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2016). Are biochar and hydrochar adequate materials as growth medium constituents? A summary of the research carried out at UPV. Acta Horticulturae. 1146:243-250. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1146.32S243250114

    Biochars and hydrochars as substrate constituents for soilless growthof myrtle and mastic

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    [EN] Recently, biochars and hydrochars have been proposed as soil amendments and, to a lesser degree, as substrate constituents for soilless cultivation. These materials are interesting because their use is a means to reclaim organic matter and because, in some instances, they have been proved to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere. Myrtle and mastic are native to Mediterranean ecosystems and are grown for their essential oil production. This study aims to assess the properties of two biochars from different feedstock and a hydrochar from the same feedstock as one of the biochars as substrate constituents, in order to partially substitute either coir or soil in the cultivation of myrtle and mastic. Although the physical properties of the four organic materials are reasonably adequate for their use in substrate mixes, the biochar of olive mill waste is extremely saline as a pure material and remains very saline in a 50% mix with coir. The hydrochar showed less easily available water for the plants and a lower pH than the others. In incubation experiments using mixes with soil, biochars absorbed more 02 than CO2 emitted, which suggests they were sequestering CO2. The hydrochar showed O-2 consumption and CO2 emission of one order of magnitude larger than the biochars. It also showed that an outstanding amount of organic carbon was being metabolized in anaerobic routes. The biochar of forest waste and the coir displayed N immobilization when mixed with soil, whilst the biochar of olive mill waste had little microbial activity. Although hydrochars had been proved not to immobilize N as pure materials, they did immobilize N when mixed with soil. When tried for plant growth, mixes of the local soil with the biochar of forest waste and with hydrochar produced the best mastic plants. However, unmixed soil gave the best results for myrtle. The biochar of olive mill waste proved phytotoxic for myrtle in mixes with coir, whilst the biochar of forest waste gave optimal results for both species. Depending on their production process and the feedstock from which they are produced, biochars and hydrochars can vary in their characteristics and therefore in their effect on plants. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Belda Navarro, RM.; Lidón, A.; Fornes Sebastiá, F. (2016). Biochars and hydrochars as substrate constituents for soilless growthof myrtle and mastic. Industrial Crops and Products. 94:132-142. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.08.024S1321429

    Nutrient-rich compost versus nutrient-poor vermicompost as growth media for ornamental-plant production

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    Based on the thesis entitled “Vermicompost y compost de residuos hortícolas como componentes de sustratos para la producción de planta ornamental y aromática. Caracterización de los materiales y respuesta vegetal” by Dr. Daicy Mendoza-Hernández, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, October 2010. https://dx.doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8685[EN] A comparative study on the suitability of one compost and two vermicomposts, obtained from the same batch of tomato-crop waste, as growth media for ornamental plant production was carried out. Each material was mixed with Sphagnum peat at 100 : 0, 75 : 25, 50 : 50, 25 : 75, and 0 : 100 (peat control) proportions by volume. Two ornamentals (Calendula officinalis, Viola cornuta) were sown and grown in the 13 substrates. Substrates were characterized physically and chemically. Seed germination, total leaf chlorophyll (SPAD units), plant growth, and plant nutrient concentrations were determined. The compost and the vermicomposts were markedly different from peat. Compost and the vermicomposts had greater bulk density and lower total porosity than peat. Compost had larger aeration and lower water-holding capacity than vermicomposts and peat. Compost and vermicomposts were alkaline (pH = 8.8 on average) whilst peat was acidic (pH = 5.9). Electrical conductivity was low in peat (0.23 dS m–1) and vermicomposts (0.65 dS m–1), and high in compost (2.85 dS m–1) due to the high concentrations of K+ and SO2 4 . Mixing compost and vermicomposts with peat produced substrates with intermediate characteristics. Physical properties were within adequate range for all mixes except for the compost ones. pH was within adequate range only in pure peat, and salinity was extremely high in the compost mixes. Compost was phytotoxic, as shown by the strong reduction of seed germination, chlorophyll content, and plant growth of both ornamentals. Vermicomposts did not affect seed germination but reduced plant growth, though much less than compost. Mixing these materials with peat improved germination and growth. The diluted materials (compost at the 25 : 75 and vermicomposts at the 50 : 50 and 25 : 75 proportions) produced good-quality plants.Authors are deeply grateful to Dr. Maria Jose Lopez and Dr. Raquel Melgar for supervising the composting and vermicomposting procedures and to Mr. Manuel Sanchez-Perales for the technical assistance. This study was funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria (INIA) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Project Reference RTA2006-00008-C02-02).Belda Navarro, RM.; Mendoza-Hernández, D.; Fornes Sebastiá, F. (2013). Nutrient-rich compost versus nutrient-poor vermicompost as growth media for ornamental-plant production. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 176:827-835. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.201200325S827835176Abad, M., Noguera, P., & Burés, S. (2001). National inventory of organic wastes for use as growing media for ornamental potted plant production: case study in Spain. Bioresource Technology, 77(2), 197-200. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(00)00152-8Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., Atiyeh, R., & Metzger, J. D. (2004). Effects of vermicomposts produced from food waste on the growth and yields of greenhouse peppers. Bioresource Technology, 93(2), 139-144. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2003.10.015Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., Lee, S., & Byrne, R. (2006). Effects of humic acids from vermicomposts on plant growth. European Journal of Soil Biology, 42, S65-S69. doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2006.06.004Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., Babenko, A., Cannon, J., Galvis, P., & Metzger, J. D. (2008). Influences of vermicomposts, produced by earthworms and microorganisms from cattle manure, food waste and paper waste, on the germination, growth and flowering of petunias in the greenhouse. Applied Soil Ecology, 39(1), 91-99. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.11.010Atiyeh, R. M., Domínguez, J., Subler, S., & Edwards, C. A. (2000). Changes in biochemical properties of cow manure during processing by earthworms (Eisenia andrei, Bouché) and the effects on seedling growth. Pedobiologia, 44(6), 709-724. doi:10.1078/s0031-4056(04)70084-0Atiyeh, R. M., Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., & Metzger, J. D. (2002). The influence of earthworm-processed pig manure on the growth and productivity of marigolds. Bioresource Technology, 81(2), 103-108. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(01)00122-5Bachman, G. R., & Metzger, J. D. (2008). Growth of bedding plants in commercial potting substrate amended with vermicompost. Bioresource Technology, 99(8), 3155-3161. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.05.069Bunt, A. C.Caballero, R., Pajuelo, P., Ordovás, J., Carmona, E., & Delgado, A. (2009). Evaluation and correction of nutrient availability to Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus in various compost-based growing media. Scientia Horticulturae, 122(2), 244-250. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2009.05.010Carmona, E., Abad, M.Carmona, E., Moreno, M. T., Avilés, M., & Ordovas, J. (2012). Composting of wine industry wastes and their use as a substrate for growing soilless ornamental plants. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(2), 482. doi:10.5424/sjar/2012102-320-11Carrión, C., de la Fuente, R. G., Fornes, F., Puchades, R., & Abad, M. (2008). Acidifying Composts from Vegetable Crop Wastes To Prepare Growing Media for Containerized Crops. Compost Science & Utilization, 16(1), 20-29. doi:10.1080/1065657x.2008.10702351Costello, R. L., Perry, E. J., Matheny, N. P., Henry, J. M., Geisel, P. M.Domínguez, J.EN 13037EN 13038EN 13041EN 13652Farrell, M., & Jones, D. L. (2010). Food waste composting: Its use as a peat replacement. Waste Management, 30(8-9), 1495-1501. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.01.032Fornes, F., Belda, R. M., Abad, M., Noguera, P., Puchades, R., Maquieira, A., & Noguera, V. (2003). The microstructure of coconut coir dusts for use as alternatives to peat in soilless growing media. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 43(9), 1171. doi:10.1071/ea02128Fornes, F., Belda, R. M., Carrión, C., Noguera, V., García-Agustín, P., & Abad, M. (2007). Pre-conditioning ornamental plants to drought by means of saline water irrigation as related to salinity tolerance. Scientia Horticulturae, 113(1), 52-59. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2007.01.008Fornes, F., Carrión, C., García-de-la-Fuente, R., Puchades, R., & Abad, M. (2010). Leaching composted lignocellulosic wastes to prepare container media: Feasibility and environmental concerns. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(8), 1747-1755. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.03.017Fornes, F., Mendoza-Hernández, D., García-de-la-Fuente, R., Abad, M., & Belda, R. M. (2012). Composting versus vermicomposting: A comparative study of organic matter evolution through straight and combined processes. Bioresource Technology, 118, 296-305. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.05.028Garcia-Gomez, A. (2002). Growth of ornamental plants in two composts prepared from agroindustrial wastes. Bioresource Technology, 83(2), 81-87. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(01)00211-5IGME http://www.igme.es/internet/PanoramaMinero/actual/TURBA%202009.pdfJindo, K., Martim, S. A., Navarro, E. C., Pérez-Alfocea, F., Hernandez, T., Garcia, C., … Canellas, L. P. (2011). Root growth promotion by humic acids from composted and non-composted urban organic wastes. Plant and Soil, 353(1-2), 209-220. doi:10.1007/s11104-011-1024-3Klock, K. A. (1997). 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    Analysis of two biochars and one hydrochar from different feedstock: focus set on environmental, nutritional and horticultural considerations

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    [EN] Two biochars, one from forest waste (BCH-FW) and the other from olive mill waste (BCH-OMW), and one hydrochar from forest waste (HYD-FW) were analyzed from the horticultural and environmental point of view. Several incubation assays were performed to foresee the material evolution when used as soilless growth media. HYD-FW was slightly alkaline and rich in nutrients and showed high microbial respiration Moreover, it did not caused N immobilization but N mineralization which contradicts previous reports. Biochars were highly alkaline. BCH-FW was poor in nutrients whilst BCH-OMW was saline and rich in soluble cations. Both materials had low respiratory activity, similar to that of coir fibre (CF). Whilst BCH-FVV and CF immobilize N, BCH-OMW did not. Both biochars captured CO2 from the atmosphere, particularly BCH-OMW, which concomitantly showed a decrease in soluble cations. We conclude that pure hydrochar does not immobilize N and that alkaline biochars act as CO2 traps. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This study was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Proyectos de nuevas Lineas de Investigacion Multidisciplinares; SP 20120433-PAID-05-12). We thank INGELIA S.L. for giving the hydrochar for free and to Mr Manuel Sanchez-Perales and Mrs Joana Oliver for their technical assistance.Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM.; Lidón Cerezuela, AL. (2015). Analysis of two biochars and one hydrochar from different feedstock: focus set on environmental, nutritional and horticultural considerations. Journal of Cleaner Production. 86:40-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.08.057S40488

    Compost and vermicompost of horticultural waste as substrates forcutting rooting and growth of rosemary

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    [EN] Peat replacement is an issue that receives much attention in the horticulturist agenda. Several organic materials have been suggested either as substrates or as substrate constituents. This study aims to determine how three such materials, one compost and two vermicomposts, affect the rooting of cuttings and plant growth of rosemary plants grown in pots. The compost (C) and vermicomposts (V1 and V2) were obtained from the same batch of tomato crop waste. Each material was mixed with peat at several proportions. Two experiments were carried out in nursery conditions. In the first, rosemary cuttings were grown in each mix and rooting was quantified. In the second experiment, rooted seedlings were grown in each mix to marketable size (six months after the seedling transplant). The physical, physico-chemical and chemical characteristics of the initial mixes and of the mixes at the end of the six-month experiment were determined. The physical properties of the substrates were within adequate ranges. pH was fairly alkaline, especially in C and salinity was particularly high in the C-based mixes. Soluble mineral contents in C were much higher than in V1, V2 or peat. Mixing with peat produced substrates with intermediate characteristics. Both vermicomposts outperformed compost and peat for rooting cuttings. The presence of hormone-like substances in the vermicomposts might be behind this effect. The vermicompost-based substrates gave acceptable results for growing plants, though none performed as well as the control. Nitrogen and potassium contents in cuttings and ready-for-sale plants were low and phosphorus content was very low compared to sufficiency ranges, which led to a recommendation to increase fertilization. At the end of the six-month experiment, the mix properties had changed, representing an improvement in the substrate quality that might be taken into consideration when transplanting the rosemary to the soil. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors wish to thank Dr. Debra Westall for revising the English. This study was funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria (INIA) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Project Reference RTA2006-00008-C02-02).Mendoza Hernandez, DDJ.; Fornes Sebastiá, F.; Belda Navarro, RM. (2014). Compost and vermicompost of horticultural waste as substrates forcutting rooting and growth of rosemary. Scientia Horticulturae. 178:192-202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2014.08.02419220217