300 research outputs found

    From acute to chronic pain: tapentadol in the progressive stages of this disease entity

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    OBJECTIVE: Chronic pain is now recognized as a neural disease, which results from a maladaptive functional and structural transformation process occurring over time. In its chronic phase, pain is not just a symptom but also a disease entity. Therefore, pain must be properly addressed, as many patients still report unsatisfactory pain control despite on-going treatment. The selection of the therapy - taking into account the pathophysiological mechanisms of pain - and the right timing can result in a successful analgesic outcome. This review will present the functional and structural modifications leading to chronification of pain, focusing on the role of tapentadol in this setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For inclusion in this review, research studies were retrieved via a keyword-based query of multiple databases (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane). The search was last updated in November 2016; no limitations were applied. RESULTS: Functional and structural abnormalities of the nervous system associated with pain chronification have been reported in several conditions, including osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, chronic pelvic pain and fibromyalgia. Correct identification and treatment of pain in recurrent/progressive stage is crucial to prevent chronification and related changes in neural structures. Among analgesic drugs, tapentadol, with its dual mechanism of action (opioid agonist and noradrenaline reuptake blocker), has recently resulted active in pain control at both central and spinal level. CONCLUSIONS: Tapentadol represents a suitable candidate for patients at early progressive stage of pain who have developed neuroplasticity with modification of pain pathways. The availability of different doses of tapentadol may help clinicians to tailor treatment based on the individual need of each patient, with the aim to enhance therapeutic appropriateness in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain

    TAP reactor investigation of methane coupling over samarium oxide catalysts

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    The adsorption and reaction characteristics of a Ba/Sr/Sm2O3 catalyst for methane coupling has been investigated using the TAP (Temporal Analysis of Products) reactor system. Pulsed adsorption experiments using methane, oxygen and krypton at temperatures ranging from 17°C to 800°C show that the transient response of methane is similar to that of Kr and is either not adsorbed, or weakly adsorbed on the catalyst. By contrast, oxygen is strongly adsorbed at temperatures above 500°C which suggests incorporation into the lattice with possible formation of surface anions. Pump-probe experiments in which methane and oxygen are introduced over the catalyst were also performed to investigate the effect of lifetimes of suspected surface intermediates on the relative yields of ethane and ethene. It is shown that the relative yields of both species increase with increasing values of the pulse valve time delay between introduction of the oxygen and methane. An explanation of these results using current knowledge and reasonable speculation of the mechanism is provided

    Pharmacotherapy for Neuropathic Pain: A Review

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    Neuropathic pain, comprising a range of heterogeneous conditions, is often severe and difficult to manage, and this may result in a chronic condition that negatively affects the overall functioning and quality of life in patients. The pharmacotherapy of neuropathic pain is challenging and for many patients effective treatment is lacking; therefore, evidence-based recommendations are essential. Currently, there is general agreement on which drugs are appropriate for the first-line treatment of neuropathic pain, whereas debate continues regarding second- and third-line treatments. First-line drugs for neuropathic pain include antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors) and anticonvulsants acting at calcium channels (pregabalin and gabapentin). Second- and third-line drugs for neuropathic pain include topical lidocaine and opioids. Although efficacious in the treatment of neuropathic pain, opioids are not considered to be a first choice because of adverse drug reactions and, more recently, because of concerns about abuse, diversion, and addiction. A clear understanding of the mechanism of action of currently available drugs is an essential step towards an effective clinical approach that aims to tailor therapies both to the specific neuropathic disease and to the needs of an individual patient. This review provides an overview of current drugs available for the treatment of neuropathic pain with an emphasis on their mechanism of action

    β-blockers : their new life from hypertension to cancer and migraine

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    The pharmacological class of \u3b2-blockers includes a plea of molecules with largely different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics with a protective effect that may span far beyond the cardiovascular system. Although all these compounds share the pharmacological blockade of the adrenergic receptors, each of them is characterized by specific pharmacological properties, including selectivity of action depending on the adrenergic receptors subtypes, intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA), lipid solubility, pharmacokinetic profile, and also other ancillary properties that impact their clinical effect. Their use in the treatment of hypertension has been extensively debated and at the moment a class indication is not present. However, in specific niche of patients, such as in those young individuals in which hypertension is mainly driven by a sympathetic hyperactivation, strong evidence pose \u3b2-Blockers as a highly reasonable \ufb01rst-line treatment. Lipophilic \u3b2-blockers, specifically propranolol and metoprolol, can cross the Blood Brain Barrier and have a Class A indication for the prophylactic treatment of migraine attacks. Moreover, since \u3b2-adrenergic receptors affect the proliferative process of both cancer and immune cells, their blockade has been associated with metastasis reduction in several epithelial and solid organ tumors posing \u3b2-Blockers as a new attractive, inexpensive and relatively safe therapeutic strategy in patients with several types of cancer. However, further dedicated prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled studies are needed to determine the real efficacy of these compounds

    Pharmacology of pain

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    This article discusses the mechanisms of action of the main drugs used to treat pain, in particular inflammatory pain. The drugs are described following a classification based on the steps of pain processing that they primarily affect

    Changing the paradigm in postherpetic neuralgia treatment: lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster

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    OBJECTIVE: Chronic pain is currently considered a disease state with biopsychosocial consequences and a negative impact on patients' quality of life (QoL). Pain from postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) can persist for months or years and is a prototypical example of chronic pain. We analyzed PHN as a model of chronic pain. including its effects on QoL and clinical aspects. We explored treatment options, focusing on the topical treatment with lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster (LMP) and how this impacts PHN management.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This article is a narrative review of published studies. Preclinical and clinical studies were retrieved from literature through a search performed in PubMed/MEDLINE.RESULTS: To choose the appropriate treatment for chronic pains, such as PHN, not only efficacy but also tolerability, manageability, practicality, and compliance are important factors. especially in the long term. It is also important to set treatment expectations with the patients as total suppression of pain may be unrealistic. and a balance needs to be found between pain control and the minimization of adverse events. In this respect, LMP may be the best currently available treatment: it is easy to use, has low systemic absorption and thus a low risk for pharmacological interactions. Therefore, treatments can be personalized, and concomitant medications can be added, if needed. Recent data from a real-world study support this view by showing that LMP has superior effectiveness in reducing pain and improving the QoL compared to other commonly used systemic treatments and confirming its good tolerability profile that is mainly characterized by localized skin reactions.CONCLUSIONS: LMP is one of the best currently available treatment options for PHN patients balancing good efficacy with an excellent tolerability profile and can therefore be considered for use as a first-line treatment for PHN

    Desogestrel down-regulates PHOX2B and its target genes in progesterone responsive neuroblastoma cells

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    The paired-like homeobox 2B gene (PHOX2B) encodes a key transcription factor that plays a role in the development of the autonomic nervous system and the neural structures involved in controlling breathing. In humans, PHOX2B over-expression plays a role in the pathogenesis of tumours arising from the sympathetic nervous system such as neuroblastomas, and heterozygous PHOX2B mutations cause Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), a life-threatening neurocristopathy characterised by the defective autonomic control of breathing and involving altered CO2/H+ chemosensitivity. The recovery of CO2/H+ chemosensitivity and increased ventilation have been observed in two CCHS patients using the potent contraceptive progestin desogestrel. Given the central role of PHOX2B in the pathogenesis of CCHS, and the progesterone-mediated effects observed in the disease, we generated progesterone-responsive neuroblastoma cells, and evaluated the effects of 3-Ketodesogestrel (3-KDG), the biologically active metabolite of desogestrel, on the expression of PHOX2B and its target genes. Our findings demonstrate that, through progesterone nuclear receptor PR-B, 3-KDG down-regulates PHOX2B gene expression, by a post-transcriptional mechanism, and its target genes and open up the possibility that this mechanism may contribute to the positive effects observed in some CCHS patients

    Alanine expansions associated with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome impair PHOX2B homeodomain-mediated dimerization and nuclear import

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    Heterozygous mutations of the human PHOX2B gene, a key regulator of autonomic nervous system development, lead to congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a failure in the autonomic control of breathing. Polyalanine expansions in the 20-residues region of the C terminus of PHOX2B are the major mutations responsible for CCHS. Elongation of the alanine stretch in PHOX2B leads to a protein with altered DNA binding, transcriptional activity, and nuclear localization and the possible formation of cytoplasmic aggregates; furthermore, the findings of various studies support the idea that CCHS is not due to a pure loss of function mechanism but also involves a dominant negative effect and/or toxic gain of function for PHOX2B mutations. Because PHOX2B forms homodimers and heterodimers with its paralogue PHOX2A in vitro, we tested the hypothesis that the dominant negative effects of the mutated proteins are due to non-functional interactions with the wild-type protein or PHOX2A using a co-immunoprecipitation assay and the mammalian two-hybrid system. Our findings show that PHOX2B forms homodimers and heterodimerizes weakly with mutated proteins, exclude the direct involvement of the polyalanine tract in dimer formation, and indicate that mutated proteins retain partial ability to form heterodimers with PHOX2A. Moreover, in this study, we investigated the effects of the longest polyalanine expansions on the homeodomain-mediated nuclear import, and our data clearly show that the expanded C terminus interferes with this process. These results provide novel insights into the effects of the alanine tract expansion on PHOX2B folding and activity

    Seismic background noise levels in the Italian strong-motion network

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    The Italian strong-motion network monitors the seismic activity in the region, with more than 585 stations with continuous data acquisition. In this study, we determine the background seismic noise characteristics of the network by using the data collected in 2022. We analyse the spatial and temporal characteristics of the background noise. It is found that most of the stations suffer from anthropogenic noises, since the strong-motion network is designed to capture the peak ground motions in populated areas. Hence, human activities enrich the low periods of noise. Therefore, land usage of the area where the stations are located affects the background noise levels. Stations can be noisier during the day, up to 12 dB, and during the weekday, up to 5 dB, in short periods. In long periods (≥ 5 s), accelerometric stations converge to similar noise levels and there are no significant daily or weekly changes. It is found that more than half of the stations exceed the background noise model designed for strong-motion stations in Switzerland by Cauzzi and Clinton (2013) in at least one of the calculated periods. We also develop an accelerometric seismic background noise model for periods between 0.0124 and 100 s for Italy by using the power spectral densities of the network. The model is in agreement with the background noise model developed by D’Alessandro et al. (2021) using broadband data for Italy in short periods, but in long periods there is no correlation among studies.</p
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