201 research outputs found

    Defining and Achieving Student Success at Non-Elite Schools

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    Ensuring student success has become an increasingly loud conversation for business schools. Unfortunately, most of the solutions offered within the literature tend to be proffered by those at elite institutions, and their advice unconsciously reflects that worldview. However, the vast majority of us do not work at elite institutions, even those residing in the, by definition, limited and prestigious universe of Assocation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB)-accredited schools. Subsequently, the elites’ problems do not match our non-elite realities and, even worse, often push our issues into the background. This article seeks to explore three student success concerns that are more relevant, yet typically undiscussed, to those of us at non-elite AACSB-accredited institutions. These are the ways we collect and use data, an overemphasis on process without a firm outcomes perspective, and the increased emphasis on efficiency-based measures of performance. By identifying and exploring these themes, this article seeks to help reframe and broaden the conversation to include non-elite institutional issues about how best to ensure student success

    Risultati preliminari sul nuovo rostro di ittiosauro trovato a Gombola (MO)

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    Un frammento di rostro di ittiosauro (251372) è stato recentemente rinvenuto nei calanchi presso Gombola (MO) e consegnato al Museo Civico “Augusta Redorici Rof ” di Vignola (MO). Frammenti rostrali simili (IPUM 30139 e IPUM 30140) e un frammento di omero (IPUM 30141) provenienti dal medesimo luogo si trovano nelle Collezioni di Paleontologia dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. In questo articolo, viene descritto l’esemplare 251372 che, sottoposto a tomogra a assiale computerizzata (TAC) e ad un accurato restauro, è stato oggetto di uno studio tassonomico e con- frontato con IPUM 30139. La morfologia delle radici dentarie consente di ascrivere entrambi alla sottofamiglia Platypterygiinae. Alcune caratteristiche tafonomiche suggeriscono che i due reperti potessero appartenere al medesimo esemplare. Sulla matrice del reperto 251372 è stata tentata la da- tazione sia per mezzo dei microfossili, sia per mezzo dei nannofossili calcarei. Purtroppo entrambi i metodi non hanno prodotto alcun risultato signi cativo. L’esemplare 251372 può essere quindi datato genericamente al Cretaceo Inferiore-Cenomaniano (145-94 milioni di anni fa).Preliminary results on the new ichthyosaur rostrum found in Gombola (Italy). An ichthyosaur rostrum (251372) was recently found in the badlands near Gombola (Modena Apennines, Italy) and is exhibited at the Civic Museum “Augusta Redorici Rof ” in Vignola (Modena province). Similar rostral fragments (IPUM 30139 and IPUM 30140) and a humerus fragment (IPUM 30141) from the same place are stored in the Palaeontological Collections of Modena and Reggio Emilia University. Specimen 251372, examined by CT scan and subsequently restored, is described and compared with IPUM 30139. The morphology of the dental root showed that both specimens could be ascribed to the Platypterygiinae subfamily. Some taphonomical features suggest that the two fragments could belong to the same specimen. The matrix of 251372 was examined to search for microfossils and calcareous nannofossils useful for precise dating. Unfortunately, no signi cant results came out of this survey. Therefore, specimen 251372 can be loosely dated to the Lower Cretaceous-Cenomanian (145-94 My)


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    La presente ricerca si propone di analizzare la Direttiva 2012/13/UE sul diritto all'informazione nei procedimenti penali ed il suo impatto sul sistema processuale italiano. L'analisi prende le mosse da un primo capitolo dedicato al sistema multilivello delle fonti: sul panorama nazionale e sovranazionale, infatti, la direttiva \ue8 solo l'ultima norma, in ordine di tempo, a disciplinare il diritto fondamentale alla conoscenza dell'indagato e dell'imputato. Necessario quindi apprestare una panoramica delle fonti che garantiscono la protezione multilevel dei diritti, e descrivere le loro reciproche interazioni. Imprescindibile, poi, un approfondimento sulla tutela dei diritti nello Spazio di Libert\ue0 Sicurezza e Giustizia dell'UE, con un'attenzione particolare all'era post-Lisbona ed al valore aggiunto che le direttive ex art. 82 co. 2 TFUE possono portare sul sistema multilevel. Il secondo ed il terzo capitolo sono dedicati all'analisi normativa della fonte europea. La trattazione si muove lungo le tre visuali prospettiche che la norma europea attribuisce al diritto all'informazione: diritto alla conoscenza dei propri diritti; diritto alla conoscenza dell'accusa; diritto alla conoscenza degli atti di indagine. Le disposizioni europee vengono continuamente integrate con la giurisprudenza della Corte EDU, che inietta di significato le norme della direttiva e fornisce gli standards di tutela laddove non specificati. Vengono messe in rilievo le disposizioni pi\uf9 innovative, che consentono alla direttiva di non essere solo \u201ccodificazione\u201d del case law di Strasburgo, ma fonte autonoma e progredita di diritti. Il capitolo finale \ue8 infine focalizzato sull'impatto che la direttiva ha prodotto sul sistema processuale interno. La trattazione \ue8 suddivisa tra l'analisi delle modifiche apportate dalla normativa di attuazione italiana, d. lgs. 101/2014, e la disamina delle sue lacune: il legislatore ha dato luogo ad un intervento minimalista, omettendo di dare esecuzione proprio alle disposizioni europee pi\uf9 innovative che avrebbero permesso al nostro sistema di essere in linea con i dettami sovranazionali. Particolare attenzione \ue8 data al tema delle modifiche all'imputazione e al principio Iura novit curia, sulla scorta dei punti saldi elaborati dalla Corte EDU nel noto caso Drassich. In conclusione, vengono proposti gli scenari futuri che potrebbero conseguire all'efficacia diretta della direttiva e alla penetrazione, per il suo tramite, delle norme CEDU nell'ordinamento giuridico nazionale.The present research examines the European Directive on the right to information in criminal proceedings (Directive 2012/13/EU, hereinafter \u2018the Directive\u2019), assessing the impact that it is likely to have on the Italian legal system. Before analyzing the legislation, the thesis provides an historical overview of the status of human rights safeguards in the EU and a description of its multi-layered system of protection. Starting from the early ECJ case law setting out a \u2018human rights theory\u2019, the research moves on to consider the Charter of Nice and the development of a European Area of Criminal Justice, until the Stockholm Program and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. In addition, it addresses the question as to whether and to what extent the directives \u2018of new generation\u2019 based on art. 82 par. 2 TFEU bring an added value to the aforementioned human rights protection system. Chapters 2 and 3 of the research focus on the analysis of the legislation and on the three meanings that the Directive attaches to the right to information in criminal proceedings, namely, the right to information about rights, the right to information about accusation, and the right to information about case file. The effort is shedding some light on the most innovative prescriptions, while at the same time highlighting how much the EU legislation owes to the ECtHR case law, which is used as a yardstick for the evaluation and interpretation of the Directive. Finally, Chapter 4 addresses the Italian implementing legislation (d. lgs. 101/2014) and the impact of the Directive on our legal system. It finds that the NIM is highly unsatisfactory, as the Italian legislator has failed to comply with the most innovative EU standards. In this regard, the research illustrates the impact of EU prescriptions on the jurisdiction of national judges, in particular, the impact of the \u2018new\u2019 right to information about accusation. It concludes that Italian judges can (in)directly apply ECtHR case law standards due the direct effect of the Directive (which can be regarded as an \u2018ECtHR case-law codification\u2019)

    A great enigma of the Italian Renaissance: paleopathological study on the death of Giovanni dalle Bande Nere (1498-1526) and historical relevance of a leg amputation.

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    The Medici project consisted in archeological and paleopathological researches on some members of the great dynasty of the Italian Renaissance. The remains of Giovanni de' Medici, so-called "dalle Bande Nere" (Forli 1498- Mantua 1526) has not been investigated yet. The enigma of the fatal injury and leg amputation of the famous Captain excited curiosity of paleopathologists, medical scientists and Italian Society of Orthopedic and Traumatology which contributed to realize the project of exhumation and study of his skeletal remains. The aim of the study is to report the first anthropological and paleopathological results. The tomb of Giovanni and his wife Maria Salviati was explored and the skeletal remains were investigated. Anthropological and paleopathological examination defined: age at death, physical constitution and activity, skeletal diseases. The bony fragments of the leg were studied macroscopically, under stereoscopic microscope, at X-ray and CT scans to detect type of injury and level of amputation. The skeleton and muscular insertions of Giovanni revealed a young-adult and vigorous man, subjected to stresses of military activity since adolescence. Right tibia was amputated below the proximal half of diaphysis leaving long tibio-fibular fragments with a horizontal cut only at the lateral portion. Thus, the surgeon limited to complete the traumatic hemi-amputation. Amputation in the Sixteenth Century technically consisted in guillotine incisions below the knee using crescent shaped knife and bony saw, usually leaving a quite long tibial fragment. Amputations in the Sixteenth Century were contaminated and grossly performed not providing vascular binding nor wound closure. The surgeon performed the procedure in conformity with surgical knowledge of that period

    Segnalazione di un nuovo ittiosauro dal Cretaceo dell’Appennino modenese (Pavullo nel Frignano)

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    Alcuni frammenti vertebrali di ittiosauro sono stati recentemente rinvenuti in un calanco presso Pa- vullo nel Frignano (MO). I fossili sono stati trovati entro la Formazione delle Argille Varicolori di Cassio, datate al Cenomaniano superiore-Campaniano (Cretaceo). Tra i reperti rinvenuti è impor- tante segnalare un tratto di colonna vertebrale ancora parzialmente articolata. Si tratta del primo ritrovamento di questo tipo in Italia per quanto riguarda gli ittiosauri del Cretaceo. Alcuni dei corpi vertebrali in oggetto sono di dimensioni relativamente grandi, paragonabili a quelle già note per alcune specie di Platypterygiinae quali Platypterygius australis e P. americanus.Some vertebral fragments of ichthyosaur have recently been found in a clay badland near Pavullo nel Frignano (Modena Province). The finds were discovered in the “Argille Varicolori di Cassio” Formation, which dates from the upper Cenomanian-Campanian (Cretaceous). Among the fossils recovered, a portion of vertebral column, still partially articulated, is of outstanding importance. This is the first discovery of an articulated portion of a skeleton of a Cretaceous ichthyosaur in Italy. Some of the centra are relatively large, comparable to those already known for some species of Platypterygiinae such as Platypterygius australis and P. americanus

    Применение метода контрольных возмущений для определения характерных узлов присоединения комплексной нагрузки при расчетах динамической устойчивости

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    Рассматривается влияние способа замещения комплексной нагрузки на характер электромеханических переходных процессов в электрических системах (ЭС) от действия больших возмущений. Показано, что установить общие рекомендации относительно способа замещения нагрузки в сложных ЭС затруднительно. Предлагается для опреде­ления характерных узлов нагрузки, оказывающих существенное влияние на характер динамического перехода, применять известный метод контрольных возмущений. Приводятся результаты сравнительных расчетов с использованием предлагаемой методики

    Improvement in the Accuracy of Back Trajectories Using WRF to Identify Pollen Sources in Southern Iberian Peninsula

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    Airborne pollen transport at micro-, meso-gamma and meso-beta scales must be studied by atmospheric models, having special relevance in complex terrain. In these cases, the accuracy of these models is mainly determined by the spatial resolution of the underlying meteorological dataset. This work examines how meteorological datasets determine the results obtained from atmospheric transport models used to describe pollen transport in the atmosphere. We investigate the effect of the spatial resolution when computing backward trajectories with the HYSPLIT model. We have used meteorological datasets from the WRF model with 27, 9 and 3 km resolutions and from the GDAS files with 1 ° resolution. This work allows characterizing atmospheric transport of Olea pollen in a region with complex flows. The results show that the complex terrain affects the trajectories and this effect varies with the different meteorological datasets. Overall, the change from GDAS to WRF-ARW inputs improves the analyses with the HYSPLIT model, thereby increasing the understanding the pollen episode. The results indicate that a spatial resolution of at least 9 km is needed to simulate atmospheric flows that are considerable affected by the relief of the landscape. The results suggest that the appropriate meteorological files should be considered when atmospheric models are used to characterize the atmospheric transport of pollen on micro-, meso-gamma and meso-beta scales. Furthermore, at these scales, the results are believed to be generally applicable for related areas such as the description of atmospheric transport of radionuclides or in the definition of nuclear-radioactivity emergency preparedness